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      • KCI등재
      • 韓國 公企業政策의 變遷에 관한 硏究 : 政治ㆍ經濟的 要因 變化와 公企業政策

        卜文洙 여수대학교 1989 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        There are so many factors in effecting the context of policy, But it's generally said that political factors and economic factors pay an important role in policy making. On the assumption that political and economic factors are important variables in the policy making of Korean Public Enterprises, I'd like to analyze the changes of P.E. policies. 1st, I'd like to examine economic condition. So I have analyzed the shift of ① the economic goals, ② the economic and industrial structure, ③ the investment rate and the resources of investment, and ④ Per capita GNP. 2nd, I'd like to examine national autonomy, So, I have analyzed the transition of ① government stracture and role, ② the relationship between government and domestic private capitalist, and ③ the relationship between government and aboard capital. Consequently, I finded the constant economic growth (under developed→developing→NICS) and the transtion of national autonomy (strong→more strong→a litter strong). In these changes of political and economic factors, the context of policy in Korean P.E. was changed also : ① Nationalization policy, under the underdeveloped economic condition and the strong national autonomy (The 3rd Republic), ② Stick management and strong control policy, under the developing economic condition and the more strong national automony(The 4th Republic), ③ Less-regulation and privatization policy, under the NICS economic condition and a little strong national autonomy (The 5th Republic and afterward). In this tendency, We'll make an approprite manage policy : constant less-regulation and privatization.

      • 한국 지방공기업의 유형과 설립절차 : 지방공사를 중심으로

        복문수 麗水大學校 産業基術硏究所 1999 産業基術硏究所 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        In these days after the local autonomy was introduced in Korea in 1995, each local government has been tried to establish the local public enterprises especially with the third sector corporation. The establishment processes of local public corporations in Korea are here: Firstly, in the planning phase. we have to check whether the planning activities are with the law or not. And local governor checks the future balance sheet and cost-benefit analysis, and makes the local regulation for the local enterprise. Secondly, in the preparation phase, local governor makes the company contract, appoints the company manager. And the endowment fund will be contributed by local government and private investors. Thirdly, in establishment phase, the company manager has to register its entity at the local court. The trend of establishing new local public enterprises will be last in Korea for a time being.

      • 韓國公企業의 國民經濟的 地位

        卜文洙 여수대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        A modern administrative nation direceted toward a welfare state does not have her economic activities led by the "invisible hand", but widely and positiely interferes in them. The system of public enterprise is one of the typical governmental interferences in the private economy. The developing countries have strategically adopted it for the notional development. In this essay "a public enterprise" indicates a productive entity which is owned and/or controlled by public authority and whose output is marketed. The public enterprise of developing countries is established with the following causes; a) capital shortage in the private sector, b) upbringing of a strategic industry which has a vague prospect of making a profit in the near future, c) initiation of the development function, d) emloyment policy, f) transfer of property from the colonial sovereign, and g) ideology. Korean public enterprises havve such aspects in the national economy as stated below; 1. as in other developing countries, they cover a proportlon in the whole industry. 2. They, especially ones establshed after December 31, 1960, are reted high in the industrial relation analysis. In other words, they have been brought up as strategic industries for the economic development. 3. The value-added comparison shows that their ratios of A/B and A/C are being kept similar to those of India who claims to be a socialist state. (A, total value-added of public enterprises; B, total value-added of domestic product; C, total value-added of domestic excluding agriculture, forestry and fishery). In particular, most of value-added of public enterpises are converged upon social overhead capital and direct production activities. 4. They have invested far more than their own savings, which means they have mostly relied upon the foreign capital. 5. Although they did not directly affect the export increase, they have indirectly contributde to the improvement of international payment balance, because their investment was mostly made into the import substitute industry. 6. As most of them are in nature capital intensive industry, they are ineffective in creating new employments. This aspect, howeer, is not peculiar to Korean public enterprises, but common in every country. In conclusion, the public enterprise has played an important role in the national economy. But for the increase of its contribution to the national economic development, it should be managed democraticallz and effectively as follows; a) to establish menagerial directions of securing profitability through rationalization and specialization of the management, and b) to control the public enterprise appropriately by the thorough evaluation of its business performance and the reasonable execution of personnel and budget control.

