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      • 북한 건설산업의 주요 법제에 관한 연구

        박용석 한국건설산업연구원 2020 한국건설산업연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2020 No.-

        2018년도부터 시작된 남북과 북미정상회담을 계기로 한반도의 평화가 정착되고 협력을 통한 상호 번영의 시대를 맞이할 것이라는 기대가 컸었다. 제1차 남북정상회담(판문점 선언, 2018.4.27)에서 남과 북은 다방면적인 협력과 교류 및 왕래와 접촉을 활성화하고, 민족경제의 균형적 발전과 공동번영을 위해 10.4선언에서 합의된 사업과 1차적으로 동해선 및 경의선 철도와 도로연결 사업을 추진키로 합의했다. 제3차 남북정상회담(9월 평양공동선언, 2018.9.18~20)에서는 한반도의 전쟁위험 제거, 민족경제의 균형적 발전, 이산가족 문제의 해결, 교류와 협력, 한반도 비핵화, 김정은 국무위원장의 서울방문 등의 내용을 협의했다. 특히, 남과 북은 조건이 마련되면 개성공단과 금강산관광 사업을 우선 정상화시키고 서해경제공동특구와 동해관광공동특구 조성 문제를 본격적으로 협의키로 했다. 하지만 2020년 1월 초 기준, 북한과 미국 간에 비핵화와 안전보장 등에 관한 협상의 진전이 정체되었다. 조선노동당 중앙위원회 전원회의(2019.12.28.~31)에서 김정은 국무위원장은 “미국이 대조선 적대시 정책을 끝까지 추구한다면 조선반도 비핵화는 영원히 없으며, 세상은 머지않아 조선민주주의인민공화국이 보유하게 될 새로운 전략무기를 목격하게 될 것”이라고 경고하였다(news1, “트럼프, ‘김정은, 나와의 약속 지키겠지만 어길 수도’”, 2020.1.6). 한편 김 위원장은 김일성광장에서 개최된 평양시 궐기대회(2020.1.5.) 결의문에서 미국을 향해 “대화의 간판을 걸어놓고 우리 공화국을 완전히 질식시키고 압살하기 위한 최후의 발악을 하고 있다”며 “주체적 힘, 내적 동력을 백방으로 강화해 적들과의 대결에서 결정적 승리를 이룩해야 한다”고 주장했다. 이는 북미협상이 경색된 상황에서 북한 내부의 결속을 다지기 위한 것으로 해석된다(문화일보, “북 김정은 국무위원장의 ‘자력갱생’ 및 ‘정면 돌파론’ 연일 궐기대회”, 2020.1.6). 미국과 UN을 중심으로 한 대북경제제재가 유지되고 있으며 본격적인 남북경제협력사업은 시작도 하지 못했다. 북미 대화가 교착된 상황에서 문재인 대통령은 2020년 신년사에서 ‘북미 대화의 성공을 위해 노력해 나가는 것과 함께 남북 협력을 더욱 증진시켜 나갈 현실적인 방안을 모색할 필요’가 있음을 밝혔다. 청와대, 2020년도 문재인대통령 신년사, 2020.1.7. 이는 향후 남북관계는 북미대화가 중요하지만, 이와는 별개로 남과 북이 협의해서 할 수 있는 것은 민족 내부적으로 역동적 있게 추진될 가능성을 시사한다. 국민일보, “문정인, ‘북미 진전 없으면 문 대통령, 미국과 계속 갈 수 있겠나’”, 2020.1.7일 자 참조. 북미관계가 개선되고 한반도의 평화체제의 정착이 확보되어 국제사회의 대북경제제재가 해제되면, 북한 인프라 개발에 대한 국내외의 관심은 고조될 것이다. 특히, 우리 입장에서 북한은 입지적으로 접해 있고 언어·문화·역사적 동질감이 크기 때문에 북한 건설시장 진출이 활발히 추진될 것이다. 특히, 북한의 도로, 철도, 전력, 주택 등이 노후화되었고, 그 공급량도 절대적으로 부족하다. 북한의 지속적인 경제성장을 위해서는 이러한 사회기반시설의 공급 확충과 개선이 적극 추진되어야 하기 때문에 북한의 잠재적 건설수요는 매우 클 것으로 판단된다. 구체적으로 북한의 주요 인프라 건설사업비 추정 규모는 10년간 약 306조원 주요 시설별 건설사업비를 보면, 주택 106조 8,156억원, 전력·에너지 25조 7,972억원, 도로 43조 784억원, 철도 41조 4,332억원, 항만물류 8조 5,328억원, 공항 1조 6,477억원, 산업단지 72조 1,200억원, 관광단지 5조 1,053억원, 농업개발 1조 6,800억원 등으로 산정된다. 박용석, 「북한의 주요 건설수요와 한반도개발기금 조성방안 연구」, 건설이슈포커스 2019-03, 한국건설산업연구원, 2019.3.20. 이다. 향후 우리 건설기업은 북한 인프라 건설시장에 투자개발형으로 진출하거나 북한 당국으로부터 직접 건설공사를 수주하거나 또는 북한에 투자하는 국내외 기업으로부터 수주하여 건설공사를 추진하게 될 것이다. 이때 북한 내 건설사업에 필요한 사업의 기획, 설계, 자재의 조달, 시공, 감리, 유지보수 등의 제반 건설 활동은 북한 당국이 정하고 있는 기준과 절차에 의해서 추진되어야 한다. 그런데 북한에 어떠한 건설 관련 제도가 있는지는 잘 알려지지 않았다. 북한에서 건설사업을 추진하기 위해서는 어떠한 절차를 거쳐 건설계획안을 마련하는지, 설계의 절차는 어떠한지, 환경영향평가나 문화재지표조사와 같은 것을 시행하는지, 시공시 안전관리는 어떻게 하는지, 감리는 하는지, 건설보증제도는 존재하는지, 시설물의 유지관리는 어떻게 하는지, 도로·철도·발전소와 같은 개별 시설에 대한 별도의 건설 절차는 어떠


