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      • Ultrastructures of the Compound Eye in Dragonfly, Crocothemis servilia Drury

        백경기,최춘근,신길상,Paik, Kyong Ki,Choi, Choon Keun,Shin, Kil Sang The Korean Society for Integrative Biology 1972 동물학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        고추잠자리 複眼의 망막의 미세구조가 전자현미경적으로 연구되었다. 個眼의 綱膜層을 이루고 있는 細胞의 數는 모두 8個이나, 이는 綱膜層에 따라 그 수를 달리한다. 따라서 綱膜細胞의 수에 의해 망막층은 三分되며, 中間層의 基部綱膜細胞는 부근의 두 感桿體를 연결하고 있다. 세 개의 感桿體가 서로 $120^{\circ}$의 각도를 갖고, 융합되어 이루어진 감간체는 횡단면에서 삼각형을 이루고 있으며 絨毛突起는 外心을 둘러싸고 전자밀도가 다른 두 부분으로 나누어진다. 전자밀도가 약한 내부 絨毛突起는 세포질과 서로 通하고 있다. 粗面小胞體는 綱膜세포의 端部에서 空胞와 연결되고 있으며 수많은 미토콘드리아는 세포의 中間部位에 산재되어 있다. 圓錐晶體는 4個의 圓錐세포로서 구성되며 주위에는 많은 색소세포가 존재한다. Fine structures of retina of an ommatidium in dragonfly, having eyes of closed rhabdom type, were studied under light and electron microscopes. The ommatidia consisted of eight retinular cells distributed in a circular pattern and the retinular layer in turn can be divided into three sublayers according to the number of cells in the retina. Each retinular cell has different starting points in the retina and the length of retinular cells is varied greatly; the length of one distal retinular cell shows one half of that of others. In the middle layer, three proximal retinular cells interconnect the adjacent two rhabdoms which are triangular in the appearence of the cross section which in turn consisted of tubular, parallel and lamellated microvilli. The rhabdom is formed by three rhabdomeres, each of which is separated by $120^{\circ}$ between them, but they can be distinguished into two parts according to electron density. Around the outer part of microvilli composing rhabdom, electron density was much less than the inner part of the structure. The microvilli of the inner part appear to be connected to the cytoplasm of retinular cells. Rough endoplsmic reticulum with enlarged cisternae runs through the vacuoles in the outer part of distal retinular cells. Abundant mitochondria concentrated in the vicinity of rhabdom are found at the central part of the retinular cells, while in the area of immediate vicinity of the rhabdom, prominent vacuoles are observed. Above the rhabdom of an ommtidium stands a crystalline cone which is consisted of four cone cells arranged radially along the axis. The crystalline cone is surrounded by cells containing pigment granules. The outermost photoreceptor element of an ommatidium is corneal lens.

      • 熱帶魚卵에 加한 溫度刺戟이 孵化生長에 미치는 影響

        白景基,洪世杓,崔春根 연세대학교 대학원 1969 延世論叢 Vol.6 No.1

        The eggs of Marblue gourami and of Angels which were stimulated as put in nine water baths of 0℃, 5℃, 10℃, 15℃, 20℃, 25℃, 30℃, 35℃, and 40℃ temperatures for 30 minutes just after fertilization in optimal temperature, 30℃. The parents of Marblue gourami and Angels were also grown in 30℃ water bath. The stimulated eggs were measured in length of the body every 24 hours. In consequence, the optimal temperature to the Marblue gourami's and Angels' eggs is 30℃ as well as the both adults. Though the eggs which were stimulated with -1℃ and 41℃ temperatures were not even hatched, those with 0℃ and 40℃ could be hatched but could not grow anymore. The range of temperature in which the eggs can grow is from 5℃ to 35℃ for Marblue gourami and is from 15℃ to 35℃ for Angels.

