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      • KCI등재

        조선 초기 王親婚 王室 妾子孫에 대한 사회적 인식

        박진 고려사학회 2012 한국사학보 Vol.- No.48

        Marriage was not only personal task but one’s family ceremony in pre-modern society. Family used often marriage process to show their status in society where they belonged. It was very oulstanding opportunity to be chosen a spouse of royal family, because people sought their spouse among same social group. Royal family members of Early Joseon dynasty were increased in number and some of them were far from the kinship of the kings as time passed after the foundation of dynasty. The royal family members had diverse background according to their mother’s lineage even though all of them were the descendanls of kings. Therefore to examine the spouse of royal family members could tell us what the social recognition on royal family’s status was. Royal genealogy, Seonwonrok, shows us very interesting fact that some royal family members married daughters from low-status, like daughters of concubines, middle people and son of concubines. And daughters of royal family became concubines of yangban, also. During the reign of King Seongjong, royal family from king’s concubine had urged to marry ladies from high -positioned yangban family and this postures caused some troubles. Indeed, King and royal family argued that all royal family members had the most precious status regardless of their maternal lineage but yangban did refuse it and did not want to get married with royal family from concubines. Consequently, some of royal family from concubines should choose their spouse among the ladies from low status. All of descendants of queen, on the other hands, never married daughters from middle status and concubines. As a result, we can notice that there was the social discrimination between descendants of queens and concubines in royal family even though kings and royal family members insisted that all descendants of kings were noble. And not only yang ban ladies but women from middle status could consist of royal family, also.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        族親衛의 설치와 성격 - 族親衛를 통해 본 王室 구성원 소속 特殊軍 -

        박진 역사학연구회 2007 사총 Vol.65 No.-

        The kings of Chosŏn dynasty had started on making framework for royal family to enhance their authorities after the creation of new era. As a result, the organization(Chongchinbu, Tonnyungbu and Uibinbu ; 宗親府, 敦寧府, 儀賓府) and the special commands for the royal family (Chokchinwi and Ch'ungsunwi ; 族親衛, 忠順衛). Though, these two commands were considered as lower status than the organizations, they were the honor system, also. The exact establishment time of Chokchinwi were unknown but it might be inferred between 1438 and 1445 according to records because the discussion that the special command was needed for royal family was raised in 1438 and Ch'ungsunwi for royal family and yangban clans were set up in 1445. The object of Chokchinwi were king and queen's relatives within specific limits and the parents-in-law of the crown prince. The concubines could be a part of Chokchinwi, also. Chokchinwi didn't have its quota for it wasn't considered as a army but a honorable treatment system and had long-rotated system. No one was needed to pass the exam to enter the command and the persons who finished up their duty could be promoted. For the selecting of Chokchinwi members, Chongbusi(宗簿寺) and Tonnyungbu made a special list. and it's due to the increasing number of royal family. Meanwhile, Ch'ungsunwi establised in 1470 had a large range of entry which includes yangban clans as well as royal family. Many yangban descendants who could not pass the examinations(kwagŏ ; 科擧) wanted and rushed to enter Ch'ungsunwi on the ground that the members of Ch'ungsunwi could get a government position easily after finishing their shift-duty. Consequently, Ch'ungsunwi wasn't considered as a army but a honorable treatment system like Chokchinwi. The kings and the government of Chosŏn dynasty expected that royal family could take political and economic advantage through Chokchinwi. Gradually, royal family abandoned study and did not make an effort to develope himself any more. In a word, Chokchinwi answered purpose to respect royal family and it would be a concrete base of Chosŏn dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        황순원 단편소설의 겹이야기 구조 연구

