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        일본의 첨단 기술력과 군사력 : 정보통신기술과 우주항공기술을 중심으로 Case Studies of Information and Communications Technology and Aerospace Technology

        박한규 한국전략문제연구소 2001 전략연구 Vol.8 No.1

        This study seeks to illuminate the relationship between high technology and military power in Japan's security policy in the post-Cold War era. Especially, it makes an effort to understand how the idea of technonationalism, which has been embedded in Japan's political and economic institutions since the Meiji Restoration, is adopted in the development of information and communication technology and Aerospace technology that have become crucial elements in the contemporary warfare. In the post-Cold War period, Japan's security policy is at a crossroad. While Japan had adopted risk-minimization strategy during the postwar period, it had restrained itself from being involved in international political and security affairs. However, Japan's passive security policy had been much criticized by the United States and Western European countries in that Japan was not willing to contribute enough to the maintenance of the current world political and economic order in which Japan has benefited most. At the same time, there also appeared strong domestic pressure for enlarging Japan's international security role in correspondence with its changed position in the international system. While being faced with demands for enlarged security role home and abroad, Japan has made important policies which aimed at strengthening its military capabilities. In 1995, the Japanese Government announced a renewed defense policy lines including "New Outline of Defense Plan," and "Mid-Tenn Plan for Defense Build-up." The most crucial element of the Japan's renewed security policy was as follows: Japan will pursue rationalization, effectiveness, compactness of the size and function of Self-Defense Forces(SDF) in response with evolving international security environment in the future. That is to say, the Japanese Government decided that while it would downsize SDF, it would maintain and acquire a high of defense capabilities through introducing and adopting high technology to military power. Japan's decision toward high-technology-based military power seems to be rational choice in the Japanese context. By downsizing the SDF, Japan can reduce significantly concerns from neighboring countries about Japan's military power. At the same time, Japan can maintain a high-level military preparedness to cope with new security threats in the post-Cold War period. The possibility that Japan will become a super military power in the future seems to be high if one considers the characteristics of future war. Since the Gulf War of 1991, many security and military experts predict that the result of the future war totally depends on information and communication technology and aerospace technology. Such characteristics of the future war gives many advantages to Japan which already possesses high technological capability in the fields of semiconductor, new materials, information and communications, computer, aerospace, etc. Japan has now the most advanced level of dual-use technology which can be easily converted to military purpose. If Japan would decide to covert those dual-use technologies to enhance its military power, Japan can become a military superpower in a short period of time. Japan has made every effort to develop indigenous technology in the information and communication field and aerospace field with a massive sum of financial investment. Japan could meet its needs for advanced jet fighters and satellites much cheaper through direct purchase from foreign countries such as the United States. However, Japan chose to develop indigenous technologies by paying an enormous amount of loyalties to foreign countries. Japan did so because it has pursued economic development and enhancement of national security through indigenization of. foreign technologies based on the ideology of technonationalism. Japan has succeeded in developing advanced aerospace technology independently. Japan has now become one of the most advanced countries in the satellite and rocket industries: It has now H-2 rocket capability, which is tantamount to the advanced rocket capabilities of the United States and Europe. It also produces one of the most advanced jet fighters called F-2. At the same time, based on its advanced technology in information and communication industry, Japan is pursuing an ambitious plan of "Information RMA"(Revolution in Military Affairs) and military cooperation with the United States in the Initiative of "Theater Missile Defense" in East Asia, which requires the most advanced technologies in the information and communication and rocket fields. Japan now become military-technology superpower to the extent that it has transferred to the United States the most advanced military technology such as semiconductor, rocket engine, stealth, missile seeker, etc. As of 1995, Japan is the second largest country in the world in terms of defense expenditure. When Japan completes its Mid-Term Plan of Defense Build-up 1996-2000, it will maintain capacities that can perform military operations in the extended area including the Korean Peninsula and protect its sea-lanes in Southeast Asia. Japan will improve very significantly not only its national security but also its international security role in the changing international security environment in the near future thorough high-techology-based military power.

      • 2010년을 향한 과학기술발전 장기계획(정보·전자기술 부문)

        박한규,오길록,이단형,박신종,이용경,주성철 과학기술정책연구원 1996 연구보고 Vol.- No.-

        앞으로 다가올 21세기는 냉전 이데올로기를 대체할 새로운 세계질서가 등장할 것이라는 예견 속에서 한반도 주변의 급속한 정세 변화와 재편 과정이 이미 목도되고 있다. 도도한 세계사의 흐름에 적극적으로 참여하여 선진복지국가의 실현을 추구하기 위해서는 과학기술을 중심으로 전개될 21세기의 문명사를 깊고 먼 혜안으로 조망함이 바람직하다. 또한 새롭게 출범하는 wro체제하에서 개방과 자유화가 개별 국가정책의 기조로 되면서 상품의 교역은 물론이고 국가간의 자본·인력·정보· 과학기술의 교류는 필연적으로 세계를 하나의 지구촌 개념으로 묶을 것이며 이것이 바로 무한경쟁시대를 구성하는 요소들이 될 것이라는 전망이다.그렇다면 이러한 새로운 국제 질서 속에서 변화의 주역이 될 과학기술혁신의 모습은 무엇이고 이를 위한 전략과 지향하는 방향은 과연 어떻게 그려질 수 있겠는가? 이 물음에 국가적 이정표로 답하기 위해 많은 전문가들이 참여하여 “2010年을 向한 科學技術發展長期計劃”의 부문별 밑그림을 마련하기에 이르렀다. 이러한 배경에서 먼저 분야별 저명인사들로 ‘2010 장기계획위원회’를 구성하여 과학기술 장기 발전 전략의 얼개에 대한 자문을 받은 후, 관련 정부 부처와 총괄 연구팀에서 계획의 골격을 세웠으며, 여기에 8개 기술 부문 위원회와 4개 지원 및 제도 부문위원회의 부문별 발전계획과 구상을 담아 최종 계획(안)을 수립한다는 방침을 정했다.이러한 과정에서 본 연구소의 총괄 연구팀이 제시한 작성 지침을 토대로 부문별 전문가들이 작성한 결과물이 바로 이 보고서이다. 주요 내용으로는 현재의 연장선상에서, 또 한편으론 이를 뛰어넘기도 하면서 미래에 전개될 기술 발전의 모습을 예측하고, 우리의 현재 여건과 미래 역량을 고려하여 기술개발의 목표와 중점추진과제를 선정하였으며, 개발과 상업화에 이르는 방법과 소요 자원, 바람직한 추진 체제 등을 계획하였다. 이와 함께 과학기술 발전을 위한 하부구조 및 바람직한 행정체제와 관련한 부문에서도 미래사회의 국가경쟁력 확보와 삶의 질 향상에 기여하기 위한 정책 대안들을 모색하였다. 이 과정에서 향상 염두에 두었던 것은 국가경쟁력 향상과 지구적 문제의 해결을 지향하는 기술혁신이 조화를 이루어야 한다는 명제였다. 이 보고서에 제시된 부문별 발전계획은 현재 추진되고 있는 국가의 “신경제 계획”과 “세계화 전략”의 틀 속에서 계속적으로 수정 · 보완되어야 하며, 계획의 실천에 있어서도 다른 부문의 계획들과 연동하여 추진되어야 할 것이다.

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