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      • KCI등재후보

        왕숙천 준설구간의 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집변동

        배연재,박선영,윤일병,박재흥,배경석 ( Yeon Jae Bae,Sun Young Park,Il Byong Yoon,Jae Heung Park,Kyung Seok Bae ) 한국하천호수학회 1996 생태와 환경 Vol.29 No.4

        Most of streams In Korea have been suffered from various anthrophogenic environmental changes such as frequent stream management projects, dredging for building materials, etc. The effects of stream bed dredging on the benthic macroinvertebrate community in a typical urban stream in Korea were studied. Study site was chosen in the mid-reach of the Wangsuk Creek (1 km section between Changhyon and Naegak) near Seoul which was completely dredged in December 1994. Reference sites were chosen at 2km upper and down stream. respectively. Quantitative and qualitative samplings, observations of habitat change, measurements of water quality and other environmental factors were conducted in January, April, August, and October 1995. As a result, benthic habitats were seriously destroyed and benthic algae, e.g., blue-greens, were bloomed since dredging. Fewer benthic macroinvertebrates occurred at the dredged area(mean species # 9.8; dominance 0.843: diversity 1.290), as compared with the upper stream (mean species # 24.3; dominance 0.448; diversity 3.266) or down stream (mean species # 17.5: dominance 0.701; diversity 2.041) ; only very tolerant species, e.g., oligochaete worms and blood worms, occurred in the dredged area. After flooding in July, water quality was somewhat improved and benthic algae were decreased; a few other benthic macroinvertebrates were introduced in Autumn. Based on the present study, we postulate that the dredging of urban streams caused sudden changes of water quality due to disturbance of benthic babitat and lack of self-purification: and subsequently introduced tolerant algae prevented from survival of other benthic macroinvertebrates, esp. hyporheos, by covering the stream bed. For the comparisons of the colonization pattern of benthic macroinvertebrates, long-term studies in preserved streams as well as in urban streams are needed.

      • KCI등재

        한반도 자생생물 조사·발굴 연구사업 고찰(2006~2020)

        배연재,조기종,민기식,김병직,현진오,이진환,이향범,윤정훈,황정미,염진화,Bae, Yeon Jae,Cho, Kijong,Min, Gi-Sik,Kim, Byung-Jik,Hyun, Jin-Oh,Lee, Jin Hwan,Lee, Hyang Burm,Yoon, Jung-Hoon,Hwang, Jeong Mi,Yum, Jin Hwa 한국환경생물학회 2021 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.39 No.1

