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        한국의 지역간소득격차에 관한 연구

        김영용,서종석 전남대학교 지역개발연구소 1989 지역개발연구 Vol.21 No.1

        In the process of economic growth, Korea has taken the strategy of spreading the accumulated potential of core developing area to the peripheral areas. This type of economic policy has often resulted in deteriorating interregional distribution of output and income, causing sentimental demand that the economic growth should not bring about any wide disparity in interregional living standard. As often concluded from the analysis of competitive price system, the objective of interregional equity can conflict with that of maximizing aggregate output. Furthermore, the government's attempt to allocate newly formed capital among regions by controlling the price system may make the investors indifferent as to where their newly formed capital takes root under the situation of equal marginal productivities of capital of regions. Thus economic policy should be formulated and implemented in light of trade-off relationship between aggregate efficiency and interregional equity. Bearing this in mind, we develop a model in which optimal allocation of investment between two regions can be analyzed. Considering explicitly economic efficiency and interegional equity in the model, we obtain a fairly defferent implications from those of Rahman, Intrilligator and Takayame(R-I-T). R-I-T modeled a two region closed economy in such a way that the optimal investment policy across two regions becomes bang-bang control. This type of model, however, as Takayama suggested, may not be plausible in applying to the real world. Our model differs from R-I-T in that, by considering interregional equity, a more plausible allocation parameter of investment can be obtained. But the problem with our model is that the explicit solution of the model cannot be found since the dynamic equation system is nonlinear and nonhomogeneous. Thus a numerical analysis is applied to draw implications for the optimal time path of investment allocation parameter. The basic results are summarized as follows. First, if the difference between marginal utilities of a given investment fund in two regions plus the disutility arising from the interregional income gap does not sum to zero, it is optimal to invest all the available fund in a certain specific region. Second, when the above sum equals zero, it is impossible to find explicit solution of the parameter. Therefore a numerical analysis by steepest descent method with penalty function is applied to find the following implications. 1) If the planning authority gives more weight to the interregional income difference, the allocation parameter of investment for the lower income area becomes bigger. 2) Interregional income difference becomes smaller when the weight for the equity gets bigger. The present study contains two limitations. One would be that the constraint of final state of interregional income difference being within some tolerable range is not imposed. If this constraint is imposed, the time path of allocation parameter would be quite different. Another limitation is that the steepest descent algorithm incorporated with penalty function is not the most efficient way to deal with this sort of optimal control problem. Other algorithm such as gradient projection algorithm should be better to use.

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