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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        간호센타 개발을 위한 건강증진 프로그램 요구사정 연구-유방자가검진 프로그램을 중심으로-

        박인혜,강혜영,이정희,류현숙,Park, In-Hyae,Kang, Hae-Young,Lee, Jeong-Hee,Ryu, Hyun-Sook 한국지역사회간호학회 2000 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to assess the needs of breast self examination education (BSEE) programs for developing nursing centers. A first, we reviewed the literature of activity and management-related factors of nursing centers: and, second. we used a questionnaire to discover the degree of knowledge, attitude, and practice on breast cancer, as well as an individual's intention to participate BSEE program. 1. Reviewing the literatures of nursing center activities. Nursing centers which were administered by a professional nurse are an ideal site for faculty and student practices. With the use of nursing models of health. professional nurses in nursing centers diagnose and treat human responses to potential and actual health problems and offer holistic, client-centered health service. In nursing centers professional nursing services include health education, health promotion, and health-related research. A nursing center is comprised of the advisory and exacutive commitee; the advisory commitee serves consultants and links community needs to the nursing center, while the director of the exacutive commitee identifies the potential resources to generate funds, support, and facilitate the activities of staffs in a nursing center. Nursing centers mobilize various financal resources for reimbursement of services from college and insurance companies, collect minimum service fees from the client, and further collect fees for providing programs to community groups, this also includes membership fees, and donations. The services provided by nursing centers focus on services related to primary prevention, health maintenance & health promotion, direct nursing care for acute & chronic diseases, and holistic care for actual and potential health problems. The client satisfaction for the services was high. Students also showed positive reponses for their clinical experiences and independent working conditions. 2. The degree of knowledge, attitudes, and practices for breast cancer. and an individual's intention to participate in the BSEE program. The subjects of this study were 308 females in K-city in the Republic of Korea. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The mean age of the respondents was 35.0 years old. Those who already participated in the BSEE were 64.9%, and those who had support and encouragement to practice BSE from significant others were 25.1 %. Clients intent to participate in the BSEE were 37.0%. The mean score of knowledge(2.4 out of 5 points) and practices(1.8 out of 5 points) for breast cancer were quite low, but the mean score of attitudes was relatively positive04.5 out of 20 point) for breast cancer. Those who already had BSEE showed significantly high scores in knowledge(t=6.48, p<0.01), attitudes (t=10.54, p<0.01). and practices(t=57.07, p<0.001) for breast cancer than those who had not participated in the BSEE. In all age groups no intention to participate in the BSEE was higher than who the intention to participate. These findings suggest some strategies should be developed to increase the awareness of breast cancer's early detection.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Descriptive Study Of School Children's Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices Regarding Smoking

