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        심각한 골격계 변형을 보인 신성 골이양증 1례

        서현아,이주훈,한혜원,박영서,Suh Hyun-Ah,Lee Joo-Hoon,Hahn Hye-Won,Park Young-Seo 대한소아신장학회 2005 Childhood kidney diseases Vol.9 No.1

        With the advent of hemodialysis, the success of renal transplants in the 1960s and the wide use of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis at the end of the 1970s, children with renal failure now enjoy an extended life span. As a result, several children experience renal osteodystrophy and growth retardation. Renal osteodystrophy is induced by phosphorus retention, hypocalcemia, low vitamin D levels and hyperparathyroidism. The pharmacologic interventions are used to prevent bone deformities and to normalize growth velocity. But surgical intervention is required sometimes whorl osteodystrophy is severe and poorly controlled. We report an eight-year-old boy with ctironic renal failure who developed severe bone deformities and needed osteotomy. 저자들은 신성 골이양증을 내과적으로 치료하였으나 호전되지 않아 골격계 변형을 초래하여수술적 치료를 시행한 1례를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다.

      • 유아교육기관에서의 자연놀음놀이 프로그램에 관한 이론적 고찰

        서현아(Seo Hyun-Ah),박광옥(Park Gwang-Ok) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2006 인문학논총 Vol.11 No.2

        본 연구는 유아교육기관에서 유아들이 자연과 만나고, 친해지며, 교감할 수 있는 자연놀음놀이 프로그램의 구성에 대하여 알아보고 이를 유아교육 현장에 활성화시키고자 하는데 그 목적을 두고 있으며, 문헌을 통하여 연구하였다. 이러한 연구 목적을 달성하기 위해 유아교육기관에서의 자연놀음놀이 프로그램의 구성과 활성화 방안은 어떠한지에 대해 살펴본 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻게 되었다. 첫째, 유아교육기관에서의 자연놀음놀이 프로그램의 내용에는 공터놀이, 흙ㆍ물ㆍ모래놀이, 들놀이 산책, 나무 체험, 식물 교감, 동물 교감, 짚ㆍ풀놀이, 논ㆍ밭 체험 프로그램이 있었고, 운영방법은 가능한 소규모의 학급으로 하되 상황에 적절한 통합적 학급운영과 통합적 연계활동 그리고 동(動)ㆍ정(靜)의 조화와 아이들의 리듬에 맞는 놀이 시간 운영, 유아교육기관과 지역사회의 열린 운영에 있으며, 또한 자연을 즐기는 교사와 아이들의 만남 속에 행복한 교수학습이 일어남을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 교육적 의의로는 아이들의 적응행동, 심미감발달, 인지발달, 의사소통기술발달, 감각운동발달, 사회ㆍ정서발달을 촉진시켜 주고, 자연놀음놀이 프로그램을 위한 환경에는 실내ㆍ외의 열린 공간과 자연 환경 마련에 있음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 유아교육기관에서의 자연놀음놀이 프로그램의 활성화 방안으로는 유아교육기관이 자연 친화의 장이 될 수 있도록 주변 환경의 여건 마련에 대한 노력과 교사의 전문성 개발을 위한 노력이 뒤따라야 할 것이다. 그리고 부모참여에 대한 본질적 변화를 요구하는 동반자적 협력관계를 이루어 나갈 것과 교육 행정 차원에서의 제도적인 변화가 있어야 함을 알 수 있었다. 이상의 결론에서 21세기가 추구하는 깊은 지식과 냉철한 이성을 지니면서 마음의 정서가 풍부하고 따뜻한 인간, 이웃에게 사랑을 몸소 실천하는 이타적인 인간, 삶의 가치관이 뚜렷한 개성적인 인간, 창의력이 넘쳐나는 인간이 되려면 유아기부터 자연에 친숙해지고, 자연의 고마움을 느끼며, 자연적인 것을 추구하고 왜 인간과 자연이 공존해야만 하는가를 유아 스스로 체험할 수 있도록 기회를 많이 제공해야 됨(이명환, 2003)을 알 수 있다. 따라서 이는 교육을 담당하고 있는 유아교육기관에서 유아들을 위해 큰 관심을 갖고 해결해야 할 과제임이 분명해졌다. The purpose of this study is to investigate contents of early childhood education agencies' nature noreum play programs, through which children meet, become familiar and sympathize with nature, by reviewing relevant literatures and then propose those programs by actually applying them to early childhood education. For the purpose, this researcher tried to examine contents of early childhood education agencies' nature noreum play programs and find ways of promoting those programs. Results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, contents of existing nature noreum play programs provided by early childhood education agencies include empty lot play, earth, water and sand plays, picnic and field walk, experiences with trees, sympathy with plants, sympathy with animals, straw and grass plays and experiences with paddy and dry fields. In applying these contents, children should be divided into small classes, if possible. But it is occasionally needed to integrate those classes or integrate their activities. The contents should have not only dynamic but also passive aspects under harmony. Their sessions need to be managed in accordance with children's rhythms. Depending on the open-mindedness of early childhood education agencies and communities, nature noreum play programs ensure satisfactory teaching-learning activities while teachers and children are enjoying nature together. Educationally, nature noreum play programs help develop children's behavioral adaptation, aesthetic sense, communication skills, sensory motors and social and emotional aspects. Open indoor and outdoor spaces and nature itself can be environments for those programs. Second, efforts that should be made to promote early childhood education agencies' nature noreum play programs include forming conditions that make the establishments nature-friendly places and developing teachers' expertise about those programs. Also needed are partnership with parents, under which parent participation is required to be fundamentally changed, and changes in educational administration systems concerned. The 21st century is calling for people who are armed with deep knowledges and cool reason, emotionally enriching and warm-hearted, altruistic with love for others, apparent in life values and personality and very creative. To grow up into those people, children should be given many opportunities to become familiar with nature, feel thankful about nature, pursue natural things and realize why man and nature should coexist when they are younger(Lee Myeong Hwan, 2003). Clearly, early childhood education agencies are responsible for providing those opportunities with great attention.

