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      • KCI등재

        강화도의 해안선과 해안지형

        범선규(Beom, Seon-Gyu) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2004 인천학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        This research surveyed and analyzed the shoreline, and the composition and distribution of coastal terrain of Ganghwado the largest island in the middle West Sea of the Korean Peninsula. In particular, it focused on identifying the situation from right after the 20th century until recent years. Ganghwado comprises eroded terrains along the shoreline such as headlands, sea cliffs, wave-cut terraces, and hills, as well as sedimentary terrains, tidal mud-flats, and sand beaches, and artificial terrains such as seawalls and groins. However, wave-cut terraces, sand beaches, and groins are very limited. The island s such coastal terrain formation is directly and indirectly related to its geological features, and oceanic conditions of Gyeonggi Bay, as well as rivers such as the Han River and the Yeseong River flowing into this sea territory, and islanders topographical change-related activities. The island residents call headlands got, nearly all of which used to house military defense facilities referred to as -jin, -bo, and -dondae. Headlands and hills were utilized in erecting seawalls for cultivating agricultural land. Artificial large-scale agricultural development efforts and topographical change-related activities have brought small and large changes in shoreline and coastal terrain.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        법령과 자연지리 용어 -지형관련용어를 중심으로-

        범선규 ( Beom Seon Gyu ) 한국지형학회 2002 한국지형학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        This research sought to survey and analyze the definition of terms of physical geography passable in both the law and sciences with the study focused on terrain-related terms. The study gave special concern to terms related to the Korean Peninsular, stream, seas and mountainous terrains. As a result, nearly all terms surveyed differ in meaning both in the law and sciences. The provisions on the territory stipulated in the Korean Constitution carry geographically controversial expressions. Terms related to running water such as river and creek, floods, were discovered to the different from expression standards in the law sciences and topographical map. Concepts related to seas such as territorial waters, and adjoining coastal seas, were found to be generally written in legal language and also to be gradually borrowed from physical geography. The Korean geographers does not clearly suggest the boundaries of sea areas on the east, south and west. The frequent reference to mountains and hills accounting for more than 70% in connection with Korea`s terrain, seems to be related to the classification of land by use. The mountainous region is deemed to refer to forests and fields in terms of the classification of land by use. In conclusion, in order to use public agencies` publications related to natural geology as scientific researches and educational materials, the criteria of data compilation and definition of terms must be clearly understood.

      • KCI등재

        자연 경관을 담고 있는 사진 이미지의 자연지리학적 활용과 과제

        범선규 ( Seon Gyu Beom ) 한국사진지리학회 2009 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        Photographic images of natural landscapes exist in various forms according to their purposes and uses. In the field of physical geography, photographic images concerned with landforms, climates, vegetation and soil are widely used as material for related books, studies, and education regardless of the different focuses of the images. The outcome of this study shows that in physical geography, the most frequently used images are those of geographical features, the second those of vegetation, while images showing climates or soil landscapes are relatively less used. This conclusion might be triggered by the relative simplicity of taking photos of geographical features or vegetation, which are more visible and easier than the climates or soil landscapes. Uses of those images, however, are confined to assistants to the text, helping understand the contents. Besides, there is no enough examination before using the images. To solve those problems, the most important thing is to clarify the purpose and intention to use the images. After that, it can be much more efficient to collect use the related photographic images with a suitable process, based on their specific subjects such as formation of natural landscapes, spatial distribution and location, and timeseries changes.