      • An Electron Microscopy of Spermiogenesis in the Dragonfly, Crocothemis servilia Drury

        백경기,최춘근,이국범,Paik, Kyong Ki,Choi, Choon Keun,Lee, Kuk Bum The Korean Society for Integrative Biology 1972 동물학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        Ultrastructures of spermiogeneis in other invertebrates were investigated by several workes (Anderson, et al., 1967; Bloch, et al., 1964; Christen, 1961; Gatenby, et al., 1959; Paik, et al., 1968; Silveira, 1964; Yasuzumi, 1957) but spermiogenesis of dragonfly has not been reported previously. Testes and vass deferentia of the Korean dragonfly, Crocothemis servilia, were used for electron microscopic study of spermiogenesis. Materials were prefixed for 1-2 hours at $3^{\circ}C$ in 1.25% glutaraldehyde buffered to pH 7.2 with 0.2M sodium cacodylate buffer. Fixed tissue was washed twice in 0.2M cacodylate buffer and was subsequently postfixed for 2 hours at $3^{\circ}C$ in 1% osmium tetroxide buffered to pH 7.2 with 0.4M sodium cacodylate buffer solution. Specimens were dehydrated in graded ethyl alcohol, and finally embedded in epoxy Epon resin. Thin sections prepared from all the blocks were doubly stained; first in uranyl acetate and then in lead citrate. All thin sectios were examined with a Hitachi HS-7S electron microscope. The results of this study were summarized as follows. 1. Along the condensation of chromatin in nucleus, the shpae of nucleus was changed from spherical shpae to ellipse and cone cell type. 2. During the elongation of nucleus and the migration of cytoplasm, the nucleus removed to the one side of spermatid and began to invaginate from the posterior portion of nucleus. 3. There are ring centrioles in invaginated portion and axial filaments derived from centriole extend to the tail through the tailward half of spermatid. 4. In the cross sections the axial filament consisted of a central sheath, a central fibril, and 9 peripheral doublets.

      • KCI등재


        백경기,이은호,Paik, Kyong-Ki,Lee, Uen-Ho Korean Society of Electron Microscopy 1969 Applied microscopy Vol.1 No.1

        가토간장에서 채취(採取)한 간(肝)디스토마 성충(成蟲)의 정소(精巢)와 수정낭(受精囊)을 1.25% glutaraldehyde와 1% 사산화(四酸化) 오스뮴산(酸)으로 냉실(冷室)에서 이중고정(二重固定)하였다. 고정(固定)된 시료(試料)는 양식(樣式)에 따라 탈수(脫水)한 후(後) Epon-812로 포매(包埋)하여 MT-2형(型) Porter Blum microtome으로서 초박절편(超薄切片)을 만들어 수사화연(水酸化鉛)과 초산(醋酸)우라닐로서 이중염색(二重染色)한후 Hitachi HS-7형(型)과 HU-11E형(型)의 전자현미경(電子顯微鏡)으로 관찰(觀察)하였다. 관찰결과 간(肝)디스토마의 정세포(精細胞)는 타원형으로 난형(卵形)의 인(仁)을 포함(包含)한 큰 핵(核)을 갖고 있으며 핵(核)을 둘러싼 비교적소량(比較的小量)의 세포질(細胞質)에는 낭형(囊形)의 조면소포체(粗面小胞體)가 희소(稀少)하게 있으며 유리(遊離)리보좀 및 즐(櫛)을 가진 미토콘드리아, 중심체(中心體), 층판상(層板狀)의 골지체가 있다. 정자(精子)는 긴 원주형(圓柱形)의 핵(核)과 선단(先端)에 첨체(尖體)를 포함(包含)한 두부(頭部)와 중종편(中終片), 미부(尾部)의 말단부(末端部)로 갈수록 점차 가늘어져서 결국(結局) 편모(鞭毛)로 끝난다. 두부(頭部)의 선단부(先端部) 가까이 핵환(核環)이 있으므로 이를 기시점(起始點)으로 직경(直徑) $250{\AA}$ 정도의 $8{\sim}10$개(個)의 미세소관(微細小管)이 축사(軸絲)의 배면(背面) 원형질막(原形質膜) 직내면(直內面)의 외형질(外形質)에 평행(平行)하게 중종편(中終片)까지 신장(伸長)되어 있다. 미토콘드리아는 융합(融合)되어 두부(頭部)의 후반부(後半部) 핵(核)의 복측(腹側)에 평행(平行)하게 축사(軸絲)를 감싸는 원추형(圓錐形)으로 종단면(縱斷面)에서 반점상(班點狀)의 횡문(橫紋)이 관찰(觀察)되었다. 중심체(中心體)에서 기원(起原)된 축사(軸絲)는 중심부(中心部)에 중심섬유(中心纖維)와 중심초 및 이중(二重)의 미세소관(微細小管)이 9개(個) 둘러싸고 있는 구조(構造)를 하고 있다.