      • 효율적인 자유선택활동시간 운영을 위한 교사의 놀이개입에 관한 이론적 탐구

        서현아(Seo Hyun-Ah),권말순(Kwon Mal-Soon) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2007 인문학논총 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구는 자유선택활동시간이 가지는 교육적 의의를 알고 효율적인 자유선택활동시간 운영을 위한 교사의 적절한 놀이개입 방법에 대해 알아보며 이를 유아교육 현장에 활성화시키는 교사교육의 기초자료로 사용하는 것을 목적으로 하였으며 문헌을 통하여 연구하였다. 문헌고찰을 통해 밝혀진 연구결과는 첫째, 자유선택활동은 유아의 개별적인 흥미와 욕구를 최대한 존중해 주는 시간이며 유아의 능동적인 자기선택의 기회를 통해 자유로운 활동 속에서 커다란 즐거움을 느끼게 되는 교육적 의의를 지닌 시간이다. 둘째, 교사는 끊임없는 자기반성을 통해 활동을 평가하고 놀이활동에 재투입하는 과정을 통해 스스로의 성장 뿐만 아니라 유아의 놀이상황을 질적으로 성숙된 놀이로 이끌어 줄 수 있음을 인식할 필요가 있으며, 이를 위해 끊임없는 자기성찰이 요구됨을 알 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to provide the essential data for teachers' training through the theoretical examination of the way to manage efficiently free play period. The results of the study are as follows: (1) Free play activity means the time to meet individual interest and needs of children and to be fun and educational significant through providing an active opportunity for choice for them during free play period. (2) kindergarten teachers' intervention on the interest center during free play period influences the whole development of children. But without teachers' guiding children in timely pattern of play, they must realize that they will interrupt or get out of children's play activities. (3) Teachers have to reflect on themselves constantly, evaluate the activities, and direct children' situation of play to play of quality.

