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      • KCI등재

        지역상생발전기금의 배분 형평성 및 운영실태 분석

        복문수 ( Bok Moon Soo ) 단국대학교 융합사회연구소(구 단국대학교 사회과학연구소) 2021 공공정책과 국정관리 Vol.14 No.4

        지역상생발전기금의 「재정지원재원」 및 「융자지원재원」 운영에 있어 배분 형평성 분석 및 운영실태 분석의 결과, (1) 「재원배분의 형평성 분석」 관점에서 「재정지원재원」의 경우, ‘권역별 측면’에서는 광역시에 집중된 편향적 경향을 확인하였으며, 「융자지원재원」의 경우, 재원이 5개 광역시에 편중되어 있으며, 권역별 편향이 심각하였다. 그러므로 수평적 재정조정기능은 매우 미흡하므로 전면적인 개선이 필요하다. (2) 「운영실태 분석」 관점에서 「재정지원재원」의 경우, 사업의 진행에 따라 ‘산업·중소기업 분야’에 집중되는 등 개선되었지만, ‘단년도 및 2년 연속’이 많아 중장기적 관점에서 적절한 이용이 어려웠으나, 「융자지원재원」의 경우, ‘도로 및 도시철도 사업’, 장기간 집행하지 못한 ‘공원의 부지확보’ 등과 같은 투자적이고 자산취득을 위해 적절하게 활용되었다. 따라서 「재정지원재원」의 경우, 상생발전에 기여하도록 적극적 개선이 필요하다. In 2010, FMDM(Fund for Mutual Development of Municipalities) was introduced in the form of a nation-wide horizontal fiscal adjustment system with amendment of VAT tax. FMDM was divided into two accounts : AFS(Account for Financial Support) and ALS(Account for Loan Support) in 2015. The purpose of this study is to investigate the equity analysis and performance of the FMDM(AFS and ALS). In equity aspect of AFS, it was not able to maintain the equity in allocation of resources in regional viewpoint. And in ALS, the fund was concentrated in five metropolitan cities. It is relatively positive in the equity of the allocation in general but negative in regional point. Thus AFS and ALS are necessary to find specific ways to improve this situation. In AFS, main spendings were (1) small and/or industry and business field and (2) a single/second year business. Therefore, it confirmed that the difficulty of operation in mid/long-term perspective had occurred. In ALS, significant resources were used for (1) road and urban railroad businesses, (2) refinancing of local bonds and (3) purchase of public park sites. It means ALS spending is proper. But AFS is need to find ways to resolve this problems.

      • KCI등재

        서울시 재산세 공동과세제도의 재정형평화 효과 분석

        복문수 ( Bok Moon-soo ) 한국거버넌스학회 2018 한국거버넌스학회보 Vol.25 No.2

        서울시 재산세 공동과세제의 도입 이전(2007년)과 그 후 2017년까지 25개 자치구의 재정상태 변화를 재정형평성 개선 관점에서 분석하였다. 공동과세제 도입으로 인한 효과를 보면, 대체적으로 자치구간 재정형평성 개선에 상당히 기여하였으나 세부적 내용에서는 서로 다른 특징을 찾아볼 수 있다. 즉, 재산세 공동과세제에 의해 재정형평성 개선효과는 『재산세 수준> 자치구세 수준> 자주재원 수준> 총재정규모 수준』 순으로 나타났는바(총액기준 및 1인당기준 모두), 특히 재산세 수준과 자치구세 수준에서(총액기준 및 1인당기준 모두)는 30%이상의 재정형평화 효과를 확인하였으나, 자주재원 수준(1인당기준)과 총재정규모 수준(총액기준과 1인당기준 모두)에서는 10%미만의 미미한 효과를 확인할 수 있다. 그러므로 서울시 재산세공동과세제도의 재정형평화 효과 정도를 간단히 판단하기에 무리가 있다. 기초자치단체인 자치구의 재정형평성 개선을 위해서는 첫째, 지방세 전체를 대상으로 종합적 관점에서 재정균등화를 위한 방안도 모색할 필요가 있다. 재산세를 포함하는 자치구세만을 가지고 재정형평화를 논하는 것은 본질적으로 그 한계가 있기 때문이다. 둘째, 재산세 공동과세제에 대한 논의가 기본적으로 서울시 자치구에 한정된 것이지만, 이를 다른 광역시에도 적용에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 셋째, 더 나아가 국세와 지방세간 그리고 광역과 기초단체간 세목조정도 필요하다. I have analysed on fiscal equity effects of the shared property taxation[SPT] in Seoul Special Metropolitan City during 2007~2017. In general, SPT has worked for fiscal equity improvement between 25 autonomous districts. However, there are some differences on them in detail. (1) Fiscal equity improvement effects are in next order : property tax level > districts tax level > autonomous budget level > total budget level (total amount and per capita in all). To be specific, fiscal equity improvement effects are over 30% in property tax level and districts tax level(total amount and per capita in all). However, in autonomous budget level and total budget level are under 10%(total amount) and in total budget level is under 10%(per capita). Therefore we should not simply insist that SPT has always worked for fiscal equity improvement. In these findings, I would like to suggest some fiscal equity improvement plans in all autonomous districts : (1) looking for new plans not only in property tax but also in all local tax system, (2) expanding the local tax reformation to all metropolitan autonomous districts and (3) expanding the all tax systems in local and national level.

