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        간 전이 소견없이 유암 증후군을 동반한 십이지장 구부의 유암종 1예

        배영진,이혜정,김혜숙,최필선,조강일,한경문,천종철,이성욱,박진곤,선병호,문성채 대한소화기내시경학회 1998 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.18 No.1

        A primary duodenal carcinoid tumor causing carcinoid syndrome is rare. In case of accompanying carcinoid syndrome in a primary duodenal carcinoid tumor, it mostly suggests massive liver metastasis. In rare case, venous drainage of carcinoid tumor and systemic venous drainage are directly connected without passing through the portal system. Therefore, it is rare and interesting case which a primary duodenal carcinoid tumor accompanies carcinoid syndrome without liver metastasis. We experienced an occasion of a primary carcinoid tumor located in duodenal bulb in a 56 year-old woman. This patient came to our hospital because of intermittent diarrhea, epigastric pain and facial flushing. And it was surely diagnosed as carcinoid tumor by gastrointestinal endoscopic biopsy. She was hospitalized for surgery and we were able to confirm that carcinoid syndrome was accompanied through biochemical test. However, metastatic lesion was not found at liver, small and large intestine. We report this case with reference to documents due to rarity.

      • KCI등재

        도시폐기물의 퇴비화 과정에 있어서 미생물수와 증식활성

        배영진,카네코 히데히로,후지타 켄지,Bae, Young Jin,Kaneko, Hidehiro,Fujita, Kenji 유기성자원학회 1993 유기물자원화 Vol.1 No.1

        퇴비화반응(堆肥化反應)의 주체가 되는 미생물(微生物)이 퇴비화반응(堆肥化反應)에 어떻게 관여하는 가에 대해 충분히 안다는 것은 퇴비화처리(堆肥化處理) 기술상(技術上) 중요한 점이라 할 수 있다. 본(本) 연구(硏究)에서는 우선, 퇴비화실험(堆肥化實驗)을 하면서 실험과정(實驗過程)에서 나타나는 각종 미생물상(微生物相)의 수적(數的) 변화(變化)를 추적했다. 그 결과 세균(細菌)과 방선균(放線菌)이 반응(反應)의 중심이 되어 있는 것을 알았다. 그러나, 그 수(數)는 반응효과(反應效果)와 무관(無關)하다라는 것이 나타나, 미생물(微生物)의 활성지표(活性指標)가 필요하다는 것이 지적되었다. 따라서, 새로운 증식활성도(增殖活性度)라는 지표(指標)를 도입하여, 이 지표(指標)와 퇴비화반응(堆肥化反應)의 중요한 환경인자중(環境因子中)의 하나인 pH와의 관계(關係) 및 반응물(反應物)의 안정도(安定度)와의 관계(關係)에 대해 검토하였다. 그 결과(結果), 증식활성도(增殖活性度)는 퇴비화반응(堆肥化反應)의 효율(效率) 및 안정도(安定度)의 지표(指標)가 될 수 있다는 것이 나타났다. Change in microbial numbers during experimental composting has been investigated. The results show that bacteria and actinomycetes play an important role in decomposing the composting material. The number of bacteria has no relation to the efficiency of composting, though it greatly correlates to the decomposition ratio. Bacterial growth activity that shows potential of bacterial growth was originally proposed. The influence of pH and the decomposition ratio on the growth activity has been studied. It was clarified that the bacterial growth activity is useful in evaluating the efficiency of composting and the maturity of produced compost.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        長安 光宅寺 七寶臺의 十一面觀音像과 悔過儀禮

