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        아동의 외현적 문제행동에 대한 부모훈련 프로그램의 효과? -인지행동적 부모훈련과 행동적 부모훈련의 비교

        박중규,오경자 한국임상심리학회 2004 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.23 No.4

        This study evaluated the comparative effects of cognitive-behavioral parent training(CBPT) and behavioral parent training(BPT) on mothers of children(ages 6-11 years) with disruptive behavior disorders. BPT consisted of basic behavior modification procedures such as improving parental selective-attending skills, improving parental deliverance of commands, improving children's play behavior, parental use of time out, behavior contracting with response cost as disciplinary methods, and parental planning/ activity scheduling as problem prevention measures. Additionally, CBPT consisted of BPT procedures and more component such as cognitive reattribution of the disruptiveness of one's children(changing dysfunctional parent thoughts), problem solving training, anger control training, and enhancing communication skills of parents. 26 mothers of children with disruptive behavior disorders were recruited from 3 child psychiatric clinics in Seoul. Among them, 14 mothers were assigned to CBPT and 12 mothers to BPT with consideration of children's similarities on age, sex, and clinical problems. Both of parent training programs have 6 one and half hour sessions over the course of 6 weeks. After 6 weeks of training, there was significant improvement in children's disruptive behaviors, parent stress, dysfunctional thoughts, parent efficacy, and subjective satisfaction of family members in both CBPT and BPT groups with repeated ANOVA procedure, The improvement in both of parent training groups were maintained in the 6 weeks follow-up as supporting clinical effects of parent training. The post and follow-up assessment compared to pre-assessment, there were no differences between the two parent training groups on most of the outcome measures. Finally, limitations of the present study and suggestions were discussed for further studies.

      • KCI등재후보

        New Perspectives of Dyrk1A Role in Neurogenesis and Neuropathologic Features of Down Syndrome

        박중규,정광철 한국뇌신경과학회 2013 Experimental Neurobiology Vol.22 No.4

        Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common genetic disorders accompanying with mental retardation, cognitive impairment,and deficits in learning and memory. The brains with DS also display many neuropathological features including alteration inneurogenesis and synaptogenesis and early onset of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-like symptoms. Triplication of all or a part of humanchromosome 21, especially the 21q22.1~21q22.3 region called ‘Down syndrome critical region (DSCR)’, has been considered asthe main cause of DS. One gene product of DSCR, dual-specificity tyrosine-phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A (Dyrk1A), hasbeen highlighted as a key contributor to the neural consequences of DS. This minireview summarizes accumulating recent reportsabout Dyrk1A involvement in the neuritogenesis, synaptogenesis, and AD-like neurofibrillary tangle formation, which is mainlyfocusing on Dyrk1A-mediated regulation of cytoskeletal proteins, such as tubulin, actin, and microtubule-associated protein tau. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of these phenomena may provide us a rational for new preventive and therapeutictreatment of DS.

      • 청소년용 사회적 바람직성 척도개발을 위한 예비연구

        박중규 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.4

        Objective : This study was conducted to develop a short-version of Marlowe-Crowne social desirability scale for Korean adolescents, preliminarily. Method : The a abbreviated 11 items of Marlowe-Crowne social desirability scale was translated and conducted with MMPI L scale to 283 adolescents in Seoul, Korea. Then, statistical analyses conducted for the distribution of MC score, correlation coefficient between MC score and MMPI L score, factor analysis and internal consistency of MC score. Results : The MC scale was correlated to MMPI L scale of .56 and showed internal consistency of .60. The scale consisted of 3 factors, 1st had 2.27 eigenvalue and 20.63% explained proportion, 2nd 1.95, 17.74%, 3rd 1.149, 10.44% to each. 1st factor showed denial of negative aspects of self, 2nd and 3rd factor showed bias of reporting good impressions about self. Conclusion : According to the distribution of the MC score of this study the above 7 point warned excessively biased testing attitude due to social desirability, provisionally. Further elaboration of the items and replicated study to the larger sample is clearly required.

