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      • 대장균에서 재조합 Rat Guanine deaminase 유전자의 발현, 정제 및 분석

        성연선,곽상준,박대성,김향원,이희영 단국대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.33 No.-

        Guanine deaminase(EC,, ;Guanine aminohydrolase, GAH, GDA) catalyzes the deamination reaction of guanine to xanthine irreversibly. The cDNA encoding rat guanine deaminase had been isolated from a λZAPII rat brain expression library using antibody generated against purified rat guanine deaminase. Toe obtain recombinant GDA and analyze the property of catalytically conserved retion, here we expressed the recombinant GDA in E.coli and showed the retention of its catalytic activity similar to native rat GDA. To make the construct carrying coding region to GDA in pGEX4T prokaryotic expression vector, the region encompassing open reading frame of pBlue-GDA was PCR amplified and subcloned into pGEX4T prokaryotic expression vector with correct reading frame of fusion carrier glutathione S-transferase. After transformation to E.coli DH5a. The bacteria carrying pGEX-GDA was grwon in the condition of IPTG induction. The fusion protein GST-GDA was purified with GSH-sepharose affinity chromatography. The purified GST-GDA was subsequently digested with biotin-conjugated thrombin, and thrombin was removed by streptavidin agarose. Then sample were treated with GSH-sepharose affinity chromatography to remove the contaminant GST and GST-GDA. The purified recombinant GDA showed 70% of specific activity relative to that of purified rat GDA. The recombinant GDA showed identical molecular weight with rat GDA in SDS-PAGE.

      • KCI등재

        순위 정렬 선다형 평가 문항을 적용한 초등학교 4∼6학년 학생들의 물의 순환에 대한 학습 발달 과정

        성연선 ( Yeon Seon Seong ),맹승호 ( Seung Ho Maeng ),장신호 ( Shin Ho Jang ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2013 초등과학교육 Vol.32 No.2

        This study investigated elementary students` (grade 4∼6) learning progressions for water cycling drawn from iterative assessments using ordered multiple-choice (OMC) items. An assessment system, which consisted of construct map, item design, outcome space, and measurement model, was employed in this study to examine children`s learning progressions. At the first stage of the assessment system, a construct map was designed on which children`s conceptual understandings from naive to most sophisticated were represented. At the item design stage, 8 OMC items were drawn from the construct map. Each item option of the OMC items was scored from 0 to 3 according to its level of understanding at the stage of outcome space. As a measurement model, Rasch model, a branch of item response theory, was applied to interpreting the outcomes of the OMC items. This cycle of assessment system was furtherly implemented iteratively in order to elaborate on the first version of water cycling learning progression. In conclusion, children`s understanding of water cycling could be described in two aspects: water distribution and water movement. We identified children`s conjectural developmental pathways about water cycling existed from superficial and naive accounts to more complex and abstract accounts.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        β-TrCP1 degradation is a novel action mechanism of PI3K/mTOR inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer cells

        이용원,성연선,Edward Jeong Bae,오성훈,배인수,강효진 생화학분자생물학회 2015 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.47 No.-

        An F-box protein, β-TrCP recognizes substrate proteins and destabilizes them through ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. It regulates the stability of diverse proteins and functions as either a tumor suppressor or an oncogene. Although the regulationby β-TrCP has been widely studied, the regulation of β-TrCP itself is not well understood yet. In this study, we found that the level of β-TrCP1 is downregulated by various protein kinase inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells. A PI3K/mTOR inhibitor PI-103 reduced the level of β-TrCP1 in a wide range of TNBC cells in a proteasome-dependent manner. Concomitantly, the levels of c-Myc and cyclin E were also downregulated by PI-103. PI-103 reduced the phosphorylation of β-TrCP1 prior to its degradation. In addition, knockdown of β-TrCP1 inhibited the proliferation of TNBC cells. We furtheridentified that pharmacological inhibition of mTORC2 was sufficient to reduce the β-TrCP1 and c-Myc levels. These results suggest that mTORC2 regulates the stability of β-TrCP1 in TNBC cells and targeting β-TrCP1 is a potential approach to treathuman TNBC.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재후보

        Genomewide transcription profiles altered by BMI-1026 and Roscovitine and its implication in cellular senescence

        이지혜,민창희,곽상준,성연선 한국바이오칩학회 2012 BioChip Journal Vol.6 No.4

        Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are highly conserved over evolutionary path and function as master regulators of the cell division cycle. Thus CDK inhibitors have been focused in the drug development for cancer and other cell proliferative disorders. Among these inhibitors Roscovitine is well known compound and under clinical trial currently while far less has been reported on another CDK inhibitor - BMI-1026, designed as a drug candidate also targeting the cell cycle. In this study we tried to define biological effects and possible mechanisms of the two chemicals by analyzing the altered transcriptome profiles when BMI-1026 and Roscovitine are applied on WI-38 cells. Our result revealed both BMI-1026 and Roscovitine produced similar gene expression profiles, where E2F target genes were suppressed in common, including cyclin A, MCM3 and PCNA along with activated p53 pathway. This finding strongly indicates that molecular machineries responsible for other established senescence models are also employed in the changes in WI-38 cells induced by the two CDK inhibitors.

