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        연구논문 : 조선후기 경상도 수로(水路),해로(海路)의 교통망 발달과 오광대(五廣大) 문화

        변광석 ( Kwang Seok Byun ) 호남사학회(구 전남사학회) 2015 역사학연구 Vol.59 No.-

        본고는 조선후기 교통망과 상품유통의 발달 과정에서, 漕倉과 場市를 무대로 연희되는 五廣大 문화가 유행하게 된 사회경제적 배경을 찾아보는 것이 그 목적이다. 교통망 중에서 沿江路와 海路는 稅穀과 地代 및 다양한 상품 등을 운반하는 주요한 航路였다. 수로와 해로는 근거리 및 원격지 수송 운반을 위한 거점으로서 포구가 있었다. 이러한 포구 중에서 도호부나 군영 등 행정적ㆍ군사적으로 큰 도시에는 세곡의 수집과 운송의 거점인 漕倉을 끼고 있었다. 여기에는 관할 지역민이 동원되어 집하와 운송에 종사했고 이른바 사람과 물화의 교통의 거점이자 매개지점이 되었다. 경상도에서는 낙동강을 중심으로 밀양강과 남강을 연결하는 루트와 연안 해로를 통한 루트가 발달하였다. 특히 18-19세기에 경상도 지역에서 세곡운반선과 상선으로 붐비던 浦口나 津으로서 김해 칠성포와 불암진, 밀양 삼랑진과 수산진, 창원 마산포, 진주 병영과 가산진, 통제영과 통영창 등이었다. 여기에 물화유통을 위한 조창이 발달하였다. 이와 같은 교통의 요지인 포구나 진을 중심으로 오광대 연희가 이루어지고 또 그것이 전파되어 갔다. 경상도에서의 연희는 합천 율지의 대광대(竹廣大)에서 비롯되었다고 대체로 보고 있다. 당시 율지장은 낙동강변에서 개시되는 포구장시로서 어염을 실은 장사배가 들어와서 내륙의 물화와 교역되던 곳이었다. 이러한 기반 위에서 경남 내륙과 해안에 전파되어 주요한 연희문화를 이룬 게 진주 가산창의 오광대, 창원과 마산 조창의 오광대, 고성과 통영창의 오광대, 가락 해창의 오광대 등이었다. 오광대의 연희는 장시나 포구에서 활동하는 상인층이나 조창업무를 관장하는 이속들에 의해 대개 주재되었다. 결국 경상도 남부 연안과 낙동강 유역을 중심으로 한 민중의 애환을 담은 오광대 문화는 민중문화ㆍ민속문화의 지역성을 담보하면서 발달해 나갔다. This article aims to examine the socio-economic background for the spread of the Ogwangdae(五廣大; Mask Dance) culture existed around tribute granaries(漕倉) and regional markets(市場) in the process of development in transportation networks and goods distribution in the later Joseon Dynasty. Among a variety of transportation networks, waterways and seaways were major shipping routes carrying grains paid as a tax and various commodities. Harbors(浦口), served as a base for short and long distance transportation, were located on the riverside and the seaside. Harbours which situated at big cities that had administrative and military importance were connected with tribute granaries, the starting point for collection and transportation of the grains. Tribute granaries entrusted local people with collection and transportation of the grains, thereby becoming the core and intermediate position for the traffic of people and goods. In Gyeongsang-Province(慶尙道), the route connecting the Miryang-river (密陽江) and the Nam-river(南江), with the Nakdong-river(洛東江) as a center, was developed together with another route using costal seaways. In the 18th and 19th century, harbors and ferries(津) which were crowded with grain carriers and merchant ships in Gyeongsang-Province were as follows: the harbor of Chilseong in Gimhae(金해 七星浦), the Samrang ferry of Miryang(密陽 三浪津), the harbor of Masan in Changwon(昌原 馬山浦), the Gasan ferry of Jinju(晉州 駕山津), Goseong(固城), and Tongyeong(統營). In general, This article aims to examine the socio-economic background for the spread of the Ogwangdae(五廣大; Mask Dance) culture existed around tribute granaries(漕倉) and regional markets(市場) in the process of development in transportation networks and goods distribution in the later Joseon Dynasty. Among a variety of transportation networks, waterways and seaways were major shipping routes carrying grains paid as a tax and various commodities. Harbors(浦口), served as a base for short and long distance transportation, were located on the riverside and the seaside. Harbours which situated at big cities that had administrative and military importance were connected with tribute granaries, the starting point for collection and transportation of the grains. Tribute granaries entrusted local people with collection and transportation of the grains, thereby becoming the core and intermediate position for the traffic of people and goods. In Gyeongsang-Province(慶尙道), the route connecting the Miryang-river (密陽江) and the Nam-river(南江), with the Nakdong-river(洛東江) as a center, was developed together with another route using costal seaways. In the 18th and 19th century, harbors and ferries(津) which were crowded with grain carriers and merchant ships in Gyeongsang-Province were as follows: the harbor of Chilseong in Gimhae(金해 七星浦), the Samrang ferry of Miryang(密陽 三浪津), the harbor of Masan in Changwon(昌原 馬山浦), the Gasan ferry of Jinju(晉州 駕山津), Goseong(固城), and Tongyeong(統營). In general,

