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      • 러시아 농촌의 사회경제적 상황과 농공복합체의 구조 변화

        성원용 연세대학교 동서문제연구원 러시아연구소 2002 유라시아연구 Vol.2 No.1

        현대 러시아의 농업개혁은 그 동안 축적된 모순들을 해결하고 농업경제의 효율성을 향상시키기보다는 오히려 사회주의 시기 형성된 농업경제의 생산잠재력마저 파괴하는 사태를 초래하고 말았다. 1990년대부터 매년 모든 농업생산량의 절대치가 끊임없이 감소하는 상황이 연출되고 있을 뿐만 아니라 토양이 침식되고, 비옥한 흑토가 유린되는 것부터 시작하여 농업생산의 주체인 농민들의 경작능력이 퇴화되는 현상에 이르기까지 러시아 농업생산력의 전면적인 파괴 과정이 일어나고 있다. 농업부문의 시장개혁에서 우선적 과제는 국가소유의 독점구조를 해체하고, 다양한 소유형태를 창출하는 것이지만 이러한 과제는 단순히 국가소유형태를 폐기하는 것으로 대체되어 버렸고, 결국 모든 경제주체를 사적소유자로 단일화하는 모험주의에 의해 진정한 사적소유자를 창출하기보다는 자영농 발전의 맹아마저 해체시키는 결과를 초래하고 말았다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        체제전환기 러시아의 신자유주의와 경제발전전략에 관한 연구

        성원용 서울대학교 러시아연구소 1999 러시아연구 Vol.9 No.2

        Глобализация и неолиберализм как ее идеология создали неравновесное развитие между всеми странами. И в отдельно каждой стране возникают сосредоточение богатства и углубление нищеты в силу неолиберализма. Неолиберализм сам по себе является идеологией, которая полна противоречиями и самоотрицаниями, как показывает последнее совытие финансового кризиса глобального масштаба. В связи с глобализацией можно сказать условно, что все страны неизбежно должны следовать неолиберальным стандартам и правилам под влиянием гобальной рыночной системы. Но главное состоит в том, как принимать этот вынужденный порядок, если бы не обойдется без вхождения в мировой экономический порядок. В целом на Западе приняли неолиберализм как рамку определения политики для того, чтобы внобь определить роли государсвтва в экономике и распространить рыночные силы на всю систему. Но здесь в России приняли неолиберализм как нечто иное : 'больше свободы, больше богатства.' Неолибералисты выразили свою идеологическую радикальность построить рыночную экономику за кароткое время, не глубоко осмысливая экономическую культуру России, ее традицию, экономические связи между бывшими союзными республиками, и ценностно-смысловые особенности русского народа. Вместе с тем они радикально принимали монетаризм в качестве экономической идеологии, представляющей либерализацию и дерегулирование, ожидая рыночного автоматизма, который практиески не существует и не функционирует в рынке несовершенной конкуренции. Итак, основываясь на рынке и конкуренции в чистом виде, неолибералисты в России одним духом попытались отойти от административно-командной системы за счет шоковой терапии, и добиться финансовой стабилизации за короткое время. Однако, большой проект построения laissez-faire капитализма , не имеющего государственную собственность и вмешательство государства в экономику представляет собой лишь авантюрное испытание. В конечном итоге этого большого испытания в стране продолжается разрушение социальной инфраструктуры, снижение уровни жизни подавляющих масс людей, спад производства, кризис инвестиции.