        Korea has stepped up efforts to investigate and catalog its flora and fauna to conserve the biodiversity of the Korean Peninsula and secure biological resources since the ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1992 and the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits (ABS) in 2010. Thus, after its establishment in 2007, the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) of the Ministry of Environment of Korea initiated a project called the Korean Indigenous Species Investigation Project to investigate indigenous species on the Korean Peninsula. For 15 years since its beginning in 2006, this project has been carried out in five phases, Phase 1 from 2006-2008, Phase 2 from 2009-2011, Phase 3 from 2012-2014, Phase 4 from 2015-2017, and Phase 5 from 2018-2020. Before this project, in 2006, the number of indigenous species surveyed was 29,916. The figure was cumulatively aggregated at the end of each phase as 33,253 species for Phase 1 (2008), 38,011 species for Phase 2 (2011), 42,756 species for Phase 3 (2014), 49,027 species for Phase 4 (2017), and 54,428 species for Phase 5(2020). The number of indigenous species surveyed grew rapidly, showing an approximately 1.8-fold increase as the project progressed. These statistics showed an annual average of 2,320 newly recorded species during the project period. Among the recorded species, a total of 5,242 new species were reported in scientific publications, a great scientific achievement. During this project period, newly recorded species on the Korean Peninsula were identified using the recent taxonomic classifications as follows: 4,440 insect species (including 988 new species), 4,333 invertebrate species except for insects (including 1,492 new species), 98 vertebrate species (fish) (including nine new species), 309 plant species (including 176 vascular plant species, 133 bryophyte species, and 39 new species), 1,916 algae species (including 178 new species), 1,716 fungi and lichen species(including 309 new species), and 4,812 prokaryotic species (including 2,226 new species). The number of collected biological specimens in each phase was aggregated as follows: 247,226 for Phase 1 (2008), 207,827 for Phase 2 (2011), 287,133 for Phase 3 (2014), 244,920 for Phase 4(2017), and 144,333 for Phase 5(2020). A total of 1,131,439 specimens were obtained with an annual average of 75,429. More specifically, 281,054 insect specimens, 194,667 invertebrate specimens (except for insects), 40,100 fish specimens, 378,251 plant specimens, 140,490 algae specimens, 61,695 fungi specimens, and 35,182 prokaryotic specimens were collected. The cumulative number of researchers, which were nearly all professional taxonomists and graduate students majoring in taxonomy across the country, involved in this project was around 5,000, with an annual average of 395. The number of researchers/assistant researchers or mainly graduate students participating in Phase 1 was 597/268; 522/191 in Phase 2; 939/292 in Phase 3; 575/852 in Phase 4; and 601/1,097 in Phase 5. During this project period, 3,488 papers were published in major scientific journals. Of these, 2,320 papers were published in domestic journals and 1,168 papers were published in Science Citation Index(SCI) journals. During the project period, a total of 83.3 billion won (annual average of 5.5 billion won) or approximately US $75 million (annual average of US $5 million) was invested in investigating indigenous species and collecting specimens. This project was a large-scale research study led by the Korean government. It is considered to be a successful example of Korea's compressed development as it attracted almost all of the taxonomists in Korea and made remarkable achievements with a massive budget in a short time. The results from this project led to the National List of Species of Korea, where all species were organized by taxonomic classification. Information regarding the 생물다양성협약(1992년)과 나고야의정서(2010년)의 체결 이후 우리나라는 한반도의 생물다양성 보전과 생물자원 확보를 위한 자생생물의 조사·발굴 연구에 박차를 가하였다. 이러한 계기로 2007년에 설립된 환경부 소속 국립생물자원관의 주도로 "한반도 자생생물 조사·발굴 연구사업"이 진행되었다. 본 사업은 2006년 이후 현재까지 15년 동안 5단계(1단계 2006~2008년, 2단계 2009~2011년, 3단계 2012~2014년, 4단계 2015~2017년, 5단계 2018~2020년)로 나누어 진행되었다. 연구의 결과, 본 사업의 이전에 29,916종(2006년)이던 한반도 자생생물이 본 사업의 각 단계가 마무리되는 시점에서 누계로 집계하여 볼 때, 1단계 33,253종(2008년), 2단계 38,011종(2011년), 3단계 42,756종(2014년), 4단계 49,027종(2017년), 그리고 5단계 54,428종(2020년)으로 급속히 증가하여 본 사업 기간 동안 한반도 자생생물 기록종이 약 1.8배 증가하였다. 이 통계자료는 이 기간 동안 연평균 2,320종의 한반도 미기록종이 새로이 기록된 것을 보여준다. 또한 전체 발굴종 중에서 총 5,242종의 신종을 기록하는 학술적 큰 성과를 거두었다. 분류군 별로는 총 연구 기간 동안 곤충 4,440종(신종 988종 포함), 무척추동물(곤충 제외) 4,333종(신종 1,492종 포함), 척추동물(어류) 98종(신종 9종 포함), 식물(관속식물과 선태식물) 309종(관속식물 176종, 선태식물 133종, 신종 39종 포함), 조류(algae) 1,916종(신종 178종 포함), 균류와 지의류 1,716종(신종 309종 포함), 그리고 원핵생물 4,812종(신종 2,226종 포함)이 한반도에서 새로이 기록되었다. 생물표본은 각 단계별로 집계하여 볼 때 1단계 247,226점(2008년), 2단계 207,827점(2011년), 3단계 287,133점(2014년), 4단계 244,920점(2017년), 그리고 5단계 144,333점(2020년)이 수집되어 연평균 75,429점, 총 1,131,439점의 생물표본이 채집되었다. 그중에서 곤충 281,054점, 곤충 이외의 무척추동물 194,667점, 척추동물(어류) 40,100점, 식물 378,251점, 조류(algae) 140,490점, 균류 61,695점, 그리고 원핵생물 35,182점이 채집되었다. 본 사업에 참여한 각 단계별 연구원/보조연구원(주로 대학원생)의 수는 1단계 597/268명, 2단계 522/191명, 3단계 939/292명, 4단계 575/852명, 그리고 5단계 601/1,097명으로 전체년도의 참여연구자는 연평균 395명, 총 연인원 약 5,000명이 참여하여 전국의 거의 모든 분류학자와 분류학 전공의 대학원생이 참여하였다. 본 사업 기간 동안 전문학술지 논문 3,488편(국내학술지 논문 2,320편, SCI급 국제학술지 논문 1,168편 포함)이 출판되었다. 본 사업 기간 중 자생생물 조사·발굴 사업 및 생물표본 확보 사업에 투입된 예산은 총 833억원(연평균 55억원)이다. 본 사업은 국가 주도의 대형 연구 프로젝트로서 전국의 거의 모든 분류학자가 참여하고 대규모 예산이 투입되어 단기간에 이루어 낸 한국식 압축성장의 한 성공 사례로 볼 수 있다. 본 사업의 종발굴 성과는 최근의 생물분류 체계로 분류되어 국가생물종목록으로 만들어졌으며, 전문가와 학생 및 일반 시민에게 제공되고 있다(https://species.nibr.go.kr/index.do). 본 사업에서 파생된 기재문, DNA 염기 서열, 서식처, 분포, 생태, 이미지, 멀티미디어 등 각 종의 정보는 디지털화되어 생물의 계통, 진화 연구 등 학문적 발전에 기여하였고, 기후변화에 따른 지표종의 변화 같은 생물분포 모니터링 사업과 바이오산업의 생물소재를 탐색하는 기반이 되었다. 본 사업을 통하여 젊은 분류인력(주로 대학원생)의 양성을 지원할 수 있었던 것