      • KCI등재

        18·19세기 경상도 남부지역의 상품유통구조

        卞光錫 ( Byun Kwang Seok ) 부경역사연구소 1999 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.5

        The developments of communicative networks that connected the rural markets with the boat landing(浦口) in river and sea led to the active commercial circulations between the interiors of Kyungsang-do(慶尙道) regions and inter-regions in the late Chosun Dynasty. Kyungsang-do was one of the provinces that held the most number of fairs. From the 18th century to the late 19th century the markets rising as the centre markets of villages, the production and circulation markets of small merchants were established by systematization of five-day markets. Thus, the big market areas among five-day markets in Kun-Hyun(郡縣)-Changwon, Chinju, Ulsan, Tongnae, Hadong, and so on-formed the cycling areas and functioned as the center markets, nearby areas serving as marginal markets. As a result, the close circulating relationship was established. That is, the circulating combinations of inner regions and inter-regions generated from the intensions of connecting relations in each market led to the formations of the wide circulating areas. Within that circulating areas, the long distance merchants as well as small ones in regions participated, developing the monopolistic commerces. The relations between commerce activities and the waterway and seaway were very close. By the organic connections of the inland boat landings in Nakdong-river and the southern coastal boat landings the major boat landings in Nakdong-river like Masuwonjin(馬首院津) in Changnyong-Euryoung, Pakjin(朴津) in Kigang(岐江), or the major boat landings in the coast like Tongnaepusanpo, Changwonmasanpo, Cliinjusamchonpo-Kasanpo, Hadongpo etc, formed the close circulating networks. For example, Samrangjin was the important spot of ships and commerce circulations, and the collecting center connected with many counties in northeast regions; as for Pusanpo as much as 50% of the commodities gathered there circulated by way of water transport of Nakdong-river. Masanpo in Changwon as the big boat landing in Keongsangdo was the gathering spot of commodities along with the inner boat landing in neighboring Chinhae. As the circulating commodities treated by sailing merchants increased, the growths of the owners of ships and of boat landings became remarkable in the course of gathering and trading of commodities. The owners of boat landings acted mainly in collusion with authorities when they made the rights of owner at the beginning. Or, sometimes they depended on the powerful groups to maintain the previleges as the rights of owner. Particularly in the early 19th century, the profits of the owners of boat landings at Masanpo in Changwon and Kasanpo in Chinju amounted to the thousands or ten thousands of Nyang(兩) with immense gathering of grains and commodities and concentrations of the sailing merchants. After the opening port, the rights of owner were specialized according to each commodities, for the commodities were diversified and the professional Kaegju(客主) emerged who treated the specific commodities. The typical case of it was the grian Kaegju in Chinju or Tongyoung. They dominated over the sailing merchants and the peddler in the markets and boat landings by developments of monopolistic commerces. In the later 19th, as for owners of boat landings or Kaegju the possibility of accumulations of trading capitals was extended in the boat landings of nearby towns and opening ports.