      • KCI등재

        '조선 8도'의 별칭과 지형의 관련성

        범선규(Seon-Gyu Beom) 대한지리학회 2003 대한지리학회지 Vol.38 No.5

        우리나라에서는 공식적인 행정명칭 이외에 각 도(道) 또는 일부지방의 별칭이 오늘날 뿐 만 아니라 지방 행정제도로 도제(道制)가 확고하게 시행되었던 조선시대에도 널리 통용되었다. 별칭 중에 가장 대표적인 것은 조선의 8도(정확하게는 경기와 7도)를 대신하는 기호 관동·호서·해서ㆍ호남ㆍ영남ㆍ관서ㆍ관북과 강원도의 동부와 서부를 지칭하는 영동·영서이다. 이 별칭들의 유래는 거의 전부 지형을 비롯한 자연지리적 요소에 그 기준을 두고 있어, 도회지명에 전적으로 의존했던 공식적인 행정도명과 비교된다.<br/> 별칭 중에는 13~14세기의 문헌에 등장하는 것도 있으며, 15세기 후반부터는 8도의 별칭 모두가 널리 통용된 것 같다. 별칭이 길게는 700년이 넘게, 짧은 것도 500여년에 걸쳐 지속적으로 사용되면서 지리적으로는 공식적인 행정지명에 못지않은 역할을 해온 것이다 오늘날 조선 8도와 일부 지방의 별칭은 그곳의 문화와 역사적 배경을 담고 있는 것으로 인식되어 은연중에 지리적인 '지역구분'의 단위로 받아들여질 만큼 그 의미가 중요해졌다.<br/> 각 도의 별칭은 공식적인 행정도명(行政道名)과는 달리 그 유래나 의미 등에 대한 구체적인 내용을 문헌자료를 통해서 파악하기가 쉽지 않다. 그러나 이것에 대해 지리학계와 일반인들에게 흔히 소개되는 내용이 없는 것은 아니다. 다만 이 내용 중에도 면밀한 검토가 필요한 부분이 있다 우선 관북ㆍ관서·관동의 '관(關)'과 영남·영동·영서의 '영(嶺)'은 널리 알려진 것처럼 고갯길 한두 개만 지칭한다고 보기보다는 각각 접경지대(변경지대),군사상의 요충지가 많은 지방과 소백산맥·태백산맥을 의미하는 면도 있다고 믿어진다. 그리고 호남 호서·기호의 '호(湖)'는 금강과 의림지를 기준으로 한 것으로 보이지만, 보다 면밀한 검토가 필요하다. 해서(海西)는 경기만의 서쪽이라는 의미와 함께 해주와 서하(풍천)의 머릿글자를 따라 정했을 가능성도 있는 것 같다. In Korea, aside from their official administrative names, aliases of each province or some regions are widely used not only today but also during the Joseon period when the provincial system as local administrative system was firmly implemented. Of aliases, the most representative were Giho, Gwandong, Hoseo, Haeseo, Honam, Yaeongnam, Gwanseo, and Gwanbuk representing the eight provinces (precisely, Gyeonggi and seven provinces) of Chosun Dynasty, as well as Yeongdong and Yeongseo that represent the east and the west of Gangwon-do. These aliases are mostly based on topographical features and physiographical elements, and compared to the official names of eight provinces which depended solely on city names. Of aliases, some appeared in literature during 13-14th centuries, and all provincial aliases seem to have been widely used after the late 15th century. Aliases continued to be used for 500 to over 700 years. Aliases of eight provinces, geographically, played not lesser role than their official names. Aliases of the eight provinces and regions during the Chosun Dynasty that have been handed down are considered as holding their places' cultural and historical backgrounds, and have become important enough to be accepted as a unit of geographical regional division.<br/> The origin and meaning of aliases of each province have been partially disclosed to the geographical circle and the general public. However, the details should be reviewed. First of all, Gwan (關) in Gwanbuk, Gwanseo and Gwandong, as well as Yeong(嶺) in Yeongnam, Yeongdong and Yeongseo, are each considered as meaning Sobaek Mountain Range and Taebaek Mountain Range with many borderline areas (borders) and military strategic hubs. Also, Ho (湖) in Honam, Hosea, and Giha, are considered as based on the Geum River and Eurimji, and Haeseo are considered as meaning the west of the Gyeonggi Bay, and having relevancy with the first letters of Haeju and Seoha (Pungcheon).<br/> Key Words : Eight Provinces of the Chosun Cynasty, aliases of provinces, Gwan(關), Yeong(嶺), Ho(湖), physiographical elements.

