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        철강산업 탈동조화 생산구조 원인 연구

        배연호 한국경영컨설팅학회 2022 경영컨설팅연구 Vol.22 No.1

        With the adoption of the Paris Agreement and the Implementing Rules, international pressure to reduce greenhouse gases has intensified. Accordingly, developed countries including Korea are implementing various policies to reduce greenhouse gas. There is an argument that international pressure on greenhouse gas reduction and greenhouse gas reduction policies interrupt to the development of some countries and industries. This argument is stronger in developing countries. In this situation, there is a concept of ‘decoupling’ that can reduce greenhouse gas while maintaining economic growth. Recently, the relationship between economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions has been weakening in some developed countries. Decoupling occurs in some countries and industries. However, decoupling varies by country and industry. The manufacturing industry accounts for one-third of Korea's greenhouse gas emissions. In previous studies, Korean coupling, Germany unclear, and Japanese decoupling. This study analyzed the causes of decoupling in the steel industry. In my research, I used raw data on crude steel production, production methods, and imports of raw materials for steel, semi-finished products, and finished products in Korea, Germany, and Japan. The structure and characteristics of the steel industry of the three countries were examined, and the reasons for the different results of decoupling in each country were analyzed. In conclusion, it was confirmed that the decoupling of the steel industry may vary depending on the production method and the difference in imports of raw materials and intermediate goods. In conclusion, I suggested a policy for the decoupling of the Korean steel industry. 파리협정 발효와 이후 이행규칙이 채택되면서 온실가스 감축에 대한 국제적 압박이 강화되었다. 이에 따라 우리나라를 비롯한 선진국들은 온실가스 감축 정책에 우선순위를 두고 다양한 감축 방안을 실행하고 있다. 다만, 이러한 국제적 압박과 적극적인 감축 방안의 실행이 각 국가 및 산업의 발전을 저해한다는 주장이 있으며, 이러한 논란은 개발도상국에서 더 강하게 제기되고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 경제성장을 지속하면서도 온실가스를 감축할 수 있는 ‘탈동조화’의 개념이 주목을 받고 있다. 최근 일부 선진국을 중심으로 경제성장과 온실가스 배출량 간의 동조화 관계가 약화되는 현상을 보이고 있으며. 국가와 산업에 따라서 탈동조화 추세가 나타나기도 한다. 하지만 이러한 현상은 국가별, 산업별로 상당한 차이를 보인다. 이에 본 연구에서는 우리나라 온실가스 직접배출량의 1/3을 차지하고 있는 제조업 중 선행연구를 통해 한국은 동조화, 독일은 불분명, 일본은 탈동조화에 해당된다는 결론이 제기된, 철강산업의 탈동조화 원인을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 우리나라와 독일, 일본의 조강생산량과 생산방식에 따른 생산량, 철강 원재료 및 중간재, 반제품, 완제품 수입량 등의 기초자료를 활용하여, 세 국가의 철강산업 구조와 특징을 살펴보고, 각 국가의 탈동조화 분석 결과가 상이하게 도출되는 원인을 분석하였다. 결론적으로 생산방식과 원재료 및 중간재 등의 수입량 차이에 따라 철강산업의 탈동조화 여부가 달라질 수 있음을 확인하였으며, 우리나라 철강산업의 탈동조화 전망과 정책적 함의를 도출하였다.

