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      • KCI등재

        애거서 크리스티 소설 속 젠더와 섹슈얼리티

        설혜심 ( Sul Heasim ) 영국사학회 2021 영국연구 Vol.45 No.-

        애거서 크리스티가 지난 100년 동안 누려온 세계적인 인기에도 불구하고 학계는 그녀에게 무심하거나 그녀의 작품을 저평가해 왔다. 하지만 크리스티가 그려낸 인물들은 주변에서 흔히 볼 수 있기에 더 현실적이고, 소설의 배경과 가치관 등은 현실을 생생하게 반영하기 때문에 사회사적 자료로서 큰 가치를 지닌다. 이 글은 젠더와 섹슈얼리티에 집중해 크리스티의 저작을 새롭게 분석했다. 크리스티는 여성 운동에 관해 보수적이거나 반동적인 견해를 피력했고 섹슈얼리티 묘사에서는 무심하거나 무성적이라는 평가를 받아왔다. 하지만 크리스티는 인습적인 젠더규범에 도전하는 여성 캐릭터들을 창조해 냈는가 하면, 젠더 역할 역전을 소설의 모티브로 적극적으로 활용하기도 했다. 크리스티는 섹슈얼리티 묘사에서도 아주 폭넓은 스펙트럼을 보여주었다. 이성애의 다양한 형태를 그려냈을 뿐만 아니라 퀴어(queer)라고 불릴만한 동성애와 위장술도 소설에 적극적으로 녹여내었다. 특히 포와로와 헤이스팅스의 ‘남성간의 사랑’은 다양한 문화콘텐츠를 통해 아직도 재생산되고 있다. Agatha Christie(1890-1976) enjoyed enormous success as the ‘world’s best-selling fiction writer’ for over 100 years. But academia either ignored or under-evaluated her works. Literary critics severely denounced Christie for her wooden dialogue, the over-sentimentalism, the artificiality of characters and the absence of social reality. Her fictions, however, present a realistic world view and her characters are much more like those people we meet every day. In this context Christie’s works are of great value as source materials for social historians. This article analyzes Christie’s novels focusing on gender and sexuality. Christie was criticized as being conservative or regressive in the wave of women’s movement and her literary approach toward sexuality was often assessed to be somehow indifferent and even asexual. Christie, however, was conscious about social changes and her works clearly reveal the progressive attitude toward gender issues. She created the female characters who challenged the conventional gender norms, and she utilized the reversal of gender roles as an important motive for her works. Christie‘s novels have a great significance in depicting an extraordinarily broad spectrum in sexuality. She not only dissects sexual appeal into many elements, but also offers various shapes of love in the heterosexual relationships, from a maternal-like affection to a ghastly obsession. Homosexuality and impersonation are another major subjects that Christie utilizes in her fictions. The manly love between Poirot and Hastings is still being adapted as a recurring motif in contemporary media contents.

      • KCI등재

        서구 소비사의 현황과 전망

        설혜심(Heasim Sul) 역사비평사 2014 역사비평 Vol.- No.107

        From the 1980s, historical studies of consumption have proliferated enormously. On the theoretical guidelines of Veblen, Sombart, Baudrillard and Bourdieu, the history of consumption has developed into two major currents of analyses. One is related to the birth of the consumer society or the “Consumer Revolution” which is considered to have begun in early modern England. The other is concerned with the controversy on the mass consumption society that signifies the ‘affluent society’ in post-World War II United States. Recently, the diffusion model which claims that consumer culture flowed from the U.S. to the rest of the world has been challenged by ‘decentering’ perspectives and case studies of resistance against or negotiation with the diffusion. Scholars have also began to pay more attention to the agency of active consumers and the new, alternative, and transnational networks built around them. Although the history of consumption is confronted with problems of fragmentation, it has great potential for expanding the scope of historical subjects and of enlarging the content of historical research.

