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        明實錄의 刊行·收藏과 朝鮮 유입

        서인범 동국대학교 동국역사문화연구소 2014 동국사학 Vol.57 No.-

        In the history of China, annals were a manuscript that was kept to record chronologically the daily accounts and national affairs of emperors during reign. Ming dynasty also compiled its annals according to the tradition of previous empires. When emperors died, successors usually made a collection of departmental materials and local literatures of the predecessors' time and published them following the conventional examples of their ancestral rulers. As a result, the histories of thirteen emperors were fully written in the annals of Taejo to Heejong. The annals of Ming dynasty were also brought to Chosun. In the 29th year of Sunjo reign, an envoy to Peking bought the annals of Ming dynasty and returned to chosun with the annals the following year. Yet the location of ‘The Annals of Ming Dynasty’ is unknown at the present time. According to the research of a Japanese scholar, the annals were transferred to Bongmodang of the Changdok palace and preserved there in the late time of Japanese Occupation, after the Occupations, their whereabouts was missing. All one could confirm the present moment are only few of film materials of ‘The Annals of Ming Dyansty’, pictured in 1933. To day, the only way to obtain the information of the films is by logging in the Korean History On-Line System and putting in the search term. 중국 역사상에 있어 實錄은 황제 재위 기간 중에 벌어진 사건 등을 연대순으로 기록한 사료집이다. 明朝도 이전 왕조의 전통을 이어받아 실록을 편찬하였다. 전임 황제가 죽으면 후임 황제가 祖先의 옛 제도나 纂修 사례를 본받아 각 아문에 보관하고 있던 사료나 지방의 문헌 등을 수집하여 편찬하였다. 그 결과 『太祖實錄』부터 『熹宗實錄』까지 13王朝의 역사가 자세히 기록되어 있다. 이 『명실록』은 조선에도 유입되었다. 선조 29년(1829)에 북경에 들어갔던 使行이 이듬해 귀국할 때 구입해 왔다. 그런데 현재 『명실록』의 행방은 묘연하다. 일본학자의 연구에 의하면 일제시대 말 昌德宮 奉謨堂으로 이전하여 소장되었다고 하는 부분까지는 알려졌으나 그 이후 어느 곳에 소장되어 있는지, 없어져 버렸는지에 대해 전혀 알 수가 없다. 단지 한국역사정보시스템에 『명실록』이라는 단어를 입력하면, 1933년에 촬영한 『명실록』의 유리필름자료(국사편찬위원회) 몇 점을 확인할 수 있을 뿐이다. 명실록 수장처는 皇史宬으로 환관 12監 중 司禮監이 관할하였다. 서적의 습기를 막거나 좀 방지를 위해 매년 6월에 실록을 햇볕에 널어 말렸다. 반면 조선에서는 『조선왕조실록』의 重印이 완간되자 강원도 평창 월정사와 상원사 중간 지점인 오대산서고에 실록을 봉인하였다. 오대산 수호사찰은 월정사로, 오대사사고는 2명의 參奉이 관리 책임을 맡았다. 실록의 보존을 위해 바람을 통하게 하여 습기를 제거하고 해충을 제거하는 曝曬 작업을 애초에는 3년에 1회 실시하였다. 효종 이후는 2년에 1회, 정조 말 이후는 3년 1회 실시되었다. 시기는 우기를 피해 날씨가 좋은 가을의 맑은 날을 길일로 선택해 행하였는데 오대산의 경우는 음력 3~5월과 8~10월 사이에 행해졌다. 이처럼 명조가 정치를 좌지우지할 정도의 권력을 쥐고 있던 환관들이 실록을 관할하고 있었던 데 반해, 조선은 오대산서고를 월정사 住持나 僧軍에게 관리하게 한 점에 있어서도 양국 간의 차이가 확연히 드러난다.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮 虎皮와 豹皮의 생산ㆍ유통

        서인범 명청사학회 2018 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.50

        After the mid-14thcentury, EastAsia underwent a period of dynastic change. Korea changed from Goryeo to Joseon, China changed from the Yuan dynasty to the Ming dynasty, and Japan changed from the Muromachi shogunate to the Ashikaga shogunate. Further significant events transpired in the 17th century, with the replacement of the Mingjo dynasty by the Qing dynasty and the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate. The volatile changes of dynasties in East Asia inevitably formed a new hierarchy within the rituals and forms of international relations. As is widely known, Joseon implemented a ceremonial tribute system with the Ming and Qing dynasties, and began good neighbour policies with Japan and Yugu. From the time of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Joseon dynasty gained an audience with the emperor, empress and crown prince to offer tributes. Products from Joseon were also presented to the Tokugawa shogunate and Yugu kingdom. Previous studies into the regulations of tributary offerings have achieved significant progress. In addition, the tributary system developed not only the processes of official government trade, but also allowed for great achievements in private trade. There has been a new trend in recent research to study the contents and distribution of tributes, gift items, and trade goods. Thus, it is not only about the production and trade of goods, but also the thorough study of how they were consumed in other countries. This paper aims to investigate the diplomatic order of East Asia from the perspective of the Joseon dynasty, by analysing the rarity, aesthetic value, and symbolism of authority of leopard and tiger pelts.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        조선 호피·표피의 淸朝 진헌

