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      • KCI등재

        학교시설 대상 녹색건축 인증 심사결과에 대한 데이터 비교분석

        박아름(Park, Ah-Reum),조동우(Cho, Dong-Woo),목선수(Mok, Seon-Soo) 대한건축학회 2013 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.29 No.7

        Korean green building assessment tool have been known as Green Building Certification Criteria (GBCC), and it has been recently called as G-SEED(Green standards for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Design). In the process of developing green building criteria, the approach is important to analyze the previous acquired score data. This study purposes to research the current condition of G-SEED for schools as comparing before and after G-SEED 2010 revision. This study investigates the pre-certified schools, assessed in between 2009 and 2012(December), and analyzes their acquired score data complied from the all certification organizations. This study presents the average scores and the standard deviation of pre-certified schools along with categories, items, and classified levels; compares the assessment level and the difficulty level of each category and item between "Before revision" and "After revision"; and figures categories and items, which needs to be developed. Therefore, this paper aims that the research data, such as the factors which affect to scores and the results of the assessment level and the difficulty level of the each category and item, will be used to the next revision.

      • KCI등재

        1985년 `조-소 국경조약` 분석

        박아름 ( Park Ah Reum ) 서강대학교 동아연구소 2017 東亞 硏究 Vol.36 No.2

        1985년 북한은 소련과 국경에 관한 조약을 체결하고, 다음해 해양과 관련된 조약을 체결하였다. 본 연구는 1980년대 이뤄진 `조-소 국경조약`의 발생 원인과 배경, 내용, 그리고 영향에 대하여 분석하였다. 이를 통해 사회주의권 붕괴 이전의 동북아 정세와 북한의 대응을 이해하는 데 의미 있는 관점을 제공하고자 하였다. 첫째, 1980년대 동북아의 신냉전이라는 배경 하에 조·소 협력이 높아졌으며, 소련의 제안으로 국경조약이 체결되었다. 둘째, 국경 조약의 내용은 비교적 간단했으며, 체결과정에서 양국이 기존에 갖고 있던 국경선 길이에 대한 차이를 확인하고 국경선과 해양경계의 설정을 명확히 하였다. 한편 조약문 자체에 영공과 영해에 대한 군사적 이용을 포함한 상호 이용 여부는 존재하지 않았다. 셋째, 국경조약이 발생한 시기 북한에서 해양분야의 활성화와 대외군사관계의 확장, 대외무역의 성장이 확인되었다. 이는 `조-소 국경조약`의 원만한 합의가 만들어 준 우호적인 분위기를 바탕으로 이룩된 성과들이었다. 이후 북한은 대(對)중동 미사일 수출 증대와 개도국과의 무역 증대를 통해 사회주의권 몰락의 충격을 완화하였다. In 1985, Democratic People`s Republic of Korea(DPRK) concluded a treaty on the border with the Soviet Union and entered into an agreement on the ocean in the following year. This study analyzed the cause, background, contents, and effects of the `The Border Treaty between Democratic People`s Republic of Korea and the Soviet Union` in the 1980s. Through this, this study was to provide a meaningful perspective to understand the situation of Northeast Asia before the collapse of Communist Nations and DPRK`s response. First, under the background of new cold war era in Northeast Asia in the 1980s, the cooperation of DPRK and the Soviet Union was enhanced and the border negotiations were concluded with the proposal of the Soviet Union. Second, the contents of the border treaty were relatively simple and identified the difference in the length of the border between the two countries in the process of conclusion and clarified the setting of the border line and maritime boundary. On the other hand, there was no information on mutual use including military use in the airspace and territorial waters in the Treaty itself. Third, during the period when the border treaty occurred, the activation of the maritime sector, expansion of foreign military relations, and growth of foreign trade were identified in DPRK. These were accomplished based on the favorable atmosphere created by the amicable agreement of `The Border Treaty between Democratic People`s Republic of Korea and the Soviet Union` for DPRK. Since then, DPRK has eased the impact of the collapse of Communist Nations through increased exports of missiles toward Middle East and increased trade with developing countries.

