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      • Statistical study on nightside geosynchronous magnetic field responses to interplanetary shocks

        박종선,김관혁,이동훈,이은상,진호,Park, Jong-Sun,Kim, Khan-Hyuk,Araki, Tohru,Lee, Dong-Hun,Lee, Ensang,Jin, Ho 한국천문학회 2012 天文學會報 Vol.37 No.2

        When an interplanetary (IP) shock passes over the Earth's magnetosphere, the geosynchronous magnetic field strength near the noon is always enhanced, while the geosynchronous magnetic field near the midnight decreases or increases. In order to understand what determines the positive or negative magnetic field response at nightside geosynchronous orbit to sudden increases in the solar wind dynamic pressure, we have examined 120 IP shock-associated sudden commencements (SC) using magnetic field data from the GOES spacecraft near the midnight (MLT = 2200~0200) and found the following magnetic field perturbation characteristics. (1) There is a strong seasonal dependence of geosynchronous magnetic field perturbations during the passage of IP shocks. That is, the SC-associated geosynchronous magnetic field near the midnight increases (a positive response) in summer and decreases (a negative response) in winter. (2) These field perturbations are dominated by the radial magnetic field component rather than the north-south magnetic field component at nightside geosynchronous orbit. (3) The magnetic elevation angles corresponding to positive and negative responses decrease and increase, respectively. These field perturbation properties can be explained by the location of the cross-tail current enhancement during SC interval with respect to geosynchronous spacecraft position.

      • KCI등재

        대기업 근로자의 무형식학습과 권한위임, 자기효능감 및 학습동기의 관계

        박종선,김진모 한국성인교육학회 2012 Andragogy Today : International Journal of Adult & Vol.15 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to identify a casual relationship among informal learning, empowerment, self-efficacy, and learning motivation in large corporations. The population for this study was workers of 1,000 companies list by the Fair Trade Commission. Using the purposeful sampling technique, 322 workers of 13 companies were sampled, of which 281 were returned, and 224 were used for analysis after data cleaning. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for data analysis. To estimate parameters of proposed research model, covariance structure analysis were used. Major conclusions of this study were as follows: First, causal model of this study is suitable to empirical analysis on research variables. Second, learning motivation of workers in large corporation has direct effect on informal learning positively. However, empowerment and self-efficacy had not direct effect on informal learning. Third, empowerment of workers in large corporation has indirect effect on informal learning with full mediation effect of self-efficacy and learning motivation. Forth, self-efficacy of workers in large corporation has indirect effect on the informal learning with the full mediation effect of learning motivation. 이 연구의 목적은 우리나라 대기업 근로자들의 무형식학습과 권한위임, 자기효능감 및 학습동기의 관계를 구명하는데 있다. 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 공정거래위원회가 지정한 1000대 기업에 종사하는 상시근로자를 모집단으로 설정하였다. 13개 기업을 유의표집하여 332부의 설문지를 배포하였으며, 그 중 281부가 회수되었고 불성실 응답자료와 이상치를 제외한 224부를 분석에 활용하였다. 자료의 분석을 위해 빈도와 백분율, 평균, 표준편차 등의 기술통계와 변인간 관계 구명을 위한 구조방정식 분석을 활용하였다. 이 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이 연구에서 설정한 변인 간 관계 모형은 대기업 근로자를 대상으로 한 실증자료를 분석하기에 적합하며, 독립변인과 종속변인 간의 관계를 타당하게 예측한다. 둘째, 대기업 근로자의 학습동기는 무형식학습에 직접적인 정적 영향을 미치지만, 권한위임과 자기효능감은 정적인 영향을 미치지 않는다. 셋째, 대기업 근로자의 권한위임은 자기효능감과 학습동기를 완전 매개하여 무형식학습에 간접적인 정적 영향을 미친다. 넷째, 대기업 근로자의 자기효능감은 학습동기를 완전 매개하여 무형식학습에 간접적인 정적 영향을 미친다.