        배영진 동아대학교 석당학술원 2015 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.61

        Guangzhaisi(光宅寺) Qibaotai(七寶臺) was constructed by Sarira faith on the 2nd year of Yifeng(儀鳳)(677) Empress Wu(武則天, 624 ∼705). The composition of the construction and Qibaotai of Guangzhaisi was Empress Wu. Mysteries of Buddhism with a very significant rosseoneun such time as symbolically referred to later in this crucial background on her throne from the political process. This symbolism is again are revealed by the Buddha as the composition in 3rd year of Chang'an(長安)(703) Qibaotai Empress Wu., It is possible that in the first place Buddha as changes in the composition of the ritual space in Qibaotai established for the purpose of Sarira Pagoda. After crowned Empress Wu gave Luòyáng(洛陽) attention was again a symbolic nominal Qibaotai combination of politics and religion back to Chang'an to be raised at the time of the Buddha Qibaotai, this time creating a lot of Buddha, hoping to live here long does hurt Empress Wu was. In particular, the composition of the attention I aim to Ekādaśamukha(十一面觀音) ritual for poor health at the time of Empress Wu. It will find the relevance between repentance formality through Ekādaśamukha holding a carved thing that myeoljoe. That is the date of the composition Qibaotai Ekādaśamukha Ekādaśamukha repentance formality and ritual period of time to settle on, day of wish-fulfillment and the same, and, Qibaotai Ekādaśamukha Purpose of the Ekādaśamukha repentance formality to gain by virtue of being in the find was. Also, you could guess the pradaksina(行道) courtesy of seeing in Syunie(修二會) Todai-ji Temple(東大寺) and giving the room is a stone pillar on the basis of scripture through the structure of a type of ancient rituals designed Qibaotai show well in the 8th century literature feed. Chang'an year because there is supposedly a time Qibaotai Ekādaśamukha repentance formality is actually done, Qibaotai is considered likely to have been a structure with a central character to the pradaksina higher consciousness. Therefore Qibaotai Ekādaśamukha on the composition of the Empress Wu. Qibaotai regime to participating groups will be able to help you to be more prosperous Now, ultimately Ekādaśamukha repentance formality at the time of the illness through the dark Empress Wu. Kwaeyu the merits of the disease hoping Party It is understood to have been. 光宅寺 七寶臺는 儀鳳 2년(677) 武則天(624∼705)의 舍利信仰에 의해 건립되었다. 광택사의 건립과 칠보대의 조성은 무측천의 정치과정 중에서 상징적으로 언급되면서 이후 그녀의 즉위에 있어서 결정적 배경이 되는 등 당시로서는 매우 중요한 의미를 가진 佛敎瑞祥이었다. 이러한 상징성은 長安 3년(703) 칠보대에 불상이 조성되면서 무측천에 의해 다시 드러나게 되는데, 그것은 본래 사리탑의 성격으로 조성되었던 칠보대가 불상이 조성됨에 따라 의례의 공간으로 변화되었을 가능성이다. 즉위 후 洛陽에 머물렀던 무측천은 칠보대의 불상이 조성될 무렵 장안으로 돌아와 政敎結合의 상징적 명목으로 칠보대를 재주목하였으며, 이때 造像主들은 무측천의 萬壽無疆을 바라며 이곳에 수많은 불상을 조성하였다. 특히 十一面觀音像의 조성은 당시 건강이 좋지 않은 무측천을 위한 의례에 목적을 두고 있어 주목된다. 그것은 滅罪라고 새겨진 지물을 들고 있는 십일면관음상을 통해 悔過儀禮와의 관련성을 찾은 것이다. 즉 칠보대 십일면관음상의 조성날짜가 십일면회과의례를 위한 상의 안치시기 및 의례기간, 回向日과 같으며 칠보대 십일면관음상의 조성목적을 십일면회과의례에 의해 얻게 되는 공덕 가운데에서 찾을 수 있었다. 또한 불상의 조상기와 『寺塔記』에서 실내가 있고 석주가 마련된 칠보대의 구조를 통해 玄奘 역의 『十一面神呪心經』을 근거로 하여 고대 8세기의 의례 형식을 잘 보여주고 있는 도다이지(東大寺) 슈니에(修二會)를 통해 繞匝이 가능한 의례모습을 짐작할 수 있었다. 때문에 장안 연간 당시 칠보대에는 십일면회과의례가 실제로 행해졌을 것으로 짐작되며, 칠보대는 行道, 즉 요잡의식을 할 수 있는 중심적 성격을 가진 구조물이었을 가능성이 높은 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 칠보대 십일면관음상의 조성은 무측천의 정권에 참여한 집단의 조상주들이 칠보대가 더욱 융성할 수 있도록 하기 위한 것이자, 궁극적으로는 십일면회과의례를 통해 당시 병세가 짙은 무측천의 질병쾌유의 공덕을 바라고자 했던 것으로 이해된다.