        박인혜,Park, In-Hyae Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 1996 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        본 연구는 이스라엘 보사교육부가 중학생을 위하여 개발 실시한 흡연예방 교육프로그램의 효과를 분석하고자 실시되었다. 이스라엘은 15세 미만의 청소년 흡연율이 다른나라 청소년들의 흡연율에 비해 가장 낮음에도 불구하고 18세가 되면서부터 청소년 흡연율은 현저하게 증가되고 있다. 이를 이스라엘 정부에서는 청소년들이 만 18세가 되면 2년간의 국방의무를 수행해야 하기 때문인 것으로 분석하고 있다. 때문에 이스라엘 정부는 청소년들이 흡연을 시작하기전에 흡연을 예방하고자 'To Breathe Clean Air'라는 흡연예방 교육프로그램을 계획 하였다. 본 연구는 단일군 사후 설계로 대상은 중학교 1, 2 학년생(7-8graders) 135명이었으며, 연령은 12-14 세로 11%가 흡연 경험이 있거나 흡연중이었고, 이들 중 24%는 이미 10세때부터 흡연을 시작했었다. 흡연하는 남학생이 여학생보다 유의하게 많았으며(p<.01), 학교성적이 스스로 열등하다고 생각하는 군이 그리고 친한 친구중에 흡연자가 있는 군이 흡연을 많이 하는 것으로 나타났다(p<.05). 부모중에 한분이상이 흡연하는 학생이 30%를 차지하였는데, 부모님이 흡연시 그 자녀의 흡연률이 높았으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 아니었다. 흡연에 대한 지식정도는 70%의 학생이 중이상의 지식정도를 가지고 있었는데, 남학생일수록, 학년이 높을수록, 학교성적이 우수한 학생일수록, 그리고 친한 친구중에 흡연자가 없을수록 흡연에 대한 지식정도가 높게 나타났고, 이들중 성별과 학년은 유의한 차이를 보였다(p<.05). 흡연에 대한 태도는 남학생일 때, 부친이 흡연을 하고 있을 때, social pressure를 잘 견딜수 있다고 한 군에서 더 부정적인 태도를 보였다(p<.01). 형제들 중 흡연자가 없는 군, 그리고 학교성적이 우수한 군이 흡연에 대한 부정적인 행동의도를 가지고 있었다(p<.01). 흡연에 대한 지식정도가 높을수록 흡연에 대해 더 부정적인 태도를 보였고, 흡연에 대한 부정적인 행동의도를 가진 학생들이 흡연에 대해 더 부정적인 태도를 보였다(p<.01). 흡연예방 교육프로그램 실시후 40%의 학생들이 이 프로그램이 흡연 예방에 효과가 있을 것임을 예측했고, 프로그램에 대한 관심정도는 여학생들이 높았으나(p<.05), 프로그램에 대한 만족정도는 남학생들에서 더 높게 나타났다(p<.01). 이상에서 친한 친구나 부모중에 흡연자가 있을 때 학생들은 흡연을 쉽게 배운다고 나타나 청소년 흡연에는 동료나 부모의 영향과 함께 사회적 압력을 견듸어낼 수 있는 자기효능감이 중요함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 이미 10세 이전에 흡연을 시작하는 학생이 있어 흡연예방 교육프로그램은 초기청소년기에 실시되어져야 한다고 본다. The goal of this study is to explore different risk factors for smoking and look at the relationships between knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions regarding smoking among schoolchildren, in order to reduce teenage smoking. To achieve this goal a self-administered questionaire regarding smoking was provided to schoolchildren in the 7th and 8th grades in one junior high school in Jerusalem. The schoolchildren were exposed to 10-12 hours of a smoking prevention intervention program. The questionaire focused primarily on the personal characteristics, social environment, knowledge, attitudes, practices, and behavioral intentions of the children. Crosstabs were performed on each variable to determine if significant associations exist among the different variables. The statistical computer, package, SPSS PC, was used to manipulate the data along with Chi-square test. The findings were as follows : About 11% of the children aged 12-14 have ever smoked or are smoking currently, and about 24.0% of those who ever smoked started smoking at the age of 10. Boys smoke more(p<.01), poorer students(by self-perception of school performance) smoke more, and those who had peers who were smokers were more likely to smoke(p<.05). The percentage of the children who reported that either father or mother smoked was about 30%, but no statistical association was found between parental smoking and children's smoking, although trends were noted in the expected direction, i.e. more smokers among children of smokers. Only 1.1% of the children intended to smoke in the future, and 98.0% of the children indicated that they can or they might be able to withstand social pressure. Seventy percent of the children demonstrated medium to high knowledge about smoking, Males, 8th graders, better students, and those without friends who smoke had higher social pressure showed more negative attitudes(p<.01). Those with non-smoking siblings showed more negative behavioral intentions regarding smoking(p<.01), and better students showed more negative behavioral intentions. Those who had higher knowledge scores showed more negative attitudes towards smoking, but not significantly so. Those who had very negative behavioral intentions showed highly significant negative attitudes towards smoking(p<.01).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        노인의 무력감 지각 정도에 관한 연구

        박인혜,이정희,강기선,권혜진,김경희,Park, In-Hyae,Lee, Jeong-Hee,Kang, Ki-Sun,Kwon, Hye-Jin,Kim, Kyung-Hee 한국지역사회간호학회 1997 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to identify the degree of perceived powerlessness and the factors which influence the powerlessness of the elderly. Data were collected by self-reported structured questionnare from 210 subjects living in Kwang-Ju and Che-Ju cities on 5th to 17th February 1996. Data were analyzed using statistical package SAS. The findings were as follows : 1. The mean scores of the degree of perceived powerlessness of the subjects were 58.90 out of 85. The elderly people in Kwang-Ju city perceived more powerlessness than elderly people of Che-Ju city. 2. The factors which influence the powerlessness of the elderly were age, gender, education level, living standard, spouse, former and present job, health condition, family support, social and recreational activities. From the results of this study, to alleviate the powerlessness of the elderly, with the efforts of health maintenance and promotion various community based social activities and support system should be developed for the elderly.