      • KCI등재후보

        여성과 소비의 역사

        설혜심 ( Heasim Sul ) 한국여성사학회 2014 여성과 역사 Vol.- No.20

        소비사는 가장 최근에 시작된 연구 분야 중 하나이다. 마르크스와 베버의 영향 속에서 자본주의는 생산측면 위주로 고찰되어왔기 때문이다. 1980년대 이후 소비사는 급속히 팽창했으며 소비의 주체로서의 여성에 대한 논의도 활발해졌다. 이 글은 우리 여성사학계에 소비사 연구의 필요성을 환기하기 위해 쓰인 사학사적 접근으로, 여성과 소비의 역사를 다룬 연구들을 1. 검증적 역사학과 소비, 2. 사치동물과 성적 대상, 3. 내셔널리즘과 여성 소비자, 4. 새로운 상품과 여성노동, 5. 여성과 소비의 정치성의 다섯 줄기로 묶어 소개한다. 소비는 재화와 인간과의 관계나 삶의 편의성을 넘어서 인간의 욕망을 둘러싼 행위이며, 공적·사적 영역을 넘나들며 범지구적으로 펼쳐지는 광범위한 움직임이다. 소비의 정의가 포괄적이니만치 아직 소비연구에서 중심축을 이루는 뚜렷한 학파나 학설, 정교한 방법론은 나타나지 않고 있다. 하지만 소비사가 직면한 이런 문제는 소비사가 지닌 특성이자 가능성으로, 다양한 학문분야간의 협업을 가능케 할뿐만 아니라 트랜스내셔널적 시각과 여성사의 사회 참여적 명제를 강화해 줄 것이다. For last three decades, scholars in the West have intensively investigated the history of consumption. This article introduces the current trend of the studies of consumerism, focusing on women`s history. First, the methodology and analysis that empirical historians captured the consumption of women in early modern Europe. Secondly, with the advent of industrialization, women consumer were analogized as commodity, let alone the stigma of luxury animal. Thirdly, women were often mobilized as the defender of national economy or patriotic consumer in times of crisis. Forth, whether new commodities and home appliances actually reduced women`s household labor. Fifth, women`s participation in consumer activism and the politics of consumption. Consumption is more than the process in which the substance of a thing is completely destroyed, or used up. It incorporates the desire of human being, the social norm and morality. The realm of consumption crosses the public and private sphere and it could create the counter public sphere. Therefore, scholars recently tend to pay more attention to the agency of active women consumers and the new, alternative, and transnational networks built around them. Although the history of consumption is confronted with the problems of fragmentation and absence of meta theory, it has great potentials to expand the scope and subjects of women`s history.

      • KCI등재

        트위터와 미시사

        설혜심(Heasim Sul) 한국사학사학회 2010 韓國史學史學報 Vol.0 No.21

        This article explores the distinct resemblance between Twitter and microhistory, and examines the adequateness of Twitter contents as historical document. Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Since its creation in 2006, Twitter, with its unique characteristics of instant interactivity and mobility, has gained notability and popularity worldwide. It is like to be of considerable value to future historians, because Twitter contains more records by more people than ever preserved in any medium before. Microhistory, first developed in the 1970s, is the study of the past on a very small scale applying zoom-in methodology. Although microhistory had been introduced to Korea during the 1990s, there still exists much of misunderstanding and confusions surrounding its nature. Microhistory is to be distinguished from the monographs which deal with petty subject, the history of everyday life, case studies or local history. Also, there are several kinds of microhistory, and the scholars who have led the way have understood it variously. Most of microhistorians attack the methodology of the social sciences, including social history led by Annal school. They argue that traditional approaches have made generalizations which do not explain the concrete reality of the small-scale life of people in the past. Twitter contents(Tweet) which are comprised of small and trivial chatting among users could be very valuable to microhistorian if looked through collectively. Microhistory emphasizes to reveal the complicated function of individual relationships within each and every social setting. To grasp this complicatedness microhistory turned to the narrative as an analytical and descriptive tool. Since Twitter's main function is to make and expand individual's social relationships, its contents could be the most adequate materials for microhistorians' project. The scheme of microhistory is designed to overcome the constrain of territorial nation-state, emphasizing the independent forces in small community. On the other hand, many of microhistorical works began to demonstrate the transnational aspect in the lives of small villages. In this context, the deterritoriality that microhistory has shown could also be found in Twitter, because Twitter is centered on the node of each individual, and at the same time, based on the world-wide network. Both Twitter and microhistory contain the strong tendency of resistance. Microhistorians who have been pursuing to write a history from below, try to restore agency of obscure people. Twitter, with the unfiltered communications and witness accounts among multitude, often promotes the grass-root democracy. Overall, Twitter could be extremely useful material to be used for the expansion of microhistorical study.

