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      • KCI등재

        식사보조 로봇 사용자의 시선 방향 추정 딥러닝 모델 기반 식사 의도 인식 시스템

        박현지(HyunJi Park),장인훈(Inhoon Jang),고광은(KwangEun Ko) 제어로봇시스템학회 2021 제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 Vol.27 No.5

        Care robots that provide dietary supplements to the elderly and the disabled should be able to intelligently interact with the users’ intention to eat in real-time and provide the food they want. To this end, based on deep learning, we have developed a user interface that facilitates the selection of food to be eaten according to six user gaze directions. A single-stage object-detection deep learning model has been implemented as a lightweight, single-stage object-detection deep learning model that can be installed on commercial tablets, and the accuracy of this model was 0.9857.

      • KCI등재

        자율주행자동차의 윤리적 고찰과 법제정비 방안

        김민호(Kim, Min-Ho),박현지(Park, Hyunji) 미국헌법학회 2020 美國憲法硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        자율주행자동차의 상용화를 대비하는 법제 정비가 보다 적극적으로 추진되어야 한다. 법제 정비에 앞서 우선 자율주행자동차의 윤리적 문제에 대해 보다 심도 깊은 고민이 필요하다. 자율주행자동차가 어떤 결정을 내리는가와 이 선택의 시스템을 만들어내는 알고리즘은 통계나 기술자들의 선택이 아닌 우리가 살아가고 있는 이 사회의 기준과 윤리에 의해 정해져야 한다. 미국 연방교통안전위원회(National Transportation Safety Board: NTSB) 전위원장 크리스토퍼 하트(Christopher Hart)는 인간이 자동차 운전에서 완전히 손을 떼기는 어려울 것이라고 한다. 도로의 교통사고로 인한 사고와 그 피해는 줄어들 수 있으나, 자율주행자동차의 시스템은 새로운 위험요소들을 만들 것이다. 자율주행자동차의 위기상황들을 미리 예측할 수 있는 프로그램을 개발하는 건 어려운 일이다. 더 나은 생활을 위한 새로운 시도는 좋지만, 이를 뒷받침해줄 수 있는 환경이 필요로 하다. 자율주행자동차의 도입과 활성화를 위한 주요 쟁점으로는 자율주행자동차의 운행레벨, 도로별 주행 허용 여부, 자율주행자동차의 안전성 시험 방법과 이에 따른 규정을 어떻게 할 것인지, 교통사고 발생 시 자율주행자동차의 책임여부 및 범위가 어떻게 될 것인지 등이 있다. 현재 우리나라는 시험주행 및 활성화에 대하여 별도의 규제가 마련되어 있으나, 자율주행자동차 및 그 주행에 관하여 단계별 수준을 세부적으로 나누지 않아 추상적 규율에 그치고 있는 것이 현실이다. 자율주행자동차의 주행을 통한 최종적 목표는 완전자율주행단계로 직접 운전하는 인간 운전자 없이 오직 알고리즘에 의해서 통제되는 것이다. 이를 통해 인간의 선택으로 생길 수 있는 사고와 과실의 가능성을 최대한 차단하여 안전한 도로 운행을 목표로 하고, 교통사고를 사전에 방지하자는 것에 있다. 우리나라도 완전자율주행단계에 해당하는 자율주행자동차의 개발이 진행 중이라는 점을 고려한다면 우리나라의 자율주행자동차의 도입 및 시험주행과 안전주행에 관한 입법의 정비가 필요하다. 살펴보아야 할 문제는 첫째, 자율주행자동차의 원활한 운행을 위하여 「제조물 책임법」의 ‘제조물’의 정의를 명확히 할 필요가 있다. 임베디드 소프트웨어가 「제조물 책임법」의 제조물로 정의가 되느냐 등에 관하여 논의가 모아져야 할 것이다. 둘째, 자율주행자동차의 상용화는 보험 제도에 변화가 불가피할 것으로 보인다. 유럽과 같이 제조사가 기금을 조성하고, 피해를 보상 하는 등 손해배상책임의 사회화 논의가 필요하다. In order to commercialize autonomous vehicles, legislative maintenance should be carried out more actively. Prior to the revision of the legislation, we need to consider more ethical issues about autonomous vehicles. The choice of autonomous vehicles and the algorithms that control them should be determined by society’s standards and ethics, not by statistics or technicians. According to Christopher A. Hart, Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board(NTSB) in United States, humans will not be able to take their hands off the road. Obviously, people’s casualties from car accidents can be significantly reduced, but autonomous driving systems will create new risks. Developing a good program that can predict every crisis situation is not an easy task. It is good to try to leap into a new era, but only when the right environment is supported. The main issues for the introduction and activation of autonomous vehicles are what level of autonomous vehicles will be operated, what kind of roads will be allowed to run, how to test the safety of autonomous vehicles, what kind of regulations should be put in place, and what responsibility will be taken for autonomous vehicles in the event of a traffic accident? Currently, Korea has a separate regulation on test driving and activation, but the reality is that it is only an abstract rule by not dividing the level of autonomous vehicles and their driving levels in detail. The ultimate goal of driving autonomous vehicles is the complete autonomous driving stage, controlled by artificial intelligence without human drivers, to prevent the possibility of errors that human drivers can cause, to achieve safe road driving and to prevent traffic accidents in advance. Considering that the development of autonomous driving cars, which is a fully autonomous driving stage, is underway in Korea, the introduction of autonomous driving vehicles in Korea and the improvement of legislation regarding test driving and safety driving are necessary. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the definition of the product under the Production Liability Act for the smooth operation of autonomous vehicles. Discussions should be made on whether embedded software is defined as a product of the Product Liability Act. Second, commercialization of autonomous vehicles requires a change in the insurance system. As in Europe, manufacturers need to revise their insurance laws, such as raising funds and rewarding victims.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 위(Wee) 클래스 전문상담교사가 인식한 담임교사와의 협력에 관한 질적 사례연구