      • KCI등재후보

        영산강유역의 지형과 주민생활

        범선규(Seon Gyu Beom) 한국지역지리학회 2002 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        영산강은 남한의 주요 강에 속하며, 유역은 식량생산의 핵심지 중의 하나이다. 영산강유역에는 범람원과 구릉지가 널리 발달되어 있으며, 현재의 영산호 일대에는 간석지도 넓게 분포했었다. 범람원은 `들`로 불리우며, 골짜기가 좁은 `물목`의 상류쪽에 넓게 펼쳐진다. 범람원은 조선 말까지는 거의 전부 논으로 개발되었다. 이 농경지를 배경으로 도회지들이 성장했다. 구릉지는 `등`, `까끔`, `야산` 등으로 불리우며, 나주시와 영암군에 넓게 분포한다. 구릉지의 농경지 개발은 1960년대부터 시작되었으며 오늘날에도 진행되고 있다. 많은 개간지의 영농은 외지인들에 의한 임차농의 형태로 영위된다. 간석지 즉 `뻘밭`은 영산강 하류의 남해만에 넓게 펼쳐져 있었으며, 곳곳에 `개옹`으로 불리우던 갯골이 발달했었다. 간석지는 1981년에 영산강하구둑이 준공된 이후 대대적인 간척사업에 의해 농경지로 개발되어 `영산평야`로 바뀌었다. 새로운 평야의 등장으로 모든 취락이 순수 농촌으로 탈바꿈하였다. The Yeongsan River is one of major rivers in South Korea, and its basin is one of core areas that produce foods for the nation. The Yeongsan River Basin has flood plain and hill areas well developed, and areas surrounding the Yeongsan Lake has a tidal mud-plat widely dispersed. The flood plains are called `Deul`. In particular, at the upstream of `Mulmok` with a narrow valley are widely spread flood plain. The flood plains were developed into rice paddies until the end of Joseon Dynasty. Local core cities were created against these agricultural lands. Hills are called `Deung`, `Kkageum` and `Yasan` and in particular, are widely distributed in Naju City and Yeongam County. Forest land on hill began to be seriously developed into agricultural land from the 1960s, and this development is being pursued even today. Much farming are conducted in the form of leased farming by outside people. Tidal mud-plat is called `BBeolbat` and tidal channel is called `Gaeong`. After the estuary dyke of the Yeongsan River was built in 1981, the tidal mud-plat was developed into agricultural land in large-scale reclamation projects, and changed into `Yeongsan Plains`, With the appearance of new plains, locals` life fundamentally changed, turning all villages into pure farm villages.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        강화도의 수리시설과 수리체계

        범선규(Beom, Seon-Gyu) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2003 인천학연구 Vol.2 No.2

        This research studied irrigation facilities and system of Ganghwado. Ganghwado is a crucial island of Ganghwa-gun County in Incheon City. It had a population of 6,0424 as of 2002. Its area covers 302㎢?, surrounded by a 91㎞ coastline. Its cultivated oand area covers about 120㎢(paddy field: 86㎢?). Ganghwado is located at the entrance to the downstream basin of the Hangang River which is situated at the heart of the Korean Peninsula. The island has served as a crucial area for traffic and military since ancient times. In particular, whenever the Korean Peninsula was engulfed by great warfares in history, Ganghwado was highlighted thus dubbed town of history. Such historical background of Ganghwado made the island push ahead with reclamation projects aimed at securing food despite its numerous unfavorable conditions. Records still remain until today on reclamation projects carried out when the Goryeo Dynasty was invaded by Mongol and during the early period of the Joseon Dynasty. The successful reclamation projects and subsequent development of cultivated land were attributed to the spread and expansion of irrigation facilities. Irrigation use facilities in Ganghwado include weirs('bo'), reservoirs, water pumping stations and tube wells. Weirs are a traditional Irrigation facility, and were able to contain water originally using bags of soil. They have been gradually replaced by sluices since the 1980s. There are some 20 reservoirs, and they have been increased since the 1970s. Reservoirs, as the most important irrigation facility, supply irrigation water to an area measuring about 3,600㏊?. There are about 20 major water pumping stations, which supply water to an area covering 2,500㏊?. They were mostly installed since the 1990s. Pumping stations in Ganghwado come in the types of riverbed reservoirs created by installing sluices at river mouths and digging riverbeds wide and deep, and of pumping fresh-water from inside sea walls. Likewise, pumping stations of Ganghwado is a facility combining a sea wall, a sluice and a riverbed reservoir. Some of pumping stations are placed at an altitude higher than riverbed reservoirs and water is pumped from them and supplied through irrigation channels attached to reservoirs. Ganghwado offers some 6,000 small and large tube wells. Most of them are small types controlled by individuals while there are 17 large tube wells with major large tube wells constructed since the 1988s. These large tube wells complement the irrigation use system of reservoirs and pumping stations. Small tubed wells, growing in number, are becoming important as actual irrigation facilities. The Ganghwado irrigation system is divided into irrigation channels that let water flow from reservoirs using altitude difference, and the water supply system pumping irrigation water using pumping stations. Since 'Deul'(paddy fields) of Ganghwa are not so expansive, these two irrigation systems are not clearly distinguished, allowing reservoirs, pumping stations and tube wells to complement each other. Irrigation facilities and systems in Ganghwado are significant in understanding agricultural irrigation being conducted in major islands of Korea.

      • KCI등재

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