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      • 잡지언론인 최남선과 장준하

        부길만 출판문화학회 2019 出版 雜誌硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        이 원고는 최남선과 장준하를 잡지언론인으로서의 활동에 초점을 맞추어 각각 검토한 다음, 두 인물을 종합적으로 비교 고찰한다. 우선, 최남선과 장준하의 활동 시기는 달랐지만, 그들이 한국언론사에 커다란 획을 그었다는 점에서 공통적이다. 둘째, 이들의 공통점은 두 사람 모두 잡지 사업을 개인경영으로 벌인 점이다. 셋째, 두 사람은 모두 민족을 최고의 가치로 섬겼다는 점에서 공통적이다. 넷째, 두 사람 모두 잡지 활동이 중간에 끊기고 만 것 역시 공통적이다. 최남선은 잡지활동이 중단되면서 친일변절자의 길로 들어섰다. 장준하는 민족주의의 신념은 변치 않았지만 군사정부의「사상계」에 대한 탄압 속에서 정치인의 길로 들어섬으로써, 잡지 발행 업무를 더 이상 할 수 없었다. 장준하의 정치 활동은 1970년대의 시대 과제인 민주화에 초점이 맞추어졌다. 비민주적인 악법인 유신헌법을 개정하여 민주주의를 회복하고자 했던 그의 운동은 한국 현대사에서 매우 중요한 의의를 갖는다.

      • KCI등재

        참여정부 출판정책의 허실과 발전방안

        부길만 한국출판학회 2003 한국출판학연구 Vol.0 No.45

        This study reviews the present government's policy of publishing and presents the guidelines for the development of the publishing policy. The publishing policy of Korea was in general centered on restriction and control until the 6th Republic, after which it has changed toward promotion of publishing. The present government's policy succeeded to this basic tone, but in fact has not produced satisfactory results. These are the guidelines presented for the continuous expansion and development of the promotion-centered publishing policy. First, the central tone of the promotion-centered policy should be maintained and expanded. Second, the ties between academic fields, industries and the government should be intensified. Especially, the participation of the academic fields in the policy-making or in its implementation should be promoted. Third, there should be a policy-based support for the exchange of scholars and publications between the North and South Korea in terms of books exposition or academic seminars. Fourth, there should be a support for the development of publishing studies and also in the publishing-related departments in the colleges. Fifth, legal and systematic devices for the promotion of publishing should be continuously revised in concrete matters. Sixth, the supporting system for excellent academic publications should be changed from the present symbolic level into a financially substantial system. Finally, more support should be given to the reading education at home, in schools and in the society as a whole.

      • 한국 경제·경영서 출판의 현상과 전망-1990년대를 중심으로

        부길만 한국출판학회 2002 한국출판학연구 Vol.0 No.44

        This study deals with the state of the publication of economic books and the future prospect on it. It deals with the period from the 1960s to 1990s. During the first half of the 1960s the number of economic books was less than 50 and during the second half it increased to 100. The highest proportion of the economic books were on general economics and business management. During the 1970s as the amount of the whole books increased rapidly, the economic books increased as well to a total of 300. The highest proportion of the economic books were on business management. This phenomenon resulted not only from the increase in the books published by ordinary companies, but also from the fact that economy-related institutes published many books on business management. In the 1980s the Korean publishing situation developed in quantity to enter into the top 10 publishing countries in the world. In this environment the publication of economic books became very active ranging from 800 to 1000 in total. The highest proportion was still in business management, but many books on transportation, sightseeing, marketing, trade and advertisement were also published. In the 1990s the publishing of economic books had steadily grown except for the years of 1995 and 1996. This showed that the economic books publication did not shrink but developed steadily even during the IMF crisis which began at the end of 1997. It contrasts with the publication of the books in general, which stopped increasing from the middle of 1990s. This phenomenon suggests that the enforcement of the publication of books on specialized fields can activate that of books in general. The characteristics of best sellers in the field of economic books in the 1990s are summarized as follows: First, as publication of books on specialized fields were activated, those written simply as introductory books became best sellers in the economic field. Second, books on how to become a success, self-management, and new management theories and strategies became best sellers. Third, books on investment and making money became best sellers. Fourth, because of the IMF crisis, books related to overcoming the economic crisis became an important part of the economic books publication. Fifth, books written by the business owners and specialized managers entered the comprehensive lists of best sellers. From this study the prospect of the publishing economic books can be forecast as follows: First, the publication of economic books developed steadily in terms of quantity and diversity since the liberation of Korea and this phenomenon will go on. Second, a growing number of books emphasizing the making of money began to be published and this trend will become more obvious. Third, the main readers of economic books are changing from specialists to ordinary people, and this trend will continue in the future. Also the publishing companies will plan to publish the books which are more interesting and easier to understand. In this trend the distinction between the books for specialists and the books for laymen will become vague.

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