        이정민 ( Lee Jung-min ),박현지 ( Park Hyunji ) 부산대학교 과학교육연구소 2019 교사교육연구 Vol.58 No.4

        본 연구는 질적 사례연구방법을 사용하여 초등학교 위(Wee) 클래스 전문상담교사가 담임교사와의 협력과정에서 실제로 어떠한 역할을 하고 있는지와 이러한 협력에 대한 영향을 미치는 원인을 탐색적으로 밝히고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 2019년 4월부터 6월까지 3개월에 걸쳐 경력 3년 초과의 수도권 지역 전문상담교사 6인을 대상으로 일대일 심층면담을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 협력과정에서 전문상담교사들은 담임교사가 학생을 더 잘 지도할 수 있도록 돕고 자녀문제에 민감한 학부모를 상대하거나 다양한 관계에서의 갈등 조정자로서의 역할을 수행하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 이러한 협력은 ‘각자가 지니고 있는 고유성’, ‘한 번도 상상해보지 못했던 학교 문화’와 ‘현장에서 처음 맞닥뜨리게 된 이론과의 괴리감’, 으로 인하여 영향을 받고 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구에서는 협력의 두 주체자 간의 개인적인 노력을 넘어서서 제도적인 차원에서의 지원 또한 협력에 중요한 영향을 미칠 수 있음이 나타났으며, 도출된 결과를 토대로 전문상담교사와 담임교사의 협력을 위한 시사점을 논의하고 후속연구를 위하여 제언하였다. This study used a qualitative case study method to investigate the actual roles of Wee class counseling teachers in the process of collaborating with homeroom teachers in elementary schools and the causes of factors affecting their collaboration. To accomplish this, one-to-one in-depth interviews were conducted targeting six school counseling teacher having more than three years of experience, in the capital city region in over three months from April to June 2019. The study results demonstrated that in the collaboration process, the school counseling teacher helped homeroom teachers guide their students better, dealt with school parents who were sensitive to issues of their children, and played as mediators for resolving conflicts in various relationships. Furthermore, it was confirmed that such collaboration was affected by the “unique characteristics each person has,” “school culture that was never thought of,” and “a sense of distance from the theory faced for the first time in the field.” This study confirmed that not only the individual efforts between two agents of collaboration but also the support via the institutional dimension could have a significant impact on the collaboration. Furthermore, based on the derived results, this paper discussed the implications for the collaboration between school counseling teacher and homeroom teachers and suggested a follow-up study.

      • 정상인 힘 추적 능력 분석

        이백희(Baekhee Lee),박현지(Hyunji Park),김성호(Sungho Kim),이병화(Byung Wha Lee),나덕렬(Duk L. Na),유희천(Heecheon You) 대한산업공학회 2015 대한산업공학회지 Vol.41 No.2

