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        행정 및 정부개혁

        박용치(Yong Chie Park) 한국정책개발학회 2014 정책개발연구 Vol.14 No.1

        본 논문은 2007년 12월 대통령 선거를 앞두고 새 정부의 행정 및 정부개혁의 목표를 선진한국 창조에 두고, 그 세부 지향목표와 원칙, 정부개혁 과제의 기본방향을 제시하는 것이었다. 첫째, 1) 작은 정부, 2) 건강한 정부, 3) 국민을 신바람 나게 하고, 국민에게 희망을 주는 정부를 지향목표로 정하고 둘째, 이 3가지 지향목표를 위하여 1) 정부가 해야 할 일과 잘 할 수 있는 일을 수행한다. 2) 공정한 게임의 룰을 만들고, 민간의 창의와 활력을 활용한다. 3) 성장과 공평한 분배를 통하여 국민 모두가 잘 살 수 있게 하며, 기쁨도 슬픔도, 웃음도 눈물도 국민과 함께 한다를 새 정부의 행정 및 정부개혁의 3대 원칙으로 정하였다. 셋째, 이를 달성하기 위한 3대 프로젝트로서 1) '작은 정부'를 위한 사업, 2) '건강한 정부'를 위한 사업, 3) '국민을 신바람 나게 하고, 국민에게 희망을 주는 정부'를 위한 지향목표에 따라 그 구체적인 실행과제로서 1) 정부기능의 조정, 2) 부처통폐합과 인력감축, 3) 민영화의 촉진, 4) 책임총리와 책임 장관제의 실시, 5) 규제의 개혁, 6) 부패의 통제, 7) 사회경제적 활력의 극대화, 8) 민생 서비스의 적극 추진, 9) 자율과 분권의 촉진 등을 제시하였다. 추진과정에서는 첫째, 현 실태에서 1)부처통폐합과 인력감축, 2)규제의 개혁, 3)부패의 통제, 4)민영화의 촉진 등에서 바람직하지 않은 것은 고쳐서 정상화의 길(the road to normalization)로 나가야 할 것이며 둘째, 아직 우리의 실정에서 미흡한 1)책임총리와 책임 장관제의 실시, 2)정부기능의 조정, 3) 경제 활성화, 4)민생 서비스의 적극 추진, 5)자율과 분권의 촉진 등에서는 이를 적극 도입하여 선진화의 길(the road to advanced state)로 나가야 할 것임을 지적하였다. This paper suggests basic aims and keynotes of administrative and government reform in newly-born government, having just ahead presidential election of the year of 2007. Firstly, as basic aims it is presented small, healthy and hopeful government. Secondly, three principles are presented as that to restrict the limit of government activity, to make fair rules of game and utilizing nongovernmental creation and vital energy, and to make elating and hopeful through economic growth and equitable distribution. Thirdly, specific projects pertaining to basic aims are presented. (1) tasks for small government are to rectify government function, to merge government sectors and to reduce government personnel, and to accelerate privatization. (2) tasks of healthy government are to enforce responsible primer and responsible ministers, reformation of government regulations, control of corruptions. (3) tasks of elating and hopeful government are to maximize social economic vital forces, to drive people's economic stabilization positively, and to accelerate autonomy and decentralization. Again, for all these, we should go to the road of normalization through merger of government sectors and to reduce government personnel, reformation of government regulations, control of corruptions, and acceleration of privatization. And also we should go to the road of advanced state through enforcement of responsible primer and responsible ministers, rectification of government function, maximization of social economic vital forces, speeding up people's economic stabilization positively, and acceleration of autonomy and decentralization.

      • KCI등재

        지방공공재의 공공성의 측정

        박용치(Yong-Chie Park) 서울행정학회 2009 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.19 No.4

        For more than some decades the non-publicness of goods provided by local governments has been attempted to find out that how much they are public or non-public. Recent studies of local public good provision report publicness parameter estimates about one, which is indicating that the local public goods seems to have private good characteristics. It is argued that the observed values of the publicness parameters have no normative significance as to the merits of public versus private provision. If the local public good was a pure public good, the publicness parameter would take on a value of zero; progressively larger values for local public goods indicate that they are private goods. Using the original Bergstrom and Goodman model and South Korea data, this paper shows that there is high evidence of publicness in fire fighting service, but there is even less evidence of publicness in culture, social security, environmental management, road reconstruction. That is to say, some of the local public goods seem to be private goods. Household elasticity of expenditure is the main variable in publicness parameter determination. This paper also contends a measurement problem i.e. so called the zoo effect has led to upwardly biased estimates of the degree to which local public goods are subjected to publicness. Further more, supply size and subfunctions of local public goods enable to get more plausible estimates of their publicness.

