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        10~14세기 ‘발해인’ 정체성의 변질과 진화

        박순우 한국사연구회 2019 한국사연구 Vol.- No.184

        Examined in this article is how the identity of the Balhae people (as well as their descendants) ‘changed’ as time went on. As their settlement in China became permanent and the regions they were relocated to became their new home (quite possibly for generations to come), their racial identity naturally changed while a new connection with China continued to form. In the Liao period, people of the late Balhae dynasty, after being forcibly moved to China after Balhae’s fall, maintained a strong sense of loyalty to its lost country and even engaged in fierce anti-Liao movements on more than one occasion. They still viewed themselves as ‘Balhae people,’ and as they were instructed to live in groups it was also possible for them to maintain their traditions and customs -which was also acknowledged by the Sung dynasty leadership- for quite some time. But coming into the Chin period the situation changed. There were no longer any anti-Chinese insurgences mounted, and the number of ‘Balhae people’ (actually the descendants of the original Balhae refugees) serving in the Chin government increased exponentially. Their actions were no longer driven by the fact that they had some racial connections to the late Balhae dynasty, and their activities as Chin citizens must have helped them define their new identity. After the Mongol Yuan empire was established, this transformation was sealed apparently even more. The positions they cultivated, the deeds they displayed, and the self-consciousness they exhibited no longer suggest the presence of either memories or connections to the late Balhae dynasty. This kind of change in the Chin-Yuan period can also be seen from modifications in the way they were referred to in Chinese records. At first they were called simply as ‘Balhae people,’ but as they became increasingly affiliated with the regions they were connected to (as a result of a long-term residence there) and less and less associated with their distant racial heritage, they were no longer ‘identified’ as Balhae people but instead recognized as ‘Chinese citizens with particular local backgrounds.’ Key words : Balhae, Balhae refugees, Balhae descendants, racial identity, regional connection These “Balhae people” who lived in China -and the topic of their ‘identity’- certainly deserves our attention, as some of them have once been part of the Korean history, and the life history of their descendants make us understand how the history of Korea and China overlapped in terms of individuals. We don’t have to be protective or exclusive in determining what belongs to the history of Korea and what does not, but we still have to respect the legacy of past people, and the people who were attached to the concept of Balhae, either strongly or weakly. Their lives are most definitely worth examining, not only in the confines of Korean historical studies, but also researches of East Asian history of exchanges. ‘발해인’들의 중국내 존재양태에 대한 그간의 연구는 요 나라로의 천사 직후 발생한 반요 활동에 대한 검토가 대부분을 차지했다. 그런 이유로 이후의 ‘발해인’들에 대해서는, 시간의 흐름에 따라 그들이 이미 중국의 일부가 돼 갔을 것이라 여긴 통념 때문이었는지 별다른 검토가 이뤄지지 못했는데, 이 논문은 10~14세기 ‘발해인’ 용례의 회자와 변화에 포착하여, ‘발해인’의 정체성의 변질과 진화를 검토하였다. 요 정권 아래의 발해인들의 경우 반요 행동의 적극성, 광범위한 참여 범위 등을 감안할 때 ‘발해인으로서의 자기인식’이 상당정도 온존했던 것으로 생각된다. 반면 금원대의 발해인들은 앞선 시기와 다소 다른 모습이 포착된다. 조정에 적극적으로 사환하며 여러 분야에서 적지 않은 족적을 남기기도 하고, 조정내 권력 투쟁에 깊이 개입하는 등의 모습에서 더 이상 발해인으로서가 아닌, 권력 지향적 인물로서의 모습이 확인된다. 원대에는 이러한 모습이 더욱 강화되는데, 몽골 황제의 각별한 총애를 받거나, 고위 관인을 지낸 발해인이 몽골 조정과 원 황실에 ‘충’을 맹세하는 모습 등이 그러하다. 이들의 모습에서 족적 맥락의 자기의식이 그들의 정체성에 거의 소멸해 가고 있었을 가능성을 강하게 시사하고 있었다. 한편, 발해인을 지칭하는 ‘호명’ 관행의 변화 역시 감지된다. 발해인들을 호칭함에 있어 지명이 갖는 비중이 늘어남과 동시에 ‘발해’칭 자체는 감소하고 있던 정황이 주목된다. 발해유민의 후손이 분명한 경우에도 그를 더 이상 ‘발해인’이라 지칭하지 않거나, ‘발해’와 ‘지명’의 호칭 순서가 불규칙하게 바뀐 점 등이 그를 잘 보여준다. 이러한 추세는 원대에도 지속되었으며, 『원사』에 입전된 발해인 수의 급감이 이를 잘 보여준다고 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        발해유민'인가 '발해인'인가?