        박진 현대문학이론학회 2001 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        The purpose of this essay is to examine the aesthetic and functional structure of the extradiegetic narrative in Hwang Soon-Won's Short-Stories. In my discussion I classify the diverse features of the extradiegetic narrative found in his works according to it's contents and the functions. In case the extradiegetic is focused on the life and experiences of narrating 'I', the narrator's story )the extradiegetic) is in harmony with the hero's story(the intrachiegetic). The meaning of the intradiegetic is magnified and deepened by the analogousness to the extradiegetic. In case of the extradiegetic focused on the standpoint and attitude of narrating 'I' toward the intradiegetic, the narrator's viewpoint has an influence on the interpretation of hero's story. In any case the extradiegetic narrative is a part of the organic structure. In Hwang Soon-Won's extradiegetic narrative, hero's story is intemalized and subjectified by narrating 'I' closly idenfified with the author. So internal world and external world are fused into one, or subjectibity and objectivity are united in a self. That is the intrinsic nature of lynicism. And the sympathy of narrating 'I' to the hero heightens the emotive effect. Besides the narrator's pathic and conotive functions make it possible mutual response between the narrator(the author) and the narratee (the readers). For these reasons, it tis lyrical the Hwang Soon-Won's story made up extradiegetic narrative. Moreover the extradiegetic marrative in Hwang Soon-Won's works speaks for author's lyrical view of the real world. Hwang Soon-Won's works are inclined to deal with social problems from the angle of individual mentality and moral nature. That lies, I thik, at the root of lyricism in his movels. The extradiegetic narrative efficiently represents author's such an outlook on the world. In conclusion, the extradiegetic narrative is one of the essential forms of Hwang Soon-Won's lyrical novels.

      • KCI등재

        미케 발의 서사이론 연구 : 서사학과 텍스트이론의 결합 Mieke Bal's Narratology Introduction to the Theory of Narrative

        박진 현대문학이론학회 2004 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.21

        The purpose of this essay is to examine the distinctive features and topographical locus of Mieke Bal's theory of narrative. This theory has significance in respect that it is the representative of the narratology inclined to the critical text theory. It has heterogeneous intentions to typology and interpretation, to structure and criticism, and to general principles and peculiarities of the various narrative texts As for Miekd Bal, methods of narratology is the tools of ideological and aesthetic criticism. In this essay, I explained Mieke Bal's basic standpoints to the written narratives and literature. I also gave attentions to the peculiarities in Mieke Bal's terms: for examples fabula, story, text. Because of creative uses of these terms, it is necessary to prescribe conception of them correctly. For that reason, I compared Mieke Bal's terms with other narrative theorist's. Ge'rard Genette and Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan etc. The distinctive features of Mieke Bal's theory of narrative show themselves in discussions on character, focalization, and narrator. I illustrated these parts by examples concretely. This study, I think, could make clear significance, limits, and the possibility of effective applications in Mieke Bal's theory of narrative.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮時代 禁酒令과 減膳의 정치적 활용