        중증 두부손상 환자에 대한 임상분석

        박용석,이영배 대한신경외과학회 1990 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.19 No.3

        The authors have analyzed retrospectively a series of 102 consecutive patient with severe head injury who were admitted to the department of Neurosurgery, Dong Guk Univ. Hosp. between January, 1989, and December, 1989. All patients, after appropriate cardiopulmonary resuscitation, diagnostic measure, and, when required, surgical treatment, were managed in ICU with usual care method. The outcome has been analyzed 4 month later. The overall mortality rate was 36%. Of the survivors, 65% made good recovery or moderate disability, 22% remained severly disabled, and 14% were in a persistent vegetative state. Mortality rates at the variable GCS scores were 82% at 3-4, 25% at 5-6, and 14% at 7-8. The most reliable predictive factors were : Glasgow coma scale, motor response, pupillary reflex at admission.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Cell Soft System-3000과 Sperm Quality Analyzer-V를 이용한 정자 운동성 비교 분석

        박용석,이선희,한상철,궁미경,김종우,서주태,Park, Yong-Seog,Lee, Sun-Hee,Han, Sang-Chul,Koong, Mi-Kyoung,Kim, Jong-Woo,Seo, Ju-Tae 대한생식의학회 2003 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.30 No.2

        Objective: To evaluate the results of CASA systems and to compare its results. Methods: Fifty semen sampales were analysed. Concentration, motility and forward progression were evaluated simultaneously on the same semen samples using Cell Soft System-3000 (CS system) and Sperm Quality Analyzer-V (SQA system). Results: Mean semen volume was $2.8{\pm}1.2\;ml$. Mean value of sperm concentration, motility, forward progression using CS system were $83.4{\pm}45.7{\times}10^6/ml$, $52.3{\pm}16.4%$ and $48.6{\pm}13.4%$, respectively. And mean value of sperm concentration, motility, forward progression using SQA system were $78.2{\pm}42.9{\times}10^6/ml$, $57.0{\pm}24.0%$ and $50.6{\pm}21.9%$, respectively. There were no statistical significancy of sperm concentration, motility, forward progression between the two devices. Conclusion: SQA system variables well correlated with the CS system. As a screening test for semen quality, CS system and SQA system is considered as useful in the management of male infertility.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        폐쇄성 무정자증 환자의 신선고환조직 정자와 동결고환조직 정자의 운동성이 임신율에 미치는 영향