      • KCI등재

        1962년 북한의 ‘사회주의 국제분업’ 이탈 분석

        박아름 ( Park¸ Ah Reum ) 역사문제연구소 2021 역사문제연구 Vol.25 No.1

        1962년 북한의 사회주의 국제분업 가입거부는 북한의 국내 정치ㆍ경제와 관련된 것으로 중ㆍ소 분쟁에서 친중화 된 시기라는 평가 외에 복잡한 의미를 담고 있다. 본 연구는 1962년 북한의 사회주의 국제분업 가입거부에 대해 크게 배경과 원인, 영향과 함의로 나누어, 북한의 대외환경변화와 국내정치의 상호작용을 분석하였다. 구체적으로 첫째, 사회주의 국제분업 체계인 코메콘의 특징과 북한의 활동을 분석하고, 둘째, 당시 북한 지도부의 중공업 우선노선과 자주국방 실현 모색을 국내정치적 결정 배경으로 고찰하였다. 셋째, 북한이 사회주의 국제분업 가입거부를 통해 대내적으로 ‘자립적 민족경제’ 와 ‘경제ㆍ국방 병진노선’ 수립하는 흐름을 검토하고, 대외적으로 ‘3대혁명 력량강화’를 선포하면서 진영외교를 이탈하여 대외관계 확장을 시도하는 과정을 조명하였다 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK)’s refusal to join the International Socialist Division of Labor in 1962 contains a more complex meaning than simply being evaluated as part of DPRK’s domestic politics and economy and a pro-Chinese period of in the Chinese-Soviet conflict. Therefore, this study was largely divided into background, causes, effects, and implications of DPRK’s refusal to join the International Socialist Division of Labor in 1962 to analyze the interaction between DPRK external environment changes and DPRK politics. Specifically, first, the goal was to look at the characteristics of Comecon(Council for Mutual Economic Assistance), the International Socialist Division of Labor system, and the activities of DPRK. Second, this study investigated the priority for heavy industry and the realization of independent defense by the DPRK leadership. Third, it reviewed the flow of DPRK’s internal establishment of an ‘Self-reliance policy’ and ‘economic and defense direction’ through refusal to join the International Socialist Division of Labor. It examined their process of attempting to expand external relations by departing from camp diplomacy while externally proclaiming that they were ‘strengthening the 3 revolutions’.

      • KCI등재

        조-중 국경조약` 분석: 북한에 주는 함의를 중심으로

        박아름 ( Ah Reum Park ) 동국대학교 북한학연구소 2011 북한학연구 Vol.7 No.1

        This article focused on the ``Sino-North Korean Border Treaty``. Both China and North Korea had signed on the Sino-North Korean Border Treaty and it was a confidential treaty in 1962, Notwithstanding its great significance to North Korea, studies of it have not been performed, This paper explain that firstly, why did the treaty occur at that time? Secondly, what are the contents and the meaning of the document? Thirdly, how did it affect North Korea`s domestic and international relations? Results of this study are as follows: North Korea took a middle course in the beginning of the Sino-Soviet dispute. In October 1962, however, North Korea openly stood for China. During the same time, the representatives of China and North Korea had held bilateral talks on the border, and two countries agreed on the document of ``Sino-North Korean Border Treaty`` by the end of the year. The treaty was accompanied by geographical and institutional changes in the length of North Korean border and invigorating the undertaking of territorial administration. Not only did it affect the length of border between Russia and North Korea, but also had a great effect on that North Korea took a China-friendly line as the socialist camp was divided by the Sino-Soviet dispute. In other words, ``Sino-North Korean Border Treaty`` was suggested by China in the background of Sino-Soviet dispute, and affected North Korea`s international relations beyond its geographical and institutional boundary. Especially it had a crucial effect on the fact that North Korea had taken a middle course and changed its stance toward the Sino-Soviet dispute.