      • KCI등재

        유치원 교육실습생과 지도교사의 교육실습에 대한 불안과 갈등

        서현아(Seo Hyun Ah),최은정(Choi Eun Jung) 한국열린유아교육학회 2008 열린유아교육연구 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구는 유치원 교육실습생과 지도교사가 교육실습에 대해 어떠한 불안과 갈등을 느끼고 있는지를 살펴 보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 부산 지역에 소재한 2, 3년제 대학 5개교와 4년제 대학교 4개교 유아교육과 교육실습생들과 부산시 국ㆍ공립, 사립 유치원 유치원 교사들을 연구 대상으로 하였으며 수집된 자료는 SPSS 12 0 Program을 사용하여 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 교육실습생들은 교육실습에 대한 불안과 갈등에 있어 실습생 변인들 중 교직선호도에 대해서만 유의미한 차이가 나타났으며 지도교사들은 교육실습 불안에 대해서는 지도교사 변인들 중 실습지도경력에 대해서만 유의미한 차이가 나타났으며 교육실습 갈등에 있어서는 교사경력과 실습지도경력에 대해 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결론에서 교육실습의 질적 향상을 도모하고 효율적인 교육실습 체제를 구성하고 운영하기 위해서는 불안과 갈등을 해결하기 위한 구체적인 해결방안 모색과 효과적인 교육실습프로그램 개발을 위한 노력을 통한 지속적인 실습 프로그램의 질적 개선이 절실히 필요함을 알 수 있다. This study aimed to identify anxiety and conflict of student teachers and cooperating teachers. For this purpose, the research questions have been set up as follows: 1. Are there any significant differences in degree of anxiety and conflict in student teaching according to student teacher's characteristics(type of university(4 year) or college(2-3 year), type of the institution, cooperating teacher's teaching career, and preference for career)? 2. Are there any significant differences in degree of anxiety and conflict in student teaching according to cooperating teacher's characteristics(age, educational background, type of the institution, cooperating teacher's career, and cooperating career)? The Objectives of this study were limited to 326 student teachers of 5 and 4 universities, and 274 cooperating teachers of national, public and private kindergartens in Busan. The analyzing methods of data wen t-test and one-way ANOVA of SPSS 12.0 Program, The findings of this study are summarized as follows: First, in comparisons between groups by type of university or college of student teacher, those who are in university felt uneasiness and conflict more than those in college. By type of the institution, those who interned in national and public kindergarten felt uneasiness more than those in private kindergarten, and those who interned in private kindergarten felt conflict more than those in national and public kindergarten. By cooperating teachers' tcaching career, student teachers were uneasy about guidance of cooperating teachers with experience of 6 to 10 years, but student teachers had conflicts more with guidance of cooperating teachers with experience under 3 years. Lastly, preference for career, those who answered the 'normal' felt the most uneasy while those who answered the 'not prefer' felt the most conflictive. Second, in comparisons between groups by age of cooperating teacher, those who between 20 to 25 felt anxiety in student teaching most of all, and those who are 26 to 30 felt the most conflicts in student teaching. By educational background of cooperating teacher, those who graduated from college felt uneasiness and conflict more than those who graduated from university. By type of institution, cooperating teachers in private kindergartens felt anxiety and conflict, and by teaching career, those who taught 3 to 5 years felt the most uneasy and conflictive. Further, by cooperating teacher career, those who guided 1 to 5 times felt the most uneasy and conflictive.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • 대구지역 성인들의 연령별 떡에 대한 기호도 및 섭취실태

        서현아(Seo, Hyun A),배지현(Bae, Ji Hyun) 계명대학교 생활과학연구소 2015 科學論集 Vol.41 No.-

        As one of the Korean traditional foods, rice cake, which is called "tteok" in Korean, has a variety of tastes, flavors and colors and is regarded as a macrobiotic diet since it is cooked with ingredients in season. Recently, as people"s dietary life environments change due to westernization and nuclear families, it is true that the manufacture and use of rice cake are actually on the decline. Accordingly, this study aims to investigate the actual conditions of adults" awareness and preference for rice cake as well as perception and intake of rice cake by age, with a total of 289 survey participants from the Daegu region, further seeking a relevant plan to develop and inherit rice cake, a Korean traditional food. As for the preference for rice cake, adults in their 20"s showed the highest preference for songpyeon and adults between their 30s and 40s and between their 50s and 60s for injeolmi, but there was a significant difference (p<0.05) found between songpyeon and gyeongdan. As for the intake of rice cake , adults in their 20s showed the highest frequency in "about once every 3 to 6 months", and adults between their 30s and 40s and between their 50s and 60s showed the highest frequency in "about once or twice every month", so that there was a significant difference (p<.0001) between them. As for the kinds of rice cake, their 20s showed the highest preference for songpyeon and adults between their 30s and 40s and between 50s and 60s showed the highest preference for injeolmi. 97.6% of the research subjects responded that it is needed to inherit and develop rice cake, but the frequency of taking in rice cake was relatively low, such as adults in their 20s responded "about once every 3 to 6 months" and adults between their 30s and 40s and between their 50s and 60s responded "once or twice every month". As a result, it seems necessary to seek for various developmental plans, such as developing more kinds of rice cake by reflecting different age groups" preference for rice cake and to carry out constant promotion and research on rice cake in order to increase adults" frequency of taking in rice cake and to inherit and develop rice cake.