      • KCI등재

        비시장재의 가치평가

        박용치(Park Yong-Chie) 서울행정학회 2002 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.13 No.3

        The contingent valuation method uses survey questions to elicit people's preferences for public goods by finding out what they would be willing to pay for specified improvement in them. The method is thus aimed at eliciting their willingness to pay in money amounts. It circumvents the absence of markets for public goods by presenting consumers with hypothetical markets in which they have the opportunities to buy the good in question. The hypothetical markets may be modeled after either a private goods market or a political market. Respondents are presented with material, often in the course of a personal interview conducted face to face. An on-site survey was conducted to 1807 randomly selected residents who are living in Seoul, Incheon, and northern Kyonggido, using a dichotomous choice questionnaire for the contingent valuation method. Sixteen different bid sets were chosen to elicit a reasonable fee in the hypothetical market. The probability of an individual resident's willingness to pay for the suggested bid had been determined, and the expected value of willingness to pay was estimated using binary-logit model. The average public value of resident for clean air was estimated to be 2,702.87 won for eye-tingling, 28,543.25 won for respiratory difficulties, 89,923.11 won for asthma.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        정책개발 방법론의 재검토

        박용치(Park Yong Chie) 한국정책개발학회 2010 정책개발연구 Vol.10 No.1

        본 논문은 정책개발의 일반적 절차에 대하여 지금까지의 연구를 정리하는 것이 그 목적이다. 이것은 정책실무자들이 정책을 개발할 때 좀더 합리적이고 체계적인 절차를 인식함으로써 보다 바람직한 정책을 개발하기 위한 것이다. 정책개발은 폐쇄적인 것이 아니고 공개적인 것이며 정치적 정책결정자와 정책개발자 간에는 어떤 거래(교환)가 있게 마련이다. 정책개발 또는 언명된 정책목표는 주관적이고, 정치적인 판단이므로 그것은 여러 가능한 해답 중의 하나의 해답이 되는 것이다. 본 논문은 정책개발자의 편에서 정책개발과정에서 거쳐야 할 일반적인 절차를 문제의 파악과 목표의 설정, 대안의 탐색과 개발, 정책대안의 결과 예측, 대안의 비교평가와 선택, 합법화와 자원배분의 5가지 단계로 나누어 각 단계에서 정책개발자가 무엇을 어떻게 해야 하는가를 정리하였다. 이에 덧붙여 정책대안의 결과예측과 대안의 비교평가에서 등장하는 불확실성을 어떻게 감소시키느냐가 중요한데 이에는 종래의 많이 사용하던 객관적 확률보다는 전문가의 판단을 고려하는 주관적 확률을 이용하는 것이 오히려 바람직하며 이 주관적 확률을 정책대안의 결과예측에서 어떻게 적용할 것인가 하는 주관적 확률을 부과하는 방법에 대한 검토하였다. This paper is on the general procedure for policy development, so this is not a unique one, but comprehensive, get-together here and there one. The process is not a closed but an open one. It clearly requires a transaction between the political policy-maker and the policy developer. Since a policy decision or a stated public goal is subjective, politically based judgement, it represents one answer out of a group of possible answers. But in the side of policy developer, an objective and standardized procedure of policy development is needed. This paper is putting in order this process in terms of policy developer's side. Policy development generates a measure of effectiveness of the set of possible alternatives for a policy goals. Policy development flows from both a goal setting activity and from a set of socially derived performance criteria, both of which are sociopolitical rather than technical in nature. These criteria are essentially the dimensions of social performance which are of value to the society. The steps which are generally accepted are ⅰ) goals and criteria, ⅱ) development of criterion measures, ⅲ) identification of societal systems sensitive to goals, ⅳ) identification of alternative means for meeting goals, ⅴ) evaluation of alternative relative to performance criteria, ⅵ) evaluation of feasibility of alternatives, and ⅶ) legalization and resource allocation. In this paper, all the criteria and concerns are discussed in each of the step. In order to decrease uncertainty of policy development, the use of subjective probability is recommended.

      • KCI우수등재
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      • KCI등재

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