      • KCI등재후보

        중학교 1학년 학생들의 흡연에 대한 지식, 태도에 관한 연구

        박인혜(In-Hyae Park),정미자(Mi-Ja Chung) 전남대학교 간호과학연구소 1996 Nursing and Health Issues(NHI) Vol.1 No.-

        The goal of this study was to explore the risk factors for smoking and knowledges, attitudes related to smoking, in order to prevent teenage smoking. To achieve this goal a self-administerd questionaire w as distributed to 560 1st grade male students in a middle school in Kwang-Ju city. Data was analyzed using statistical computer package, SPSS PC+ to determine if significant associations exist among the different variables. The findings were as follows: 1. About 24.4 % of the students aged 12〜 14 have ever smoked or are smoking currently, and about 42.5% of those who ever smoked started smoking at the age of 9. 2. Students with friends who smoke tended to have more experience in cigarrette smoking(p=0.000). 3. 5.6% of the student were intended to smoke in the future. But the majority of the students who is concern about their present health status, who were tempted to smoke in a smoking room and also who is with smoker in the family members were intended to smoke in the future. 4. Students who were not involved in some peer activities showed more negative attitudes regarding smoking(p=0.000), and had higher knowledges(p=0.164) than the students who were involved in some peer activities. The information obtained from this study will provide some basic data to develope a preventive intervention program of teenage smoking.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 흡연예방프로그램 효과의 메타분석

        박인혜(In-Hyae Park),박정수(Jung-Soo Park),김윤경(Youn-Kyoung Kim) 한국보건교육건강증진학회 2006 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Objectives: To analyze the characteristics of smoking prevention programs for the adolescent, and to synthesize the common effect sizes on smoking prevention programs for the adolescent. Methods: Seventeen studies for meta-analysis were selected from dissertations, these, and papers that had been published from 1996 to 2005 and had a randomized or nonequivalent control group in a pre test-post test design. The analysis of the data was computed by using the meta-analysis software package developed by Song(2003). Results: Smoking prevention programs for the adolescent have resulted in a significant effect size on smoking-knowledge( .62), smoking-attitude( .55) of smoking prevention programs for the adolescent showed more than 'medium effect' size. In smoking-knowledge and amount of smoking, the effect size was smoking-attitudes, the effect size was large in the studies which consists of more than 10 sessions of intervention. Conclusion: From the above results, we notice that the smoking prevention programs for the adolescent were effective in increasing the smoking-knowledge, smoking-attitudes, and the intention of smoking-cessation.

      • KCI등재후보

        원 저급성 심근경색증 환자에서 Everolimus-eluting Stent와 Biolimus-eluting Stent 시술 후 임상 경과

        박인철 ( In Cheol Park ),정명호 ( Myung Ho Jeong ),김인수 ( In Soo Kim ),이정애 ( Jung Ae Rhee ),최진수 ( Jin Su Choi ),박인혜 ( In Hyae Park ),채임순 ( Leem Soon Chai ),정윤아 ( Yun Ah Jeong ),현대용 ( Dae Yong Hyun ),정해창 ( Ha 대한내과학회 2015 대한내과학회지 Vol.89 No.4

        Background/Aims: We compared the efficacy and safety of the second-generation everolimus-eluting stent (EES) and the third generation biolimus-eluting stent (BES) in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Methods: We analyzed 629 consecutive patients (mean age 65.1 ± 11.2 years, 426 males) with AMI undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention from February 2008 to April 2012. They were divided into two groups according to stent type (EES group, n = 426; BES group, n = 203). The primary end-point was 2-year major adverse cardiac events (MACEs), defined as the composite of all-cause death, myocardial infarction, target vessel revascularization, non-target vessel revascularization and target lesion revascularization. The secondary end-point was 2-year target lesion failure (TLF). Results: There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics, except that the patients with EES had a significantly higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus (34.7 vs. 22.7%, p = 0.002) and were older (67.1 ± 11.3 vs. 64 ± 12.9 years, p = 0.039) com-pared with the patients with BES. After propensity score matching, 2-year clinical outcomes showed no differences in composite MACEs or TLF between the two groups. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that stent type was not a predictor of 2-year mortality or MACEs. However, older age (hazard ratio [HR] 1.037, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.014-1.060, p = 0.001), diabetes mellitus (HR 2.247, 95% CI 1.426-3.539, p = 0.001) and a left ventricular ejection fraction ≤ 45% (HR 3.007, 95% CI 1.978-4.573, p = 0.001) were independent predictors for 2-year MACEs in patients undergoing EES or BES. Conclusions: Patients with BES had similar clinical 2-year outcomes compared with EES patients with AMI. (Korean J Med 2015;89:418-427)

