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      • KCI등재

        Estimation of Voltage Swell Frequency Caused by Asymmetrical Faults

        박창현 대한전기학회 2017 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.12 No.4

        This paper proposes a method for estimating the expected frequency of voltage swells caused by asymmetrical faults in a power system. Although voltage swell is less common than voltage sag, repeated swells can have severe destructive impact on sensitive equipment. It is essential to understand system performance related to voltage swells for finding optimal countermeasures. An expected swell frequency at a sensitive load terminal can be estimated based on the concept of an area of vulnerability (AOV) and long-term system fault data. This paper describes an effective method for calculating an AOV to voltage swells. Interval estimation for an expected swell frequency is also presented for effective understanding of system performance. The proposed method provides longterm performance evaluation of the frequency and degree of voltage swell occurrences.

      • KCI등재

        FDI 결정요인과 최근 변화가 갖는 시사점

        박창현,조항서,안성희,박종익 한국은행 2015 經濟分析 Vol.21 No.2

        The outward FDI stock of Korea has been higher than its inward FDI stock since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. According to an estimation based on the relationship between the FDI stock and income in advanced countries, however, Korea's outward the FDI stock should be less than its inward stock at the current income level. Such a gap between the actual data and estimation has shown that Korea's current situation is atypical. Meanwhile, the results of analysis on the determinants of FDI has shown that market size in host regions, openness, and relative wages are statistically significant determinants. In the years to come, outward FDI would continue to rise due to globalization. Thus a diversified set of measures should be prepared to ensure that inward and outward FDI rise in a balanced manner. First of all, the regulations that inhibit foreign companies’ FDI in Korea should be relaxed. Also, measures to have overseas production facilities return to the country should be strengthened. Finally, through enhanced cross-border labor divisions and production-sale networks, FDI needs to be conducive to domestic investment and employment. 우리나라는 외환위기 이전까지 FDI 유출입 규모가 미미하였으나 자본시장 개방으로 유출이 빠르게 확대되면서 2008년부터 해외직접투자잔액이 외국인직접투자잔액을 초과하는 FDI 순유출국으로 전환되었다. 그런데 우리나라의 FDI 순유출 전환시점인 2008년 1인당GDP는 1.9만달러로 선진국 전환시점의 평균 2.7만달러보다 상당폭 낮았다. 또한 주요 선진국들의 소득수준 및 FDI 유출입간 관계를 기초로 시산하면 우리나라는 현 소득수준에서 순유입 단계인 것으로 평가되어 순유출 상황과 차이를 보였다. 이러한 점을 감안할 때 우리나라 FDI 순유출은 다소 이례적인 것으로 볼 수 있다. 한편 해외직접투자 결정요인 추정 결과 대상지역의 시장규모, 개방도, 상대임금 등이 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 대기업은 생산, 수출 등 성장성이, 중소기업은 환율, 임금 등 수익성이 해외진출의 주요 결정요인으로 작용하였다. 아울러 구체적인 사례 연구를 통해 IT 및 자동차 제조업의 경우 현지시장 진출 및 노동비용 상승이 해외직접투자 증가 요인이 됨을 분석하였다. 앞으로도 생산의 글로벌화 등으로 기업의 해외직접투자가 계속 늘어나겠으나 FDI 순유출 확대는 국내 투자 및 고용에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있으므로 FDI 유출입이 균형 있게 증가할 수 있도록 다각적인 방안이 마련되어야 하겠다. 우선 외국기업의 국내투자를 저해하는 규제를 완화하고 노사관계를 향상시킴으로써 외국인직접투자 유인을 제고해야 할 것이다. 또한 FTA 확대, 신흥국 인건비 상승 등 여건 변화에 상응하여 해외생산시설을 국내로 U턴시킬 수 있는 대책을 강화해야 하겠다. 아울러 국제적 분업체계 및 생산‧판매 네트워크 구축을 통해 해외직접투자와 국내 투자‧고용간 연계효과를 높여나갈 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Contrasting Topological Changes between Recoveries in Stroke Patients

        박창현,김수용,Ki-Ho Chang,Hee-Sang Lee,김경식 한국물리학회 2009 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.54 No.4

        Stroke is a common brain disease that impairs a person's motor ability. We applied a graph analysis to functional brain networks in two stroke patients who showed good and poor recovery in motor function, respectively. Brain functional networks were extracted from resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data by calculating correlation maps of time series. In comparison with the patient showing poor recovery, the patient exhibiting good recovery showed persistent increases in the small-worldness and the global efficiency of brain functional networks following stroke. Good recovery from stroke is thought to be based on efficient modulation of the functional connectivity of the brain, which is revealed by topological changes in brain functional networks.