      • KCI등재

        학습 발달과정 연구의 현황, 방법론적 특징 및 연구 사례

        맹승호 ( Seung Ho Maeng ),성연선 ( Yeon Seon Seong ),장신호 ( Shin Ho Jang ) 한국과학교육학회 2013 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        이 논문은 2006년 이후 미국을 비롯한 세계 여라 나라로 점차 확산되고 있는 학습 발달과정(Learning Progressions) 연구의 현황과 연구 방법을 소개하고, 최근에 국내에서 수행된 연구 사례를 중심으로 학습발달과정 연구의 실제를 제시하여 학습 발달과정을 조사하기 위한 방법론적 기초를 제공하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 마국을 중심으로 진행되어 온 학습 발달과정 연구의 현황을 소개하고, 특별히 학습을 위한 평가의 관점에서 학습 발달과정을 조사하는 방법과 절차를 정리하였다. 과학의 학습 발달과정은 과학의 주제를 학습할 때 형성되는 발달의 경로를 기술한 것으로서, 발달의 경로를 따라 학생들은 과학 지식을 활용하여 과학의 탐구실행에 참여하게 된다. 각각의 학습 발달과정은 상위 정착점과 하위 정착점, 그리고 두 정착점을 연결해 주는 중간 단계들로 구성되었다. 과학의 학습 발달과정을 조사할 때, 연구자들은 평가의 삼각형에 기반하여 구성된 Wilson의 4단계의 평가 시스템 구성단위를 주로 사용하였다. 논문에서는 학습 발달과정의 조사 방법과 절차를 물의 순환에 대한학습 발달과정 조사에 적용한 사례 연구를 소개하고, 한국에서 수행될 학습 발달과정에 대한 후속 연구를 위한 함의점과 고려할 점을 논의하였다. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the current studies and research methods about Learning Progressions disseminated to several countries including the U.S. since 2006. It also provides a methodological base to investigate learning progressions in science by introducing a case study of learning progression conducted in Korea. For this study we described several features of current studies on learning progressions in the U.S. and reported the common ways and sequences employed in examining learning progressions especially with respect to assessment for learning. Learning progressions are descriptions of developmental pathways of learning o topic in which science knowledge is used in students` engaging in science practices. Each learning progression consists of upper anchor lower anchor and intermediate steps that connect both anchors. In investigating a learning progression researchers usually utilize Wilson`s four building blocks of assessment system based on the assessment triangle. This kind of method was also applied in investigating the learning progression for water cycle in this study. We discussed implication and consideration for the future research on learning progressions in science in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Ectopic Overexpression of Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 110 Delays G2/M Entry in U2-OS Cells

        Sue Nyoung Lee,홍경만,성연선,곽상준 한국발생생물학회 2020 발생과 생식 Vol.24 No.2

        Coiled-coil domain containing 110 (CCDC110, KM-HN-1) is a protein containing C-terminal coiled-coil domain (CCD) which was previously discovered as a member of the human cancer/testis antigen (CTA). In addition, CCDC110 has both nuclear localization signal sequence and the leucine zipper motif. Although the functional role of CCDC110 has yet to be fully identified, the mRNA expression levels of CCDC110 are known to be highly elevated in various cancer types including testis, implying its relevance to cancer pathogenesis. In this study, we first developed several monoclonal antibody (mAb) hybridoma clones targeting CCDC110 and further isolated clone by characterizing for its specificity using immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation approaches with basal parenchymal sperm cells in testis tissue. Next, using these mAbs, we showed that the Tet-inducible overexpression of CCDC110 protein delayed the entry of G2/M phase in U2-OS osteosarcoma cells. Based on these results, we propose that CCDC110 plays a crucial role in cell cycle progression.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        자궁경부암에서 FHIT 유전자의 단백질 발현 및 이형성 소실

        김수연(Su Yeon Kim),성연선(Yeon Sun Seong) 대한산부인과학회 2000 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.43 No.4

        Allelic deletions involving the short arm of chromosome 3(3p13-21.1) have been observed frequently in cervical carcinomas. Recently the fragile histidine triad(FHIT) gene was cloned and mapped to this chromosomal region(3p14.2). From various studies involving tumor cell lines and primary cancers, the FHIT gene has been presumed to be a candidate for tumor suppressor gene involving various tumors. In FHIT gene, the most common aphidicolin-inducible fragile site, FRA3B exists and the FRA3B has been considered as a region of the spontaneous integration site of HPV 16. In order to elucidate the role of the FHIT in carcinogenesis of cervical cancer, this study was designed to investigate both the expression of FHIT protein in normal, preinvasive and invasive cancer samples employing immunohistochemical study and allelic loss of FHIT gene locus against several microsatellite markers employing the PCR analysis. Immunohistochemical studies of FHIT protein revealed following features. In normal ectocervical squamous epithelium, the expression of FHIT was relatively weak and confined to the basal layer, but in normal endocervical glandular epithelium it was very strong. The expression of FHIT was reduced as the tumor progressed from early lesion to invasive cancer. The koilocytosis was associated with diminished expression of FHIT protein. The study of allelic loss of FHIT gene locus was undertaken against two intragenic (D3S1300, D3S1234) and one extragenic (D3S1295) microsatellite markers. The 5th intron, D3S1300, showed allelic change in 6 of 15 assays and 7th intron, D3S1234 showed allelic change in 10 of 29 assays. There was no apparent LOH from 29 assays in D3S1295. In conclusion, the expression of FHIT protein was markedly reduced or absent in cervical squamous cell carcinoma and the chromosome breakage in FHIT region might be related to the diminished expression of FHIT. On the basis of the reduced expression of FHIT and its encompassment of FRA3B region, it is suggested that disruption of FHIT, a putative tumor suppressor gene, might be the mechanism by which HPV infection enhances cervical tumorigenesis and clonal outgrowth.

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