        박순우 역사문제연구소 2022 역사비평 Vol.- No.140

        In past studies dedicated to the post-926 Balhae history, the people who originated in Balhae (as well as the descendants of those people) were collectively referred to “Balhae refugees.” On the other hand, this researcher has always called them ‘the Balhae people.’ Some of my colleagues have argued that a specific identity must be established to justify such reference, but I beg to differ. The attempt to define the identity of an entire group of people could be not only futile but also dangerous, as people’s living environments continue to fluctuate and their nature too can only remain fluid throughout the passage of time. For example, the Balhae people who were moved to the Chinese domain and the Balhae people who came to the Korean peninsula all led different lives and came to feature different characteristics. And the ones in the latter case also developed a nature that was not quite the same with the original residents of the peninsula but not so different either. Even after hundreds of years since their arrival on the peninsula, they still maintained a strong sense of “Balhae” origination and dearly commemorated their such origin, but they were also keenly aware of their another nature given to them by the Goryeo dynasty, and continued to thrive in Joseon on that very foundation. Acknowledging these aspects of their very existence, and considering the technical problems that entail the original reference (“Balhae refugee”), it becomes obvious that the reference “Balhae people” is the only appropriate alternative that we can use, in our effort to properly recognize the nature of people who had their roots in Balhae history. 발해 멸망 후의 역사에 대한 종래의 연구에서는, 926년 이후의 발해인들을 흔히 ‘발해유민’으로 호칭해 왔다. 그와 달리 필자는 그간의 연구에서 일관되게 ‘발해인’이라는 용례를 사용하였다. 이러한 시도에 대해서는 학계 일각의 비판적 견해도 존재하는데, ‘발해인’이라는 표현을 사용하기에 앞서 ‘발해인만의 정체성’을 규정해야 한다는 것이 그러한 견해의 대강으로 이해된다. 필자는 이러한 문제제기를 존중하는 한편으로, 그러한 지적에도 몇 가지 문제는 존재함을 지적하고자 한다. 우선 기본적으로 ‘고정불변’일 수 없는 특정 종족의 ‘정체성’을 ‘정형화된 정체성이 존재할 수 있다’는 전제 하에 규정하려는 것은 매우 무모한 일임을 논한 후, 한반도 발해인의 경우 ‘출자의식, 추념의식’과 ‘신 본관에 기반한 새 터전 정착’이라는 두 가지 요소가 그들의 정체성을 구성하고 있었음을 확인하였다. 마지막으로 ‘발해유민’이라는 표현의 부적절성을 논의한 후, 발해인들을 한반도인들과는 본질적으로 같았던 이들로, 또는 반대로 달랐던 이들로만 규정하는 것은 위험한 일일 수 있음을 환기하였다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        정신지체아 두발 중 중금속 함량 II - 카드뮴 및 아연과의 관련성 -

        박순우,이종영,김두희,Park, Soon-Woo,Lee, Jong-Young,Kim, Doo-Hie 대한예방의학회 1989 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.22 No.2