      • KCI등재

        흰쥐에서 분리 배양한 간세포의 담세관 형성에 있어서 액틴미세섬유의 역할에 관한 전자현미경적 연구

        박창현,장병준,엄창섭,Park, Chang-Hyun,Chang, Byung-Joon,Uhm, Chang-Sub 한국현미경학회 1999 Applied microscopy Vol.29 No.4

        간세포의 기능적 연구를 위한 배양계를 확립하기 위하여 Sprague-Dawley계 흰쥐의 간장에서 collagenase와 hyaluronidase의 혼합액을 이용하여 간세포를 분리하고 배양하여, 배양중인 간세포의 구조적인 변화와 담세관의 형성 과정을 확인하고, cytochalasin D를 배양계에 첨가한 경우 발생되는 간세포 및 담세관의 구조적인 변화를 살펴보아 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 분리 배양한 흰쥐의 간세포는 원형이었고, 표면에 미세융모를 가지고 있었으며. 배양중 서로 부착되어 세포띠를 형성하였다. Cytochalasin D처리후 간세포의 표면은 미세융모가 소실되어 편평하게 변화되었으며, 소포성 돌출물이 자주 관찰되었다. 담세관은 부착된 간세포의 사이에서 형성되었으며, 간세포 표면의 작은 융기에서 기시하는 다양한 길이 및 형태의 미세융모로 채워져 있었고, 양단에는 치밀결합 및 부착만 등으로 구성된 연접복합체가 존재하였다. Cytochalasin D 처리후 당세관의 내강은 팽창되었으며 미세융모는 소실되어 거의 존재하지 많았고, 양단에 존재하는 연접복합체는 파괴되어 간격이 벌어진 곳이 많았다. 담세관내에 존재하는 미세융모 속에 존재하는 액틴미세섬유심은 완전하게 형성되어 있는 경우, 불완전하게 적은 양만 존재하는 경우, 그리고 전혀 존재하지 않는 경우가 있었다. 담세관주변세포질에 존재하는 액틴미세섬유얼기의 형성은 불완전하여 부위에 따라 없는 곳도 있었다. Cytochalasin D처리후 담세관주변세포질의 액면미세섬유얼기는 존재하지 많았다. 이상의 결과로 흰쥐의 간장에서 분리한 간세포는 배양중 성장하면서 정상적인 담세관을 형성함을 알 수 있었으며, 담세관의 형성은 접착부위의 연접복합체의 형성 및 미세융모의 형성,담세관 내 액틴미세섬유심 및 담세관주변세포질내 액틴미세섬유얼기의 형성 등을 특정으로 하는 것으로 판단된다. Bile canaliculi are the structure delivering bile secreted by hepatocytes into the bile passage. Bile secretion is mainly controlled by the cytoskeletal elements, mainly of actin in the microvilli, pericanalicular web. Most studies on the bile secretion have been done in viva situation, however, to control the various parameters in vitro culture system seem to be more useful. To set up an in vitro experimental system, the investigator isolated hepatocytes with an enzymatic method using a mixture of collagenase and hyaluronidase from normal Sprague-Dawley rat liver and cultured. Isolated hepatocytes were round and formed cords in culture. Microvilli covered the whole surface of hepatocytes. Bile canaliculi were formed between hepatocytes and were characterized by the presence of microvilli of various lengths and shapes mainly arising from small surface mounds. Actin filament core in the microvilli and pericanalicular actin web were incomplete. After cytochalasin D treatment, cultured hepatocytes were round but the surface were irregular with surfacen blebs, folds and grooves. Microvilli on the surface were scarce. Bile canaliculi were markedly dilated often with the detached junctional complexes. Bile canaliculi lacks microvilli almost completely and extended into the pericanalirular cytoplasm showing complex vacuolar and tubular structures by transmission electron mciroscopy. Pericanalicular actin web, intermediate filaments were hardly identified. Subsurface actin filaments were scattered scarcely under the cell membranes. These results suggest that hepatocytes isolated from rats can survive and form bile canaliculi in culture and the actin filaments are involved in the formation and/or maintenance of the bile canaliculi.

      • 국내 발전기업의 아시아 화력발전플랜트 시장 진출전략

        박창현,문승재,Park, Chang-Hyun,Moon, Seung-Jae 한국플랜트학회 2011 플랜트 저널 Vol.7 No.4

        The power plant companies reached the culmination for growth in the domestic market. Besides, we have faced many challenges such as an electricity opening market trend for overseas, banning the use of coal due to the United nations framework convention on climate change, and the meticulous attention regarding the government's electricity charge plan. On the other hand, the overseas business has been a critical issue since China and many other developing countries expanded their projects abroad. Another factor is that power plant industry is being privatized, and it made the market regulation a bit loose. Thus, the market environment became favorable toward those companies which planned many overseas businesses. In this research, the power plant company's current condition for construction and operation as well as its technical competitiveness were analyzed, and an alternative plan using SWOT analysis for entering an oversea market was made. It dealt with both internal and external factors. Also, examined was the current situation under the power plant industry dealing with restructure for electric industry, lack of fossil fuel, and the United nations framework convention on climate change. From the research, it was suggested that many successful strategies to enter the overseas business by using the market trend I researched.

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