      • KCI등재

        지방세 원칙에 입각한 지방세의 적합성 분석에 관한 연구 - 재산과세, 소득과세, 소비과세를 중심으로 -

        복문수 한국거버넌스학회 2014 한국거버넌스학회보 Vol.21 No.3

        There are several principles in local tax contrast with national tax. These are sufficiency, elasticity, stability, base on benefit, locality, generality, equal burden, conveniency, independence and so on. Though these are not permanent principles like iron law, we have tried to keep these principles for a long time. Especially, local property taxes have been considered to meet local tax principle compared to any other local taxes, and so the revenue of local property taxes have taken the most proportion in entire local tax revenue. And when government had introduced local consumer tax in 2010, there were so many controversies whether local consumer tax is suitable to local tax principles. In this study, I'd like to analysis local tax system about the suitability of local property taxes, local income taxes and local consumer taxes according to local tax principles. So. there are some findings: Local property taxes is excellent in sufficiency, base on benefit and locality principles, and good in equal burden principle. Local income taxes is excellent in elasticity, generality principles, and good in stability principle. Meanwhile, local consumer taxes is excellent in stability, base on benefit, equal burden principles, and good in sufficiency, elasticity, generality principles. In this regard, local consumer taxes are suitable to local tax principle rather than local property taxes are. According to local tax principle, I'd like to suggest that local consumer taxes and local income taxes (1) be preferred to local property taxes which take an overlarge part of local tax revenue and (2) be adopted in local tax system more and more. 지방세목은 국세와는 달리 몇 가지 특징적 원칙이 있다. 즉, 충분성, 탄력성, 안정성, 응익과세, 지역정착성, 지역간 보편성, 부담의 분임성, 세무행정의 용이성, 세제자주성 등등이 바로 그것이다. 이것은 영구불변의 원칙은 아니지만, 오랫동안 지방세목의 결정에 있어 충분한 고려의 기준으로 작용하여 왔다. 특히 재산과세는 위의 여러 가지 원칙에서 많은 부분 합치하다고 여겨져 왔으며, 이로 인하여 지방세 수입의 많은 부분이 재산과세 세목이 차지하고 있는 것이 오늘의 현실이다. 또한 최근 지방소비세의 도입과정에 있어 논란도 있었던 것이 소비과세의 지방세 원칙에의 적합성 문제이기도 하였다. 본 연구에서는 그동안 유지되고 변화된 지방세 체계를 재산과세·소득과세·소비과세로 분류한 후, 앞서 언급한 지방세 원칙에 충실한 것이 무엇인지 분석하였다. 이를 통해 재산과세 세목들이 충분성, 응익성 그리고 정착성에서 탁월하였고 분임성에서 우수하였으며, 소득과세 세목들은 탄력성과 보편성에 탁월하였고 안정성 및 정착성에서 우수하였다. 반면 소비과세 세목들은 안정성, 응익성, 분임성에서 탁월하였고 충분성, 탄력성 그리고 보편성에서 우수하였다. 종합하면 그동안 당연시한 지방세 원칙에 적합하다고 인식되어온 재산과세보다 소비과세가 오히려 지방세 원칙에 합치된다는 사실이다. 그러므로 지나치게 재산과세 중심의 지방세 체계에서 소비과세 및 소득과세를 강화하는 방향으로 전환할 필요가 있음을 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        담배소비세와 지방소비세의 비교분석- 신 세제 도입과 충분성․형평성 및 책임성의 비교 -

