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        商과 東夷-공존과 갈등-

        배진영 중국사학회 2022 中國史硏究 Vol.- No.137

        The amicable relationship comparably maintained between Shang and Dongyi in peace changed gradually into conflict and struggle relationship from the conquest of Nanyi(藍夷). The period of the coexistence and symbiosis in the amicable relationship includes the Pre-Shang(先商) culture Era and the Early Shang Era. The long exchange between Shang and Dongyi culturally formed the bilaterally influencing relationship, and politically established the Yi-Shang(夷商) alliance. The conflict and struggle started from the Meddle Shang Era. It can be considered that the cause of the conflict and struggle was due to the results of the East Conquest to occupy the resources in the East. The change of the relationship between Shang and Dongyi was due to the political growth of Shang as a leading nation of the Center Field(中原). In general, the growth as the leading nation is accompanied by plundering of the resource in the neighboring nations or countries. The status of Shang as the leading nation may have played an important role for domination and distribution of the Ritual Bronzes. In addition, domination of salt, which is one of the essentials, may have been one of the main objectives for the status. With respect to the change of the relationship, this paper assumed that the decline of both the Yuanqu-Shangcheng(垣曲商城), supervising copper ore and manufacturing bronze wares, and the Dongxiaping(東下憑) Site, relating with the salt, from the Erligang(二里崗) Upper Period, may not be unrelated with the Shang’s Conquest of the East. There existed the conflict relationship with the East since the Middle Shang Era, however, it is essential to understand that the Shang’s amicable relationship with a number of the East nations or countries was continuously maintained, too. 본고는 중원의 중심국가 商에 東夷요소가 강렬하게 등장하는 원인에 대해 밝혀보고자 하였다. 이에 본고는 상문화에 내재하는 동이문화적 요소를 통해 그 관계를 밝히고 또한 상과 동이와의 정치적 관계와 그 변화를 통해 동이와 상의 관계를 살펴보고자 하였다. 이에 따르면 비교적 우호적으로 공존하던 상과 동이의 관계는 藍夷의 정벌을 시작으로 점차 갈등과 투쟁의 관계로 변화되었다. 상호 평화로운 공존을 이루던 시간은 先商시기와 상 초기까지였다. 이러한 상호 공존이 유지될 수 있었던 이유는 상과 동이 간의 오랜 교류와 문화적 연원 관계로 인한 것이었고, 이에 정치적 동맹인 夷商연맹을 형성하여 동이가 상 건국에 참여할 정도로 긴밀한 관계를 형성하였다. 갈등과 투쟁은 상 중기로부터 시작된다. 이러한 상과 동이 관계의 변화는 中原의 중심국가로의 상의 정치적 성장에 따른 것이다. 중원의 중심국가로의 성장에는 주변 국가로부터의 자원 약탈을 동반한다. 중심국가로의 상은 청동예기의 장악과 분배 및 필수품인 소금을 장악하는 것도 중요한 목표 중의 하나였다. 본고는 특히 상 중기부터 상의 기존의 소금 자원과 관련된 東下憑 유적지와 동광자원을 관리하고 청동기를 제작하는 垣曲商城의 쇠락이 동방을 향한 상의 정벌과 무관하지 않을 것으로 추정하였다.즉 갈등과 투쟁 관계로의 변화는 상의 자원 확보 과정에서 나온 동방 정벌의 결과로 보았다. 다만 중기 이후 상과 동이가 갈등관계를 보이지만, 東夷의 여러 국가와 우호적 관계도 지속되었다는 점을 염두에 두어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재


        裵晋影 한국일본근대학회 2014 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.44

        本硏究では、韓國語形容詞のうち、「~스럽다」からなる形容詞を中心に、これらと同じ前項要素を持つ語の接詞による日本語での對應はどう違うかについて考察を行った。韓國語形容詞「~스럽다」は同樣の前項要素を持ち、異なる接詞をとる形容詞が多く、このような同樣の前項要素をもつ形容詞は五つのパタ一ンが見られた。これらの前項要素は固有語より漢語とに結合する例が多く、同じ品詞をもつ例の日本語の對應をみると、③④「~스럽다/롭다」·「~스럽다/롭다/하다」の場合、日本語ではほぼ同樣に對應し、②の「~스럽다/하다」の場合は、「~스럽다」は「~하다」形容詞と意味的に少少異なるが、日本語での對應ははっきりとした區別のない場合が多いことが確認できた。 This research focuses on the Korean adjective, ‘-sureopda’, and how affixes such as this affect Japanese translations with their antecedent factors. There are five patterns to which an antecedent factor carries different affixes such as ‘-sureopda’. Antecedent factors are combined more with words of Sino-Korean characters than pure korean. The affixes ③④ ‘-sureopda/ropda’ and ‘sureopsa /ropda/hada’ are similar to each other when translated into Japanese. However, ‘-sureopda/hada’ in ② has a slightly different meaning to each other in Japanese, though not very distinguishable.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Molecular Characteristics and Exotoxins of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

        배진영,진현우,김정호,박민,이지영,김성현 대한의생명과학회 2021 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.27 No.4

        Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterial pathogen capable of causing human diseases, such as soft tissue infection, bacteremia, endocarditis, toxic shock syndrome, pneumonia, and sepsis. Although the incidence rate of diseases caused by MRSA has declined in recent years, these diseases still pose a clinical threat due to their consistently high morbidity and mortality rates. However, the role of virulence factors in staphylococcal infections remains incompletely understood. Methicillin resistance, which confers resistance to all β-lactam antibiotics in cellular islets, is mediated by the mecA gene in the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec). Differences in SCCmec types and differences in their sizes and structures serve epidemiological purposes and are used to differentiate between hospital-associated (HA)-MRSA and community-associated (CA)-MRSA. Some virulence factors of S. aureus are also providing a distinction between HA-MRSA and CA-MRSA. These factors vary depending on the presence of toxins, adhesion, immune evasion, and other virulence determinants. In this review, we summarized an overview of MRSA such as resistance mechanisms, SCCmec types, HA- and CA-MRSA, and virulence factors that enhance pathogenicity or MRSA epidemiology, transmission, and genetic diversity.

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