        박용석,이형송,변혜경,염혜원,송상진,임천규,이유식,윤종민,서주태,송지홍,강인수,궁미경,Park, Yong-Seog,Lee, Hyoung-Song,Byun, Hye-Kyung,Youm, Hye-Won,Song, Sang-Jin,Lim, Chun-Kyu,Lee, You-Sik,Yun, Jong-Min,Seo, Ju-Tae,Song, Ji-Hong,Kang, I 대한생식의학회 2001 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.28 No.2

        Objective: ICSI with testicular sperm could achieve optimal fertilization and pregnancy. This study was performed to observe the influence on fertilization and pregnancy of motility of fresh testicular sperm and sperm extracted from frozen-thawed seminiferous tubules in obstructive azoospermia. Materials and Methods: We analysed clinical outcome of ICSI using fresh testicular sperm and sperm extracted from thawed seminiferous tubules. The presence of motility were compared to determine the factor for optimal fertilization and pregnancy rates. Results: In 316 cases of TESE-ICSI in obstructive azoospermia, ICSI with fresh testicular sperm (fresh sperm group) were 163 cases and ICSI with sperm testicular sperm extracted from frozen-thawed seminiferous tubule (thawed sperm group) were 153 cases. The fertilization rates were 71.3% and pregnancy rates were 32.5% in fresh sperm group, in thawed sperm group, 65.1% and 33.3% respectively. The fertilization and pregnancy rates of motile and non-motile testicular sperm were 72.9% and 33.6%, 50.0% and 18.2%, respectively (p<0.05). The fertilization and pregnancy rates of motile and non-motile sperm extracted from the thawed seminiferous tubule were 67.8% and 34.7%, 55.1% and 28.1%, respectively (p<0.05). The comparative of the results of ICSI using motile fresh testicular sperm and motile sperm extracted from thawed seminiferous tubule, fertilization and pregnancy rates were not significantly different (72.9% and 33.6%, 67.8% and 34.7%, respectively). Conclusion: These results suggest that successful pregnancy in TESE-ICSI treatment is influenced by the motility of fresh testicular sperm and sperm extracted from thawed seminiferous tubule in obstructive azoospennic patients.

      • 명태의 행동제어용 심전도 도출에 관한 연구

        박용석,이창헌,이유철,서두옥 제주대학교 해양연구소 1997 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.21 No.-

        In the walleye pollock. Theragra chalcogramma. which has a heart with a strong electromotive force, the ECGs were found to be recordable by electrodes placed in the water from fish's body. The day on the experiment, fish was operated on in order to install a leading-out bipolar electrode. This electrode was used for recording of the cardiosignal of the fish on a digital storage oscilloscope. The electrode was made from a fish book which was re-shaped according to the shaped of fish heart and body surface. This hook was then connected to the lead-code insulated with paint, and the connecting part was covered with paint. The pointed end was stripped off slightly for conduction of electricity and the another pointed edge was used for hooking the electrode into the chest cavity. QRS complex of the ECG was marked. The amplitude of QRS complex was about 0.1-lmV. This method enabled us to observe the heart beat rate of the walleye pollock under least disturbed state. Ordinary heart beat rate was not quite regular. Very slight stimulation was enough to bring about cardiac inhibition. which was also accompanied by a considerable reduction in the amplitude of the QRS. After rough treatment. such as sound stimulus or electric shock. the heart beat rate showed remarkable decrease. reaching a value a few times lower than the normal level.

      • 식물체내의 알루미늄 자연함류량 및 식물체 성장에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        박용석,최한수 慶熙大學校 大學院 2001 高凰論集 Vol.29 No.-

