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        기획논문: 한국신종교와 여성 : 금강대도의 남녀평등론에 관한 철학적 탐구

        박현숙 ( Hyeon Sug Park ) 한국신종교학회 2010 신종교연구 Vol.22 No.-

        본 논고는 `금강대도의 남녀평등론`에 관해 금강대도의 제2대 도주 이청학과 민보단의 가르침을 모아놓은 『도성편년』(道聖編年)을 바탕으로 철학적으로 조명해 보았다. 금강대도의 창도주 이토암은 지금의 이 시기를 선천과 후천의 교역기인 오중대운(午中大運)의 시기로 규정한다. 이 오중의 시기에는 모든 것이 화합되는 시대이며 특히 음·양이 평등되는 시대라고 한다. 선천의 종교가 남성신만 출현하여 세상을 구원하고자 하였던 것과는 달리, 오중시대에는 남성신과 더불어 여성신도 함께 출현하여 서로 상생하고 평등하며 조화로운 사회를 건설하고자 노력한다는 것이다. 오중대운의 시대관을 배경으로 구세주로서 하느님 아버지인 건부와 땅님 어머니인 곤모가 이 세상에 함께 출현하여 건곤정위(乾坤正位)한다는 것이 금강대도의 종교적 독특성이다. 따라서 금강대도 내에는 금강대도와 연화대도가 병존한다. 금강대도는 1874년 토암(土庵) 이승여(李承如)의 탄강과 더불어 창도된다. 이로부터 10년 뒤인 1884년에는 그 배위가 되는 자암(慈庵) 서의복(徐宜福)의 탄강으로 연화대도가 창도된다. 금강대도와 연화대도가 창도되어 병존하고 있지만, 금강과 연화의 관계는 둘이면서 하나이고 하나이면서 둘인 관계로 음과 양의 상대성을 초월하여 금강이면서 연화이고 연화이면서 금강인 하나의 체로서 나아가고 있다. 금강대도에서 남녀평등론이 성립될 수 있는 이론적 배경이 `음과 양의 기운`이다. 금강대도의 우주자연관은 음과 양의 기운으로서 설명된다. 동지와 하지 절후를 기준으로 나누어 서로 음의 기운과 양의 기운의 성하고 쇠하는 이치로 자연히 만물이 나서 자라고 결실되고 폐장되는 생장수장(生長收藏)의 순환을 이루는 것처럼, 하지 절후에 탄강한 토암과 동지 절후에 탄강한 자암의 천지건곤부모의 합덕으로 뭇 생명이 생겨나고 멸하는 것을 자연한 이치로서 보여준 것으로 보인다. 금강대도에서 바라보는 우주의 평등론적 세계관은 한마디로 말해서 `우주가화`(宇宙家和)라 할 수 있다. `가화`라 하면 우선 한 가정의 화합·화목을 말할 수 있다. 금강대도에서는 조화와 통일의 모델로서 이러한 `가화`를 강조한다. 그런데 금강대도에서 강조하는 가화는 이처럼 한 가정의 가화에서만 머무르는 것은 아니다. 여기서 나아가 전 우주에로까지 확장되어 `우주가화`(宇宙家和)를 말한다. 우주의 가화가 성립될 수 있는 근거가 건곤부모론이다. 건부와 곤모의 우주적 가족공동체 안에서 하느님 아버지와 땅님 어머니의 자식으로 천하의 사람이 모두 형제가 되고 친구가 되는 것이다. 나아가 사람뿐만 아니라 금수·곤충의 미물과 초목에까지 이러한 우주공동체적 가화는 확대된다. 건곤부모께서 낳은 천지를 하나의 가정으로 보고, 그 안에 살고 있는 천하의 모든 생명체들은 동포(同胞)요, 형제로 건부님과 곤모님의 자식이 되는 것이다. 따라서 건부와 곤모는 모든 생명체들을 살리고자 하는 `호생지대불`(好生之大佛)이라는 특성을 지니게 된다. 그리고 만물의 영장인 인간은 천지의 화육에 참여함으로써 천지인 삼재에 응합하여(參贊化育 應合三才) 나와 형제요 친구인 생명체들을 아끼고 보호해주며 살아가야 할 이유가 있는 것이다. This article philosophically sheds light on the `theory of gender equality in Kumkangdaedo` based on Doseongpyeonnyeon(道聖編年), which is a collection of instructions by Lee Cheong-hak(靑鶴 李成稷, 1913~1957) and Min Bo-dan(寶丹 閔永仁, 1913~1959), the second Master`s of Kumkangdaedo(金剛大道). Lee To-am(土庵 李承如, 1874~1934) the founder of Kumkangdaedo, has defined the present time period as the period of Ojungdaeun(午中大運), a transitional times between the Prior and Later Heaven. In this period of Ojung, all are harmonized and Yin(陰) and Yang(陽) become equal. Whereas the religion of the Prior Heaven tried to save the world with the advent of a male god, in the period of Ojung a goddess as well as a male god manifest themselves and try to coexist, be equal, and construct a harmonious society. It is a religious characteristic of Kumkangdaedo with the view of the period of Ojungdaeun as its background that Geonbu(乾父), the savior and heavenly father, and Gonmo(坤母), the mother of earth manifest themselves together to establish Geongonjeongwi(乾坤正位). Therefore, Kumkangdaedo and Yeonhwadaedo exist in parallel withing Kumkangdaedo. Kumkangdaedo was created along with To-am Lee Seung-yeo`s birth in 1874. In 1884, 10 years after Lee`s birth, Yeonhwadaedo was created with the birth of his spouse Ja-am Seo Eui-bok(慈庵 徐宜福, 1884~1927). Though Kumkangdaedo and Yeonhwadaedo have been living in parallel since their creation, being Kumkang while being Yeonhwa simultaneously and vice versa transcending the relativity between Yin and Yang, they are proceeding forward as one body since they are one while two and vice versa with respect to their relationship to each other. The theoretical basis on which the gender equality can be established in Kumkangdaedo is the `force of Yin and Yang.` Kumkangdaedo`s view of universe and nature is explained in terms of the force of Yin and Yang. Just as all things naturally go through the cycle of life, growth, harvest, and storing by being born, growing, bearing fruits, and being buried according to the principle of Yin and Yang under which the forces of Yin and Yang alternately thrive and decline with reference to the winter and summer solstices, To-am, who was born in the season of the summer solstice, and Ja-am, who was given birth in the season of the winter solstice seem to have shown in a natural way that common life forms appear and extinguish in terms of the combined virtue of the Parents of Heaven and Earth(天地乾坤父母). One can speak of the equalitarian world view of universe from the perspective of Kumkangdaedo as the Cosmic Familial Harmony(宇宙家和) in a word. Familial harmony(家和) means the harmony and peace of a family. Kumkangdaedo emphasizes familial harmony as a model for harmony and union. However, the familial harmony as stressed by Kumkandaedo does not stay at familial harmony just in a family. It is further intended to the Cosmic Familial harmony(宇宙家和) with its extension toward the whole universe. The ground for the establishment of the familial harmony in the universe is the theory of Geongonbumo. The whole human beings have come to be brothers and make friends with each other as children of the father of heaven and the mother of earth within Geonbu and Gonmo`s cosmic familial community. Moreover, such cosmic community Gahwa is extended to animals and birds, tiny creatures including insects and trees & grasses as well as human beings. Given that the whole creatures born in heaven and earth by Geongonbumo are in a single home, all the life forms living there are children of Geonbu and Gonmo as brethren and siblings. Accordingly, Geonbu and Gonmo have the characteristic of Hosaengjidaebul(好生之大佛), who tries to enable all life forms to be alive. And, the human, as the lord of all creation, has all reasons for leading a life while looking after and protecting all life forms, which are his/her brothers and friends, by taking part in the creation and raise(化育) of heaven and earth to comply to the Three Elements, Heaven, Earth, and Human.