        A reduction of motor performance due to brain disorders can be screened by evaluating force tracking capabilities (FTCs). Existing studies have examined FTCs mainly using simple sinusoidal waves, of which repeated profiles have a critical limitation due to a learning effect in force tracking. The present study examined the effects of personal factors (age and gender) and sinusoidal wave factors (central force and complexity) on FTCs of healthy adults using composite sinusoidal wave profiles (CSWPs). FTCs were measured using Finger TouchTM for 30 seconds and quantified in terms of time within the target range (TWR, accuracy measure) and relative RMSE (RRMSE, variability measure). A total of 90 healthy adults in 20s to 70s with the equal gender ratio participated in the experiment consisting of combinations of 2 central force levels (6 N and 10 N) and 2 complexity levels (approximate entropy, ApEn = 0.03 and 0.06) of CSWPs. Significantly decreased FTCs (lower TWR and higher RRMSE) were found in aged adults, females, the low central force, and the high complexity. The detailed FTC decrements include a 43% reduced TWR and a 85% increased RRMSE of older adults in 70s as compared to those in 20s, a 17% reduced TWR and a 17% increased RRMSE of female as compared to those of male, a 30% reduced TWR and a 108% increased RRMSE at central force = 6N when compared to those at central force = 10N, and a 19% reduced TWR and a 30% increased RRMSE at ApEn = 0.06 as compared to those at ApEn = 0.03. The characteristics of FTCs for CSWPs can be of use in establishing an assessment protocol of motor performance for screening brain disorders.

      • Greenhouse Library 시뮬레이션과 deep deterministic policy gradient 를 사용한 최적 온실 에너지 사용에 관한 연구

        안주연 ( Juyeon Ahn ),박현지 ( Hyunji Park ),서현권 ( Hyun Kwon Suh ) 한국농업기계학회 2021 한국농업기계학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.26 No.1

        Greenhouses Library is an open-source library for dynamic modeling of the indoor climate of a greenhouse developed in the Modelica language. The library was developed to provide an open modeling framework to simulate the climate inside the greenhouse and greenhouse energy interaction. The complex dynamics exist inside the greenhouse. The various environmental conditions also form a complex interaction between the elements. With the existing rule-based environmental control, it is challenging to achieve optimal indoor control inside a complex greenhouse. However, recently, artificial intelligence via reinforcement learning has shown excellent performance in a wide range of fields, especially in fields that require continuous control, such a building environmental control. In this study, artificial intelligence was applied to optimize the use of energy inside the greenhouse. DDPG (Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient) algorithm was implemented using MATLAB Reinforcement Learning toolbox. The agents were trained using Greenhouse Library, which was assumed to provide a viable and practical training approach. Despite a long training period over several repetitions, energy consumption in the greenhouse and other control factors was not improved but rather showed unrealistic control values. The finding of this study should be further investigated in future research.

      • KCI등재

        다중게임요소와 단일게임요소에 의한 게임콘텐츠 원가산정 방법에 관한 비교연구

        임득수(Deuksoo Lim),이국철(Kookchul Lee),박현지(Hyunji Park) 한국데이타베이스학회 2008 Journal of information technology applications & m Vol.15 No.1

        Last decade, IT industry in Korea has been developed greatly. The game industry as an international leader has given good value added to its country. Game industry is one of the speedy improved one and it showed over 20% of growth rate from 2002. Most distressings in Game industry, there are no established costing system in spite that there should be in emerging market. In 2004, Game Contents Costing Model using Mission and Event was developed and also the study of Game Elements weight was done in 2005. The cost of Game Contents can be calculated by GEP and its unit price. The study of Game Contents Sizing Model was done in 2005. The costing of Game Contents by single Game Element which represents software which is one of 3 Game Elements-plan, graphic and software-and it is counted by mission and event. If the software element only can not well represent Game Contents volume, we can include plan and graphic elements for Game Contents costing. And we can say above two methods as a costing model of Game Contents. In this paper, these models were tested empirically and proved as usable.

      • KCI등재

        자연광 조건에서 숙도별 토마토 추적이 가능한 Instance Segmentation 기반 인식시스템

        이우영(Woo-Young Lee),고광은(KwangEun Ko),강재현(Jaehyeon Kang),박현지(HyunJi Park),장인훈(Inhoon Jang) 제어로봇시스템학회 2020 제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 Vol.26 No.11

        This paper describes a tomato recognitions system to be applied to a harvesting robot used in farms under natural light conditions. The tomato recognition system is composed of a stereo camera, light, deep learning based instance segmentation model and Kalman filter based object tracking algorithm. In order to train the instance segmentation model, a large-scale dataset of the actual smartfarm background is made, and performance verification is performed on the test dataset. The average precision of the deep learning based instance segmentation model achieved 96.8% of performance when the threshold of the prediction score for classifying ripeness is over 0.75(Table. 3), and the multiple object tracking accuracy of the Kalman filter based tracking method is approximately 74.3%.

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