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      • KCI등재

        조선시대 충청도 馬梁鎭 연구

        서태원 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2018 한국문화 Vol.0 No.81

        Maryang­jin(馬梁鎭) was Sugun­cheomjeoljesajin(水軍僉節制使鎭) at Chungcheong­do(忠淸道) during Joseon Dynasty. The number of Manho­jin(萬戶鎭) of Maryan­gjin was origially two, which were abolished and reduced to one Seocheon­po(舒川浦) Manho­jin in 1457(Sejo 3rd year), because Gomanryangmanho­jin(高巒梁萬戶鎭) was close to Doanmucheochisa­young(都按撫處置使營), and Maryan­gjin became Sugun­cheomjeoljesa ­jin at Chungcheong-udo Sugundomanho­jin(水軍都萬戶鎭) along with the governmental reorganization in 1466. Later, the location of Maryang­jin was moved to Biyin­hyeon(庇仁縣) from Nampo­hyeon(藍浦縣) in 1655(Hyojong 6th year), which seemed to be a measure as the navy camp of Chungcheong­do was rearranged in preparation for the war against Qing(淸). In the process of such change, Maryang­jin was abolished as the provincial army·navy were abolished in 1895. 54 persons among 154 Maryang­cheomsa(馬梁僉使) were engaged over 24 months, however 45 persons were fired due to, ‘Popyeom(褒貶), corruption·misbehavior, mistake in tax vessel escort’. Maryang­jin armed forces were ‘1,302 Seon­gun(船軍) during Sejong period(世宗代), 1,120 Su­gun(水軍) during Seongjong period(成宗代), 744 Su­gun during Gojong period(高宗代)·82 Sinseongun·323 Jusa­gun(舟師軍)’. During Seongjong period, Jojol was installed separately to improve the custom of exploiting Su­gun for Joun(漕運), accordingly the number of Sugun decreased less than Sejong period, and the number of actual soldiers was only 323 Jusa­gun during Gojong period, since Sugun·Sinseon­gun(新選軍) were not in service. Because, during Gojong period, Jusa­gun were arranged also in Eub(邑), differently from Sejong·Seongjong period, and the same soldiers continued service instead of double shift. There were Nae-a(內衙)·Asa(衙舍)·Gwansa(官舍)·Gaeksa(客舍)·Jinmu-cheong(鎭撫廳)·Gungi­go(軍器庫)·Gungwan­cheog(軍官廳) at Maryang­jin Gonghae(公廨). However, since Maryang-jin was located in Biyin-hyeon in 1655, the castle was not constructed, seemed to be due to difficulty in securement of finance and manpower. The number of Maryang-jin warships were ‘19 during Sejong period, 21 during Seongjong, 6 during Youngjo(英祖)·Gojong’. In order to promptly repel the Japanes invasion, small warships were mainly utilized during Sejong period, and medium·small warships were mainly utilized during Seongjong. The number of warships during Youngjo·Gojong was 6, greatly reduced than Sejong·Seongjong, as the warships were arranged also in Eub in order to promptly deal with the invasion since Japanese invasions and the size of the vessels became bigger. Maryang-jin properties were Sugun-jeon(水軍錢) 1,488 nyang (兩)·Gyeoljeon(結錢) 804 nyang·Sinseon­jeon 160 nyang·Hwanmi(還米) 8 seok·Dunse(屯稅) about 7.167 seok(石), first of spending was the soldiers’ salary, and Cheomsa’s salary was the next. Maryang-jin was in charge of the ocean defense such as protecting the coast residents’ lives and properties as well as vessels by repelling the invasion of Japanese invaders·Hwangdangseon(荒唐船). Of course, if any mistake occurs in the process, Japanese invaders·Hwangdangseon were repelled by punishing the naval commander, promoting awareness. Maryang-jin monitored·investigated·reported drifting people(漂流民)·Yiyangseon(異樣船). Maryang-cheomsa reported Gamsa(監司)·Susa(水使) after investigating the drifting people·Yiyangseon after receiving the report of Yomang(瞭望)·Humang-gamjol(候望監卒), let the drifting people get off the ship and provided them with shelter and food, making Maryan-gin officer·Ajeon(衙前) keep watch on their shelter. Maryang-jin also escorted Jo-sun(漕船: tax ship). Maryang-cheomsa performed Hosong-jibanggwan or Hosong-chasawon(護送差使員), and reported Jo-sun sinking and the situation of sav...