      • KCI등재

        러시아의 경제문화의 시장개혁의 실패 원인

        성원용 한국비교경제학회 2001 비교경제연구 Vol.8 No.2

        Until now it has been argued that Russian economic transformation since 1991 has failed because of economic practice left from socialist planned economy in previous years, bad policy advise by western specialists in transition economy, mistaken policies such as inconsistent implementation of economic policy, and eclectic characteristics of liberalism practised in Russia. This paper, partially agreeing to above-mentioned views respectively, shows the pundamental causes in the failure of Russian economic reform were in Russian economic culture. Russian radical reformers did not consider the various aspects of Russian economic culture, that was influenced by Russia's natural geographical circumstances and its religious and ethical value system. In the process of disintegration of the socialist economy, there came an illusion that transformation toward free self-regulated market economy would make the Russia join the common development process of the Western civilization, and the principles of monetarism might suggest solutions to the economic problems. However, the practical implementation of liberalism, the idea of freedom for homoeconomicus, resulted in the Russian-style capitalism, named as "crony capitalism" and "predatory capitalism". The most serious mistake of Russian radical reformers is that they imprudently attempted to decrease the size and role of the state in economy. They did not take notice of the fact that the state in Russia traditionally intervened in the all spheres of socio-economic relations, and Russian society always demanded a 'strong' state more than in any other countries. We came to the conclusion that liberalism and monetarism should not be absolute theoretical principles for economic reform. We need to search for an alternative model of market economy, which combines the competitive market with the active action of the state, freedom with equality, individualism with collectivism, and democratization of state power with pragmatic statism.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        러시아의 대외교역 구조변화와 세계경제로의 편입

        성원용 한국비교경제학회 2000 비교경제연구 Vol.7 No.2

        This study focuses on the process of liberalization of Russia's foreign trade and investigates the changes in the geographic and commodity struvtures of foreign trade that has happened in the process of liberalization policy in 1990s. Since January 1992, when a substantial liberalization of foreign trede went into effect, there has been a range of positive trends indicating signs of overcoming the post-communist crisis in the foreign trade sphere. First of all, Russia's foreign trade turnover has increased rapidly and the surplus in the balance of trade continued for the recent years. The geographic distribution of trade has also changed substantially. The collapse of the trade arrangements of the CMEA contributed to the dissolution of traditional trade links. The OECD countries are now the largest trade partners of Russia. Accordingly, while integrating in the world economy, Russia has developed foreign trade relations with market-oriented countries However, despite these positive results of foreign trade liberalization, it can be argued that foreign trade liberalization combined with 'shock therapy' brought about the 'deindustrialization' of the Russian economy. The hasty and thoughtless foreign trade liberalization policy has formed a certain pattern of trade which was observed in developing countries. Russia has mainly exported a narrow range of products, particularly raw materials and natural resources(natural gas, crude oil, and petroleum products, etc)and imported manufactured goods, food and agricultural raw materials. In conculsion, at present deformed foreign trade structure is deepening the dependency of the Russian economy upon the external world. This trend is one of the main factors threatening economic security of Russ

