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      • Polyacetylene Induced Alterations in Benzo(a)-pyrene Metabolism and Reduction of Total DNABP metabolites Binding

        박진규,김신일,이천배,Park, Jin-Kyu,Kim, Shin-Il,Lee, Chun-Bae 생화학분자생물학회 1989 한국생화학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        인삼(Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer)의 석유에텔 분획으로부터 순수하게 분리한 polyacetylene 화합 물들(panaxynol, panaxydol)을 투여한 하우스 (ICR, C57BL/6 strain)의 간 마이크로좀에서의 AHH, EH, 그리고 GSH-T의 활성도 변화 및 in vitro에서 BP 대사물질들의 생성량을 관찰하였다. 그 결과, AHH에 비해 EH 활성도의 증가가 현저하게 나타났으며 생성된 BP 대사물질들 중 특히 BP-7, 8-diol과 BP-quinone 화합물들의 양이 대조군보다 뚜렷이 증가한 반면에 BP-9, 10-diol의 경우는 대조군보다 양이 감소되었다. 이와 관련해서 polyacetylene을 투여한 쥐 (Wistar rat)에서의 urinary excretion을 통한 BP 수용성 대사물질들의 양적인 증가, 그리고 DNA와 BP 대사물질들간의 in vitro 공유결합 생성의 뚜렷한 감소 등은 이들 polyacetylene 화합물들이 BP에 의해 유도되는 발암을 억제시켜 줄 것을 시사한다. Activities of benzo(a)pyrene(BP) metabolizing enzymes and amounts of BP-metabolites were determined in hephatic microsomes of mice treated with two polyacetylene compounds, panaxynol, panaxydol which purified from Korean ginseng root(panax ginseng C,A. Meyer) in order to investigate the effect of polyacetylene compounds on BP-metabolism. As results, two polyacetylenes induced epoxide hydratase(EH) markedly as compared with arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase(AHH), Among BP-metabolites, BP-7,8-diols and Bp-quinone compounds increased in hephatic microsome while BP-9,10-diols rather reduced by polyacetylene treatment. In connection with these results, the increment of water soluble BP-metabolites in rat urine and inhibition of total covalent binding between BP-metabolites and DNA in vitro suggest that polyacetylene compounds have a potential to reduce BP induced carcinogenesis.

      • 다문화교육에 대한 현황 분석과 새로운 방향성 모색

        박진규,최희선 호서대학교 인문학연구소 2011 인간과사회 Vol.30 No.-

        This study focuses on the present multi-cultural education situation in Korea and makes some suggestions for the desirable multi-cultural education direction. The methods of the study are to compare the bibliographical literatures and to refer the statistical materials. The results of the study are as follows: 1) With an increase of the number of foreign residents in Korea, there has been an increase in the importance and the necessity of the multi-culture and its education. However, the governmental system and policy were not well-prepared for the demands of the society, although the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology offered the school education(formal education), and the Ministry of Women and Family supported the Korean culture education(informal education). 2) Now is the high time to re-consider the contents and the direction of the multi-cultural education. One needs to consider not only the previous Korean assimilation education by the foreign residents but also the recognition of the value of the foreign residents original culture within Korean society. 3) On one hand, Korean language education, which is the basic requirement for the convenient living of foreign residents in Korea, should be systematically devdcped and offered through the formal school education curriculum On the other hand, an inter:-active understanding of cultural education should be devdoped and shared at the informal or life-long education centers, which are supported by private institutions. 4) Finally,a cultural education for the sharing and the understanding of the sameness and the difference between native Koreans and foreign residents should be implemented in order to secure the harmonious living in Korea

      • KCI등재

        청소년육성기금의 운용 실태와 개선방안 연구

        박진규 한국청소년학회 2011 청소년학연구 Vol.18 No.7

        The purpose of the study is to analyze the background and status quo of Youth-Fostering Financial Fund(YFFF), and to suggest some measures to improve the critical situation. The methodology that was adapted for the study was the review of literatures. The YFFF was initiated in purpose of fostering the youth activities in accordance with the Youth Basic Law, which was promulgated in 1989. The plateau period of YFFF was the year of 2004, when the YFFF recorded the greatest in its amount. However, if the structure of revenue and expenditure should continue until 2013 as in the same amount as it has done so far, the remaining total of budget of YFFF is envisioned to be no less than 7.9 billion won. To overcome the financial crisis of YFFF, the central government should allot more public fund, as was declared in the Youth Basic Law. And the non-governmental organizations should be more active in cooperation to raise the YFFF in consideration of the importance of youth activities. Especially, market-driven campaign, not ony to secure the fund, but also to increase the profit of the concerned industrial companies should be seriously under consideration. 이 연구는 청소년육성기금의 도입 취지, 현 상황, 그리고 개선방안 등을 모색해 보기 위한 목적을 갖고, 문헌 분석 방법을 통해 진행되었다. 청소년육성기금은 청소년기본법 제 53조 “청소년육성에 필요한 재원을 확보하기 위하여 청소년육성기금을 설치한다”에 그 근거를 두고 1989년부터 조성되기 시작하였다. 그 후 2004년을 정점으로 매년 기금의 순조성액은 재원조달의 한계로 인해 점점 고갈되어 가는 반면에 기금을 사용하는 사업과 사업비 지출은 점점 늘어나고 있는 추세에 있다. 청소년육성기금이 현재와 같은 수준의 수입과 지출로 집행된다면 2013년에 이르서는 기금 총액이 79억 원 밖에는 남아 있지 않게 되어 청소년육성기금은 그 예산규모와 운용의 내용에 있어서 심각한 위기에 봉착하게 될 것이다. 이러한 청소년육성기금의 위기적 상황을 극복하기 위해서는 먼저 법률에 규정되어 있는 대로 정부의 출연금 출연 재개와 같은 대책들이 시급히 이루어져야 한다. 아울러 청소년 혹은 사회 관련 단체들과의 협의와 조정을 통해 새로운 재원 발굴을 시도해야 한다. 특히 청소년육성기금을 획기적으로 늘리는 데 기여하고, 아울러 기금 확충에 기여하는 주체와 객체 모두에게 이익이 돌아갈 것으로 기대되는 ‘시장 판매성 증대를 통한 기금 확충’방안의 도입을 적극 검토해 볼 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        선도수련 ‘止感’의 방법론에 관한 문헌적 고찰

