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      • KCI등재후보

        벨로우의 소설에 나타난 아버지의 이미지

        변문균 한국현대영어영문학회 2003 현대영어영문학 Vol.47 No.1

        The family is at the heart of Bellow's fiction. Perhaps family closeness has always been important in Jewish literature and the close relationship of father and son is evident in the lives of Jews. But in American literature the relationship between father and son was not so good. In Bellow's novels there are four types of relationships between father and son. First, the fathers are not appearing apparently and their role is weak. Dangling Man, Mr. Sammler's Planet, and Dean's December are the examples of the type. Second, the father has no affection for his son and he will not give the help for his son. The Victim and the Seize the Day are the case. In Seize the Day, the father-son relationship is broken down manifestly and Dr. Adler is very selfish old ma. Third, the fathers are absent in the novels and the pseudo-father are present. In Dangling Man, Amos is the pseudo-father of Joseph and in Herzog, Herzog's elder brother Will, and in The Victim, the hero Leventhal himself is the pseudo-father of his brother Max. In The Adventures of Augie March, Einhorn is the man who has the father image. Fourth, the father-son relationship is broken down but the son still loves his warm-hearted father. In Henderson the Rain King, Henderson remembers his father as a man who loved him deeply. This kind of relationship is same as in Herzog, Humboldt's Gift and More Die of Heartbreak, too. In Bellow's novels the sons always wanted to be loved by their fathers. But they couldn't. Even though they want to be a good father but they couldn't do that, too. Their fathers were mostly too strict fathers and they don't want to be like that kind of fathers. They still had much love in their children but their expression was not proper. Most of the Bellow's heroes had to be an authoritative-reciprocal father. But they couldn't be that kind of fathers. Maybe they couldn't see the proper model of their fathers. So couldn't be the good father, too.

      • KCI등재

        『시스터 캐리』와 「감자」의 비교 연구

        변문균 현대영미어문학회 2021 현대영미어문학 Vol.39 No.4

        Theodore Dreiser is considered one of America’s greatest naturalists. In Korea, Kim, Dong-In caused controversy about whether or not he was a naturalist, but he was a naturalist in his representative work, “Gamja (Potato).” These two writers have similarities in many ways, even though they never met nor knew each other in their life times. They had the common connection that they had been influenced by Honoré de Balzac, the French naturalist. Dreiser’s novel Sister Carrie (1900) and Kim, Dong-In’s short story “Gamja” (1925) have similarities. First, Sister Carrie and “Gamja” have similar plots and the relationships of Carrie-Drouet-Hurstwood are the same as the relationships of Boknyeo-Husband-Wangseobang. However, these relationships in the two works have some differences, too. Second, the main characters are indulged in a materialistic view of life and have a corrupted sexual morality. Third, immoral characters appear in these two works frequently. In conclusion, they both have immortal naturalistic works like Sister Carrie and “Gamja”. .

      • KCI등재

        이상과 솔 벨로우 비교 연구 - 「날개」와 『허공에 매달린 사나이』를 중심으로

        변문균 한국비교문학회 2010 比較文學 Vol.0 No.51

        In my view, there is no comparative studies of Lee Sang, a Korean novelist and Saul Bellow, an American novelist in Korea. That's because it's not easy to find something in common between two writers. Lee Sang was born in 1910 and Saul Bellow was born in 1915. They lived their own lives and they didn't know each other. But my special interest is Saul Bellow and Lee Sang has many common characteristics. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the same characteristics between Lee Sang and Saul Bellow. In exploring the question of same characters, this paper limited to consideration of “Nalgae” and Dangling Man. Lee Sang bears a curious likeness to Saul Bellow. Bellow and Lee Sang are externally and internally analogous to each other. Their similarities are divided into biological similarities and the similarities in plot. In biological aspect, they altogether lived very hard times in early lives and were financially embarrassed afterwards. They both were influenced by Fyodor M. Dostoevsky. It was the one main cause of their similarities. Their marriage lives were not happy and they had no good relationship with their wives. This was the result of the fact that they grew up without 'desirable father image.'In Dangling Man and “Nalgae”, these stories are told by the first person narrator 'Joseph' and 'Na(=I).' There are no specific plots or accidents in these two stories. The main characters are doing nothing and just killing times. They couldn't put away their childish acts like playing with matches and shoe polishing. Joseph and Na cannot make any change in their lives. These facts are the result of their isolation from the family and society. They both have identity problems, too. Joseph was a Canadian who wants to join the American Army. Lee Sang was a Korean who lived under the Japanese imperialism. They both are intellectuals and very speculative persons. They all suffer from environments. They also are men of no abilities in the matter of money. Above all their endings are very similar. The main characters admit their own lots and satisfied with their present situations.

      • KCI등재

        「1984」에 나타난 조지 오웰의 혜안

        변문균(Mungyun Byeon) 한국영미어문학회 2012 영미어문학 Vol.- No.103

        Everyone knows and hears the name of 'Big Brother'. This popular name is from the Orwell's masterpiece 1984. In this novel, we can easily understand the situations of Oceania (or England). Individual life is demolished and the family ties are destroyed. History and documents are corrected according to the present situation. The meaning of language is changing and the numbers of the words are diminishing day after day. People of Oceania are rarely thinking about their situations. Their thinking abilities are diminishing, too. People do not have a clear sense of morality. And they seem to be losing their humanity slowly. These kinds of situations are happening in China, Korea and other countries nowadays. So we can think very highly of George Orwell's insight. Orwell intended 1984 as a warning. He was frightened of the advent of totalitarianism and the surveillance society. He saw totalitarianism as bringing history to a standstill and Big Brother was invincible. He worried about the system being common in the future. The totalitarian countries and surveillance societies are around us, NOW. We can prove this with the many examples all over the world. Big Brother knows the utmost detail of everything that you did or said; but the inner heart remained undetectable. We can say that out loud 'We don't want to be watched by any other human being.' It's better to be free rather than controlled by somebody. And nothing is impossible once we set out firm resolution.