        복문수 한국거버넌스학회 2013 한국거버넌스학회보 Vol.20 No.3

        In recent years, the government has implemented the policies about reducing the tax revenueand expanding welfare services. These policies made local governments worse in localgovernment fiscal situation. The government has tried to reduce local government fiscal deficitsin various way of changing local tax system and introducing new local taxes: TobaccoConsumption Tax(TCT) in 1989 and Local Consumption Tax(LCT) in 2010. I have made acomparative analysis of these two local taxes on sufficiency, equity and responsibility aspects. With the analysis, I'd suggest some alternatives: 1) Increasing LCT sharing from 5% to 10% ofVAT on improving sufficiency and vertical equity, 2) raising TCT in the long term aspects onstable sufficiency, 3) increasing the portion of 'Do Provinces' in regional distribution rate of LCTwhich is now estimated to be 1:2:3(Near Seoul Districts: Metros outside Seoul: Do Provinces), and4) central and local governments making decisions for more local revenues in order to meetsocial-welfare services. 정부의 각종 감세정책으로 인한 지방세입악화와 함께 지방재정현실의 변화는 다양한방식으로 지방재정확충을 모색하게 되었다. 소비세적 성격의 담배소비세와 지방소비세역시 이런 측면이 고려된 새로운 세목의 도입으로 이에 대하여 충분성․형평성 그리고책임성 측면에서 종합적으로 비교 검토하고자 한다. 이를 통해 지방소비세 도입은 담배소비세에서 구현한 지방재정의 충분성 확보에 미흡하였고, 담배소비세는 수평적 형평성에역행하였으며, 세출책임성에서 서로 상반된 효과를 가져왔음을 확인하였다. 그러므로충분성을 확보하기 위해서 지방소비세 배분비율을 인상하여야 할 것을 제안하며, 지방재원의 안정적 확보란 측면에서 장기적 관점에서의 담배소비세액 인상을 제안한다. 책임성확보를 위해 담배소비세 및 지방소비세 세원규모확대가 필요하다고 판단된다. 아울러최근 중앙정부와 지방정부는 충분한 준비와 협력이 미흡한 상태에서 사회복지 프로그램들이 다양하게 도입되는 것은 지방재정의 부족과 압박을 더욱 심각해 질 것으로 예상된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        역대정부와 국회의 관계분석- 재정민주주의 관점에서 -

        복문수 한국거버넌스학회 2007 한국거버넌스학회보 Vol.14 No.3

        A nation is working under the check and balance between government and national assembly. I'd like to analyze the relationships between government and assembly over the regime with a view point of fiscal democracy. Especially, this study is focused on the alterations of fiscal democracy according to the institution and behavior changes. I find that fiscal democracy is strengthened over the regimes, especially in the government of Kim Dae-Jung and Roh Moo-Hyun. These are come from (1)the change of institutions as a result of reversions in Constitution of the Republic of Korea like a examination process of budget bill, and a status of Board of Audit and Inspection, (2)the change of laws as National Assembly Act, National Fiscal Management Act, and National Assembly Budget Office Act under the same Constitution, and (3)the change of National Assembly working behaviors in Standing Committees and Special Budget Settlement Committee. 1) 예산안의 편성단계 (1) ‘조세법률주의’는 박정희 정부이래 현재에 이르기까지 일관된 제도로 확립되어 재정민주주의의 기본입장이 견지되고 있다. (2) 노태우 정부에서 ‘중기재정계획’이 도입되었으나 강제성이 없었고, 노무현 정부에서 중기재정계획이 행정부의 의무사항으로 되었다. (3) 다만, ‘중기재정계획에 대한 국회의 관여수준’은 노무현 정부시 제정한 국가재정법에 의하면 ‘중기재정계획을 … 회계연도 개시 30일 전까지 국회에 제출하여야 한다.’고 하여 국회의 소극적 참여를 허용하는 수준에 불과하다. 2) 예산심의 단계(1) 제헌 이래로 예산이 법률이 아닌 ‘예산주의의 입장’을 견지하여 왔는바, 재정민주주의에 제고를 위해서는 법률주의로 변화가 필요하다. (2) 헌법에 보장된 ‘예산심의 기간’은 과거에는 회계연도 120일전까지 예산안을 제출토록 한 것을 박정희 정부기간인 1972년 헌법개정으로 회계연도 개시 90일 전까지로 되어 30일의 기간이 단축되었다. (3) 제헌 이래 계속되어 온 ‘상임위원회의 예비심사’는 전두환 정부 초기 3년(1980, 1981, 1982)동안 폐지되었다가 다시 원상회복된 바 있다. 한편, (4) 예산결산특별위원회의 “임시적” 특별위원회는 김대중 정부에서 1년 임기의 상설위원회로 되었으나, 재정민주주의을 확립이란 입장에서 상임위원회로 전환이 필요하다. (5) 한국거버넌스학회보 제14권 제3호 200786또한 (6) 역대 대통령 중 노태우 대통령과 노무현 대통령만이 ‘예산안제출 시정연설’을 직접 행하였는바, 이런 행태는 재정민주의 입장에서 확대되어야 한다. (8) 심의관련 행태를 보면, ① 김대중 정부에 이르러 ‘국회심의대상’에 기금을 포함시켰고, ② 상임위원회의 예비심사기간과 예결위의 심의기간은 최규하 정부 이래로 그 기간이 연장되었고, ③ 예산안의 변동비율도 미미하지만 전두환 정부 이래로 커졌다.3) 예산집행단계(1) 박정희 정부 이래로 예산불성립시 국회의 동의절차가 필요없는 준예산제를 운용하고 있으며, (2) 준예산의 범위도 그동안 구체적으로 ‘각 호 경비’로 한정하였던 것을 전두환 정부 이래로 비교적 포괄적인 ‘각 호 목적’으로 확대하였다. 또한 (3) 추가경정예산의 편성회수는 김영삼 정부에서 가장 낮았고(0.16회/년), 박정희 정부와 비교하면 노태우 정부, 김대중 정부, 노무현 정부에서도 비교적 낮은 수준으로 변화되었다. 국가재정법에 불가피한 경우를 제외하고는 추경을 편성할 수 없다고 하여 의회의 예산결정권에 힘을 부여하였다. (4) 추경액이 차지하는 비율도 김영삼 정부에서 가장 낮았으며, 전두환 정부와 노무현 정부에서 비교적 낮았으며, 최규하 정부와 노태우 정부는 10%를 상회하였다. (5) 명시이월비의 차지하는 비율은 박정희 정부 이래로 계속 낮아져서 노무현 정부에서는 0.09%에 이르렀다.4) 결산단계(1) 회계검사기능을 수행하는 감사원은 제헌 이래로 대통령소속으로 현재에 이르고 있다. 다만, 김영삼 정부 이래로 감사원의 예산독립성을 헌법에 명시하였다. (2) 결산심의기간이 지속적으로 신장되었으며, 또한 (3) 김대중 정부 이래로 국회가 감사결과에 대한 책임추궁이 법률적으로 뒷받침되었다.