        박진 한국역사민속학회 2017 역사민속학 Vol.0 No.53

        The prohibition law(Geumju) and the temperance on King’s table(Gamson) was the one of the efficient way for presenting in awe of heaven and nature. The actions of temperance on King’s table was initiated from royal rituals in early period, and was shifted to show the awe and respect to heaven and nature. In the ideological concept of ancient and medieval time, the Sage king was judged by heaven and only a King could get the Mandate of heaven was regarded as the Sage king. It did not matter how the actual result of the restriction as prohibition and the temperance on table but these were the great manners of Sage king. On the situation of famine, King reduced his dishes meant king shared pain with his people and it could be the symbol of Confucian sage king. Simultaneously, people were expected to keep the law of prohibition. It was the practical actions during the period of famine against disaster. As the neo-confucian philosophy was emphasized, the attitude of linking the natural disasters with the king's politics became stronger. In the end, the attitude of separating the roles of the people and the king was emphasized in the late period as a result of the political intention to show that the people and the king were closely bound together. The political intent to suggest that there is a people at the base of power as an effective countermeasure against bureaucrats who were powerful political rivals of the king is confirmed by this. The two acts of the Prohibition law and the Temperance of King’s table were a practical and ideological contradictory solution to the common cause of meteorological upheaval. In other words, the people were the ones who practiced realistic solutions, and the king emphasized that ideological and symbolic acts are expected rather than practical help. Therefore, this week was a way of expressing practical actions and ideological actions to overcome the national crisis, and was a response of the people and the king to the national disaster. 자연에 대한 두려움과 경외를 표현하는 수단이었던 감선과 금주는 조선 시대 내내 필요에 의해 실행과 철폐를 거듭하였다. 왕의 밥상에 제한을 가하는 감선은 처음에는 왕실의 제사에서부터 시작되어 고위 관료들의 졸거에 대한 애도의 표시 등으로 시행되다가 점차적으로 가뭄이나 추위 등과 같이 자연의 재해에 대한 공구수성의 표현으로 비중을 옮기게 되었다. 왕의 善政과 失政은 하늘이 판단하는 것으로 여겨지던 고대, 중세적 사고와 성리학적 군주의 표상이 겹쳐지면서 그 실효와는 별개로 감선은 바람직한 聖君의 자세로 이해되었다. 국가의 근간산업인 농사에 절대적 조건이었던 기상은 마치 인간의 태도와 마음가짐에 따라 변화하는 것으로 이해하려 했으며, 자연재해에 수반된 기근의 상황에서 왕의 감선은 곧 백성들과 고통을 함께 한다는 것을 상징적으로 보여주는 행위이기도 했다. 같은 상황에서 백성들에게는 禁酒라는 제재가 가해졌다. 물론 금주령은 왕과 백성 모두에게 해당되는 것이기도 했으나, 실제적으로 왕의 밥상에서 술은 사라지지 않는 경우가 많았다. 술은 왕의 식단에서 빠질 수 없는 품목이었기 때문에 간혹 왕들이 백성과 함께 금주의 뜻을 비추는 경우에도 관료들의 반대로 왕실에서의 음주는 이어졌다. 그러다가 이따금 백성들에게 내린 금주령이 지켜지지 않는 것에 대해 모범을 보이기 위한 행동으로 왕의 금주가 실행되는 경우가 대부분이었다. 또한 백성들에게도 藥酒 또는 축하라는 명목 아래에서의 음주는 금주령 하에서도 용인되었고 아울러 사신 접대, 연향 등의 國用, 그리고 관리들의 음주는 허가되는 상황에서 백성들에 대한 금주령 자체가 엄격할 수 없는 것이었다. 금주의 목적은 춘궁기의 곡식 저축이 가장 큰 것이었고, 때로는 과도한 음주로 禮를 어그러뜨리는 사례들이 발생하면서 禮道를 가르치기 위한 금주령이 나타나기도 했다. 그러나 조선 초기의 금주령은 여러 이유로 엄격히 지켜지지는 못했고 강력히 규제해야 할 필요성도 느끼지 못했던 것으로 보인다. 그렇기 때문에 재해를 맞았을 때 금주령이 먼저 내려지고 그 실효에 따라 왕도 차후 금주령에 동참하거나 감선의 해법을 동원하였다. 따라서 금주령과 감선은 초기에는 그 대상을 나누어 적용되는 것이었고 동시에 이루어지는 일도 많지 않았다. 그러나 조선 후기로 가면서 금주령은 왕에게도 적용되었다. 자연재해가 왕의 失政에 대한 경고라는 것을 더 이상 믿지 않았지만 하늘에 대한 왕의 공구수성은 여전히 형식적인 것이나마 남아 있었다. 오히려 그러한 형식적 행위는 그 수위를 높여서 금주령은 왕실과 국용에도 예외 없이 적용되었다. 아울러 감선의 횟수도 늘어났다. 성리학적 정치철학이 강조될수록 과학적으로 연관관계가 없는 자연재해와 왕의 정치를 연결시키고자 하는 태도가 더욱 강해졌으며 그러한 왕의 의지를 보여주는 태도가 바로 감선과 금주였던 것이다. 그래서 금주령에 대한 위반은 엄격한 법 집행으로 이루어졌고, 감선이 자연재해를 그칠 수 없음을 분명히 인지하고 있으면서도 왕이라는 책무에 최선을 다하는 태도를 내외에 알리기 위한 의도적 태도로 더욱 빈번하고 강력하게 나타났던 것이다. 결국 백성과 왕의 역할을 분리시켰던 초기의 금주령과 감선의 태도는 백성과 왕이 긴밀하게 묶여있음을 보여주는 정치적 의도가 작용하면서 후기로 갈수록 강조되었 ...