      • KCI등재

        이상과 솔 벨로우 비교 연구 -「날개」와 『허공에 매달린 사나이』를 중심으로

        변문균 ( Mun Gyun Byeon ) 한국비교문학회 2010 比較文學 Vol.51 No.-

        In my view, there is no comparative studies of Lee Sang, a Korean novelist and Saul Bellow, an American novelist in Korea. That`s because it`s not easy to find something in common between two writers. Lee Sang was born in 1910 and Saul Bellow was born in 1915. They lived their own lives and they didn`t know each other. But my special interest is Saul Bellow and Lee Sang has many common characteristics. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the same characteristics between Lee Sang and Saul Bellow. In exploring the question of same characters, this paper limited to consideration of "Nalgae" and Dangling Man. Lee Sang bears a curious likeness to Saul Bellow. Bellow and Lee Sang are externally and internally analogous to each other. Their similarities are divided into biological similarities and the similarities in plot. In biological aspect, they altogether lived very hard times in early lives and were financially embarrassed afterwards. They both were influenced by Fyodor M. Dostoevsky. It was the one main cause of their similarities. Their marriage lives were not happy and they had no good relationship with their wives. This was the result of the fact that they grew up without `desirable father image.` In Dangling Man and "Nalgae", these stories are told by the first person narrator `Joseph` and `Na(=I).` There are no specific plots or accidents in these two stories. The main characters are doing nothing and just killing times. They couldn`t put away their childish acts like playing with matches and shoe polishing. Joseph and Na cannot make any change in their lives. These facts are the result of their isolation from the family and society. They both have identity problems, too. Joseph was a Canadian who wants to join the American Army. Lee Sang was a Korean who lived under the Japanese imperialism. They both are intellectuals and very speculative persons. They all suffer from environments. They also are men of no abilities in the matter of money. Above all their endings are very similar. The main characters admit their own lots and satisfied with their present situations.

      • KCI등재후보

        솔 벨로우의 단편소설 연구: 「아빠가 되기」와 「은식기」를 중심으로

        변문균(Mungyun Byeon) 한국영미어문학회 2004 영미어문학 Vol.- No.71

        Saul Bellow is the author of eleven novels and numerous novellas and stories. Although he began his career with the small-scale works, he is best known for substantial novels like The Adventures of Augie March, Herzog and Humboldt's Gift. But we should not forget that he contributed excellent short stories to many periodicals and they were reprinted in three collections, Mosby's Memoirs and Other Stories(l968J, Him with His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories(1004), and Collected Stories(200l). His short stories have received relatively little critical attention when compared with that given to the novels. In many of Bellow's works, it is evident that his novels have a close relationship with the short stories. In "A Father-to-Be," Rogin disliked the man he met in the subway. The man resembled his fiancee, Joan, and her father in appearances. And the man looked like a snob and had a nasty face, too. Rogin considered him as his future son. When Woody and the man got off at the same station, the man, without even looking at Rogin, went away in a different direction. In this story, the father-son relationship is not good at all like the other novels. Woody disliked the (future) son who met in the subway. This kind of relationship can be seen in The Victim and Seize the Day. "A Silver Dish" dramatizes the struggle between the world of distraction and the inner world, the struggle between father and son, the struggle with the problem of death. In this story, the father-son relationship is broken down but the son(Woody) still loves the father(Morris} as a man who loved him so much. This kind of relationship is very typical in Bellow's novels. And in other aspect, we can see Woody as Morris's substitute-father. When Morris was dying, Morris and Woody recovered their relationship. This kind of father-son relationship can be seen in Henderson the Rain King, Herzog, Humboldt's Gift and More Die q Heartbreak. In "A Silver Dish, n Morris deserted his wife and children when Woody was 14. But Woody did his best to support all his family. Woody left his wife but never gave up his responsibility as a caretaker for his family. Rogin in "A Father-to-Be" did his best to support his family. So Woody and Rogin can be more good-hearted men than their selfish fathers.

      • KCI등재

        김병철의 헤밍웨이소설 번역작업의 자구 해석적 등가성의 한계

        이봉환,변문균 현대영미어문학회 2015 현대영미어문학 Vol.33 No.3

        This paper deals with two directions, which are the necessity of new translative strategies and introspection regarding the literally interpreting-equivalence principle and short culturological awareness inherent in Byungchul Kim’s translative works on Hemingway’s major novels. His chief achievements are like these: first, he was a prominent professor of American literature especially in Hemingway. He translated numerous Hemingway’s works into Korean language based on incomplete equivalence principle. Although his abundant works might be the result translated literally lacking in linguistic and culturological awareness, he is the incipient translator who concentrated on Hemingway's novels from 1950's to 1990's. Second, he researched the introduction of western literature into Korea with devoted endeavors for approximately 30 years. By the middle of 1950's after liberation and war, Korean government realized the urgency of introduction of American and English literature to strengthen the capitalistic culture. Under government's financial support and supervision for the systematic translative plan of American literature, many professors translated famous originals based on the weak equivalence theory. Some of them could not avoid in errors and plagiarism in their translative works without linguistic and culturological backgrounds. Such fundamental and serious problems in the translative process have not been disconnected until 2015.

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