      • KCI등재

        長安 光宅寺 七寶臺의 조성과 그 의의

        배영진 영남대학교 인문과학연구소 2009 人文硏究 Vol.- No.56

        Studies on Qi-bao-tái(七寶臺) of Guāng-zhái-si(光宅寺) so far were concentrated to its stone Buddha and its record of carving, leaving material issue about the foundation of Guāng-zhái-si itself almost untouched. This paper is aimed at establishing period of foundation of Guāng-zhái-si and Qi-bao-tái each, and its significance on the enthronement of Empress Wu(則天武后), by reviewing literatures about Qi-bao-tái of Guāng-zhái-si. Guāng-zhái-si is a Buddhist temple which was founded in the 2nd year of Yífèng(儀鳳)(677), Tang Dynasty, as Empress Wu found Sarira(舍利) at Guāng-zhái-fāng(光宅坊). Those Sarira were distributed throughout the country. There was Qi-bao-tái at Guāng-zhái-fāng. In Qi-bao-tái, there is a picture of Wèichíysēng(尉遲乙僧). Considering the period of enthronement of Empress Wu, the period when Wèichíysēng was leading an active life, and the possibility that it was founded before Guāng-zhái-si was built, Qi-bao-tái is estimated to be founded around middle or later part of 7C, differently from established opinion that it was founded in 703. In the meantime, acquisition and distribution of Sarira by Empress Wu show rather progressed aspect of political abuse, which shows its important role to justify her acquisition of political power. The discovery of sarira at Guāng-zhái-fāng and the foundation of Guāng- zhái-si carry very symbolic significance regarding her grab of power and accession to the throne, as we see from the name of an era 'Guāng-zhái' Empress Wu used as she seize the power, and from an article in an annotation book based on Mahãmegha-sútra(『大方等無想經』) that “‘Guāng- zhái' itself was the first propitious omen appeared regarding Empress Wu's enthronement in the 1st year of Hóng dào(弘道)(683) after the death of King Gāo-zōng(高宗). That is to say, Empress Wu founded Qi-bao-tái of Guāng-zhái-si to justify her power at the time of discovery of Sarira. She further intended to strengthen the base of her power by adopting ‘Guāng-zhái' as the name of an era in 684. In 688, She made discovery of Sarira and foundation of Qi-bao-tái public by ‘Guang-wu-míng'(廣武銘), as an emperor possessing the orthodoxy of power. Thus, Guāng-zhái-si was utilized as a political tool of Empress Wu throughout her regime. In this manner, such a sequential events became important background and proof to Empress Wu's seizure of political power. 지금까지 光宅寺 七寶臺에 관해서는 칠보대 석불과 조상기 연구 에 집중되어와 사실상 광택사의 건립목적에 관한 본질적인 문제에 대해서는 거의 논의되지 않았다. 이 논문은 광택사 칠보대에 관한 문헌자료를 검토하여 광택사의 건립 및 칠보대의 조성시기와 이것이 則天武后(624~705)의 등극과정에서 가지는 의의를 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 광택사는 唐代 儀鳳 2년(677) 측천무후가 光宅坊에서 발견된 사리를 기념하기 위해 세운 사찰로, 그 사리는 전국 각지에 分舍利하였다. 이곳 광택방에는 측천무후가 세웠다고 하는 칠보대가 있었으며, 여기에는 尉遲乙僧의 그림이 있었다고 한다. 칠보대는 703년에 조성된 것으로 알려져 온 것과는 달리, 측천무후의 즉위시기와 위지을승의 활약시기, 광택사 건립 이전에 조성되었을 가능성을 고려해 본 바 7세기 중후반 무렵에 조성되었을 것으로 판단된다. 한편 측천무후의 사리감득과 분사리는 사리의 정치적 이용에 관 한 이제까지의 선례들을 답습하여 보다 발전된 면을 보여주고 있는데, 이는 당시 정권취득의 합리화를 위해 매우 중요한 역할을 한 것으로 이해된다. 광택방에서의 사리 발견과 광택사 건립은 弘道 원년(683) 高宗 이 죽고 측천무후가 권력을 잡으면서 ‘광택’이라는 연호를 사용한 것에서처럼, 그리고 『대운경』이 근거가 된 주석서(「참소」)에서 측천무후의 등극에 앞서 처음으로 나타났던 상서로움이 바로 ‘광택’이라고 했던 것에서도 알 수 있듯이 그녀의 정권장악과 즉위에 있어서 매우 상징적인 의미를 가진다 하겠다. 즉 측천무후에게 있어 광택사 칠보대는 의봉 2년(677) 사리감득 당시에는 권력 정당화의 목적으로 세워졌으며, 嗣聖 원년(684)에는 ‘광택’이라는 연호를 사용함으로써 자신의 입지를 공고히 하고자 하였다. 그 후 垂拱 4년(688)에 발견된 ‘廣武銘’을 통해서는 측천무후가 正法을 호지한 왕으로써 사리를 감득하고 칠보대를 조성한 것을 세상에 알리는 등 載初 원년(690) 제위에 오르기까지 그녀의 정치과정과 함께 하였다. 결국 이 일련의 사건들은 측천무후의 즉위에 결정적인 배경이 되어 준 것과 동시에 명확한 증거가 되어 주었다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 悔過-懺悔의 기원과 전개