      • KCI등재

        정유산업 전문경영인을 위한 중동지역 정유산업 현황 및 수출 분석

        배연호 한국전문경영인학회 2017 專門經營人硏究 Vol.20 No.4

        This study has analyzed the oil refining industry and the direction of future industrial policy in the Middle East. The analysis was based on data on oil production, supply, and export in the Middle East. Until now, the study on the oil industry in the Middle East has been mainly focused on the upstream sector targeting crude oil exploration and production. The research on the oil refining industry in the Middle East is very limited, and it has been difficult to acquire advanced research and data. The results of this study are expected to be used as a reference for understanding the refining industry policies of major oil producing countries in the Middle East and policy implications for refining industry in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        중동 주요국 중장기 경제개발계획과 정유산업 정책 분석 : 관련기업 CEO의 관점에서

        배연호 한국전문경영인학회 2018 專門經營人硏究 Vol.21 No.4

        This study analyzes the economic development plans of major countries in the Middle East in response to changes in the international oil market environment and researches the changes in the direction of the oil industry policy. By analyzing the data and results of overseas case studies and related research, the economic development plan and refinery industry policies of major countries in the Middle East are confirmed and future prospects are presented. This study selected Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, UAE and Iraq as major oil producing countries in the Middle East. We analyzed the changes in the economic and industrial policies of each country in response to the volatility of the international oil market. In addition, the present situation and prospect of oil refining industry in each country based on refinery operating status and related data were analyzed, and policy directions of major oil producing countries in the Middle East due to changes in international oil market environment were sought. Based on the results of this study, it can be expected to predict the impacts on the international petroleum product market and related industries in Korea, and to suggest policy implications and countermeasures.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        COVID-19로 인한 저유가와 중동지역 주요 정유사 현황 분석

        배연호 한국전문경영인학회 2020 專門經營人硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        This study analyzed the effect of COVID-19 on the international crude oil market and petroleum product market. We analyzed the current status of the oil industry diversification strategy led by major oil companies in the Middle East at low oil prices. In addition, it was intended to understand the impact on related industries and companies. Aramco, NIORDC, KNPC, TAKREER, NRC, etc. were selected as the target companies for this study. COVID-19 was launched in China in December. And after the WHO declared a pandemic in March, it began to affect the real market. Therefore, analysis data and related research for this study are limited. Although it is a research topic with these limitations, research on the effects of COVID-19 is urgent. Refinery and petrochemical industries account for a large portion of exports. It is important to conduct an analysis of the impacts of COVID-19 and the strategies of major oil companies in the Middle East and to communicate relevant information to business executives. The effect of COVID-19 on the crude oil and petroleum products market was analyzed through case studies and data. The major oil refineries and growth strategies were identified.

      • KCI등재

        The Determinants of FDI Flows : The Importance of ICT

        배연호 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2015 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.15 No.2

        Development of Internet has contributed to (i) lower entry barriers due to the decreased information searching costs, (ii) drop of inventory costs, and (iii) declines of government corruption. These three changes can increase productivity, which attracts more FDI. This study empirically examines the determinants of FDI focused on the development of ICT. We apply fixed effect models and Hausman-Taylor models to a panel data set of 199 countries from 1970 to 2010. The result shows that the coefficients of the proxy variables for ICT infrastructure are positive and statistically significant. These results can be stepping stones for the future research seeking more general relationship between ICT and FDI using data with wider regions and longer time period.

      • KCI등재

        Does ICT Diffusion Increase FDI Inflow?: 2SLS for Panel Data Model

        배연호 한국인터넷전자상거래학회 2019 인터넷전자상거래연구 Vol.19 No.2

        This study focuses on examining the relations between ICT(Information & Communication Technology) and FDI(Foreign Direct Investment) inflow through 2SLS(Two-Stage Least Squares) analyzes. My research presents a more generalized result compared to previous studies by using a wide range of data sets from 1980 to 2010 for 199 countries. Furthermore, in order to supplement the possible endogeneity problem in setting variables in the panel analysis, this paper conducts 2SLS using the 15~24 age group as an instrument variable at the country level. The main results based on 2SLS analysis are as follows. All three variables set as ICT infrastructure exhibit a positive significant relationship with FDI inflow. Specifically, at the 5% significance level, the increasing numbers of fixed-broadband subscribers, internet users and mobile phone subscribers of 10% leads to 5.33%, 5.08%, 7.40% increase in FDI inflow, respectively.

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