        박진규 동방문화대학원대학교 문화와예술연구 2014 문화와예술연구 Vol.3 No.-

        止感은 한국선도의 경전인 『삼일신고』에서 제시한 세 가지 수행 중 하나이다. 지감이란 감정을 그쳐서 외부의식을 다스리는 것이다. 감정을 그칠 때 고요한 내면으로 몰입할 수 있고, 순수자아인 본성을 회복할 수 있다. 지감법은 선도수행자나 명상가를 포함하여 정신건강 을 추구하는 모든 사람들에게도 효용이 있다. 지감의 방법론이 원전에서는 보이지 않기 때문에 어떠한 방법으로 감정을 그치게 하는가는 것은 후대의 과제이다. 근대에 대종교의 삼 법으로 전승되었고, 근래에는 ‘현대 단학’이라 표현하는 수련단체에서 실행되고 있다. ‘현대 단학’의 지감법은 자신의 몸에 집중하여 기를 느끼는 것이 그 방법이다. 기의 느낌에 집중하게 되면 뇌파는 알파파 이하로 떨어 져 외부의식으로부터 격리된다. 뇌파의 변화에 따라 감정은 사그러들 고, 고요하고 안정적인 마음상태가 된다. 지감의 원리는 뇌과학적 측 면에서 뇌기능의 원리를 적용하고 있다. 뇌 신경세포는 우선적으로 주요한 정보처리를 하는 동안에 다른 정보의 처리를 하지 않는다. 기 의 흐름에 몰입하는 동안 뇌에서 감정이나 잡념의 정보처리를 멈춤 으로서 감정을 차단하게 된다. 선도수련법 지감이 과학적 원리로 환 원된 것이다. 'JiGam(止感)' is one of the three training methods which is introduced in the scripture of Korean-Sundo『SamIlSinGo(三一神 誥). JiGam means to control one's external consciousness by stopping emotional flow. As one cease one's emotional movement, one can fully concentrate one's inner side and restore pure human nature. The method of JiGam is helpful to not only meditator but everybody who seeks mental healthiness. Since the method of JiGam is not shown in the origin the way how one stop one's emotional movement is a task of future generation. JiGam has been passed down SamBub(三法) of Daejonggyo(大倧敎). More recently, ‘Hyundai Danhak’ adopted to use the method of JiGam. The method of JiGam that ‘Hyundai Danhak’ is now showing is to focus one's own body and feel Ki(氣)-energy. When one focus on one's Ki-energy, the brain wave goes below alpha wave and be separated from external consciousness. As the brain wave changes, emotional movement wanes and turns in to calmness. In terms of brain science, the principle of JiGam can be explained by principles of brain functioning. Firstly, brain nerve cells do not process other information while processing one important information. While focusing on the flow of Ki-energy, brain blocks movements of emotion by stopping processing other distracting thoughts. Therefore JiGam that has been used as a training method of 'Sundo' is now explained with principles of brain science.

      • KCI등재

        How Modular-to-Integral Product Architecture Changes Affected an Industry’s Structure and Competition

        박진규 한국경영학회 2011 經營學硏究 Vol.40 No.2

        Much of the research dealing with the relationships between product architecture and industry structure change suggests one evolutionary direction - as products tend to change from integral to modular form, industry tends to change from integrated to disintegrated form. Given much research focuses on the predominant evolutionary direction, of particular interest to this study is the processes by which modular-to-integral product architecture change shapes industry’s competitive structure. We empirically test Schilling’s theoretical model of interfirm product modularity with an unusual case of de-modularization of a dominant design in a mature industry. We find that the model fully explains the direction of the process, but only partially its beginning and final outcome. Through careful study of the case we identify conditions favorable for the start of the process, and specify detailed mechanisms through which the de-modularization resulted in a nearmonopoly position of the attacking firm. The results suggest that the product architecture simultaneously represents a firm’s decision variable and shapes the firm’s competitive environment, and the relative weight between them is determined by contextual circumstances.

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