      • KCI등재후보

        아웅산 사건의 발생과 영향: 1980년대 초 북한과 동북아 정세

        박아름 ( Ah Reum Park ) 조선대학교 동북아연구소(구 통일문제연구소) 2014 동북아연구 Vol.29 No.2

        본 논문은 아웅산 사건의 전말과, 발생원인, 그 당시의 동북아 정세, 그리고 실제 북한이 받은 영향에 대해 분석하였다. 아웅산 사건에 대한 기존 추론 중 북한이 전두환 정권을 배제하고자 한 의도가 가장 타당한 원인으로 분석되었다. 1981~1985년 시기, 동북아의 양자간, 다자간, 진영간의 모습을 면밀히 살펴 본 결과 화해와 평화를 지향하는 큰 흐름을 보였다. 따라서 1980년대 초반 북한이 처한고립적인 동북아 정세로 아웅산 사건 발생의 필연성을 주장하는 것은 다소 무리가 따른다. 마지막으로 아웅산 사건 이후 북한의 대외관계와 경제적인 부분에서 변화를 찾기 어려웠으며, 국방부분의 변화는 오히려 북한에게 유리하게 전개되었음을 확인하였다. 따라서 아웅산 사건으로 북한이 남북한의 체제경쟁에서 뒤처지게 되었다는 평가는 적절하지 못하다. 연구결과 아웅산 사건에 대한 기존의 평가들이 다소 수정되어야 함을 발견하였으며, 1980년대 초반 역동적인 동북아 정세를 구체적으로 이해할 수 있게 되었다. The terrorist explosion at Aung San Cemetery in Myanmar, which occurred on October 9, 1983, reflected the divided Korean peninsula in the Cold War. In this paper, the content of Aung San events, causes, and the situation at the time in Northeast Asia, and the actual impact of North Korea was analyzed. The most relevant analysis suggested that the cause of the Aung San event was the elimination by North Korea of the Chun Doo-hwan regime. The 1981-1985 period in the Northeast showed a large flow of reconciliation and peace. Therefore evaluation of the Aung San event as an inevitable event is not appropriate. After the Aung San event, it is difficult to find evidence that North Korean foreign relations and foreign trade, had any benefit from the military part of North Korea. The Aung San case as a case study suggests that existing understanding should be slightly modified to show that in the early 1980s, specifically to the dynamic situation in Northeast Asia, further understanding has been achieved.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 향토음식점의 스토리텔링이 구매행동에 미치는 영향

        박아름 ( Ah Reum Park ),조미숙 ( Mi Sook Cho ) 한국식생활문화학회 2010 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.25 No.6

        The aim of this study was to examine how customers perceive storytelling at a real local restaurant and to understand how consumption reflects their evaluation by understanding their values. Participants received information from a real local restaurant in the Gangneung area to examine the effects of storytelling and to evaluate their affective attitudes towards local restaurant stories, word-of-mouth intentions, and purchasing intentions using a seven-point Likert scale. A total of 310 consumers were used. A factor analysis was performed to identify consumption value characteristics and factor structure, which consisted economic value, emotional value, and epistemic value. To test whether local restaurant consumers could be classified into homogenous groups based on their consumption values, a three cluster solution was selected, and a Kmeans cluster analysis was performed. As a result, three groups were identified and labeled appropriate for their scores based on each of the consumption values; emotional value-oriented consumers to cluster 1, epistemic value-oriented consumers to cluster 2, and economic value-oriented consumers to cluster 3. An analysis of variance was used to examine the differences in the affective attitudes towards storytelling at the local restaurant, purchasing intentions, and word-of-mouth intentions across the three clusters. The epistemic value-oriented consumers had the highest score for all three variables. In contrast, economic value-oriented consumers had the lowest scores for the three variables. A regression analysis revealed that affective attitudes towards storytelling were significantly affected by these three consumption values. It also showed that positive affective attitudes towards storytelling were associated with higher purchasing intention and word-of-mouth. The significance of this study was to show how customers perceive storytelling at a real restaurant and reflect on their evaluation by understanding their consumption values. As a result, this study examined the potential power of storytelling as an effective marketing communication tool for local restaurants.

      • KCI등재

        1980년대 냉전의 균열과 북한의 대응: ‘우리 식 사회주의’의 출현과 함의

        박아름 ( Ah Reum Park ) 조선대학교 동북아연구소 2021 동북아연구 Vol.36 No.1

        본 연구는 1980년대 냉전의 해체가 얼마 남지 않은 상황에서 북한이 와해되고 있는 사회주의 진영과의 연대를 회복하기 위해 노력한 정황을 주목하고, 그 양상과 함의를 고찰하고자 『대한민국 외교사료해제집』과 『조선중앙년감』을 중심으로 문헌분석을 시도하였다. 결과 첫째, 비동맹 운동에 주력했던 북한이 불리한 국제정세와 남북한 경쟁의 한계를 인식하고 사회주의 진영과의 연대를 회복하고자 노력한 양상을 확인하였다. 둘째, 외교관계 변화와 민족에 대한 재정의를 통해 국내정치 담론인 ‘우리 식 사회주의’를 완성하는 흐름을 규명하였다. 마지막으로 1980년대 북한의 대외관계 변화를 통해 북한 대외정책의 초점이 남북한 대결에서 김일성-김정일 중심의 체제수호와 내부결속으로 옮겨진 함의를 제안하였다. This study provides a literature analysis centering 『Korean Diplomatic Historical Records Removal Collection』 and 『DPRK Yearbook』, paying attention on the circumstances of Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK) made an effort to recover the solidarity with the collapsing socialist camp at the situation of the breakup of cold war in 1980s. This study, firstly finds that DPRK recognized international situation and the limitation of competition between North and South Korea disadvantageous to DPRK focused on non-alignment movement and made an effort to recover the solidarity with socialist camp. Secondly, this study investigates that DPRK completed ‘Own Style of Socialism’ as a domestic political discourse by the change of diplomatic relations and redefinition for the people. Lastly, this study suggests that DPRK moved the focus of foreign policy by the change of foreign relationship of DPRK in 1980s from confrontation between North and South Korea to system protection and internal unity centering Il-sung Kim and Jung-il Kim.

