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        한국어와 영어의 생략 현상에 대한 통계적 접근

        박청희 ( Cheong Hee Park ) 민족어문학회 2012 어문논집 Vol.- No.66

        이 연구는 주어와 목적어의 생략을 중심으로 한국어와 영어의 언어 특성에 따른 생략 현상을 고찰하고 분석하는 것을 그 목적으로 하였다. 한국어와 영어의 언어특성에 따른 생략 현상의 차이를 연구하고 시나리오를 치밀하게 분석하여 주어 생략의 차이와 목적어 생략의 차이를 통계적으로 추출하였다. 한국어는 존대법이 발달하고 종결어미가 다양하여 주체가 누구인지 쉽게 추측할 수 있고 어순이 자유로운 언어이므로 생략 현상이 잘 일어난다. 또한 한국어는 동사 중심의 언어이므로 명사구로 구성이 된 주어나 목적어는 상대적으로 비초점이 되어 쉽게 생략이 된다. 반면에 영어는 어순이 고정되어 있고 어순에 의해 격이 배당이 되므로 생략 현상이 잘 일어나지 않는다. 또한 영어는 명사 중심의 언어이므로 명사구로 이루어진 주어나 목적어가 쉽게 생략이 일어날 수 없다. 통계적인 분석에 따르면 한국어에서는 주어가 67.82%, 목적어가 13.78%의 비율로 생략이 일어나고 있으며 영어에서는 주어가 31.5%, 목적어가 7.67%의 비율로 생략이 일어나고 있다. 한국어는 상황을 중시하는 언어이므로 경제적인 효율성을 위해 생략 현상이 보편적으로 나타나며 영어는 구조를 중시하는 언어이고 정해진 구조를 벗어나지 않으려고 하므로 생략 현상이 잘 나타나지 않는다. The purpose of this dissertation is to consider ellipsis in accordance with the characteristic of Korean and English around ellipsis of the subject and the object. This study analyzed scenarios precisely and extracted a difference of ellipsis between Korean and English statistically. Korean has highly developed an honorific and has diverse the end of a word to complete sentences. So ellipsis occur frequently at Korean because subject is supposed easily and word order of it is free. Also subject or object organized by noun phrases omit well because the verb is the center of Korean. On the contrary ellipsis does not occur almost at English because word order of it is fixed and the case is appointed by word order. Also subject or object does not omit well because the noun is the center of English. According to statistics of this study, ellipsis occur 69.22% of subject, 13.78% of object at Korean and ellipsis occur 31.5% of subject, 7.67% of object at English. Ellipsis occur well at Korean because a situation is the most highly regarded for economic efficiency. Ellipsis does not occur well at English because structure is the most highly regarded to maintain fixed structure.

      • KCI등재

        파생접미사 '-하-'의 결합 양상 연구

        박청희(Cheong-hee Park) 순천향대학교 인문학연구소 2012 순천향 인문과학논총 Vol.31 No.1

        다양한 성격을 가진 '-하-'는 많은 학자들에게 여러 각도로 연구되어 왔다. 본 고에서는 '-하-'가 형용사 파생접미사로 쓰일 때의 성격을 규명하는 것을 그 목적으로 하였고, 그것을 위해 다양한 결합 양상을 연구하고 분석하였다. 먼저 형태적인 결합을 알아보았는데 첫 번째로 어기의 품사에 따른 결합 양상을 연구하였고, 두 번째, 어기의 언어에 따른 결합 양상을 연구하였다. 다음으로 '-하-'의 의미적 결합을 연구하여 그 성격을 밝히고, 위의 논의들을 토대로 하여 마지막으로 통사적 특징을 살펴보았다. '-하-'는 다른 접미사들에 비해 그 분포 영역이 넓으며, 자유로운 결합 양상을 보이고, 상태성을 가진 대부분의 어근과 결합할 수 있다. '-하-'는 여전히 신조어를 많이 만들어내며 생산성이 높은 접미사이지만 '-하-' 자체의 의미 기능은 거의 없다. '-하-'는 파생된 단어의 형태통사론적인 특징을 결정하는데 기여한다. -ha-' with different characteristics has been studied by a great number of scholars. The goal of this dissertation is to identify the special quality of '-ha-' when it is used as an adjective-derivational suffix. The author attempted to analyze the variety of its combination by studying the aspects in the combinations of a root in its formal combination according to the parts of speech. Secondly, the aspects in the combination of a root according to languages, and thirdly, the characteristics of the meaning combination of '-ha-'. Finally, on the basis of the study, it was found that in the traits of syntax: '-ha-' has a wider distribution than the other suffixes which can be easily combined with the others, and then can be merged with the majority of the root of a word with a stative (verb). Even though '-ha-' is a suffix with high productivity which makes up a coinage continuously, it can hardly have meaning functions itself. Instead, '-ha-' contributes only to decide the morphosyntax-characteristics of derived words.

      • Debrun 라텍스분리풍선을 이용한 외상성 경동맥해면동루의 치료

        박청희 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1989 충남의대잡지 Vol.16 No.2

        The occlusion of fistula was done using detachable balloons in six cases of traumatic carotid-cavernous fistulas(CCF) and the results of the experience are reported. Transarterial approach was tried in all 6 cases using manually-tied Debrun latex balloons, one in four cases and two in two cases. Balloon embolization improved visual acuity in 3 cases among 4 cases of decreased visual acuity, and light reflex in 3 cases among 4 cases of decreased or abscent light reflex. Stenosis of ICA at the fistular orifice was made in 2 cases(case 3;20%, case 4;70%) without clinical symptoms. Ten-month follow-up angiogram of case 4 showed complete shrinkage of the balloon and change of the stenotic ICA to normal diameter. Minor complication such as nausea, vomiting, and ocular pain were present in all cases which completely disappeared in one week. Balloon embolization is the definitely effective treatment of post-traumatic CCF, which should be done by experienced radiologists. Early diagnosis and early treatment should be made to improve the reversible visual loss and cranial nerve palsy before the irreversible complication may occur.

