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        식민의 경험과 일상의 근대성: 『율리시즈』의 「세이렌」 에피소드 다시 읽기

        변재길 현대영미어문학회 2001 현대영미어문학 Vol.19 No.1

        "Sirens"episode, the eleventh episode of Ulysses, was written in early 1919 by James Joyce, the exiled Irish writer, when the guerrilla warfare was on the verge of erupting in Dublin, one of colonial metroplitan cities in Europe, for the independence from the British authorities. Reading Ulysses as a bourgeois modern novel grounds on its ′foregrounding′modern metropolitan popuar culture and everyday experience on every page of the text. "Sirens"episode, other than any episode does in Ulysses, implicates some historically specific sense of modern popular culture through the looking glass of sensitive narrative eyes around colonial Dublin. This implication allows readers to make some spproaches to the Irish social relations, romantic nationalist passion, gender construction and its differences, and inter-relationship between colonial subjectivity and commodity culture behind Joyce′s elaborate presentation of Dublin′s everyday life in early 1919. In this sense, this artcle shows what Joyce wants to say dealing with cultural artifacts generated by modern popular culture in colonial Dublin.

      • KCI등재

        "Our Wholemole millwheeling vicociclometer"(FW 614.27) : 제임스 조이스 소설의 서술 스타일과 상호텍스트성 Joycean intertextual narrative styles

        변재길 한국영어영문학회 경남지부 1994 현대영미어문학 Vol.11 No.-

        This essay comparatively studies the ways of Joycean narrative styles, including narrative irony & cyclic parody, in Joycean fictions, A Portrait of the artist as a Young Man, Ulysses, & Finnegans Wakd, in which narrative indeterminacy decenters subjects for the absence of textual meaning oscillating through the cyclic Joycean texts. This article also shows that multileveled narrative techniques & themes metacritically evolving from the earlier text Finnegans Wake develop Joycean intertextual narrative styles such as Viconian (cyclic) parody with the indeterminate perspectives & narration intermixed. Thus writing the text means inevitably the interpolation process beyond the text itself, in which readers must play active roles in searching for the intertextual/disseminated meaning in the text.

      • KCI등재

        상상된 공동체와 민족 알레고리 : 「프로테우스」에피소드를 중심으로

        변재길 한국현대영어영문학회 2000 현대영어영문학 Vol.44 No.2

        This essay reads James Joyce's Ulysses , not merely an aesthetic Modernist text, but as a product of the colonial metropolitan culture, exclusively dealing with "Proteus" episode with the issues of imagined community and national allegory based on the theoretical generalizations of both Benedict Anderson and Frederic Jameson with the concept of Foucaultian heterotopia. My critical reading also problematizes the allusions behind the highly elaborate technique of the stream of consciousness in the episode through the lens of Irish colonial commodity culture. Thus, this approach can help understand how Stephen's self-conscious meditation or self alienation, both as a Modernist hero and a colonial intellectual reflected in the text, intermingles with the anti-colonial attitude against the metropolitan commodity culture towards the new imagined (national) Irish community.

      • KCI등재

        『율리시즈』: 차이와 모호성의 탈식민 텍스트

        변재길 현대영미어문학회 1999 현대영미어문학 Vol.16 No.2

        My own reading of difference & ambivalence in Ulysses studies race & colonialism in the metropolitan cultural space, arguing that Joyce wrote his work incessantly from the perspective of a colonial subject of an oppressive empire. Joyce represents race & colonialism in its relationship to imperialism, constituting a significant political commentary on imperial ideologies as well as on colonial discourses in Ireland. Exploring postcolonial theory, minority discourse, & cultural studies, & intertwining cross-cultural perspective on racial & cultural liminality, this essay extends a suggestive representation of cultural study on Joyce's Ulysses.

      • KCI등재

        치마만다 아디치에의 『태양은 노랗게 타오른다』에 나타난 사회 역사적 맥락과 주제

        변재길 현대영미어문학회 2018 현대영미어문학 Vol.36 No.4

        This essay looks at Chimamanda Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun in the context of Nigerian politics, history and culture which she centers around the Nigerian Independence and the Civil War period whilst exploring all the deep parts of the human experience, different aspects of social conflicts, injustice and war-torn tragedies caused by colonialism and Nigerian politics. Focusing on the issues of love and betrayal, social justice, reconciliation and forgiveness through the historical narrative of the Nigerian political dimension, this essay not only discusses the way in which Adichie’s historical narrative details the traumatic story from the viewpoints of Biafran people, but it also discusses the way in which Adichie foregrounds the Biafran war with diverse political, social and historical issues, including the preceding massacre in relationship to historical trauma, through the uniqueness of genre characteristics and characterization as well as through socio-historical narrative techniques. .

      • KCI등재

        1990년대 셰익스피어 영화 수용 연구

        변재길 현대영미어문학회 2012 현대영미어문학 Vol.30 No.1

        The exhibition of film adaptations of English literature has been one of the most significant cinema trends in Korea. This essay is to map how literary adaptations, and especially Shakespeare films, have established a particular cultural presence in Korea. My investigation of the historical reception of Shakespeare films, particularly during the 1990s, deals with both the industrial and commercial contexts in which they have circulated, but also the ways in which they have impacted upon Korean culture in the process of reception. I focus on key aspects of the critical reception of Shakespeare films in the Korean press and by the specialist audience of Korean scholars and academics, noting the impact of debates about such literary adaptations on academic developments in Korean universities. My research into academic negotiations between film and literature looks at the key issues and themes identified by those who have considered film as pertinent to academic discourse, adopting a variety of critical perspectives and contributing to academic debates about the diversity of cultural representation. In this vein, this essay maps how Shakespeare films have become a significant cultural development in the Korean context.

      • KCI등재

        상품 페티시즘과 하위계층 여성의 탈식민화 : "Circe"

        변재길 현대영미어문학회 1998 현대영미어문학 Vol.16 No.1

        This article shows the colonial ambivalence in metropolitan Dublin as the liminal space between European self and colonial marginal other, focusing such ambivalence and liminality are represented through the subaltern women and their commodity fetishism in the metropolitan consumer culture. In this context, my essay deals with the commodity fetishism and decolonization of the subaltern women in the (post)colonial metropolitan commodity culture in "Circe," the fifteenth episode of Ulysses, explicating how Joyce views racial and sexual differences in the context of colonial metropolitan Dublin.

      • KCI등재후보

        “머피의 그림엽서” : 「에우마이오스」 에피소드에 나타난 인종담론

        변재길(Pyeon Jay-Gill) 신영어영문학회 2002 신영어영문학 Vol.22 No.-

        Based on cultural studies including nationalism, race and racism, and commodity culture, this essay analyses how metropolitan cultural discourses (including cultural nationalism) permeates through colonial commodity culture, how racism or racial discourse interacts with it in colonial Dublin, and how James Joyce, a migrant metropolitan writer, sees through it, mainly focusing on Murphy’s Indian postcard, one of the racialized commodities in “Eumaeus” episode of James Joyce’s Ulysses. This article provides an account of the way Joyce’s project goes on to construct a postcolonial contra-modernity ultimately overcoming the Irish ambivalence caused by being a colonial subject of Ireland as well as a colonial consumer of metropolitan commodities. This essay, therefore, exclusively deals with racialized images in the commodity culture continually intersecting, modifying, and qualifying in allusive context in the episode for a scrupulous reading of everyday life in colonial Dublin.

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