      • KCI등재

        거꾸로 교실 수업을 적용한 초등 저학년 화재 안전 지도 방안

        박아름 ( Park Ah Reum ),박일우 ( Park Il Woo ) 서울교육대학교 초등교육연구소 2018 한국초등교육 Vol.29 No.2

        본 연구에서는 초등학교 2학년을 대상으로 화재 안전을 지도하였으며 화재 안전교육의 직ㆍ간접체험 시간을 확보하고 학생 중심의 수업을 실천하기 위해 거꾸로 교실 수업을 적용하였다. ‘화재 원인과 예방’, ‘화재 대피 방법’, ‘소화기 사용방법’, ‘화재 신고 방법’의 네 영역의 수업을 개발하고 창의적 체험 활동시간을 활용하여 5차시 수업을 실시하였다. 학생들에게는 사전에 학습할 내용의 동영상 주소와 학습지를 제공하고 수업 중에는 화재와 관련된 다양한 영역을 직접 체험해보고 경험할 수 있도록 학생 중심의 활동으로 구성하였다. 수업 적용 후 학생들의 변화된 화재 안전의식 정도를 파악하기 위해 각 영역에 맞는 화재 안전의식 검사를 실시하였다. 그 결과 거꾸로 교실 수업을 적용한 화재 안전교육 후 화재의 원인과 예방 및 화재 대피 방법 영역에서의 화재 안전의식이 향상되었다. 화재가 발생할 수 있는 상황을 찾아 안전하게 고치고 실천할 수 있는 화재 예방 방법을 말할 수 있었다. 수업 후 대피 방법을 표현하는 방법이 보다 세밀해졌으며, 대피 시 주의 점과 주어진 화재의 상황에서의 대피 방법을 구체적으로 설명할 수 있었다. 화재 신고 방법 영역에서는 역할놀이를 통해 화재 신고를 해보며 신고 시 유의해야 할 점을 이해하였고 화재 신고에 필요한 구체적 항목을 추가로 제시할 수 있었다. 거꾸로 교실 수업에서 가장 많이 흥미를 느끼고 재미있었다고 답변한 것은 몸을 직접 움직이는 ‘공 전달하기 게임’과 ‘역할놀이’이었다. 이를 통해 저학년 학생들은 몸을 움직이는 활동에 흥미를 느껴 적극적으로 참여한다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 거꾸로 교실 수업을 적용한 화재 안전 수업에 대한 학생들의 만족도가 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 이러한 내용을 바탕으로 초등학교 저학년에서 거꾸로 교실 수업을 활용한 더 나은 화재 안전 지도를 위해 화재 안전을 비롯한 안전 교육의 특성을 고려한 다양한 콘텐츠가 개발되어야 하며, 교사의 역량 강화가 필요하다는 것을 제안한다. The purpose of this study was to apply the flipped learning to the second grade elementary students to teach fire safety. Four areas of classes were developed : " Cause and Prevention of Fire ", " How to Evacuate Fire ", " How to Use Fire Extinguisher " and " How to Report Fire ", and five classes were conducted using the time of creative activities. Students were provided with video URL internet addresses and learning materials to learn in advance, and student-centered activities during the class. After applying the class, we conducted a fire safety consciousness test for each area in order to investigate the changed degree of fire safety consciousness of students. After fire safety classes by applying flipped learning, the cause and the prevention of the fire and fire escape methods in the awareness of fire safety were improved. The method of expressing the evacuation method after the class has become more detailed, and the precautions in the evacuation and the evacuation method in the given fire situation can be explained in detail. In the fire reporting method area, it was also possible to present specific items necessary for fire reporting and to understand the precautions to be taken when reporting a fire through role-play. The students in the lower grades were interested in the activity of moving the body and satisfied with a fire safety classes applying the flipped learning. Based on these findings, it is suggested that various contents should be developed considering the characteristics of safety education including fire safety for better fire safety guidance. Also the capacity of teachers is needed to be strengthened.

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