      • KCI등재

        야외 실험 수조에서 추정한 연못하루살이(Cloeon dipterum) (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae)의 발육 유효적산온도

        배연재 ( Yeon Jae Bae ) 한국하천호수학회 2012 생태와 환경 Vol.45 No.1

        We aimed to estimate the accumulated degree days required for the development of Cloeon dipterum (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) in an experimental tub under field conditions from August 7 to October 10 in 2011. After 4 days in a tub setting, a dead female adult was found on the water surface at which oviposition had presumably occurred. Adults emerged from 39 days to 61 days after the oviposition date. The total number of emerged adults was 229, and the sex ratio (number of females : total population) was 0.45, although not statistically significant (p¤0.05). The males generally emerged earlier than females. Assuming that the basal temperature (Tb) value is 0℃, we estimated the number of accumulated degree days required for the development of C. dipterum to be 1,221.8±116.0DD(mean±SD). Since the annual number of accumulated degree days in the reference wetland was measured to be 5,650.0 DD, we estimated that C. dipterum is multivoltine, with a maximum of 4 cohorts in 1 year in natural habitats.

      • KCI등재

        낙동강 상류 폐탄광의 산성광산배수가 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집에 미치는 영향

        배연재 ( Yeon Jae Bae ) 한국하천호수학회 2012 생태와 환경 Vol.45 No.1

        We investigated the effects of acid mine drainage (AMD) from abandoned coal mines on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the upper reaches of the Nakdong River from May to October in 2009. Qualitative and quantitative sampling (Surber sampler: 50×50 cm; mesh size, 0.2 mm) was conducted at 7 study sites and 3 control sites in the study area. We thus sampled 117 species belonging to 53 families, 15 orders, 6 classes, and 5 phyla; the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera group (EPTgroup) represented the majority of the benthic macroinvertebrate community (71 species; 64.5%). In the quantitative sampling, a total of 11,575 individuals belonging to 58 species of benthic maroinvertebrates were sampled from the study sites (Sites 1--7), whereas 2,844 individuals belonging to 79 species were sampled from the control sites (Sites A--C). Tolerant species such as oligochaetes, Epeorus pellucidus, Baetis fuscatus, Hydropsychidae species, and Chironomidae species were predominant in the study sites. The community indices for the study sites, such as MacNaughton`s dominance index (DI) (mean±SD, 0.52±0.21; range, 0.33--0.85) and the Shannon diversity index (H′) (2.06±0.60; 1.06--2.57), were different from those for the control sites (DI: 0.29±0.07, 0.22--0.35; H′: 3.13±0.14; 3.03--3.30). In the study sites, shredders and scrapers were scarce, whereas gathering-collectors (mainly Chironomidae species) were relatively abundant, as were clingers and burrowers. The detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and similarity analyses showed that benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the study sites were clearly separated from those of the control sites, with the greatest dissimilarity being noted at the uppermost study site (Site 1), which is located close to an abandoned coal mine. The Korean saprobic index (KSI) and the ecological score using benthic macroinvertebrates (ESB) showed that the uppermost study site (Site 1) was α-mesosaprobic or heavily polluted, whereas other study sites were in a fair or relatively good condition.