      • KCI등재후보

        ST분절 상승 심근경색증 환자에서 증상 발생 후 응급센터 도착 시간 지연에 영향을 주는 요인

        이재훈 ( Jae Hoon Lee ),정명호 ( Myung Ho Jeong ),이정애 ( Jung Ae Rhee ),최진수 ( Jin Su Choi ),박인혜 ( In Hyae Park ),채임순 ( Leem Soon Chai ),장수영 ( Soo Yong Jang ),조재영 ( Jae Young Cho ),정해창 ( Hae Chang Jeong ),이기홍 대한내과학회 2014 대한내과학회지 Vol.87 No.4

        Background/Aims: Delay in symptom-to-door time (SDT) in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is the most important factor in the prediction of short and long-term mortality. The purpose of this study was to investigate the social and clinical factors affecting SDT in patients with STEMI. Methods: We analyzed 784 patients (61.0 ± 13.2 years, 603 male) diagnosed with STEMI from November 2005 to February 2012. The patients were divided into four groups according to SDT: Group I (n = 163, ≤ 1 h), Group II (n = 183, 1-2 h), Group III (n = 142, 2-3 h) and Group IV (n = 296, > 3 h). Results: Delay in SDT increased with age (Group I, 58.4 ± 12.0; Group II, 59.4 ± 13.3; Group III, 62.0 ± 12.8; Group IV, 63.0 ± 13.8 years, p = 0.001). In 119 patients, transportation was less frequently used as the delay in SDT (41.7% vs. 29.0% vs. 26.1% vs. 9.8%, p < 0.001). By multiple logistic regression analysis, family history [OR, 0.488; CI, 0.248-0.959; p = 0.037], previous ischemic heart disease [OR, 0.572; CI, 0.331-0.989; p = 0.045], no occupation [OR, 1.600; CI, 1.076-2.380; p = 0.020] and method of transportation [OR, 0.353; CI, 0.239-0.520; p < 0.001] were independent predictors of delay in SDT. Conclusions: Our study shows that general education about cardiovascular symptoms and a prompt emergency call could be important to reduce SDT in STEMI. (Korean J Med 2014;87:429-438)

      • KCI등재후보

        성교육이 중학생의 성지식과 성에 대한 태도에 미치는 효과 - 성교육 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초 연구 -

        한유정(You Jeong Han),박인혜(In Hyae Park) 전남대학교 간호과학연구소 1996 Nursing and Health Issues(NHI) Vol.1 No.-

        The goal of this study was to find out the effect of sex education on the degree of sex related knowledges and attitudes of middle school boys. To achieve this goal nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used to 194 1st grade middle school boys(95 experimental group, 99 control group). The subjects were selected by a convenience sampling method. The study w as carried o니t in a middle school in Kwangju city, Korea, from 27th of May to 12th o f July in 1996. The sex education program w a s developed on the basis of sex education need of schoolboys. The program consisted of pregnancy and delivery, physical differences with the opposite sex, psychological differences and the characteristics with then opposite sex, form of the friendship with the opposite sex, sexual delinquency and its prevention. T h is experimental group met for three 1 -hour sessions(45 mim./hr.). The questionaire was developed by the researchers and it was administered after testing validity and reliability(sex related knowledges scale; Chronbach s alpha=.77,sex related attitudes scale ; Chronbach s alpha< 78). The pc-SAS package program was used to analyze the data along with x-test, t-test, paired t-test, and ANCOVA. The results of this study were as follows; 1. Religion and agony with sexual problem showed significant differences in experimental group and control group in homogeneity test(religion: * 2=4.76, p=0.029,agony with sexual problem: * 2=5.33, p=0.021). 2. The first hypothesis was accepted. The experimental group showed more change in the sex related knowledges than that of control group(t=3.535, p=0.001), and also showed significant differences after control religion and agony with sexual problem (F=16.62, p=0.000). 3. The second hypothesis was accepted. The experimental group showed more change in the sex related attitudes than that of control group(t=6.235, p=0.000), and also showed significant differences after control religion and agony with sexual problem(F=34.82, p=0.000). The study showed that the sex education was effective in increasing sex-related knowledges and have more better sex-related attitudes. Based on the results of this study we can recommend that school-based sex education should be done regularly by school-nurses.