      • KCI등재

        임진왜란 직후 기장지역의 상황과 被虜人 沙器匠

        변광석(Byun Kwang-Seok) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2009 한국민족문화 Vol.33 No.-

        기장은 인근 동래ㆍ김해ㆍ양산과 함께 일본군의 초기 진격로였다. 전쟁이 지속되면서 일본군은 동남해안에 왜성을 축조하여 후방기지로 삼고, 병력과 물자의 공급기지로 활용하였다. 그 중 기장현에는 죽성 왜성과 임랑포 왜성이 있었는데, 다른 주요 왜성근거지와 마찬가지로 이곳에서도 많은 민간인과 각종 기술자들을 납치해 나가는 창구역할을 하였다. 최근 조사에 의하면 기장에서 조사한 가마터(도요지) 중에서 70%가 장안(長安)에 분포하고 있었다. 시기는 15세기 초~19세기에 걸쳐 고루 분포하고 있다. 특히 도자기의 제조시설과 파편의 유약이나 무늬는 다른 지역과는 구분되는 특징이 있다. 전쟁으로 인해 납치되어간 수많은 피로인 가운데 사기장ㆍ야장들도 있었다. 그 중에 사기장들은 일본에 연행되어 가서 주로 큐슈지역 정착지에서 평생 도자기를 만들며 살아갔다. 당시 이삼평을 비롯한 극소수를 제외하고 납치된 사기장들의 대다수는 이름을 알 수 없다. 다만 전쟁 때 납치를 주도했던 주요 번주의 가문서(家文書)에서는 도자기를 굽도록 피로인을 정착시켰다는 단편적인 기록만 있을 정도이다. 즉 피로인들을 자신들의 고향에 강제 이주시켜 사역노동이나 도자기업을 영위하게 했던 사실만 기록한 것이다. 피로인 사기장 중에서 경상도 출신지역으로는 부산, 김해, 사천 등이 주로 많았던 것으로 볼 수 있다. 하지만 기장과 양산 일원에서도 납치되어간 피로인들이 있었다. 임란 당시 끌려갔던 많은 피로인 중에서 기장왜성을 축조한 구로다(黑田) 장수에 의해 납치되었던 핫산(八山)이라는 사람은 기장 출신 인물로 볼 수 있다. 그는 일본 후쿠오카에서 다카도리 가마(高取燒)를 창시하였다. 그런가 하면 아가노 도자기(上野燒)의 대표 사기장이었던 손카이(尊楷)라는 사람도 추론이 가능할 수 있겠다. 그렇지만 정확한 성명과 그들의 출신지를 알 수 없는 피로인 사기장들이 부지기수였다. Gijang(機張) was a route of attack along with neighboring Dongnae, Gimhae and Yangsan. Japanese army constructed castles on the southeast seashore and used them as rear bases for the supply of military force and goods. Jukseong's Japanese castle and Imrangpo's Japanese castle in Gijang functioned as passages for abducting the technicians and civilians including masters of ceramics and exploiting goods. Seventy percent of kiln sites investigated in Gijang was located on Jangan(長安) from the early 15th to 19th century. The manufacturing facilities of ceramics and the glaze and patterns of fragments differ from those of other regions. There were many masters of ceramics and blacksmiths among civilian prisoners. The masters of ceramics were pulled along to Japan. Few names of them are known. But a small minority was recorded in documents of lord's families that led the Japanese invasion. There is recorded the process of masters manufacturing ceramics after being pulled along to the home of lord's family. A certain Hatsan(八山) abducted by Kuroda(黑田), a Japanese general was considered to be from Gijang. He founded Takatori kiln(高取燒). Sonkai(尊楷), a master of ceramics can be presumed to be from Gijang. However, we can not know where most of masters of ceramics came from.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선시대 개성 출신인의 지역 인식

        변광석(Byun, Kwang-Seok) 효원사학회 2013 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.43

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the locality of Gaesung(開城) in the Joseon(朝鮮) dynasty period. The tangible cultural asset and intangible memory of old capital disappeared after the fall of Goryeo(高麗) dynasty period. At that time intellectuals and merchants in Gaesung tried to reveal them. Therethrough the personal representation came into the picture from the scene of loyal subject, scholar, good writer, master calligrapher and commerce. From Joseon dynasty period to the present, during six hundred years, the cultural and economic localities(identity, placeness) of Gaesung have become highly strong. Then the intellectuals and merchants in Gaesung who invigorated these things had much pride in their being Gaesung people. Finally their desire for memorizing Gaesung was possessive local-characteristic, and it was much more stronger than that of any other region.