      • KCI등재

        OECD 다국적기업 가이드라인의 이의제기 절차와 국내연락사무소의 역할

        배연재 ( Yeon Jae Bae ) 안암법학회 2015 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.47

        The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises(hereinafter ‘OECD Guidelines’), especially through the 2011 revision, is positively assessed as having contributed to the development of international regulation of corporate activities. The Guidelines provide a set of recommendations addressed to multinational enterprises operating in or from adhering countries covering issues on general policies, disclosure, human rights, employment and industrial relations, environment, combating bribery, consumer interests, science and technology, competition, and taxation. Judging from the perspective of multinational enterprises, the Guidelines remain as voluntary and non-binding principles and standards which cannot be legally enforced. However, what differentiates the OECD Guidelines from other international norms on responsible business conduct is that the Guidelines are the only government-backed international instrument with a built-in grievance mechanism. Adhering countries are obliged to establish a National Contact Point(hereinafter ‘NCP’), and interested parties can lodge a complaint with the NCPs against multinational enterprises suspected of breaching the OECD Guidelines. Such grievance mechanism was introduced in 2000 and is operating to date. There have been, however, continuous criticisms on the impartiality, transparency, and expertise regarding the organization and operation of individual NCPs, and on the effectiveness of the complaint mechanism. These critiques are valid to a significant extent. Despite these drawbacks, the OECD Guidelines and the NCP system are considered to have positively contributed to the international efforts to enhance responsible business conduct. NCPs primarily provide a mediation and conciliation platform as a means of dispute settlement based on consensual agreement of the parties, and on top of this, conduct evaluative functions through fact finding, recommendations, and follow-up and monitoring. In other words, NCPs are assuming a role of a problem solver beyond a settlement facilitator. They clearly act as a starting point for unraveling the problems between multinational enterprises and local communities affected by corporate activities. NCPs provide the forum for interested parties to discuss all matters relating to the Guidelines, offer interpretations on substantive provisions, and make recommendations on the implementation of the Guidelines when appropriate. Moreover, through periodic roundtables and forums, peer reviews and peer learning, and continuous cooperation with various stakeholders, NCPs work towards to effectively improve the functions of NCPs. These efforts do not remain as mere attempts, but are strengthened in the OECD system. Over recent years, the Korean NCP has come under considerable criticisms due to its organization and operation, and passive manner towards specific instances involving Korean companies. As international monitoring of corporate conduct is ever more reinforcing globally, it will be hard for Korean companies to escape from the rules of the OECD Guidelines. Hence, it is necessary to reconsider the perceptions of the Korean companies, and to search for ways to improve the operation of the Korean NCP.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        경기도 가평천의 하순에 따른 수서곤충 군집조성과 섭식기능군

        배연재 ( Yeon Jae Bae ),원두희 ( Doo Hee Won ),황득휘 ( Duc Huy Hoang ),진영헌 ( Young Hun Jin ),황정미 ( Jeong Mi Hwang ) 한국하천호수학회 2003 생태와 환경 Vol.36 No.1