      • KCI등재후보

        유치원 교사의 통합교육에 대한 인식 연구

        서현아(Seo Hyun Ah),송은희(Song Eun Hee) 한국열린유아교육학회 2002 열린유아교육연구 Vol.6 No.4

        본 연구는 부산 시내에 소재한 시립 유치원 교사 301명을 대상으로 통합교육애 대한 척도(Attitudes Toward Mainstreaming Scale: ATMS)를 사용하여 유치원 교사들의 통합교육에 대한 인식은 어떠하며 교사 변인에 띠라 유치원 교사들의 인식에 차이가 있는지를 알아보았다. 연구 결괴 통합교육 전체에 대한 유치원 교사들의 인식은 대체로 긍정적으로 나타났고 유치원 교사의 변인에 따른 하위 영역과의 결과에 의하면 유치원 교사의 연령, 교직 경력, 학력, 장애유아 담당 경험, 담당학급 유아, 통합교육에 대한 관심 정도, 통합교육에 대한 자신감등의 변인들은 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났고, 특수교육과목 이수 정도, 현직교육 연수 정도의 변인은 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the present attitude of kindergarten teachers toward inclusion and to know the difference of the teachers' attitude according to teacher's background variables and to identify the most influential variable for offering the best explanations for such attitude. The subjects of this study were 301 kindergarten teachers in Busan. T-test and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the collected data. In addition, scheffe' post hoc test was used to compare the pair of groups. The results of this study were as follows: 1. In overall attitude toward inclusion, kindergarten teachers showed relatively neutral attitude. Among sub-categories, they showed positive attitude toward a purpose of inclusion but negative attitude toward a teacher's expertise. 2. In background variables of kindergarten reachers affect attitude toward inclusion. It was found that the academic expectation and the level of teachers' interest for inclusion were the most influential variables. In conclusion, the results mentioned above suggest the followings: First, the most influential variable was the positive attitude toward inclusion. Therefore it is necessary for kindergarten teachers to change their attitude. Second, it is necessary to provide kindergarten teachers with in-service programs for changing their attitude toward inclusion. Third, since the most influential variable was the academic expectation, it is needed to enhance the courses related to special education through pre-service programs.

      • 또래 간 토의활동이 유아의 창의성 및 언어능력에 미치는 효과

        서현아(Seo Hyun-Ah),조은진(Cho Eun-Jin) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2007 인문학논총 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구는 또래 간 토의활동을 통해 유아의 창의성 및 언어능력에 대한 효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 실험·통제집단 각 20명씩의 유아를 대상으로 총 10주간 생활주제에 따라 또래간 토의활동을 실시하였다. Torrance의 창의적 사고력 검사와 박영수(1997)의 언어능력 검사를 실시한 결과 매우 유의한 차이를 나타냈다. 창의성의 유창성, 융통성, 독창성, 정교성과 언어능력의 어휘력, 언어이해력, 언어표현력에서 모두 유의한 차이를 보여 또래간 토의활동이 유아의 창의성 및 언어능력에 효과를 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to provide basic information necessary for the application of peer discussion to early childhood education by analyzing effects of such discussion on young children's creativity and language abilitie. To answer these questions, the researcher surveyed 40 infants, 5 in full age, from D kindergarten located in Busan. The experimental group was divided into small groups, each of which consisted of 4 to 5 members, in accordance with daily themes provided under the educational curriculum of the kindergarten. The experimental treatment of this study was applied in 20 sessions in total, 2 session a week over 10 weeks. Devices used for the study were 「Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking(TTCT)」 translated by Cho Sung Yeon(1984), and Language Abilities Test, modified and supplemented by Park Young Soo(1997) in he research. To clearly determine effects of peer discussion on young children’s creativity and language abilities, the experimental and control groups were pre- and post-tested. Ratings calculated from the two tests were analyzed using t-test. Results of the study can be described as follows. First, there was a significant difference in creativity between the experimental and control groups(p<.05), demonstrating that peer discussion was effective in improving the quality. Sub-factors of creativity such as fluency, flexibility, preciseness and uniqueness were significantly different between the experimental and control groups(p<.05), indicating that peer discussion was effective in the development of the factors. Second, there was a significant difference in the language abilities between the experimental and control groups(p<.05), demonstrating that peer discussion was effective in improving the language. There significant differences in all the sub-factors of young children’s language abilities, except contextual association, between the experimental and control groups(p<.05), proving the effecti veness of the discussion in improving those sub-factors. Third, regarding whether peer discussion makes a correlation between language abilities and creativity, it was found that there were no significant correlations between ’the number of words’ as one of the sub-factors of the language abilities and ’fluency', between ’the length of statement' as another sub-factor of the faculty and ’fluency’ and between ’contextual association’ and ’flexibility, preciseness and uniqueness'. But the whole language abilities and the whole creativity were found highly correlated with the coefficient of 0.679. In conclusion, peer discussion as the experimental treatment of this study is effective in the improvement and development of young children’s language ab피ties and creativity.

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