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        소아 장림프관확장증의 진단에서 내시경적 소장생검의 의의

        서정기,고재성 대한소화기내시경학회 1997 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.17 No.6

        Background/Aims: Intestinal lymphangiectasia is a disease characterized by dilated lymphatics of the intestinal mucosa and excessive enteric loss of plasma proteins. Instead of multiple blind peroral jejunal biopsy, duodenal endoscopy and endoscopic small bowel biopsy were performed. We evaluated the significance of endoscopic small bowel biopsy and the usefulness of the other diagnostic methods in the diagnosis of intestinal lym- phangiectasia in children. Methods: Fourteen children seen between August 1989 and August 1997 with clinically suggestive intestinal lymphangiectasia were analysed. The median age at onset of symptoms was 4 years. Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia occurred in 10 children and secondary intestinal lymphangiectasia occurred in 4 children, of whom two had Fontan operation, one had constrictive pericarditis, and one had Crohn's disease. Low fat, high protein diet with medium chain triglycerides was the mainstay of treatment. Results: 1) Diarrhea was present in l4 patients, and edema in 11 patients. Hypocalcernic tetany occurred in 6 children and vomiting in 5 children. Eight children had ascites and three of these had chylous ascites. Growth retardation was present in four patients, chylothorax in one, and lymphedema in one. The initial serum albumin concentration was 1.8 g/dl, the serum calcium level 6.7 mg/dl, and the total lymphocyte count 623 /㎣. 2) Dilated lymphatics in the small bowel mucosa was confirmed by endoscopic biopsy in 14 children(100%). The sensitivity of α₁-antitrypsin clearance was 100%. Duodenal endoscopy showed scattered white spots covering mucosa in 11 children(79%). Small bowel series revealed thickened mucosal folds in 10 children(77%). Four(31%) had positive finding of ^(99m)Tc-antimony lymphoscintigraphy. 3) Responses to treatment in children with primary intestinal lympllangiectasia were graded as good if the symptoms resolved, and poor if there was no lasting resolution of symptoms and repeated albumin administrations. Response to therapy was food in four and poor in six patients. Tlie mean age at onset of symptotas was 8 years in good resonse group, and 2 years in poor response group(p $lt; 0.05). Conclusion: Tie diaginosis of intestinal lymphangiectasa is confirmed by duadenoscopy and endoscopic small bowel biopsy in a child with diatrltea, edema, hypoalburninemia, and lymphocytopenia. As compared with other diagnostic methods such as small bowel series and lymphoscintigraphy, duodenoscopy and endoscopc small bowel biopsy are very sensitive and should be performed early.

      • 실리콘 고무막과 상변화 물질을 이용한 우주용 열 스위치(Heat Switch) 개발을 위한 선행연구

        서정기,장태성,차원호,명로훈,현범석 한국항공우주학회 2011 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.11

        PCM(Phase Change Material)은 일정한 상변화 온도를 가지며 상변화를 위해 큰 잠열교환이 필요하므로 열 저장기에 주로 사용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 PCM이 상변화시 부피가 변화하는 현상을 응용하여 열 스위치를 구동시키고자 하였다. 이를 위해 PCM의 기본적인 물성, 취급 및 사용상 주의사항에 대한 자료조사 및 실험을 수행하였으며 새로운 개념의 PCM 열 스위치 디자인을 제안하고 시제품을 제작하여 열진공 시험을 수행하였다. 실험결과 열 스위치는 성공적으로 작동하였으며, 계속된 실험결과에 따른 설계보완으로 인해 스위치 On/off시 열전달 계수비가 향상되는 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 설계최적화와 우주/발사환경시험 등의 추가적인 연구가 수행된다면, 향후 상용급 열 스위치 개발이 가능할 것으로 예상된다. PCM(Phase Change Material) is widely used in heat storage devices because of it's own constant melting temperature and large amount of latent heat. In current study, a proto-type heat switch using volume change phenomena of PCM is proposed and it's performance is validated. From the experimental results, the internal configuration of the heat switch is improved and it's operational characteristics, on/off capability is validated and thermal performance of the heat switch is measured. The result of current study shows a possibility of space grade heat switch after a design optimization for the thermal performance enhancement and launch/space environmental test.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        소아 H. pylori 위염의 혈청학적 진단 : 정상 학동기 아동과 위장관 증상 환아에서의 유병실태 및 혈청학적 진단의 정확도에 관한 연구 Seroepidemiology of H. pylori in Normal School Children and Diagnostic Accuracy of IgG GAP Test in Children with Gastrointestinal Symptoms

        서정기,심재건,김의종 대한소화기내시경학회 1993 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.13 No.4