      • KCI등재

        인삼 사냥꾼(Ginseng Hunter) - 북미대륙의 채삼(採蔘) 관행과 채삼인의 이미지

        설혜심 ( Sul Heasim ) 연세대학교 인문학연구원 2018 人文科學 Vol.113 No.-

        18세기 초 캐나다에서 인삼(화기삼)이 발견된 후 인삼은 곧 북미대륙의 중요한 수출품으로 떠올랐다. 독립 후 차로 인한 무역역조를 극복해야 했던 미국에게 인삼은 모피와 더불어 가장 중요한 대(對)중국 수출품이 되었고, 오늘날까지도 북미산 인삼은 세계 인삼 시장에서 가장 높은 점유율을 차지하고 있다. 하지만 미국에서 인삼의 역사적 의미는 은폐되다시피 했고, 인삼에 대한 학술적 담론은 동아시아를 중심으로 펼쳐져 왔다. 이 논문은 그런 비대칭성을 교정하고자 하는 작업의 일환으로, 북미대륙에서 인삼의 역사를 복원하는 한편 채삼인의 이미지를 분석한다. 애초 인디언들이 담당했던 채삼은 점차로 백인의 손에 넘어가게 되었다. 이들은 인삼의 까다로운 자생지에 대한 지식이며 건조법을 둘러싼 기술 등을 축적해 갔지만, 결코 중국만큼의 가공기술을 발휘할 수 없었다. 남북전쟁 후 진보를 표방하던 북부의 언론은 채삼인을 남부의 낙후성을 부각시키는데 끌어들이면서 삼 캐는 사람들에게 게으르고, 정착을 거부하며, 고립적인, 백인 빈민 가운데 최악의 계급이라는 이미지를 덧씌웠다. 채삼인에게 투사된 비합리성과 반문명성은 오리엔탈리즘적 시선을 통해 인삼을 둘러싼 신비하고 주술적인 아우라와 결합되었고 그 결과 채삼인 집단은 미국이 이미 극복한 과거에 속한 일종의 내부 식민지로 전락하게 된다. 인삼의 최종 목적지는 중국이었고, 그런 인삼에 삶을 의존한 채삼인은 미국의 주류문화에 동화될 수 없는, 다른 인종처럼 취급되었다. Soon after its discovery in the Canadian woods in the early 18th century, American Ginseng(Panax quinquefolius), became the most valuable export item for North America. America after the Independence designated ginseng along with furs as its specialties to overcome the serious adverse balance of trade with China. While Canada and America continued to be two of the largest producers of ginseng in the World Market to these days, American history tends to conceal the economical importance of ginseng and the academic discourse on ginseng has been dominated by East Asian scholars mainly focusing on Korean ginseng(Panax ginseng). This article, aiming to redress this noticeable asymmetry, restores the history of ginseng digging and also analyzes the images of the ginseng hunters. Native Americans engaged in ginseng trade in the earlier phase of ginseng boom, but this industry soon fell into white men’s hands. While they accumulated knowledge about the selectiveness of ginseng habitat and complicated process of its clarification, the Americans could not reach the Chinese standard of ginseng curing. After the Civil War, many progressive journalists from the North drew the ginseng diggers into the narratives on the Southern backwardness. They portrayed ginseng hunters as idle, resisting settlement, isolated, and wretched class of poor white. The irrational and anti-civilizational traits projected to the ginseng hunters with Orientalistic gaze were analogous to the mysterious and enchanting aura surrounding ginseng. And the place where people depended their lives entirely on this plant became a sort of internal colony. To America, the final destination of ginseng has always been China and the ginseng hunters were perceived as a different race who could not be assimilated into mainstream American culture.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 19세기 영국신문에 나타난 인삼(ginseng)