      • KCI등재후보

        한국의 러시아 극동지역 농업투자 현황과 발전 전망

        성원용 배재대학교 한국-시베리아센터 2010 한국시베리아연구 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to look back on the implications of agricultural development investment of ROK into the Russian Far East region, assess the achievements of its activity, make the problems more clear, and present the next alternative countermeasures. Agricultural development investment of ROK into the Russian Far East region started from the beginning of the 1990s is recently being more accelerated due to the following reasons. First, watching the dramatic growth of agricultural product prices at the global level in 2007-2008 and a ban on grain exports imposed by a few major exporting countries, it was needed to implement more active overseas agriculture development so as to respond to the recurrence potential of the global food crisis. Second, after the idea of so-called ‘Green Silk Road’, meaning the second Green Revolution with an afforestation and agricultural plantation in the Russian Far East, was proposed in September 2008 by the president of ROK on a his visit to Moscow, many people became interested in the agricultural development investment into this region. Third, after it was supposed to be necessary to establish the effective operational system of overseas agricultural development and map out a strategy for it, and also ROK government launched such projects as research on the conditions of overseas agricultural development, loan to finance and various support policy for it, South Korean investment entry into agricultural development Russian Far East region is gaining momentum. Agricultural development investment of ROK into the Far East region has three significant meanings. The first purpose is to eliminate food crisis hazard. The second is closely related to a soft landing of North Korea by solving the chronic food deficit problem and reducing the cost of future national unification. The third is to improve the conditions for agricultural production in the Far East region and build the basis of self-reliance for Soviet Koreans who have come back to this region. In particular, beyond the meaning of developing the overseas base for food production is so-called South and North Korea-Russia Trilateral cooperation, that is, to use the fertile land of the Russian Far East, combining the labor force of DPRK and Soviet Koreans of the Far East with the excellent agricultural technology, capital, and cadres of ROK. This way for cooperation is not only a basis for building multilateral economic cooperation among the countries of NEA, but also makes a great contribution to building the division system of agricultural production between South and North Korea, and to raising agricultural exchange and cooperation between themselves to a higher level. In conclusion, considering the complex and strategic significance of agricultural development investment of ROK into the Far East region, ROK government should not let private sector itself overcome the current hardships related to unfavorable conditions for agricultural investment, but actively participate in such tasks as dividing its role with private sector and establishing a system of close cooperation with the partner government. And, if considering previous investment experiences, rather than each country gives priority to its practical interests, understanding the partner’s position seems to be more important. So, we need to keep in mind that creating a method of supporting reciprocal cooperation, even if it takes a long time, guarantees the stable continuity of the projects. 본 연구의 목적은 한국의 극동지역 농업개발투자가 함축한 의미를 되짚어보고, 그동안 진행된 농업개발투자의 성과를 분석한 다음, 이를 기초로 문제점과 향후 대응 방안을 제시하는 데 있다. 1990년대 초부터 시작된 한국의 극동지역 농업개발은 최근 다음과 같은 이유에서 보다 가속화되고 있다. 첫째, 2007~08년 세계 농산물 가격 급등 사태와 주요 곡물수출국들의 수출제한조치 등을 목도하면서 글로벌 식량위기 재발 가능성에 대응한 한국의 보다 적극적인 해외농업개발의 필요성이 제기되었다. 둘째, 2008년 9월 이명박 대통령의 모스크바 방문시 ‘한․러 비즈니스포럼’에서 극동지역 조림사업과 농업 플랜테이션 조성을 통해 제2의 녹색혁명을 열자는 ‘녹색 실크로드’ 구상이 발표되면서 극동지역 농업개발에 대한 관심이 제고되었다. 셋째, 해외농업개발 협력의 효율적 운영체계 구축 및 추진전략 수립의 필요성이 제기되고, 정부가 해외농업환경 조사사업, 해외농업개발 융자사업, 해외농업개발 지원사업 등을 적극적으로 추진하면서 극동지역 농업개발 진출이 보다 탄력을 받기 시작했다. 한국의 극동지역 농업개발투자는 크게 세 가지 의미를 함축하고 있다. 하나는 식량안보 위해 요소의 제거이며, 둘째는 북한의 식량난 해결을 통한 북한체제의 연착륙과 통일비용의 절감, 셋째는 극동지역 농업생산 상황 개선 및 이주 고려인 자립 기반 구축이다. 특히 연해주 극동지역을 중심으로 한국의 뛰어난 영농기술, 자본, 인력에다 북한의 노동력과 러시아 현지 고려인의 활용, 그리고 러시아의 비옥한 토지를 이용한 ‘남․북․러 삼각협력’은 해외식량기지 개발 이상의 의미를 함축한다. 이것은 동북아 국가들 간의 다자경제협력체제를 구축하는 데 초석이 될 뿐만 아니라, 남북한간 분업적 농업생산 체계를 구축하고 남북한의 농업교류․협력을 질적으로 한 단계 발전시키는 데 기여할 것이다. 결론적으로 극동지역 농업개발투자가 함축한 복합적․전략적 가치를 고려한다면, 정부는 현지의 불리한 농업투자여건을 민간이 스스로 극복하라고 방치할 것이 아니라, 민간과의 역할 분담을 비롯하여 상대국 정부와의 긴밀한 협력체계를 수립하는 등 적극적으로 투자진출을 지원해야 한다. 또한 그간의 투자진출 경험을 고려한다면, 각국이 자국의 실리만 앞세우기보다는 상대국의 입장을 이해하면서 다소 시간이 걸리더라도 호혜적인 협력방식을 도출해야만 사업의 지속성과 안정성을 담보할 수 있다는 것을 명심해야 한다.

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