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        LPGA의 10년 주기에 따른 기술변수와 기술결과물변수가시즌결과물에 미치는 영향

        박진,채진석 한국체육측정평가학회 2017 한국체육측정평가학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to compare the five technical variables(DD, DA, GIR, SS, PA) and the five technical output variables(P3A, P4A, P5A, Bir, Eag) affecting the seasonal results(official money, scoring average, odds) of 1995-1996, 2005-2006 and 2015-2016 presented by the LPGA. To accomplish this goal, a stepwise regression analysis was conducted using the records of the athletes within the top 100 rankings of each season. All statistical test procedures were set at significance level of .05. As a result, the following conclusions were presented. First, among the five technical variables, green in regulation and putting average were two important factors for the seasonal results(official money, scoring average, winning odds). Second, when looking at the magnitude of the impact of technical output variables on seasonal outputs, the common feature was that the par 4 number of strokes was the most important, followed by the par 5 number of strokes. In particular, the par 5 number of strokes and average birdies per round were the two important factors in the winning odds. 본 연구의 목적은 LPGA에서 발표하는 1995-1996, 2005-2006, 2015-2016 시즌자료를 이용하여 5개의 기술변수(DD, DA, GIR, SS, PA) 와 5개 기술결과물변수(P3A, P4A, P5A, Bir, Eag)가 시즌결과물인 상금, 평균타수, 우승승률에 미치는 영향을 살펴보는 것이다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위해 각 시즌별 상금순위 100위 이내의 선수들의 기록을 이용하여 단계적회귀분석을 실시하였고 모든 통계적인 검정 절차는 유의수준을 .05로 설정 하였다. 그결과 다음과 같은 결론을 2가지로 제시하였다. 첫 번째, 5개의 기술변수 중 그린적중률과 라운드당평균퍼팅수는 시기에 관계없이 시즌결과물인 우승승률, 평균타수, 상금에 가장 많이 나타나는 중요한 요소이다. 두 번째, 기술결과물변수가 시즌결과물에 미치는 영향력의 크기를 살펴본 결과, 공통적인 특징은 파4평균타수가 가장 중요하고, 그 다음이 파5평균타수였다. 특별히 우승승률에서는 파5평균타수와 평균버디수가 가장 중요하다고 사료된다.

      • KCI등재

        골프 퍼팅 스트로크에서 홀드(Holed)를 위한 이론적인 접근

        박진 한국골프학회 2014 골프연구 Vol.8 No.4

        이 연구는 골프 그린에서 볼의 속도와 경사도에 따라 볼이 이동하는 과정을 이론적으로 밝히고자 하였다. 이를위해 수학적인 공식을 활용하여 움직임을 계산하였고, 엑셀 프로그램을 이용하여 프로그래밍 하였다. 그리고 두변인인 속도와 경사 조건으로 볼의 위치 값을 x, y 좌표 값으로 알 수 있도록 하였다. 초기 속도와 경사도는 각각 1~5의 값을 이용하였으며, 볼의 움직임 시간은 1초간으로 설정하여 자료를 수집하였다. 결과를 보면 볼의 홀컵 방향으로의 이동은 초기속도 크기에 따라 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 볼의 경사 방향으로의 이동은 경사도크기에 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 볼이 정지마찰력 없이 바로 구름 마찰력을 나타내기 위해서는 지면에서2.95cm 위치를 타격할 때 가능한 것으로 사료된다. 경사 그린에서 볼이 움직인 전체 거리를 분석해 보면 초기(출발지점에서 약 25cm까지)에 볼은 경사의 영향을 크게 받지 않으나 이후부터는 비교적 크게 영향을 받으며 움직임이 큰 폭으로 변하는 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate a theoretical approach to the holed during the putting stroke. Byusing the formula, the path of ball was calculated during the movement. It was programed by using the Excelprogram. Two variables which are initial velocity and slope were used to collect data. Initial velocity was 1~5m/sand the slope was also 1~5°. Data were collected for 1 second. According to the data, ball movement was influencedby the initial velocity and slope. In order that a ball makes roll over, the position of ball was hit 2.95cmheight from the ground. If I analyze the movement of the ball in the slope, there is a little effect in the initialposition(from starting position to 25cm). After that(from 25cm to 100cm), the ball was influenced by the slopemore and more.

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