        설혜심 ( Heasim Sul ) 영국사학회 2015 영국연구 Vol.34 No.-

        인삼은 이미 17세기에 세계시장에 등장한 중요한 상품이었지만, 커피, 담배, 육두구 등의 산물과는 달리 역사학의 주목을 받지 못했다. 17-18세기 인삼의 세계교역을 주도했던 주체는 영국이었는데, 그 기간 동안 영국과 미국에서의 인삼인식을 추적한 선행 작업의 연장선에서 이 글은 19세기 영국에서의 인삼담론을 분석한다. 주요 일간지와 지방지 총 28종이 실었던 인삼 관련 기사를 고찰하여 인삼의 국제적 교역로를 복원하고, 일방적 확산론에 근거한 유럽중심주의적 세계관을 교정하며, 근대 범지구적으로 다수의 ‘세계체제’가 존재했을 가능성을 제안한다. 19세기 영국신문의 기사들은 인삼에 대해 그동안 알려지지 않았던 많은 것들을 말해준다. 독립 후 미국이 중국과 직접교역에 나서면서 인삼을 공급하게 되자 영국의 인삼무역은 위기를 맞게 되었다. 하지만 영국이 19세기 초 인삼무역을 완전히 중단한 것이 아니었고, 인삼은 이후에도 계속 거래의 품목으로 주목받았다. 인삼은 동아시아 침탈이 가속화되는 시기 러시아와 일본이 눈독을 들이던 상품으로서 영국의 관심을 끌었는가 하면, 열강의 각축장이 되어버린 한국에 대한 담론에서 가장 중요한 수출품으로 주목받기도 했다. 그런데 영국신문의 기사들은 최소한 영국 내 의료영역에서는 인삼의 활용이 위축되었음을 시사한다. 오히려 인삼은 이제 동서양을 가르는 상징물로, 중국으로 대표되는 동아시아에 만연한 부패와 사치, 비합리성과 같은 전근대성의 표상으로 작용하며 서양의 개입을 정당화하는 표상이 되었다. This work aims to situate ginseng in the context of world history. Although ginseng was a highly valued commodity in global market in the early modern period, it had received surprisingly little scholarly attention, especially when compared to other ‘exotic substances.’ By analyzing the discourse in a total of 28 newspapers published in 19th century Britain, this article restores the international trade routes of ginseng and provides a counterweight to the grand narratives of unilateral European expansion. This also suggests that there existed multiple world-systems in early modern world. The news appeared in the newspapers in 19th-century Britain tell us many unknown facts about ginseng. As the newly independent United States began to trade directly with China, Britain lost its monopoly in ginseng trade. These setbacks notwithstanding, the British maintained a keen interest in the trade: not only the active international transactions of American ginseng industry, the Russian and Japanese rage after ginseng was closely followed. Many articles also noted the importance of ginseng in the export economy of Korea, then the arena of competitive plunder of many imperialist powers. On the other hand, information gleaned from the newspapers suggests that ginseng had lost much ground within British medical field. Now, it rather signified the corruption, luxury, and backward irrationality of China and represented as a symbol which called for the intervention of the ‘rational’ West.

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