      • KCI등재

        도시 동족마을의 실태와 산업화시기 마을개발사업

        변광석 ( Byun Kwang-seok ) 호남사학회(구 전남사학회) 2017 역사학연구 Vol.65 No.-

        마을은 구조적 질서와 생활양식이 내포되어 있다. 특히 동족마을은 정착이후 그 구성원들이 장기간의 거주와 면면한 전통으로 형성된 공동체적 문화와 삶의 방식이 강하게 내재되어 있는 공간이다. 그렇지만 산업화 이후 우리 사회의 급격한 변동과 주거공간의 변화 속에서 동족마을이 많이 사라지는 추세라서, 농촌과 달리 도심 속의 동족마을의 사례를 연구하는 것은 쉽지 않은 실정이다. 본 연구는 부산광역시 금정구 남산동 신암마을에서 3백 년 동안 내려온 恩津 宋氏 문중을 대상으로 한 마을연구이다. 연구의 내용은 마을주민과 문중의 활동을 통하여 동족마을이 지녀온 지역성과 정체성(로컬리티, 아이덴티티)의 변화과정에 관한 것이다. 동족마을의 시작은 입향조가 재송리에서 남산리 서검(書劍)뜸으로 이주하면서였다. 은진송씨 남산문중의 제반 사무와 종회의 운영을 위한 구심점은 종회 사무소에서 이루어졌다. 문중의 일은 선조에 대한 의례와 같은 상향적 부분(묘사, 시사 등), 문중 친족 간의 관계에 대한 수평적 부분(종친회, 문중계 등), 후손에 대한 교육과 인재양성의 하향적 부분(선조에 대한 교육과 장학사업 등)으로 구성되어 있었다. 은진 송씨 남산문중에서는 1960-80년대 산업화시기에 마을의 새마을운동을 위해 적극적으로 참여하였고, 일부는 마을사업을 주도해 나갔다. 신암마을 에 있어서 새마을운동의 주요 사업은 전기·전화공사와 시수도공사를 비롯하여 간이상수도 시설사업, 마을진입로 포장공사, 서검뜸 마을회관 건립과 마을주민 상호간의 화합모임(전통의례 행사) 등이었다. 전자는 市에서 주도한 사업이지만 후자는 마을에서 주체가 되어 시행한 사업이다. 마을사람들은 대체로 문중 주도의 사업에 협조적이었다. 왜냐하면 마을 전체를 위한 공동이익의 목적이었기 때문이었다. 그것은 간이상수도 사업의 과정에서나 마을진입로 도로포장 공사나 마을회관의 건립과정에서 확인할 수 있었고, 마을의 계조직 활동을 통한 기타 마을사업에서도 동질적인 양상이었다. 1990년대 이후 아파트 건설이 급증하면서 간이상수도 사용가구가 감소하는 추세로 나타났다. 하지만 아직도 사용가구수는 약 70여 호 정도이며, 서검뜸 마을에는 지금도 주민들이 정수장 상수도와 부산시 상수도를 병행하여 사용하고 있다. 회관은 1960년대까지는 마을 구성원의 동족비율이 높았기 때문에 신암부락 새마을계의 前身은 문중이 주도해 오다가, 대체로 1970년대부터 마을의 여러가구(他姓)와 함께 공동으로 운영하였다. 마을의 사회사업, 마을구성원의 각종 의례 등은 결국 마을주민들에게 있어서 생활공동체, 문화공동체의 의미를 지니고 있었다. 이러한 것들이 산업화 이후 급격한 인구증가와 사회변동 및 주거공간의 변화로 인해 마을의 모습이 변하였다. 마을주민들의 개발 사업이나 의례의 공유 등 생활공동체적 방식의 전통이 점차 축소되어 가는 분위기였다. 이에 따라 과거 문중 주도의 사회참여 방식이 사라져 가는 추세이다. 결국 전통 마을이 공동체적 방식의 상호구조를 유지해 오다가 1970-80년대의 급속한 도시화와 산업화로 인하여 그러한 가치와 생명력이 사라지면서 도시화가 마을의 전통적 공간과 기능을 배제시켜 나가는 과정이라 할 수 있다. 하지만 현재 신암마을에는 새마을계 구성원의 절반 가까운 비율이 문중사람이며, 비록 동족마을의 모습은 사라졌지만 아직도 마을 사업을 운영하는데 중요한 하나의 축을 이루고 있음을 볼 수 있다. hundred years. The object of study is the clan of Eun-Jin Song-Family. The contents of the study are about the transformation of local villages and identity (locality and identity) through the activities of villagers and relatives. The village contains a structural order and lifestyle. The operation of the clan of Eun-Jin Song-Family made up at clan office. The work was consisted of ceremonial rites for ancestors, clan exchange, descendant education, human resources training. Key business of Saemaul Movement were composed of simple-water supply, road pavement, establishment of town hall. Usually residents were cooperative in the initiative led by the Eun-Jin Song-Family. Because it was a joint benefit for the whole village. Since the 1990s, The number of people using simple-water supply has decreased. But the number of households still used is seventy. And even now villager used in combination with simple-water supply and urban-water supply. By the 1960s, the percentage of clan in the villages was high. Therefore Saemaul-Gye has been led by a clan. Since 1970, They were jointly operated with Various surnames of the village. These days the president of Saemaul-Gye is the member of the different clan. The development project and the ritual of the residents at local village had a sense of life community and cultural community. These meanings has been confirmed in simple-water supply, road pavement, establishment of town hall, and courtesy of mutual help. None the less these facts has in residential space after industrialization. Therefore the traditions of a community gradually decreased. But half of members, namely Saemaul-Gye members in Shinam village are clan. So it was an important axis in the running of a village business.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        18~19세기 開城의 市廛과 상업관행