        배영진 전북대학교 인문학연구소 2020 건지인문학 Vol.0 No.28

        Repentance is used to regret, do forgiveness, and confess sins by doing evil. In other words, they repent of their sins and hope for merit from the Buddha. Such repentance is a ritual meaning in Buddhist art, a ritual act that always appears in various Buddhist events, and is the most important ritual prerequisite to obtaining and converting the word of Buddha. First, repentance can be related to the process of accepting Buddhism in early Taoism or Confucianism in China. At the end of the Later Han, tàipíngdào was taught to heal sickness and the peace of the world. This means that the meaning of repentance and the method of ritual are the same, which can be the origin of repentance in China. In other words, repentance in China seems to have been naturally introduced into Buddhist culture on the tradition of folk religion. The scriptures seen in the scriptures are believed to have been understood and very important since the early adoption of Buddhism. Later, ‘cham’ was referred to as a more emphasis on the meaning of ‘hoe’, and it was used universally with repentance as the term ‘chamhoe’ appeared. In addition, repentance revealed a ritualistic personality with a fragmentary example. In more general terms, chamhoe is a process of ritual formation in the third century and chammun and chamhoe methods in the fourth and fifth centuries. In the process, sonho and several monks showed repentance of individual chamhoe and attain Buddhahood. It has also transformed into a form of national ceremony for the imperial family as well as individual matters. By the time of the Emperor Wu of Liang, the form of the ritual was relatively complete. After Suí, the system of chamhoe method was fully established in beobhwasammaecham-ui by jiyǐe. As the chamhoe method was established by Emperor Wen of Sui throughout the country, the chamhoe method established by jiyǐe of Nán Cháo, like chammun, is also expected to spread throughout China. As we have seen, Chinese repentance can be found in the teachings of tàipíngdào. In addition to Buddhism acceptance, it spread throughout China through the process of establishing the system as a repentance of individuals, ceremonies of national events, and ceremonies of pure Buddhism.

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