      • KCI등재
      • 政策過程에서 市民參與 : 政策形成過程을 中心으로

        卜文洙 단국대학교 대학원 1985 學術論叢 Vol.9 No.-

        Policy process is able to be divided into policy formation, policy implementation, policy evaluation and policy termination. In each stage of the policy process, there will be various types of participation. Therefore it is essential that who is the decision-maker in the proposed policy Lately, the interested objective is gradually prone to the multiple decision-makers. In this thesis, I would observe the citizen participation in the policy formation phase and then look over the prospect of citizen participation in the future. 1. Firstly, the policy formation phase is divided into policy agenda determining and policy analysis. (a) In the policy agenda determining, I divided the citizen participation into symbolic participation (mobilization model), initiative participation(outside initiative model), transformed agenda determining model of Rogger W. Cobb, and then observed our situation with those models. (b) On the other hand, the policy analysis field was considered as an exclusive possession of the special analyst and never permitted the participation of any citizen. However, as the final influence of the policy may be given to the citizen, the citizen's opinion is very important. So the examination of the possibility of the citizen participation in the policy analysis(especially the cost-benefit analysis) is required. Now, the Delphi technique is a new policy analysing technique engagedin by the citizens' participation. 2. Also the citizen participation in the policy is not limitted only in the policy formation phase. It takes an important role even in the policy implementation and the policy evaluation as well as the policy termination. Therefore if the citizen's opinion in the policy formation phase is not accepted, the policy implementation phase may have more political character. 3. For the future participation : Main factors to influence the citizen participation are : (1) Personality (2) Institution (3) Environment(political and administrative culture) (a) Changes of personality are : (1) high enthusiasm for education (2) those who have no direct participation experience were given plenty of indirect chances by the democratic education (3) the enhanced need aiming at the democracy. Accordingly, the need for participation will be continuously expanded. (b) Institution : Our political system is pursuing democracy premising the various soieties, and the competitive tendency in the private sector will effect strongly to the political and administrative system. Moreover, if administrative procedure law is being prepared, the participation will be more positive. (c) Changes of political, administrative culture : It may speak for "Our citizens are neither those who are having 'no speaking' due to the blocked political phenomenon in 1970's, nor those who are having 'in flurry for what shall do' in 1960's. The citizens in 1980's are transfigured those who have 'sharp eyes, wild mouth, and acting hands and feet' for a changing political world than any other time." Though culture is a comparatively stabilized element, but we can not deny the fact being gradually transfigured as above mentioned. (d) Comparing with the aforementioned changing need (the expansion of expectation) for the citizen participation, if the authorized administration be still existed, the public administration will have more mistrust from the citizens. 4. In conclusion, I propose some suggestions for the active participation of the citizens : (a) Administrative officers should establish the positive posture for the citizen participation by givnig possible elimination to the authorized thought. (b) Administrative officers should create the atmosphere of cooperative social mind for their participation. (c) Administrative officers should have professional knowledge and techniques related to the participation. (d) They should prepare the administrative procedure for the participation. (e) Beyond symbolic utterance and listening, we must positively accept the citizens opinions and reflect them to the policy.

      • 한국 지방공기업의 유형과 설립절차 : 지방공사를 중심으로

        복문수 麗水大學校 産業基術硏究所 1999 産業基術硏究所 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        In these days after the local autonomy was introduced in Korea in 1995, each local government has been tried to establish the local public enterprises especially with the third sector corporation. The establishment processes of local public corporations in Korea are here: Firstly, in the planning phase. we have to check whether the planning activities are with the law or not. And local governor checks the future balance sheet and cost-benefit analysis, and makes the local regulation for the local enterprise. Secondly, in the preparation phase, local governor makes the company contract, appoints the company manager. And the endowment fund will be contributed by local government and private investors. Thirdly, in establishment phase, the company manager has to register its entity at the local court. The trend of establishing new local public enterprises will be last in Korea for a time being.

      • 地方公企業에 대한 新經營技法(TQM)適用

        崔吉洙,卜文洙 麗水大學校 産業基術硏究所 1999 産業基術硏究所 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        After local autonomy has reintroduced in Korea, citizens get the interest in the role of local public enterprises(LPEs) with regard to the public welfare of citizens. A local public enterprise is, by nature, regional, and has the characteristics of both a business and a public entity as the term implies. LPEs are run directly by local governments or separately from them as legal entities. Total Quality Management(TQM) is a innovation program originally developed by the private sector. By introducing TQM a lot of private companies have successfully reinvented themselves. TQM requires organization to understand the needs of both internal and external customers and to reflect such understanding in business processes so as to improve the quality of products, services, and the organization. TQM is almost unknown in the public sector in Korea, but its concepts and techniques are able to improve efficiency and productivity of local public enterprises as well.

