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        스포츠에 대한 부정적인 상징 형성에 따른 행위요인 탐색: 합리적 행위이론을 중심으로

        박형길 한국스포츠사회학회 2018 한국스포츠사회학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to explore the behavioral factors according to the symbol formed by the negative phenomenon occurring in the sports domain. The qualitative research methods were used for this study, and 9 participants were selected for in-depth interviews. The results of the study are as follows. First, as people experienced negative sports phenomena, people took a sense of betrayal, anger, and negative abandonment about sports. When positive beliefs in sports were compromised, people expressed a sense of betrayal, urged strong sanctions against negative events, and expressed anger. And, as these events occur frequently, people showed attitude of accepting the negativeness of sports. Second, negative reactions to sports by the significant others have created a negative subjective norms for people. Those who was accepted negative sports information from the significant others have formed subjective norms such as distrust of sporting events, denial of the whole sporting area, and denial of elite sport participation. Third, the intention according to the negative sports phenomenon was expressed as intention of the injustice of elite sport, support of sports for all, and improvement of sports system. In other words, those affected by the negative sports phenomenon are opposed to the elite sport participation of the surrounding people, but they encourage sports for all and have expressed the intention to act for the overall institutional reform of elite sports. In order to prevent the negative phenomenon of sports, we should provide athletes with practical personality education program and improve the sports system to create desirable sports culture. 이 연구의 목적은 스포츠 영역에서 발생하는 부정적인 현상에 의해서 형성된 상징에 따른 행위 요인을 탐색하는 것이다. 이 연구를 위해서 질적 연구방법을 사용하였으며, 연구참여자는 9명을 선정하여 심층면담을 수행하였다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 부정적인 스포츠 현상을 경험함에 따라서 사람들은 스포츠에 대해 배반감, 분노, 부정적인 체념의 태도를 취했다. 사람들은 스포츠에 대한 긍정적인 믿음이 손상됨에 따라서 배반감을 나타냈으며, 스포츠의 부정적 사건에 대한 강력한 제재를 촉구하며 분노를 표출했다. 그리고 사람들은 이와 같은 사건들이 빈번히 발생함에 따라서 스포츠의 부정성을 수용하는 체념의 태도를 나타냈다. 둘째, 주요 타자들에 의해서 스포츠에 대한 부정적인 반응을 경험한 사람들은 스포츠에 대한 부정적인 주관적 규범을 형성했다. 주요타자로부터 부정적인 스포츠 정보를 수용한 사람들은 스포츠 종목에 대한 불신, 전체 스포츠 영역에 대한 부정, 그리고 엘리트 스포츠 참여 부정과 같은 주관적 규범이 형성되었다. 셋째, 부정적인 스포츠 현상에 의해 발현되는 행위의도는 스포츠에 대한 부정, 생활체육 지지, 스포츠 제도개선의 의도로 표출되었다. 즉 부정적인 스포츠 현상에 영향을 받은 사람들은 주변인들의 엘리트 스포츠 참여는 만류하지만, 생활체육 활동은 장려하며, 엘리트 스포츠의 전반적인 제도개혁을 요구하는 행위의도를 나타냈다. 그러므로 우리들은 스포츠의 부정적인 현상을 방지하기 위해서 운동선수들에게 실천적인 인성교육 프로그램을 제공하고, 스포츠 체계의 제도개선을 통해서 바람직한 스포츠 문화를 조성해야 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Photoluminescent Properties of CdxZn1-xO Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Spin-Coating Method

        박형길,남기웅,윤현식,김진수,손정식,임재영 대한금속·재료학회 2013 ELECTRONIC MATERIALS LETTERS Vol.9 No.4

        CdxZn1-xO thin films were prepared on Si (100) substrates by the sol-gel spin coating method. Temperaturedependent photoluminescence (PL) measurements were carried out to investigate the luminescent properties of the CdxZn1-xO thin films. The PL peaks of the CdxZn1-xO thin films decrease as the Cd concentration increases and the near-band edge emission (NBE) PL peaks of the CdxZn1-xO thin films are shifted toward the red region. In the temperature-dependent PL measurement, three components at 2.855, 3.038, and 3.148 eV in the PL emission peak of the Cd0.2Zn0.8O thin films were observed at 12 K. With increasing temperature,the emission peak at 3.148 eV at 12 K becomes red-shifted and the monotonic PL peak at 12 K divides into three clear peaks as the temperature increases. The activation energy for the 3.148 eV peak is 69.54 meV corresponding to the energy for the frozen-out donors.

      • KCI등재

        선진 스포츠 문화 정립에 관한 연구

        박형길 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2019 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.13 No.8

        The purpose of this study is to improve the academy sports field for the establishment of advanced sports culture. This study used qualitative research. The research participants were baseball players for 11 years and have been professional baseball players. Another study participant has been a soccer player for eight years. And he has been a football coach for 13 years. The results of this study are as follows. First, the act of entertaining was the form in which parents served sports leaders meals and alcohol. Parents' student athletes had increased chances of playing in the game and were able to receive faithful guidance. Second, the student athletes whose parents did not act of entertaining to the sports leader were discriminated against. The student athletes were harassed by their leaders, their positions changed, and their chances of playing were reduced. Third, parents’ student athletes who did not act of entertaining to their leaders either stopped exercising or moved to another school because of discrimination. Eventually, the entertainment culture of academy sports acted as a mechanism to induce sports de-socialization of student athletes, and made students experience a negative aspect of sports culture. As a result, the entertainment culture of academy sports caused discriminatory treatment due to economic inequality. Therefore, the negative entertainment culture of academy sports should be eradicated for the establishment of advanced sports culture.