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 군영둔토의 연구와 양안

        서태원 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2010 한국문화 Vol.51 No.-

        Gunyoung-Dunto(軍營屯土) means the land formed by the military camp reclaiming and cultivating wasteland, Jinjeon(陳田), etc. and which was appropriated for military supplies. Gunyoung-Dunto in the late Joseon Dynasty was installed in 14 places of Hwanghae-do(黃海道), 13 places of Pyeongan-do(平安道), 10 places of Gyeonggi-do(京畿道), 8 places of Chungcheong-do(忠淸道), 4 places of Jeolla-do(全羅道), 2 places of Gyeongsang-do(慶尙道), and 1 place of Hamgyeong-do(咸鏡道). At present, 51 Gunyoung-Dunto land survey registers(量案) are kept in a storage in Kyujanggak(奎章閣) and Jangseogak(藏書閣) and the number of Jangyongyoung(壯勇營) land survey registers was most as 31. As to Gunyoung-Dunto land survey register, 34 registers in 1709~1799 and 15 registers in 1800~1888 were made, and the time 2 registers were made is not known. The reason that Gunyoung-Dunto land survey registers were made was to exactly grasp various information related to land with regard to Dunto, established, transferred to another facilities, purchased and exchanged; Dunto the main management agent of which has changed by abolition or establishment of the military camp; Dunto cultivated or reclaimed by doing Jeolsu; etc. What is noted in the mark of the land survey registers is ‘Jeol(折)’, “‘Mo(冒)’, ‘Jajak(自作)’ etc. The Jeol mentioned under the name of tenants of the Chungcheong -do Pyeongsinjin(平薪鎭) land survey register means Minkyul(民結) or the land legally cultivated by the people investing their labor and capital, Mo means the land discovered while the people secretly cultivate Jinjeon, Hwajeon(火田), etc. without approval of the authorities. The Jajak that was written in Byeolpowidab(別砲衛畓) tenant column of JeollaJwa-Suyoung land survey registers was significant in that it mentioned that the soldiers directly cultivated a rice paddy.

      • 빠구닌과 無政府主義

        徐兌源 성균관대학교 정치학회 1961 정치학보 Vol.5 No.-

        정부의 존재를 전적으로 부인하고 어떠한 형식의 정치권위도 원하지 않으며 필요치 않다는 교의가 무정부주의(Anarchism)인 것이다. 다시 말하면 무정부주의의 근본적 사상은 인간이 자기의 생을 영위하는데 있어서 자기를 억압하는 것 또는 자기의 자유를 제한하는 것은 어떠한 것이든 부인하고 일체의 행동의 자유를 주장하는 사상이다. 근대 무정부주의의 국가에 대한 이론적 반항은 종교적 권위에 대한 적개심과 사유재산제도에 대한 반감이 결합된 결과인 것이다.

      • 束伍軍의 設置意義 대한 硏究

        서태원 기전여자대학 1993 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        This study is to investigate the significance of the Sok-o-gun(束憶軍) which was established in 1594(Seon-jo 27). The establishment of the Sok-o-gun is closely connected with the State Reconstruction in 17th Century. By and large that significance is divided into three aspects. The contents are as follows. 1. The new tactics of Chol-gang-byung-bop(浙江兵法) and a train and defence on the center of a recidental district is introduced the Sok-o-gun by the government; The former aims at effectively retreating of Wae-gun(倭軍), the latter intends to eliminate the abuse of Byun-sang(番上) and Yu-bang(留防). 2. The government can enforce the control over Hyang-chon-min(鄕村民) not only by the control over Myen-ri-min(面里民) and by the unification of a righteous army into the Sok-o-gun but also by the control over Sa-chon(私賤) by the Sok-o-gun' system. To enforce the control over peopl in the rural society is closely connected with the State Reconstruction in 17th Century, the control over Sa-chon by the Sok-o-gun' system is most important. 3. The change of people who are charged with the military service is achieved by the institution of the Sok-o-gun. Not only the government and Yang-min(良民) convert consciousness over the lower class, but also the lower class have the chance of the elevation of status by the Institution of the Sok-o-gun.

      • 고온가스 청정장치에서 3차원 유동 특성

        서태원,금기현 安東大學校 工業技術硏究所 1998 공업기술연구논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        Numerical investigation of the effects of the face velocity on ceramic candle filter was executed in three-dimensional turbulent flow field. It was found that the pressure drop in the filter media depends linearly on the face velocity. It was also found that the radial momentum on the axial length of the filter(x/d≥20) changes with the second order polynomial function.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        朝鮮後期 忠淸道 平薪鎭 硏究