        서인범 역사학회 2019 역사학보 Vol.0 No.244

        Envoys from the Ming dynasty were presented with tiger and leopard skins from the Joseon court or obtained those items through a trade. The Jurchen tribe, which rose from the Northeastern region of China, was a part of this trend. As the Qing dynasty was established and the tributary system was formed between Qing and Joseon, the envoys from Joseon, bearing the tribute of local specialties such as tiger and leopard skins, were annually dispatched to China. As the Qing dynasty acquiring the stability of power, the Chinese Emperor granted the exemption of annual tribute to the people of Joseon in consideration of their suffering of preparing for leopard skins. In the 50th year (1711) of the reign of Kangxi Emperor, the 37th year of the reign of King Sukjong of Joseon, the Emperor granted a permanent exemption of the tributes of 1,000 tael of platinum and 142 sheets of red leopard skin to the Joseon King in praise of his dedication to preserving territory and to sincerely serving the imperial court Qing China for 40 years. Tiger and leopard skins were used in various ways. The most important use of them was to make a cushion. In the Qing China, the distinction between the high and the low was determined by the ornaments on the top of a hat and of a cushion. So that the skins of tiger and leopard were essential to express the discrimination between social classes. 청조가 성립되어 조선과의 사이에 조공책봉 관계가 성립되자, 조선은 청조에 매년 歲幣 혹은 方物 품목의 하나로 호피‧표피를 진상하였다. 조선은 청조에 다양한 명칭으로 사신을 파견하였다. 황제에게 진하사·문안사는 표피 20장, 동지사·정조사·성절사는 10장, 주청사는 6장, 사은사·진위사는 5장을 진상하였다. 다만 호피는 진상하는 빈도도 수량도 극히 적었다. 황태자에게만 동지사‧정조사는 6장, 주청사·진주사는 2장을 진상하였을 뿐이다. 청조의 정권이 안정되어 가자 강희제는 세폐를 준비하는 조선 백성들의 고통을 헤아린다며 표피 진헌 면제조치를 취했다. 강희 50년(1711. 숙종 37)에는 조선 숙종이 영토를 잘 보존하고, 정성을 다해 청조에 방물을 진헌하였다는 점을 칭예하고는 백금 1,000냥과 홍표피 142장을 영원히 면제시켜 주었다. 세폐 품목 중 백금과 표피는 조선이 마련하기가 대단히 어려운 품목의 하나로, 상징성이 강한 이들 물품 면제는 후금 이래 지속되어 온 조선과의 외교 및 의례 관계를 재정립하려는 조치였다고 생각된다. 호피‧표피의 용도는 다양하였다. 그 중에서도 가장 중요한 용도는 방석(혹은 깔개. [坐褥])이었다. 청나라에서 귀천의 구별은 頂子와 방석에 있다고 할 정도였다. 이처럼 청조에서 호피·표피는 신분의 등급을 구분하는 주요한 물품이었다. 청조는 冠服 규정을 제정하여 엄격한 신분 질서 체제를 유지하였다. 호피·표피로 만든 방석이나 갖옷·冠은 황제들이 宗室을 우대하거나 인접 국가와 친밀한 관계를 맺을 때, 대신들에게 하사용으로서 널리 이용하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        명대 嘉靖年間의 재정조달과 연납제

        서인범 명청사학회 2011 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.35

        After 20th year in the reign of Jiajing (A.D. 1541), when the Mongolian Khan Altan invaded violently the northen boarder of the Ming Dynasty, enormous amount of military provisions were sent to boarder bases from Taicangku (太倉庫 the Taicang storage) which was under the control of Hubu (戶部 the ministry of finance). And also, since the rampant invasion of Japanese pirates by 30th year in the reign of Jiajing (A.D. 1551) the need for more expenses to defend Jiangnan Territory (江南) from the invasion increased. Beside the enlarged demand for military expenses there was another request for more costs; the frequent renovation and decoration of Imperial Palaces which had been constantly done since the early stage of the reign; Gongbu (工部 the ministry of construction), whose job was to manage these construction works, had to secure the supply of budget. One of the solutions for this financial shortage was to conduct more frequently the Juanna system (捐納制), which was invented in the previous dynasty. At first, the Emperor Jiajing thought negatively of the system since the system procures money by selling the title of nobility; he, however, had to adopt the system to overcome the financial deficiency. It is possible to confirm the fact that people who paid money for the title were directly appointed to positions which had ranks from vice 9th to principal 6th grade during the reign of Jiajing. And people from Junhu (軍戶 a military household), an object of the system, was given the post of a reserve civil official on principal 5th rank. Even Wusheng (武生 a military cadet) from a military official's family could enter the national academic institution titled Guozijian (国子監). The amount of contribution was almost identical with Shengyuan (生員 a person who passed the lower civil examination) from Minhu (民戶 a civil household). Before the reign of Jiajing, a hereditary right for the title was limited to one's grandsons, relatives, the person himself, or whole descendants. There was a preferential policy which enables military officials, who was deployed out from his original post, to return to the original one by paying some silver to the government. Different from a commissioned officer who was receiving privileged treatment from the government, a noncommissioned officer, such as Xiaoqi (小旗)․ Zongqi (總旗) has to take a military examination for promotion. If any noncommissioned officer passes 10 years without taking the examination or exceeds the age limit of 30, he would be degraded to an enlisted man and deployed to a boarder base. He has to distinguish himself in battles or pass the examination 5 years later to return to his original position. To avoid such a difficult process, they rather choose to pay some money to the government. And by the contribution, they could get the title of a military official and the title was descendible. The government could raise a considerable amount of fund by the Juanna system. There was no certain usage of the raised fund, but it is still possible to estimate approximately its scale by various relevant records. If one can say the silver stored in Taicangku which was under the control of Hubu was two million liang (兩), the silver gathered by the system was over quarter of the whole tax revenues of Taicangku. Thus it is possible to say that the Juanna system was responsible for a large part of a total budget of the Ming Dynasty.

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