      • KCI등재

        형사재판에 있어서 아동증언의 증거능력

        박종선 경희대학교 법학연구소 2009 경희법학 Vol.44 No.1

        A statement is very influential in criminal trial. In child testimony, it’s a matter of whether or not to admit a child’s statement. When a child states what he/she witnessed in court, it could be accepted as the data that form a judge’s conviction in principle. However, the problem comes down to the admissibility of the hearsay statement or documents. As a rule, the statements outside court will not be presented to the court. If they are reliable and worth as evidence, however, they are permitted to be presented to the court. In case of children, on the contrary, testifying what they saw or experienced in court could have a bad impact on their physical and mental health. In fact, it’s not easy to have a child appear and testify in court and make his/her statement admitted as evidence. What is worse, it’s really difficult to figure out what really happened because of too much restriction on evidence admissibility. In this case, therefore, it appears reasonable if a court examines an expert’s opinion on a child’s mental and psychological conditions and his/her statements and comprehensively considers the child’s age, time lapse and the atmosphere when he/she was being interrogated after finding some reasonable reasons why he/she has not been able to appear in court. Furthermore, even though the video-taped child’s statement has been admitted as evidence because of the testimony of his/her guardian who was with him/her when he/she was being questioned, a court may find some reasonable reasons why the child can’t testify in court. In other words, if it’s been admitted that a child’s guardian who has maintained reliable relationship with the child unwittingly said what he was told from the child to one of his/her acquaintances, a court should admit it as evidence. In particular, considering the fact that video has been admitted as evidence with an advance in scientific technology, it could be regarded as an advance in new criminal procedure law. However, it’s a shame to fail to admit the videotape of child’s statement, which has been made during criminal investigation because of new regulation has not been enacted yet. As more children are recently victimized by crime, it’s time to admit a child’s statement as evidence provided that the vulnerability of a child’s statement is fully understood. A statement is very influential in criminal trial. In child testimony, it’s a matter of whether or not to admit a child’s statement. When a child states what he/she witnessed in court, it could be accepted as the data that form a judge’s conviction in principle. However, the problem comes down to the admissibility of the hearsay statement or documents. As a rule, the statements outside court will not be presented to the court. If they are reliable and worth as evidence, however, they are permitted to be presented to the court. In case of children, on the contrary, testifying what they saw or experienced in court could have a bad impact on their physical and mental health. In fact, it’s not easy to have a child appear and testify in court and make his/her statement admitted as evidence. What is worse, it’s really difficult to figure out what really happened because of too much restriction on evidence admissibility. In this case, therefore, it appears reasonable if a court examines an expert’s opinion on a child’s mental and psychological conditions and his/her statements and comprehensively considers the child’s age, time lapse and the atmosphere when he/she was being interrogated after finding some reasonable reasons why he/she has not been able to appear in court. Furthermore, even though the video-taped child’s statement has been admitted as evidence because of the testimony of his/her guardian who was with him/her when he/she was being questioned, a court may find some reasonable reasons why the child can’t testify in court. In other words, if it’s been admitted that a child’s guardian who has maintained reliable relationship with the child unwittingly said what he was told from the child to one of his/her acquaintances, a court should admit it as evidence. In particular, considering the fact that video has been admitted as evidence with an advance in scientific technology, it could be regarded as an advance in new criminal procedure law. However, it’s a shame to fail to admit the videotape of child’s statement, which has been made during criminal investigation because of new regulation has not been enacted yet. As more children are recently victimized by crime, it’s time to admit a child’s statement as evidence provided that the vulnerability of a child’s statement is fully understood.

      • KCI등재후보

        깁스표본기법을 이용한 설명변수 선택문제에서 사전분포의 설정-선형회귀모형을 중심으로-

        박종선,남궁평,한숙영 한국통계학회 1997 Communications for statistical applications and me Vol.4 No.2

        선형회귀분석에서 변수의 선택문제는 최적의 모형을 찾는데 아주 중요한 부분을 차지한다. George와 McCulloch(1993)는 계층적 베이즈 모형과 깁스표본법을 이용하여 선형회귀모형에서 변수를 선택하는 문제를 고려하였다. 이 논문에서는 George와 McCulloch의 모형을 바탕으로 각각의 설명변수가 모형에 포함될 사전확률을 객관적인 기준에 의하여 결정하는 문제를 고려하여 보았다.