        변광석(Byun Kwang-Seok) 부산경남사학회 2007 역사와 경계 Vol.64 No.-

        In addition to the traders who were dependent on peddling, the government-patronized merchants took charge of commercial activities in Gaesung. The government-patronized street, commercial center in Gaesung's downtown was situated on both sides of the main road of the South Gate. This was a business quarter composed of many patronized and private merchants. Twenty patronized stores existed, including four great stores. The patronized stores had system of a mutual-aid society mainly. Four great patronized stores had a character of common meeting body of high rank organization, and right to investigate and settle all the commercial entanglements there under the mandate of administrative office. They had privileges similar to those of six stores in Seoul. Therefore, they bore the burden of much material and commercial tax than any other patronized stores. The exclusive right to goods of patronized stores was important in terms of the commercial power. The right in Gaesung was effective other than that in Seoul as late as the mid-19th century. In 1855, for exampel, private merchants was punished on complaint of patronized stores. The financial operation in Gaesungbu rested on the commercial tax and increase of interest, which meant that patronized and private stores had some relation to finance of government office. The guild of patronized stores was supposed to pay its taxes to government office regularly, but amount to be borne mattered as time went by. Therefore, patronized stores had to pay their taxes to government office without fail, because it came into close relation to financial standing and operational system. The operational method of patronized stores in Gaesung was the same as that in Seoul. It was confirmed in way that government investigated the problems of operation of patronized stores. This matter was associated with the financial problem of Gaesung, commercial taxes, and the collection of taxes from patronized stores. The privileged loan was made between government office and patronized stores. If patronized stores suffered from the financial difficulties, it was made at the request of patronized stores. Both patronized and private merchants in Gaesung borrowed money. For example, townsmen in Gaesung borrowed silver coins of a hundred thousand in 1730, and so on. Gaesung was distinctive in that it lend a huge amount of loan to all the merchants of the first, the second, and the third grades as well as patronized merchants regularly, and stimulated commerce. It maintained the system of patronized stores by collecting interest mainly. It could be examined through the examples of exclusive right, commercial tax, price of goods delivered as a tax, and collection of tax, and so on in general patronized stores, including the four great patronized stores in the 18th and 19th centuries.

      • KCI등재후보

        1811년 通信使 파견과 慶尙道의 재정 부담

        변광석(Byun Kwang-Seok) 부산경남사학회 2005 역사와 경계 Vol.55 No.-

        Local governments as well as central government bore the expenses of dispatching envoys. Gyeongsang province paid the most among other local governments. The ways of paying were basically two: material payment like money and human resource supply like accompanying attendants. <br/> They held a public feast and treated a group of envoys in Youngcheon and Busan. The expenses were paid by a county council nearby. Moreover, the suits were provided with meal and accommodation services by each county all through the way to Busan. <br/> The costs charged by Gyeongsnag province exceeded 1,500 ryang, and the rate was almost close to 10% of the total presents. Bokjung, which was the material expense charged in local counties, was also paid most by Gyeongsang province. The number of items came to 170 kinds, and the cost also must be considerable.<br/> They provided just 4 ships for transportation. The task was handled by men from Dongrae. The lower attendants were mostly consisted of residents in Dongrae, Busan, Suyoung areas. The ferrymen were also soldiers who were working at seashore military bases.

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