        서태원 중앙대학교 중앙사학연구소 2011 중앙사론 Vol.0 No.34

        Pyeongsinjin, which was the base of Chungcheong-do Sugun during the late Joseon Dynasty, was installed as Hanggeumjin was moved to Pyeongsin at Daesan-myeon in 1711 (Year 37 of King Sukjong) and the cheomsa was called Pyeongsin Cheomsa. Hanggeumjin situated in a position advantageous for advancing to the open sea was installed for several reasons including the defense of the sea off Chungcheong-do and support to the defense of Ganghwa-do, but the fortress was moved to Pyeongsin because it was difficult to build a wharf for battleship at Hanggeumjin. As the registries of stock farm lands and residents were transferred from the corresponding village to Pyeongsinjin in March 1794 (Year 18 of King Jeongjo), Pyeongsinjin was operated like a village. Then, stock farms were abolished in September of the same year and Jangyongyoung army lands were installed. Going through these changes, the military unit was discontinued in the Reform in 1895 (Year 32 of King Gojong). The office buildings (公廨) of Pyeongsinjin include inn, inner court, armory (軍器庫), grain storage (屯庫), Yiwonchang (梨園倉), Changtaekchang (昌宅倉), registry storage (戶籍庫), and administrative office (作廳). Battleships (戰艦) belonging to Pyeongsinjin were 2 defense ships (防船), 1 military ship (兵船), and 2 patrol ships (伺候船), and deployed soliders were 710 Suguns, 354 Dunabyeongs, 233 Jusaguns 233 and 60 Sinseonguns. According to Pyeongsinjin Jusagunbyeong Sinmyosik Chodoan (平薪鎭舟師軍兵辛卯式草都案)written in 1890 (Year 27 of King Gojong), 22 Jusagun military officers were deployed in Pyeongsinjin on the first and second defense lines including 1 Daejang (代將), 5 Gipaegwans, 1 Gyosa (敎師), 1 Hundo, 1 Jwapogwan, 1 Upogwan and 1 Hwapogyosa (火砲敎師)on each line, and they were all from the gentry class. Mostof 211 soldiers whose social standing was recorded were from the common class, but the authenticity of the records is low in that records on physical features were uniform. Among the solders, 79 had the name Aji (牙之) and 59 lived at the area below Pyeongsinjin as the most common residence. The solders’ average age was 32.5 and their village was all Pyeongsin. The soldiers were deployed on the first and second defense lines including 12 standard bearers (旗手), 10 shooters (射手), 12 gunners (砲手) including 5 artillerymen (火砲手), 1 Jaengju, 1 Gosju, 1 Yosu and 1 Posu Sugun on each line, and 2 Chwisu Suguns and 32 oarsmen for both lines. To these members, 2 trumpeters, 1 Taepyeong Sugun, and 1 Tasu Sugun were added to the first defense line, so a total of 79 members were deployed on the first line, and 1 Jeongsu Sugun and 1 Susolgun were added to the second defense line, so a total of 77 members were deployed on the second line. On the militaryship were deployed 10 shooters, 10 gunners, 1 Tasu, 1 Jeongsu and 1 Yosu Sugun, and on each of the 1st and 2nd patrol ships were deployed 1 artilleryman and 5 Gyeokguns (格軍). Furthermore, arms, flags, instruments, rations, etc. were placed on the battleships. Of the incomes of Pyeongsinjin, Sugunjeon (水軍錢) 1,420 ryang was spent in provisions and arms for Banggun (防軍), and the repair and modification of the battleship, Gyeoljeon (結錢) 700 ryang in provisions for Banggun (防軍) and official demands (官需), and Sinseongunjeon (新選軍錢) 120 ryangand Jangje (場稅) 36 ryang in official demands (官需). Furthermore, 181 ryang 2 jeon collected from Sugun, Sinseongun and Jusagun soldiers in each eclipse year was spent in purchasing paper, brush and ink and miscellaneous items, in case of year 1862 (Year 13 of King Cheoljong), Dunjeon (屯稅) 196 seok 9 du (943 ryang 8 jeon 8 pun) was used in pays to officers. Besides, interests from loaned grain 839 seokwere used in financing Pyeongsinjin. Pyeongsinjin played the role of defending the sea of Chungcheong-do from foreign forces and pirates and supporting the defense of Ganghw...

      • 서어브 指導方法에 관한 硏究

        徐泰元 조선대학교 스포츠과학연구소 1989 스포츠科學硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        In order to find out more effective teaching method in the limited time, This study an experiment on 1,260 students of 24 classes from 4 different meddle schools in Mokpo-city. The results of this experiment are as follows : 1. For under-hand-serve, the method in which the students were trained as they went backward from 6 m, 7.5 m to 9 m was effective than the method in which the students were trained at the position of 9 m from the beginning. This result was opposite to that of male students. 2. For over-hand-serve, the same as that of under-hand-serve and over-hand-serve. Also it was the same as that of male students. 3. For floater serve, the result was the same as those of under-hand-serve and over-hand-serve. Also it was the same as that of male students. 4. The desirable performance criteria for each grade(and for each kind of serve) are: 40% by first grade Students in under-hand-serve; 10% by second grade students over-hand-serve; and 20% by third grade students in floater serve. (Training time is 2-3 hours). As this research had no regard for hadness of a ball, ball control, and correctness of falling point, theris room for comparing with the research method of Russel Lange, Randy Sandeful and so on.

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