      • 家鷄 網膜의 電子顯微鏡的 硏究

        백경기,최춘근,Paik, Kyung Ki,Choi, Choon Keun The Korean Society for Integrative Biology 1972 동물학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        닭(Gallus domesticus B.)의 視細胞 外절과 內절의 移行部에는 他 脊椎動物에서 흔히 觀察되는 纖維가 極히 적었는데 이것은 鳥類視細胞의 特徵이며 內절에 많은 미토콘드리아가 存在함은 모든 脊椎動物에서와 같은 現象이지만 鳥類에서는 內部 절의 構造가 多樣하게 變化되어 나타나고 있다. 視細胞核 部位에 存在하는 外境界膜의 屈曲이 심한 것도 닭에서뿐 아니라 참새나 비둘기 等 鳥類에서 보이고 있는 特徵的인 構造이지만 外절의 層板 構造라든가 色素上皮細胞, 外顆粒層과의 連結部位등 一般的인 視細胞의 構造들은 거의 모든 脊椎動物에서 비슷하게 나타나고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 一般的인 電顯方法으로 實驗하였으나 보통 쓰이고 있는 phosphate buffer 代身 cacodylate buffer를 사용한 것이 다를 뿐이다. This investigation was undertaken to establish the ultrastructural organization of the retina in domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus B.) comparing with the ultrastructure that has been indicated in other Aves by several workers. The electron microscope observations were made on selected segments of retinal tissue prefixed for 2 hrs in 1.25% glutaraldehyde buffered with 0.2 M cacodylate at pH 7.2 and then postfixed in cold 1% osmium tetroxide in 0.4 M cacodylate buffer for 2 hrs. After postfixation, tissues were dehydrated in alcohol series, embedded in Epon 812 mixture from propylene oxide and stained with saturated uranyl acetate and $Pb(NO_3)_2$ solution. Specimens were examined with a Hitachi HS-7S electron microscope. The pigment epithelia cells contain numerous mitochondria with prominent dense granules and several changeful spaped Golgi bodies. The internal fine structure of the receptor outer segments revealed the characteristic stacks or arrays of bimembranous disks. The ellipsoid outer portion of the cone inner segments is composed of a tightly packed mass of extraordinarily large mitochondria. The outer limiting membrane is seen to contain many junctional complexes, the fibrillar material of which is electron-dense.

      • KCI등재

        간(肝)디스토마 자성생식세포(雌性生殖細胞) 분화과정(分化過程)의 전자현미경적(電子顯微鏡的) 연구(硏究)

        백경기,김명원,최춘근,Paik, Kyong-Ki,Kim, Myong-Won,Choi, Choon-Keun 한국현미경학회 1972 Applied microscopy Vol.2 No.1

        난소상피에서 발생한 난원세포는 성장발육하여 제 1차 난모세포를 형성하며, 배란되어 난형성강 개구부에서 제2차 난모세포는 정자의 침입을 받은 후 2회의 감수분열을 하여 두개의 극체를 형성하고 난전핵과 정전핵이 적합하여 난할을 시작한다. 세포질의 변화 : 난원세포에서는 크기가 서로 비슷하던 미토콘드리아가 난모세포로 성장되어 감에 따라 자기증식을하여 제1차 난모세포에서는 크기가 서로 다르고 훨씬 많은 미토콘드리아가 나타난다. 편평낭상이던 소포체는 난모세포로 성장하여 세포질대사가 활발하여 짐에 따라 포상낭의 소포체로 변하며 배란후 난모세포에서는 세포질내 일부위에 층판상을 이룬다. 골지 장치는 성숙된 난모세포에서 더욱 뚜렷이 나타나며 망상의 사구체형성을 하고 그 내에 몇 개의 골지소포를 만들고 있다. 표층과립은 수정전 제1차 난모세포에서 매우 증가되어 있으나 수정후는 점차파괴되어 소실된다. 염색질은 난원세포에서 밀도가 높고 강공을 이루고 있는 이질염색질과 밀도가 낮은 소량의 진정염색질로 되어 있으며 배란전 난모세포에서는 이질염색질이 감퇴하고 진정염색질이 많아진다. 배란후 난모세포에서는 풍부한 진정염색질을 다시 가진다. 인은 난원세포에서 전자밀도가 높은 타원형이며 배란전 난모세포에서는 소실되었다가 배란후 난모세포에서는 다시 타원형의 인이 관찰된다. The morphological and fine structural changes during the oogensis of Clonorchis sinensis were studied on the developing ovums in the ovary and ootype with electron microscope. Adult worms were removed from the hepar of the which and previously infected with metacercariae of Clonorchis sinensis. The ovary including the Mehlis' glands and an ootype from adult worm was prefixed for 1-2 hours in 1.25% glutaraldehyde buffered with 0.2M cacodylate at PH 7.2, secondarily fixed for 30 minutes in potassium bicromate and postfixed for an hour in 1% osmic acid buffered with 0.4M cacodylate at PH 7.2. After fixation tissues were dehydrated in an alcohol series, embedded in Epon 812 from propylene oxide and stained with saturated uranyl acetate and $Pn(NO_3)_2$ solution. Material was examined with a Hitachi HS-7S electron microscope. The periphery of the ovary, except for the posterior region, is made up of oogonia. As the oogonia divide they proliferate primary oocytes toward the central part of the ovary. After a period of growth the primary oocyte leaves the ovary and is penetrated by a sperm in the ootype. Sperm penetration immediately activates the primary oocyte to resume its meiotic activity. After the oocytes meiotic activity is completed, the pronuclei fuse to form a single cleavage nucleus which possesses two nucleoli. As the oocytes develop their cytoplamic materials are abundant; small mitochondria are abundant and often their profiles are more unmerous in one part of the cytoplasm than elsewhere; the granular endoplasmic reticulum becomes alveolar-sac form after it leaves the ovary it becomes stratified form. The reticulate Golgi apparatus is apparent in the developed oocyte. A little of cortical granules are distributed inside of the plasma membrane I oogonia and large quantity of cortical granules are arranged just inside of the plasma membrane of the primary oocyte and after fertilization they are disappeared with broken out.