        For the detection of Helicobeucter pylori infection, endoscopic biopsy related testa such as urease test, culture, and histology with special staining of bacteria are most widely used standard methods and most accurate. However, they are invasive, time consuming and dot easy to perform in asymptamatic children. Serologic test is non invasive and simple, and in adult, its diagnostic accuracy has been reported as comparable to that of the biopsy related tests. However, differencera in humoral response to Helicobacter pylori have beep noted between adults and children. The aims of this study are to measure the preylence of H.piori seropoaitivity in healthy Korean school children, and to evaluate the diagnotic accuracy of IgG GAP test in children for the detection of H.pylori infection. Serum samples were taken from 950 healthy Korean school children(age 6-14 years) and IgG GAP test(Bio-Rad) were done. Gastroscopic biopsy were performed from the gastric antrum in 310 children(1 mo-15 years) with gastrointestinal symptoms, and diagnostic accuracy of the IgG GAP test was compares with biopsy related tests(Urease, Culture, Giemsa stain). The prevalence of Helicobactar pylori seropositivity in 950 healthy Korean school children increased with age(8.1% in the age group 6-$lt;8 years, 12.4% in 8-$lt;10 years, 18.5% in 10-$lt;12 years, 21.9% in 12-$lt;14 years and 30.6% in 14-$lt;15 years). There was a significant difference in overall prevalence of H.pylori seropositivity between healthy Korean school children(16.5%) and children with gastrointestinal symptoms(28%). Serologic diagnosis by Helicobacter pylori specific IgG GAP test was very seaasitive(94.9%) and specific(92.4%) in comparison with CLO test, Culture and Giemsa stain of biopsy specimens by Gastroscopy. Children with Helicobacter pylori was treated for 4 weeks(Denol for 4 weeks and Amoxicillin for 2 weeks) and negative conversions at the completion of treatment were 85.7% by CLO test, 87.8% by Giemsa stain, 69.5% by culture and 30% by serologic test. Immediate evaluation of therapeutic response by antibody titer was not adequate. In children as reporteid in adults, serodiagnosis by Helicobacter pylori specific IgG antibody was very reliable and convenient for studying the prevalence in a large series of the population.

      • 노인 및 시지각장애인을 위한 키보드 개발연구

        서정기,고경욱 한국지역사회연구소 2007 지역사회 Vol.56 No.-

        컴퓨터는 현대 사회를 상징하는 모든 것들의 중심에 서 있다. 발전의 선두에 있는 만큼 컴퓨터의 발전 속도는 여타의 것들과는 비교할 수 없을 만큼 빠르다. 하지만 빠른 발전 속도만큼 시대의 흐름에 뒤떨어지는 지각장애인 및 대다수 노인들에게는 더욱 더 접근하기 힘든 매개체가 되어버렸다. 컴퓨터의 시스템은 인간의 사고에서 시작되어 입력 장치로 입력되고 컴퓨터 시스템을 통해 처리된 내용이 다시 모니터로 출력되는 형식이다. 키보드는 이러한 상호작용을 가능하게 해주는 일반적인 매개체로 인식되어 있다. 본 연구는 그 중요성에 비해 그 동안 외면 받아 온 시 지각장애인과 대다수의 노인들을 위한 키보드의 문자 전달 방식을 다양한 형식으로 조절이 가능한 키보드에 대한 연구이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        윌슨 유전자의 돌연변이 분석: 한국 윌슨병 환자에서의 Arg778Leu 돌연변이

        서정기,김종원,Seo, Jeong-Kee,Kim, Jong-Won 대한소아소화기영양학회 1999 Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition Vol.2 No.2

        Background: Wilson disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of copper transport and characterized by degenerative changes in the brain, liver dysfunction, and Kayser-Fleischer rings due to toxic accumulation of copper. Since the identification of Wilson disease gene (ATP7B), more than 80 mutations have been detected among the different ethnic groups. Methods: Twenty three children with Wilson disease were included in this study. They were all diagnosed by low serum ceruloplasmin and increased 24 hour urinary copper excretion with characteristic clinical findings. We analysed WD gene mutation by assessing the nucleotide sequence of exon 7, 8, 9 and 10 including intron-exon boundaries of ATP7B gene from genomic DNA. Results: Arg778Leu mutation was identified in 16 WD patients; three were homozygous and 13 were heterozygous for this mutation. Of the 46 alleles, 19 alleles had a Arg778Leu mutation (19/46=41%). Homozygote patients had neurologic forms of WD. Arg778Leu mutation was not found among 50 normal healthy persons. Conclusion: Arg778Leu mutation is a common mutation in Korean WD gene. Arg778Leu mutation screening might be used as a useful supplementary diagnostic test in some patients to confirm Wilson disease in Korea.

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