      • 統一獨逸의 官僚制變革에 관한 硏究 : 구 동독(GDR)지역을 중심으로

        복문수 여수대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        German's changes in bureaucratic function, organization and personnel recruitment after the regime transition are different from those of the other Eastern European countries. These differences come from German unification(in fact, the new five states in GDR joined the Federal Republic of Germany) as well as transition from communist central to democratic liberal system. After amalgamation, GDR had to accept West German's political-administrative function and personnel management. As Max Weber observed the bureaucratic apparatuses with administrative experience would keep working under new regime, in GDR were expelled many state functionaries by over-staffing(quantitative) factor and incompatible(qualitative) factor. And new elites were imported from West German. Even though Korea case is different from German case in many aspects, we can get some lessons from the German's experiences.

      • 韓國公企業의 民營化를 위한 基準模索

        卜文洙 여수대학교 1988 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        Privatization is a worldwide phenomemon : in Developed Countries including Great Britain, France, West German, and in communist Countries including China, Cuba, Soviet Union, and in Latin America, and in Africa, and in the pacific. It is taking place in more than seventy countries around the world, a number that expands every year. Korean public enterprises set about privatizing in the latter half of 1960's. I believe that we will make public enterprises privatize continually from now on. So I suggest some proposals for more rational privatization policy; (1) Privatization, in developing countries as in the west, is essentially a political process, not an economic formula. So, we have to take some consideration for privatization of public enterprises. ① political and social factors besides economic factors. ② recognition change for more positively about privatizing policy : prosperity redistribution. ③ growth of stock market. ④ allowance of foreign capital. ⑤ capacity of industrial management. (2) We have so many sorts of public enterprises. It is impossible to privatize this public enterprises at once. (the reasons are pointed out as some considerations of privatization, above). So, we have to decide the priorities with some creteria for privatization. Public enterprises which ① increased the unbalanced finance, ② were established for more rapid national development, ③ were made little intervention by government, ④ are more susceptible to competition, ⑤ are large scale are able to be privatixed better than others. And they have priority for Privatization.

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