      • KCI등재

        Oxaliplatin-Induced Chronic Peripheral Neurotoxicity:A Prospective Analysis in Patients with Colorectal Cancer

        백경기,이지연,박세훈,박준오,박영석,임호영,강원기,조용범,윤성현,김희철,이우용,전호경 대한암학회 2010 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.42 No.4

        Purpose Oxaliplatin-induced chronic peripheral neurotoxicity (OXCPN) manifests as a loss of sensation and dysesthesia in the distal extremities, which may impair daily activities and increase in incidence with the amount of oxaliplatin delivered. The variation in the reported incidence and severity of OXCPN may be a consequence of differences in the baseline characteristics of patients. Materials and Methods This was a prospective study (ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT00977717) in which OXCPN was recorded for all consecutive colon cancer patients treated at Samsung Medical Center (Seoul, Korea) with oxaliplatin-based combination chemotherapy. The primary endpoint was the incidence of severe OXCPN (grade 2 lasting for >7 days, or grade 3). The association of severe OXCPN and pretreatment parameters was evaluated using a multivariate regression model. Results Between Jan 2008 and Feb 2010, 100 patients treated with adjuvant folinic acid/fluorouracil plus oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) and 266 patients treated with capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (XELOX) or FOLFOX for advanced disease were registered into our study. The median cumulative dose of oxaliplatin was 796 mg/m2 (range, 85 to 1,583 mg/m2). Severe OXCPN was observed in 126 (34%) patients. Overall, 43 patients discontinued chemotherapy due to toxicity: 23 without severe OXCPN and 20 with severe OXCPN. In univariate analysis, severe OXCPN was frequently observed in patients with age ≥55 years (p<0.01), stage II or III (p<0.01), adjuvant setting (p=0.01), FOLFOX (p<0.01), performance status of 0 (p=0.02), and those with no prior chemotherapy (p<0.01). In a multivariate regression model, the number of chemotherapy cycles and the cumulative oxaliplatin dose were not associated with the development of severe OXCPN. Conclusion We failed to find a significant association between patient characteristics at baseline and the development of severe OXCPN after oxaliplatin-based combination chemotherapy. Pharmacogenomic profiling using genome-wide association study in these patients is underway.

      • KCI등재

        급성 관동맥 증후군 환자에서 예후 지표로서 N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide의 유용성

        백경기,전은석,이일,김성해,김제상,송필상,류동열,최진호,성지동,이상철,박승우,권현철,김준수,김덕경,이상훈,홍경표,박정의 대한심장학회 2004 Korean Circulation Journal Vol.34 No.11