      • KCI등재

        범죄피해아동의 진술능력을 고려한 효과적인 조사기법에 관한 연구

        박종선 경희대학교 법학연구소 2010 경희법학 Vol.45 No.3

        In general, children are in the process of growing into a mature stage, they are not good at understanding and coping with certain circumstances. The testimony given by these dependent and immature children is mostly based on their accurate memory. However, it is not easy to have these children who are still lack of expressing themselves in language give testimony. The main reason why child testimony has been controversial in terms of reliability is that their memory is inaccurate or inconsistent. This kind of problem may occur because they are children. However, it is sometimes caused by an inappropriate crime investigation method. In addition, children can give wrong testimony because of huge stress from the investigation. Moreover, they are sometimes unable to state some facts until they are specifically asked. Even if distorted memory or linguistic egocentrism is found in child testimony, crime investigation would focus on child ability for giving accurate testimony with good understanding of an investigator’s questions in the past. Recently, however, the investigation method and procedure in consideration of the characteristic of children have become more important than children’s ability for giving testimony in child testimony. Therefore, it is essential for an investigator to try to understand children’s attitude and behavior during investigation. Furthermore, he/she is required to study child psychology and effective investigation methods in advance to get accurate testimony from children. This kind of investigation method and procedure could be a key to reveal the truth of the crime. Therefore, a special investigation procedure should be established when a child joins the crime investigation. After all, the government is obligated to guarantee that child crime victims would get a prompt and appropriate decision and take all possible actions to restore their rights from the crime.

      • KCI등재

        주취폭력자의 실태와 향후과제

        박종선 단국대학교법학연구소 2013 법학논총 Vol.37 No.2

        Heavily drunken persons means persons intoxicated in alcohol to a degree that hinders such drunken people to make ordinary decision acceptable under the social concept due to the influence of alcohol. Intoxication becomes a problem when, first, it causes disorderly conduct from intoxication, causing damages to the community. And, second, maintain order and security from such disorder requires excessive policy personnel and expenses. Problems of such intoxication in alcohol have emerged as a significant issue for police works. According to the data of the National Police Agency, 93.7% of the police officers worked in district police offices experienced some sort of damage or work intervention from the heavily drunken persons with profanity, violence, damage to police properties and so forth while working. And furthermore, as a result of cracking down heavily drunken persons with violent crime to interfere with the execution of government affairs on habitual basis under the influence of alcohol in 2011, a total of 1,068 persons was arrested and 938 persons, or 87.8%, were convicted. However, in the process, the police has to consider the possibilities of causing distrust from people or treating simple heavily drunken persons as the criminal heavily drunken persons with the mass production of convicts. These heavily drunken persons are subject of “protection” as well as the subject of “control”. It is an important issue to establish the harmony for mutually conflicting issue, but it is difficult to deny the need of active intervention of policy on the issue of handling heavily drunken persons by breaking away from its passive attitude. For future task to efficiently take care of such an issue, following improvement plan for laws and system has been proposed to appropriate to our situation. First, the legal basis has to be clarified for the protection of heavily drunken persons. Second, comprehensive emergency rescue system between pertinent institutions has to be established. Third, the heavily drunken persons have to be identified by experts. Fourth, efficacy has to be secured as realistic way of imposing sanction. And, fifth, the one-stop emergency medical center has to be expanded for heavily drunken persons. More than anything else, the police personnel alone could not efficiently prevent the issues of heavily drunken persons. Therefore, there has to be positive accompaniment of residents in stringent law enforcement of police by securing and providing reliability with positive participation and cooperation.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Comparative Genome-Wide Analysis of GATA Transcription Factors in Fungi

        박종선,김효정,김순옥,공성형,박재진,김서연,한혜영,박봉수,정경용,이용환 한국유전체학회 2006 Genomics & informatics Vol.4 No.4

        GATA transcription factors are widespread eukaryotic regulators whose DNA-binding domain is a class IV zinc finger motif in the form CX2CX1720CX2C folowed by a basic region. In fungi, they act as transcriptional activators or repressors in several diferent processes, ranging from nitrogen source utilization to mating-type switching. Using an in-house bioinformatics portal system, we surveyed 50 fungal and 9 out-group genomes and identified 396 putative fungal GATA transcription factors. The proportion of GATA transcription factors within a genome varied among taxonomic lineages. Subsequent analyses of phylogenetic relationships among the fungal GATA transcription factors, as well as a study of their domain architecture and gene structure, demonstrated high degrees of conservation in type IVa and type IVb zinc finger motifs and the existence of distinctive clusters at least at the level of subphylum. The SFH1 subgroup with a 20-residue loop was newly identified, in addition to six wel-defined subgroups in the subphylum Pezizomycotina. Furthermore, a novel GATA motif with a 21-residue loop (CX2CX21CX2C, designated zinc finger type IVc) was discovered within the phylum Basidiomycota. Our results suggest that fungal GATA factors might have undergone multiple distinct modes of evolution resulting in diversified cellular modulation in fungi.

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