      • KCI등재

        학원스포츠 폭력 행위에 대한 해결방안 모색

        박형길,조성 한국사회체육학회 2019 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.77

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes and conseuqences of sports violence that occurs in school sports organizations and to prepare an effective solution. Method: Qualitative research methods were used for this study. The sutdy participants were seven study participants who had experience of student athletes. For the ustdy, data were collected and analyzed through in-depth interviews, press releases, and related papers. Basedo n this, the following study results were obtained. Results: First, sports violence occurred by sports leaders and seniors tudent-athletes in the school sports organization was cause by the purpose of improving athletes’ preformance, personal emotional expression, and discipline of sports. Second, the young athletes who experienced sports violence against sports leaders and senior players abandoned the exercise or transferred to ano ther school. And young athletes who experienced sports violence may have a mental problem over time. Tirhd, in order to prevent sports violence tha t occurs in the school sports organizations, the following should be done. It is necessary to improve the athletes’ performance enhancing system, to strengthen the ethics education of the leaders, and to improve the working environment of the sports leaders. Conclusion: As a result, in order to reduce the acts of sports violence that are occurring in the school sports organizations, continuous education for sports leaders and student-athletes and improvement of sports education environment should be concurrently performed.

      • KCI등재

        인성 함양을 위한 운동선수들의 행위 연구 : 애덤 스미스의 ‘공정한 관찰자’의 개념을 중심으로

        박형길,조욱연 한국체육정책학회 2020 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to reduce negative behaviors such as doping and match-fixing scandal which are frequently occurred in sports field. For this purpose, this study interpreted the actions of athletes who had been active in Korea, focusing on Adam Smith's notion of 'the impartial spectator'. Research data were collected through in-depth interview, related papers, daily news papers, etc. The collection period of research data was from August 2018 to May 2019. The subjects of the study were eight men, all of whom had elite player experience. The results of the study are as follows. First, athletes were able to form the impartial spectator in their minds by their parents' home education, religious beliefs, and education by sports leaders. Second, athletes faced temptation of sports cheating but did not engage in such negative behavior. And athletes were applying the impartial spectator to the sport scene in a way that they felt sympathy for the players who committed sports cheating. Third, the strong penalties, public criticism, and sports ethics education for sports illegal athletes helped strengthen athletes' impartial spectator. In particular, if sports ethics education and personality education are strengthened for sports leaders who are playing a pivotal role in the school sport field, the illegal behaviors of sports athletes will help to decrease.

      • KCI등재

        한국 야구의 영역별 발전을 위한 탐색적 분석

        박형길,권순용 한국체육정책학회 2015 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to determine the status of the country's baseball culture and to explore ways of developing baseball in Korea. Such the development plan will not be limited to baseball event, it will be applied to a variety of events. First, we must expand the social safety net of a professional baseball player and try to activate the baseball. We should strengthening social adaptation programs of baseball players and enlarging welfare of baseball players through cooperative society. And through the recruitment of the Asian baseball players it should expand the baseball market. Second, we must offer customized education to students and strengthen sports ethics training to baseball player. And video determination system should be introduced. Third, the government should strive to enable the community baseball club and to establish a referee qualification system. We need a way to connect the pro-baseball teams with the community baseball clubs.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠 자발적 결사체의 인적자원 유연화 현상 탐색

        박형길 한국체육정책학회 2016 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the human resource flexibility that occurs in the sports voluntary association. This research was conducted using the ethnography methods. The participants selected 8 members who was enrolled at community baseball clubs of Gangwon-do and Gyeonggi-do. And this research was mainly conducted participant observation in Gangwon-do club. The datum were collected through participant observation, interviews, internet community and literature studies. The results of this study are as follows. First, Gangwon-do team hired the outstanding players that who was enrolled at community baseball clubs of Gyeonggi-do. So the Gangwon-do team achieved good results. Second, the novice players of club members belonging to Gangwon-do team were excepted at the key player. And these people expressed dissatisfaction with their own to the team. Third, novice players of the Gangwon-do team left the club. And the Gangwon-do team was operational as abnormal, and was eventually collapsed at February 2016. This study analyzed the characteristics of sports voluntary associations that are separated in the normal voluntary associations. The human resource flexibility that occurs in the sports voluntary associations was confirmed that the beneficiary was not the people who belong to one team but the people who belong to two teams. Through the results of this study suggested the operating direction to manage sports voluntary associations.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 스포츠 동호회원들의 긍정적 교류 현상 탐색

        박형길 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2022 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.16 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to explore interactions such as economic exchange, information exchange, and emotional exchange with other club members based on social capital of life sports club members. For research purposes, this researcher is currently active in the “R community baseball club”, which is active in the OO area. And six club members who are active in the same club were selected as research participants. The data of the study were collected and analyzed by participation observation data, in-depth interview data, club band data, related thesis data, and internet data. The results of this study are as follows. First, the economic exchange of club members was found to be the use of restaurants run by club members, the use of businesses run by club members, and money transactions and stock information transactions among club members. Second, the information sharing behavior of club members was found to be sharing exercise information, sharing life information, and sharing occupational information. Third, the emotional exchange activities of the club members appeared through attending celebrations, attending funerals, and attending small gatherings. In conclusion, the intimacy of community sports club members developed and strengthened in the public bonding stage, public acquaintance stage, and private acquaintance stage.

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