        Background and Objectives:Biochemical markers are useful for the prediction of cardiac events in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The N-terminal fragment of the BNP prohormone (NT-proBNP), which is synthesized by cardiac ventricles in response to increased wall stress, may be a prognostic marker in ACS. The relation between the NT-pro BNP levels on admission and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) were assessed in a cohort of patients with ACS. Subjects and Methods:Between October 2002 and April 2004, blood samples for the determination of NT-proBNP level were obtained on admission from 78 patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), 32 with non-ST elevation MI (NSTEMI) and 66 with unstable angina (UA). Patients were followed concerning MACEs (death, MI, heart failure, stroke and revascularization) for a median of 7 months in median. Results:22 patients (13%) had events. The mean NT-proBNP level was significantly lower in the event-free survivors than in those with events (1342±1598 versus 6129±6522 pg/mL, p<0.0001). The optimal cut-off value of the NT-proBNP level using a receiver-operating-characteristic curve was 1445 pg/mL. The unadjusted risk ratio of patients with an NT-proBNP level greater than the threshold was 7.0 (95% confidence interval, 2.6 to 19.0). In a multivariate Cox regression model, including clinical background factors and other biochemical markers, the NT-proBNP level was the most powerful indicator of MACEs (risk ratio, 8.0 [95% confidence interval, 1.7 to 37.1]). The coronary angiographic Gensini score was also a predictor of prognosis in ACS (risk ratio, 3.8 [95% confidence interval, 1.0 to 14.0]). Conclusion:A single measurement of the NT-proBNP level on admission appears to be useful as a prognostic factor in the prediction of MACEs in patients after ACS. (Korean Circulation J 2004;34(11):1070-1081) 배경 및 목적: 급성 관동맥 증후군환자의 예후를 예측하는데 생화학적 지표들이 유용한 것으로 보고되고 있다. NT-proBNP는 심실벽의 증가된 압력과 긴장에 반응하여 주로 심실에서 생산되는 호르몬으로 급성 관동맥 증후군에서 예후지표로 사용될 수 있다. 입원 시 측정한 혈중 NT-proBNP치와 치료 후 발생하는 major adverse cardiovascular events(MACEs)를 추적 관찰하여 예후지표로서 NT-proBNP의 유용성을 평가하고자 하였다. 방 법: 2002년 8월부터 2004년 4월까지 급성 관동맥 증후군으로 진단 받아 삼성 서울 병원 심장내과 중환자실에 입원한 환자 176명을 대상으로 7개월(중앙값)간의 기간 동안 심혈관 질환으로 인한 사망, 심근경색, 심부전, 뇌졸중, 혈관개통여부와 같은 major adverse cardiovascular events의 발생여부를 추적 관찰하였다. 결 과: 22명(13%)의 환자에서 MACEs가 발생하였다. MACEs가 발생하지 않은 환자군보다 발생한 환자군에서 혈중 NT-proBNP치가 유의하게 높았다(1342±1598 pg/mL versus 6129±6522 pg/ml, p<0.0001). ROC curve를 분석한 결과 MACEs에 대한 혈중 NT-proBNP치의 가장 적절한 cut-off 수치는 1445 pg/mL 였다. 혈중 NT-proBNP치가 cut-off치 이상(≥1445 pg/mL)인 환자들의 미만인 환자들에 대한 비교위험도는 7.00(95% 신뢰구간, 2.57-19.0)였다. 다른 생화학적 표시자와 임상적인 위험인자를 포함하는 다중 회귀 분석결과 혈중 NT-proBNP치가 cut-off수치 이상인 환자들의 미만인 환자들에대한 비교위험도가 8.01(95% 신뢰구간, 1.73-37.1)였다. 관동맥 조영에서 협착의 정도를 반정량화한 Gensini score도 MACEs에대한 예측인자로서 통계적으로 유의하였다(비교위험도, 3.8 [95% 신뢰구간, 1.0-14.0]). 결 론: 급성 관동맥 증후군환자에서 입원 시 측정한 NT-proBNP치는 이후 발생하는 MACEs를 예측하는데 유용한 생화학적 표시자이다.

      • 초파리 복안의 개안전구체 세포의 분화

        백경기,정호삼 한국통합생물학회 1966 동물학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        1. The differentiation process of the cluster cells of compound eye in wild typed Drosophila melanogaster, born in Heuk San Do, Korea, was observed. 2. The eye disc of Drosophila melanogaster is originated from the frontal sac before hatching. 3. Clusteris bgin to form at the posterior end of the eye disc at the 2 nd instar larval stage, and the completed to differentiate in the eye disc at the 96 hours after hatching . 4. At the pupa stage, the eye cups are formed by clusters. 5. The eye cup begins to elongate and is changed into an ommatidium. 6. All organs of an ommatidium are completed in an omatidium at the old pupa stage(156-160 hours after hatching. )

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