        Community composition and functional feeding groups of aquatic insects according to stream order were investigated from the Gapyeong Creek, a typical mid-sized Korean stream in Gyeonggi-do, Korea, in April 2000. For field investigations, the main watercourse and three major tributaries of the stream that belong to stream order Ⅱ to Ⅶ were divided into reaches (ca. 1~4 km in distance). Aquatic insects were sampled from one or two sites each reach (total 30 sites) using a Surber sampler(50×50cm, mesh 0.75mm). As a result of the quantitative samplings (two Surber samplings at riffle and pool/run per site; total 2×30=60 Surber samplings) and additional qualitative samplings, a total of 164 species of aquatic insects in 103 genera, 54 families, and 8 orders were collected from the stream. Those aquatic insects were composed of Trichoptera (56 spp.: 34.1%), Ephemeroptera (43 spp.: 26.2%), Diptera (25 spp.: 15.2%), Plecoptera (23 spp.: 14.0%), Coleoptera (6 spp.: 3.7%), Odonata (6 spp.: 74.4%) or EPT-group plus Diptera 9147 spp.: 89.6%) occupied most of the aquatic insect community; relatively larger number of species occurred in the mid-stream reaches (order Ⅲ-Ⅵ). The quantitative samplings throughout the study sites yielded a total of 26,286 individuals of aquatic insects (136~2522 inds./0.5㎡, mean 906.4 inds./0.5㎡) that belongs to Ephemeroptera (11,994 inds.: 45.6%), Diptera (8730 inds.: 33.2%), Trichoptera (4123 inds. : 15.7%), Plecoptera (1213 inds.: 4.6%), Coleoptera (204 inds.: 0.8%), Odonata (13 inds.: 0.05%), Megaloptera (5 inds.: 0.02%), and Hemiptera (4 inds.: 0.02); average number of individuals of aquatic insects increased as the stream order increased; average numbers of individuals of Plecoptera and Trichoptera decreased and increased, respectively, as the stream order increased. Tolerant species such as Chironomidae spp., Uracanthella rufa, and Hydropsychidae spp. were particularly abundant in the down stream reaches (order Ⅶ). Species diversity indices (H`) and dominance indices (DI) were relatively higher and lower, respectively, in the mid-stream reaches (order Ⅳ~ Ⅵ). Shredders occupied the smallest part and collector-gatherers were most abundant among the functional feeding groups(FFGs); collector-filterers considerably increased in the down stream reaches (orders Ⅵ and Ⅶ); scrappers were relatively evenly distributed throughout the stream reaches; predators were relatively more abundant in the uppermost stream reaches (order Ⅱ).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미국의 반덤핑 및 상계관세 판정에서의 ‘불리한 이용가능한 사실’의 적용에 관한 연구

        배연재(Bae, Yeon Jae) 한국국제경제법학회 2016 국제경제법연구 Vol.14 No.3

        최근 보호무역주의의 지속적인 확산과 함께 미국의 수입규제도 확대되고 있다. 이번 미국무역집행효율법에 따른 반덤핑 및 상계관세법 개정도 이러한 기조에서 이루어진 것으로서 특히 ‘불리한 이용가능한 사실’의 적용과 관련한 미국 조사당국의 재량권을 확대 및 강화하고 있다. 이에 따라 반덤핑 및 상계관세 조사와 재심 과정에서 대상기업들은 강화된 부담 하에 대응을 하고, 결과 측면에서도 보다 불리한 고율의 관세를 부과 받을 가능성이 높아졌다. 실제 우리나라의 철강 관련 사건에서 연속적으로 고율의 반덤핑 및 상계관세가 부과되었다. 이에 따라 ‘불리한 이용가능한 사실’과 관련한 개정법의 내용을 충분히 이해하고 이에 따른 법 적용의 변화를 지속적으로 주시하며, 조사당국의 자료 요청에 협조하여 신뢰와 협력관계를 유지하고, 관련 기업과 산업 및 정부가 전방위적으로 공동 대응하는 것이 필요하다. With the recent rise of trade protectionism, the U.S. has expanded its practice of import regulation. The amendments to the anti-dumping and countervailing duty laws, introduced by the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015, are also in line with such trend, and in particular, the discretion of the U.S. Department of Commerce is broadened and strengthened. Accordingly, companies subject to investigation or review are required to respond with heavier burdens, and highly likely to be imposed with high dumping margins or subsidy rates. In fact, the U.S. consecutively imposed high rates of anti-dumping and countervailing duties on Korean companies in recent steel related cases. Hence, it is necessary to fully understand the amendments and continually monitor the changes to the application of such amendments, and maintain collaborative relationship with the Department of Commerce by amicably cooperating with its information requests. Moreover, it is important for the companies concerned, the industry and the government to collectively and proactively respond in full range.

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