      • KCI등재후보

        급성 ST분절 비상승 환자의 1년 사망률 예측을 위한 새로운 위험 도구

        박진희 ( Jin Hee Park ),박인혜 ( In Hyae Park ),정명호 ( Myung Ho Jeong ),이숙자 ( Sook Ja Lee ),장수영 ( Soo Yong Jang ),조재영 ( Jae Young Cho ),정해창 ( Hae Chang Jeong ),이기홍 ( Ki Hong Lee ),박근호 ( Keun Ho Park ),심두선 ( 대한내과학회 2015 대한내과학회지 Vol.88 No.2

        Background/Aims: Accurate risk stratification is important in the management of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). This study aimed to develop a new assessment tool for the prediction of 1-year mortality in patients with AMI, including biochemical markers. The author developed a new assessment tool (new risk score) that takes biochemical markers into account for 1-year mortality in patients with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and identifies the risk factors related to 1-year mortality. Methods: A total of 1,427 patients (65 ± 11.8 years of age, 985 males) who were admitted to the Chonnam National University Hospital with NSTEMI from November 2005 to March 2012 were retrospectively analyzed for score derivation. Multivariable Cox-regression analysis was used to select correlates of 1-year mortality that were subsequently weighted and integrated into an integer scoring system.Results: Seven variables selected from the initial multivariate model were weighted proportionally to their respective hazard ratiofor 1-year mortality; age ≥ 65 years (2 points), N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT pro-BNP) > 991 pg/mL (1 point), baseline left ventricular ejection fraction < 40% (1 point), high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) > 3 mg/dL (1 point), glomerular filtration rate (GFR) < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 (1 point), heart rate > 82 beats/min (2 points), and final thrombolysis In myocardial infarction flow < 3 (2 points). Conclusions: In NSTEMI patients, our new score that incorporates seven risk factors accurately predicts the 1-year mortality. Additionally, the biochemical markers hs-CRP, NT pro-BNP, and GFR are reliable predictors of 1-year mortality. (Korean J Med 2015;88:168-176)

      • KCI등재후보

        관상동맥 중재술을 시행 받은 40세 이하의 ST 분절 상승과

        박종춘 ( Jong Chun Park ),조정관 ( Jeong Gwan Cho ),김주한 ( Ju Han Kim ),홍영준 ( Young Joon Hong ),안영근 ( Youngkeun Ahn ),강정채 ( Jung Chaee Kang ),김남윤 ( Nam Yoon Kim ),박인혜 ( In Hyae Park ),정명호 ( Myung Ho Jeong ) 대한내과학회 2012 대한내과학회지 Vol.82 No.2

        Background/Aims: The prevalence of coronary artery disease has increased in young adults. We evaluated the differences in clinical characteristics and clinical outcomes in young patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). Methods: A total of 164 patients with acute myocardial infarction who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention were divided into two groups: the STEMI group (120 patients; mean age, 35.7±3.8 years; 118 males) and the NSTEMII group (44 patients; mean age, 35.7±4.3 years; 43 males). We analyzed clinical and angiographic characteristics and major adverse cardiac events (MACE), including death from any cause, non-fatal myocardial infarction, target lesion revascularization, and coronary artery bypass graft surgery, during a 1-year clinical follow-up of the two groups. Results: During hospitalization, Killip class II acute myocardial infarction (5.8% vs. 15.9%, p=0.041) was observed more frequently in the NSTEMI group. The levels of troponin-I (66.9±103.6 vs. 26.6±38.5 ng/mL, p=0.014) and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (733.0±1,018.1 vs. 476.2±374.5 pg/mL, p=0.012) were significantly higher in the STEMI group. One-year MACE did not differ between the two groups. By multiple logistic regression analysis, bare metal stents (odds ratio, 3.360; 95% confidence interval, 1.105-10.217; p=0.033) and high lipoprotein (a) levels (odds ratio, 1.047; 95% confidence interval, 1.020-1.075; p=0.001) were independent predictors of 1-year MACE. Conclusions: Young patients with STEMI and NSTEMI have similar clinical outcomes. Bare metal stents and high serum lipoprotein (a) levels are independent predictors of MACE during 1-year clinical follow-ups in young patients with acute myocardial infarction. (Korean J Med 2012;82:175-184)

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