      • 韓國 公企業政策의 變遷에 관한 硏究 : 政治ㆍ經濟的 要因 變化와 公企業政策

        卜文洙 여수대학교 1989 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        There are so many factors in effecting the context of policy, But it's generally said that political factors and economic factors pay an important role in policy making. On the assumption that political and economic factors are important variables in the policy making of Korean Public Enterprises, I'd like to analyze the changes of P.E. policies. 1st, I'd like to examine economic condition. So I have analyzed the shift of ① the economic goals, ② the economic and industrial structure, ③ the investment rate and the resources of investment, and ④ Per capita GNP. 2nd, I'd like to examine national autonomy, So, I have analyzed the transition of ① government stracture and role, ② the relationship between government and domestic private capitalist, and ③ the relationship between government and aboard capital. Consequently, I finded the constant economic growth (under developed→developing→NICS) and the transtion of national autonomy (strong→more strong→a litter strong). In these changes of political and economic factors, the context of policy in Korean P.E. was changed also : ① Nationalization policy, under the underdeveloped economic condition and the strong national autonomy (The 3rd Republic), ② Stick management and strong control policy, under the developing economic condition and the more strong national automony(The 4th Republic), ③ Less-regulation and privatization policy, under the NICS economic condition and a little strong national autonomy (The 5th Republic and afterward). In this tendency, We'll make an approprite manage policy : constant less-regulation and privatization.

      • 韓國公企業의 民營化를 위한 基準模索

        卜文洙 여수대학교 1988 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        Privatization is a worldwide phenomemon : in Developed Countries including Great Britain, France, West German, and in communist Countries including China, Cuba, Soviet Union, and in Latin America, and in Africa, and in the pacific. It is taking place in more than seventy countries around the world, a number that expands every year. Korean public enterprises set about privatizing in the latter half of 1960's. I believe that we will make public enterprises privatize continually from now on. So I suggest some proposals for more rational privatization policy; (1) Privatization, in developing countries as in the west, is essentially a political process, not an economic formula. So, we have to take some consideration for privatization of public enterprises. ① political and social factors besides economic factors. ② recognition change for more positively about privatizing policy : prosperity redistribution. ③ growth of stock market. ④ allowance of foreign capital. ⑤ capacity of industrial management. (2) We have so many sorts of public enterprises. It is impossible to privatize this public enterprises at once. (the reasons are pointed out as some considerations of privatization, above). So, we have to decide the priorities with some creteria for privatization. Public enterprises which ① increased the unbalanced finance, ② were established for more rapid national development, ③ were made little intervention by government, ④ are more susceptible to competition, ⑤ are large scale are able to be privatixed better than others. And they have priority for Privatization.

      • 公務員 權務成績評定의 問題點과 改善方案 : 警察公務員을 中心으로

        卜文洙 檀國大學校 地域硏究所 1986 地域硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        As a rule, Performance Evaluation has been made till now by general analyses and established the system, based on them, suitable for peculiarities of each field. But, there are so many problems in it. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to contribute to rationalization of the whole Performance Evaluation through a more narrow analysis to find out irrational elements in it and present useful measures. And this analysis chose the police official (differently evaluated from the general official) as the object on the actual state of Performance Evaluation. As a result, some findings are as follows: (1) the inactive use of the evaluation result. (2) the simplity of the evaluation chart. (3) the poverty of training among evaluator and director(second or third evaluator), and the impropriety between there own relative importance on the evaluation. (4) the problem of evaluation during the minimum term of service requisite for advancement. (5) the closed evaluation result. (6) the problems of Sub-Performance Evaluation system being practised are: (a) the fact that the result of Performance Evaluation is always "fixedly" judged by the sub-evaluation result (b) the social distance between the evaluator (especially the second or third evaluator) and the evaluated. (c) the discord of evaluation elements between the two system. (d) the limitations of the objectifying evaluation elements. Accordingly some suggestions to progressively manage the present Performance Evaluation are: (1) the active use of the evaluation result. (2) the rearranging of the evaluators and the evaluation points, and the practice of training them. (3) the efficient application of the open result. (4) above all, the abolition of sub-Performance Evaluation Systems-in order to incorporate with Performance Evaluation System. To conclude, by the unification of the two systems, the quantity of the evaluator's duty must be reduced; by the introduction of objective elements and the induction of proper evaluation method, the dissatisfaction of the evaluated must be abated; and through the effectual application of the selected evaluation elements according to the purpose of the use, the rationalization of Performance Evaluation must be achieved.

      • 統一獨逸의 官僚制變革에 관한 硏究 : 구 동독(GDR)지역을 중심으로

        복문수 여수대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        German's changes in bureaucratic function, organization and personnel recruitment after the regime transition are different from those of the other Eastern European countries. These differences come from German unification(in fact, the new five states in GDR joined the Federal Republic of Germany) as well as transition from communist central to democratic liberal system. After amalgamation, GDR had to accept West German's political-administrative function and personnel management. As Max Weber observed the bureaucratic apparatuses with administrative experience would keep working under new regime, in GDR were expelled many state functionaries by over-staffing(quantitative) factor and incompatible(qualitative) factor. And new elites were imported from West German. Even though Korea case is different from German case in many aspects, we can get some lessons from the German's experiences.

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