      • 신 손상환자에서 혈관조영술의 역할

        박청희,송창준,김종철 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1988 충남의대잡지 Vol.15 No.2

        We analyzed angiographic findings of 18 patients with renal injury, and also excretory urography. Angiography is advocated for better definition of previously identified urographic abnormality and for assessment of active bleeding in patients with suspected damage to renal vessels. It also can be therapeutic as transcatheter embolization for control of hemorrhage.

      • 잠복고환 환자에게서의 전산화 단층촬영술의 역할

        박청희 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1986 충남의대잡지 Vol.13 No.2

        Cryptorchism is important because of the threat to fertility, should the testis remain undescended and because of increased incidence of neoplasm, especially should the gland lie within the abdominal cavity. Preoperative radiologic localization of the testes aids in surgical management. Detection of an undescended testis by CT is based on the recognition on a mass which is of soft tissue density and is oval in shape, along the expected course of testicular descent. CT was accurate in localizing the 13 undescended testes in 8 cryptorchid patients. There were nine in the inguinal canal and four in the abdomen, one of which was false positive on CT, proved to be a lymph node by operation. In one patient, detection of unusually large intrapelvic testes, bilateral, alerted the surgeon to their possible malignant transformation. The advantages and potential pitfalls of CT in preoperative localization are discussed.

      • 척추결핵의 전산화단층촬영술

        박청희 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1985 충남의대잡지 Vol.12 No.2

        Computed tomography (CT) of 15 patients with spinal tuberculosis were retrospectively analized in comparison with conventional radiography, which were examined from June 1983 to October 1985 at Department of Radiology, Chungnam National University Hospital. The loss of intervertebral disc height was shown as well by plain film as by CT imaging. However, CT was more effective in demonstrating erosion of the vertebral endplate, multifocal destruction of the vertebral body, and the full exetnt of combined paraspinal abscess(13/15, 87%). CT showed a soft tissue mass, epidural abscess, and bony fragment in spinal canal which caused cord compression (8/15, 53%) CT is useful both in diagnosis and in the adequate therapy, especially for the advanced cases of spinal tuberculosis with localized neurologic signs.

      • 폐병변의 경피적 흡인생검술

        박청희,김선영,서광선 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1988 충남의대잡지 Vol.15 No.1

        Over a period' of recent 2 years and 10 months, 47 patients who had localzied pulmonary lesions, but were not diagnosed pathologically through bronchoscopy, transbronchial biopsy, and sputum examination, underwent percutaneous aspiration biopsy using 22G Wescott needle under the fluoroscopy. The diagnostic accuracy was 85%. Malignant lesions were 32 cases, benign were 8 cases, and 7 cases were negative. Eleven of all 47 patients developed pneumothorax and one of them required treatment. Two of 11 pneumothorax patients also showed pleural effusion. Small amount of hemoptysis developed in 7 petients. The method, problems, and complications are discussed. Nowadays, percutaneus aspiration biopsy appears to be the procedure of choice in the pulmonary lesions, especially peripherally localized.

      • 위암환자 전산화단층촬영시 경구조영제로서 물의 유용성에 관한 연구 : Usefulness of Water as an Oral Contrast Agent

        정경원,김충현,박청희 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1991 충남의대잡지 Vol.18 No.1

        Computed tomography is valuable for direct visualization of changes of gastric wall and staging of gastric tumor. Gastric distension is essential for the evaluation of gastric wall. Computed tomography of the gastric wall after sequential ingestion of normal saline to 1000cc, followed by rapid intravenous injection of contrast medium, was performed in 36 patients with known gastric tumors. Three patients were excluded due to incomplete gastric distenstion and the lesion was not detected. Thirtythree patient was analysed preoperatively; the changes of wall were analysed in all patients and CT staging is compared with that of 19 cases who underwent surgery. The results were as follows: 1. All cases are adenocarcinomas. 2. Thickening of gastric wall is detected in all cases and the ulceration within the thickened wall is detected only in five cases among the 25 cases of Borrmann type Ⅱ and Ⅲ. 3. Absence or presence of perigastric fat infiltration is correctly diagnosed in 15 cases among the 19 cases who underwent surgery 4. Lymph node metastasis, is correctly diagnosed in nine cases among the 19 cases 5. Pancreatic metastasis is correctly diagnosed in all cases who General acceptance and tolerance of water as a gastric contrast medium was good in all patients, and water made excellent negative contrast with gastric wall, and there was no side effects.

      • 선택적 신동맥 색전술을 이용한 신절석술 후의 신출혈 치료 1례

        이중화,이보배,윤능수,임승수,박청희 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1985 충남의대잡지 Vol.12 No.2

        A patient with uncontrollable postoperative renal hemorrhage was successfully treated by selective injection of gelfoam into the anterior inferior segmental branch of right renal artery. Follow up arteriography was done 16 days later. It revealed persistent occlusion of the bleeding vessels. This method is a simple effective procedure in cases of renal hemorrhage to diverse etiology without responsive management.

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