        Aluminum is a 3rd abundant element in the crust. It has low gravity and high tensile strength, so that it is used for a lot of industrial purposes. High concentration in the soil and acid rain can influence on the content of Al in the soil. It is said hat the increase of the soluble Al content in the soil restricts the production of substance in the plant and decreases the productivity after all(Foy, 1974; Anderson, 1988). The Al content in this experiment is ranged from 1.019 - 257.200 ppm, which is lower level than that of soil ranged from 787.800 - 1039.000ppm. This means that there is high contents, of Al is not accumulated in the plants and not significant difference between the each plant. The growth of Spirodela polyrhiza was studied under various acidity conditions in order to study the effect of aluminum on plant growth. Plant growth was determined by leaf area and total dry weight, and analyzed according to the Blackman methods. The results are follows: 1. When the culture of Spirodela polyrhiza was treated to pH 4.0 without aluminum, the leaf area was significantly different from those of other groups at 20 days after treatment. Leaf area of the plant from each treated group decreased when aluminum was treated group than 50ppm in all pH conditions to the culture. The concentration aluminum was the main factor to decrease the leaf area of the plants. 2. The pattern of growth in total dry weight was similiar to those of leaf area. Growth of total dry weight of Spirodela polyrhiza on 15 days after treatment was significantly different when the plant from each treated group decreased when the concentration of aluminum was higher than 50ppm. Aluminum was the main factor in decreasing of growth in total dry weight. 3. RGRs decreased with aluminous and acidie medium below pH change was the main factor decrease RGRs until 15 days after treatment. The interaction of variances among aluminum, pH, and days after treatment was a main factor to decrease RGRs during the experimental period. 4. The NARs of all treated groups decreased 10 days after treatment. The change of NARs in all treated groups was similar to those of RGR, but the change of LAR was different from that of RGR. Therefore it is considered that RGRs were affected by NARs that offered functional level. 5. The interaction of variances among concentration of aluminum, pH and days after treatment was the main factor to decrease SLAs for the whole experimental period.

      • KCI등재후보

        실험적 척추손상에서 Naloxone이 Na^(+)K^(+)ATPase 활성도에 미치는 영향

        박용석,서강원,임광세 대한신경외과학회 1985 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.14 No.2

        The Na^(+) K^(+) ATPase activity, whose disturbance have been implicated in the pathophysiology of a variety of disease processes, have been shown to be reduced in traumatized spinal cord and in ischemic brain made by decapitation or carotid artery occlusion by many authors, but MacMillan contrary documented the increase of this ferment in ischemic rat brain, following the electrocautery of the bilateral vertebral arteries and carotid arteries. This experiment was intended to study the cause of the above two contradictory results and the effect of Naloxone to the Na^(+) K^(+) ATPase activity following experimental spinal cord injury. Thirty cats were divided to 3 groups : Control No. 1, control No. 2, and Naloxone groups. The Na^(+) K^(+) ATPase activity was measured by variation of Kang & Lee method and the experimental spinal cord injury was made by falling 20 gm. of iron bar from 20 cm height to exposed thoracic cord. 1) In control No. 1 group the the Na^(+) K^(+) ATPase activity increased 21.4 % after 30 minutes of trauma showing significant difference(p<0.05). 2) In control No. 2 group it increased 13.8% (p<0.01) after 5 minutes, 11.6% (p<0.05) after 30 minutes showing significant difference. 3) In Naloxone group (10 ㎎/㎏ was injected I.V. before 30 minutes of trauma)it did not show any significant change after 5 and 30 minutes of trauma. 4) Discussion was made upon above experimental results with literature review.


        경련발작 환자의 뇌 전산화 단층 촬영상의 임상분석

        박용석,이영배,서강원,최덕영,임광세 대한신경외과학회 1983 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.12 No.3

        The pathological manifestation of the patient with convulsive seizures has not been clearly proved mostly until the clinical use of brain computerized tomography. The brain C.T. findings, anamnesis, clinical diagnosis in the 133 consecutive patients who admitted to this hospital because of convulsive seizures from Oct. 1981 to Feb. 1983 were analysed and literature review was made. 1) The C.T. scan revealed structural abnormalities in 46% of patients with seizure disorders, and their main clinical diagnosis were cerebral infarction or intracranial hematoma, cortical atrophy non-specific granuloma etc. 2) The older patients had a high rate of abnormal findings in the brain C.T. than younger patients. 3) The patients having short duration of disease history had higher rate of abnormal C.T. findings. 4) The patients with focal seizure had higher abnormal findings than generalized seizure. 5) The patients with seizure only showed C.T. abnormalities in 22% of cases inspite of patients with positive neurological findings showing C.T. abnormalities in 80% of cases. 6) The patients with temporal lobe lesion showed focal seizures usually in higher rate in compare with the patients with lesion in other part of brain.

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