      • PCR-Select cDNA Subtraction을 이용한 Allomyces macrogynus의 팡이실의 성장 관련 유전자의 분리

        박중규,구용범 인제대학교 1998 仁濟論叢 Vol.14 No.1

        Allomyces macrogyuns의 이배체 꼬리홀씨들은, 공세포로 전환된 후, 실뿌리에 이어 팡이실을 형성하는데, 팡이실로 성장하는 과정에서 대기중의 산소의 고갈로 인하여 길이 성장이 급격히 촉진된다. 본 연구에서는, 길이 성장에 관련하는 유전자를 분리하기 위해서 보통의 대기 조건에서 자란 팡이실(Normoxia)과 하나의 탈산소제를 처리한 조건에서 자란 팡이실(Hypoxia)을 수확하여 PCR을 이용한 cDNA subtraction(PVR-select cDNA subtraction)을 수행하였다. PCR로 선택된 subtracted cDNA는 pGEM-T vector에 삽입 후, 대장균에 클로닝하여, 115개의 형질전환체를 무작위적으로 골라 slot blot hybridization을 하였다. 그 결과, 대부분의 클론이 Normoxic 조건에서 보다 Hypoxic 조건에서 다량 발현되는 유전자로나타났으며, 이들 중에서 60개의 클론을 DNA 염기 서열 분석하였더니 19가지의 서로 다른 염기 서열로 동정되었다. 이 유전자들을 Genbank Database와의 유사성을 조사했을 때, 염기 서열상 이미 알려진 유전자와의 유사성이 적었으나, 아미노산 서열상으로는 몇 가지 단백질들과 유사한 것으로 나타났다. 60개의 클론 중에서 높은 빈도로 나타나는 4가지 클론을 northern hybridization하였더니, 대략적으로 각각 0.9kb, 1.9kb, 1.9kb, 2.8kb의 mRNA로 전사되는 것으로, Hypoxic 조건의 팡이실에서 특이적으로 발현되는 것으로 나타났다. Diploid zoospore of Allomyces macrogynus form hyphae after encystment and rhizoid formation. It was the linear growth of hyphae that was stimulated on their growth by oxygen depletion in the atmosphere. In this study, CDNA subtraction with PCR(PCR-select cDNA subtraction) between hyphae incubated under normal atmosphere(Normoxia) and hyphae incubated with an oxygen absorbent(Hypoxia) were performed in order to isolate the genes related to the linear growth. PCR-select Subtracted cDNAs were cloned into E. coli JM 109 using pGEM-T vector. Total 115 transformants were randomly selected and analysed by slot blot hybridization. Most of them were found to be expressed in higher level in Hypoxic condition than in Normoxic condition. Of them, 60 clones were sequenced. They were identified as 19 clones, since nucleotide sequence of 60 clones was identical. Nucleotide homology search of these clones showed no significant homology with known genes, whereas amino acid sequence homology revealed that they had some homology with known proteins. Northern hybridization analysis of 4 frequently appeared clones among 60 clones confirmed that they were expressed in higher level in Hypoxic condition and their mRNA sizes were approximately 0.9kb, 1.9kb, 1.9kb, 2.8kb, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 수학에서 분수 나눗셈의 알고리즘 정당화하기

        박중규,이광호,성창근 한국수학교육학회 2019 初等 數學敎育 Vol.22 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 자연수 나눗셈의 정의를 확장하여 분수 나눗셈에 적용함으로써 초등학교 수학에서 분수 나눗셈의 알고리즘을 정당화하는데 있다. 먼저 초등학교 수학에서 분수 나눗셈을 도입할 때 고려해야 할 준거들을 도출하여 제시하였다. 이를 바탕으로 분수 나눗셈의 표준 알고리즘을 유도하는 기존의 방식들이 분수 나눗셈 도입 과정에 적절한지를 고찰하였다. 또한 분수 나눗셈을 정의하였으며, 단위원 분할 모델과 정사각형 분할 모델을 통하여 구체적 조작 활동을 함으로써 등분제와 포함제 상황의 분수 나눗셈에서 표준 알고리즘을 자연스럽게 정당화하였다. The purpose of this study is to justify the fraction division algorithm in elementary mathematics by applying the definition of natural number division to fraction division. First, we studied the contents which need to be taken into consideration in teaching fraction division in elementary mathematics and suggested the criteria. Based on this research, we examined whether the previous methods which are used to derive the standard algorithm are appropriate for the course of introducing the fraction division. Next, we defined division in fraction and suggested the unit-circle partition model and the square partition model which can visualize the definition. Finally, we confirmed that the standard algorithm of fraction division in both partition and measurement is naturally derived through these models.

      • KCI등재


        박중규,정예은,윤상은 중국인문학회 2015 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.59

        한국어의 한자어는 많은 학자들의 연구 대상이 되어 왔다. 본문은 기존 연구를 바탕으로 하여, 현대 한어중 상용어를 중심으로 한어 자음 파열음(쌍순음, 설첨중음, 설근음)에 모음 ‘ao’를 더한 단어와 한국어의 한자어 발음 사이의 상응 규칙을 연구하였다. 이는 어음 규칙을 분석하고 결론 내림으로써 한국 학생들이 중국어를 더욱 쉽게 배울 수 있도록 한다. 본문은 자음과 모음의 측면에서 한국어와 한자어간의 규칙을 찾아 정리했다. 또한 이러한 어음 규칙과 한자 형성 조자법을 결합하고, 성부를 이용해 특징을 분석하며, 한국어와 한자어 사이의 규칙에서의 심층적인 체계를 찾고자 했다. 좀 더 구체적으로 아래 세 가지 방면으로 나누었다. 자음에 따라서, 모음에 따라서 또 마지막으로 한자의 구성모양에 따라 나누었다.

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