      • KCI등재

        정신간호사의 분노표현양식과 소진에 관한 연구

        박현숙 ( Park Hyeon Sug ),배영주 ( Bae Yeong Ju ),정선영 ( Jeong Seon Yeong ) 한국정신간호학회 2003 정신간호학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        N/A Purpose: This study was to investigate the relation between anger expression and burnout of psychiatric mental health nurses. Method: The subjects of this study consisted of 102 psychiatric mental health nurses in D city. data were collected through self-reported questionnaires from 1, March to 30, April in 2003. The data collected were analyzed using S.D., t-test, ANOVA, and Person`s correlation coefficients with SAS. Result: Anger-in were significant differences in the variables of field of service, marital status, duration of service in psychiatric unit, level of education, and position, Anger-control was a significant difference in the level of education. Burnout was a significant difference in the level of education. Physical exhaustion was a significant difference in age. Emotion exhaustion was a significant difference in marital status. Mental exhaustion was a significant difference in the level of education. There was a significant correlation between anger-control and burnout(r=-.20). There was a significant correlation between anger-in and burnout(r=.19). Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that there is a need to develope self-management program considering anger-control to alleviate emotional exhaustion in the psychiatric mental health nurses.

      • KCI등재

        미국 혁명과 여성의 의식변화

        박현숙 ( Park Hyeon Sug ) 한국미국사학회 2002 미국사연구 Vol.16 No.-

        This paper examines the impact of the American Revolution on women’s consciousness and its meaning. American women have been changed as they participated in the Revolution. They became politically conscious and active in their lives, but more important and meaningful is that their changes have been continued even after the Revolution. For this reason I reached to the conclusion that the Revolution had a positive effect on American women, although many historians agreed to the contrary. Before the Revolution it was generally accepted that women were inferior to men. Even women themselves had low self esteem and denigrated their sex and their domestic work in general. They had very limited conception of themselves and were actually confined to the private realm.. Public realm and politics were exclusively for men and were prohibited to women. However, as the Revolution occurred women were inevitably involved in the war. They actively participated in the war, boycotting imported English goods, spinning and weaving the clothes, taking care of the family business in place of their spouse, subscribing money for the army, even fighting as soldiers. Successfully doing these works women were reevaluated not only by men but also by themselves and gained self confidence. Women had also perceived that private and public realms were not separate, but related ones, and that their roles in private areas were pivotal to the public welfare. Thus, women gained social identities and self-esteem via the Revolution. These changes in women’s consciousness during the Revolution further developed into their elevated interests in politics after the Revolution. In conclusion, American Revolution awakened women’s consciousness and served to change their traditional way of life. The Revolution opened a door for women to a new world. While participating in the Revolution, women witnessed and experienced a new world. The Revolution was a momentum for women to advance into the public realm which had been dominated by men. Via these changes of women’s image and consciousness, the Revolution contributed to the advancement of women’s status.

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