        정신지체와 인체내 카드뮴 함량과의 관련성을 보기 위해 정신지체아 297명(가정이 있는 아동이 다니는 특수학교 1개교의 132명과 고아로 구성된 특수학교 1개교의 165명)을 대상으로 두발중 카드뮴 및 아연함량을 측정하였으며 학업성적이 중위권 이상인 일반 국민학교 학생 117명을 대조군으로 하여 비교해 보았다. 시료의 분석은 원자흡광광도계를 이용하였다. 두발 중 카드뮴 함량의 연령에 따른 차이는 없었으며 아연은 대조군 남자의 경우 연령 증가에 비례하였다. 가정이 있는 정신지체아의 경우 카드뮴 함량이 남녀 각각 $0.64{\pm}0.24ppm,\;0.66{\pm}0.18ppm$, 가정이 없는 정신지체아(고아군)의 경우 남녀 각각 $0.71{\pm}0.19ppm,\;0.65{\pm}0.15ppm$ 으로써 대조군 (남;$0.45{\pm}0.15ppm$, 여:$0.49{\pm}0.16ppm$)에 비해 유의한 차이가 있었다. 그러나 아연의 경우 유의한 차이는 없었다. 정신지체의 정도별로 보았을때 고아인 경우 남녀 모두 카드뮴 함량이 지체정도가 심할수록 높았으나 가정이 있는 지체아의 경우는 그러한 차이가 없었다. 다만 선천성 질환인 Down증후군은 남녀 모두 대조군과 카드뮴함량의 차이가 없었다. 자폐증이 있는 경우 아연의 함량이 특이적으로 낮았다. 본 연구의 결과에서 카드뮴이 정신지체에 어느 정도의 영향을 끼칠 것으로 추측되나 더욱 연구를 계속해 보아야 하겠다. The relationship between cadmium level and mental retardation was investigated. The 297 subjects with mental retardation were drawn from two schools providing special educational services, one, consisted of children living in an orphan home, another, children with parents. The 117 control subjects were drawn from whom had got average or above average academic achivement in a general elementary school. Hair sample was taken from the nape of the neck and the cadmium and zinc analysis were carried out on an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (IL 551). Children in the retarded group had significantly higher cadmium levels compared with control but not in zinc levels. There was no relationship between metal concentrations and age except control male group, which showed significant positive linear relationship in zinc, and there was no difference between sex in both metal except the male orphan group in cadmium. In the orphan group, there was relationship between severity of retardation and cadmium concentration in both sex but not in retarded children with parents. No difference in cadmium levels between the group with Down's syndrome, one of causes of mental retardation, and the control group suggested the cadmium as a possible cause of mental retardation. In the case of accompanying autism, zinc level was significantly lower than that of other accompanying diseases. Although not establishing an etiologic relationship, findings of this study suggest that there are some influeces of cadmium on mental retardation, and call for a continuing study.

      • KCI등재

        설계기준 분석 방법에 의한 지역사회 청소년 흡연율 추정

        박순우,이상원,박정한,윤연옥,이원기,김종연,Park, Soon-Woo,Lee, Sang-Won,Park, Jung Han,Yun, Yeon-Ok,Lee, Won-Kee,Kim, Jong-Yeon 대한예방의학회 2006 예방의학회지 Vol.39 No.4

        Objectives: This study was conducted to estimate the unbiased smoking prevalence and its standard errors among adolescents in a large city in Korea, by design-based analysis. Methods: All the students in Daegu city were stratified by grade, gender and region, and then schools as primary sampling units (PSU) were selected by probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling. One or two classes were sampled randomly from each grade, from 5th grade in elementary schools to the 3rd grade in high schools. The students anonymously completed a standardized self-administered questionnaire from October to December 2004. The total number of respondents was 8,480 in the final analysis, excluding the third graders in the general high schools because of incomplete sampling. The sampling weight was calculated for each student after post-stratification adjustment, with adjustment being made for the missing cases. The data were analyzed with Stata 8.0 with consideration of PSU, weighting and the strata variables. Results: The smoking prevalence (%) and standard errors for male students from the fifth grade in elementary schools to the second grade in high schools were $0.93{\pm}0.47,\;1.83{\pm}0.74,\;3.16{\pm}1.00,\;5.12{\pm}1.02,\;10.86{\pm}1.13,\;15.63{\pm}2.44\;and\;17.96{\pm}2.67$, and those for the female students were $0.28{\pm}0.28,\;1.17{\pm}0.73,\;3.13{\pm}0.60,\;1.45{\pm}0.58,\;3.94{\pm}0.92,\;8.75{\pm}1.86\;and\;10.04{\pm}1.70$, sequentially. Conclusions: The smoking prevalence from this study was much higher than those from the other conventional studies conducted in Korea. The point estimates and standard errors from the design-based analysis were different from those of the model-based analysis. These findings suggest the importance of design-based analysis to estimate unbiased prevalence and standard errors in complex survey data and this method is recommended to apply to future surveys for determining the smoking prevalence for specific population.

      • KCI등재

        요대 발해인 대연림의 기병(起兵)에 대한 종합적 고찰

        박순우 고구려발해학회 2023 고구려발해연구 Vol.77 No.-

        본고에서는 요대 발해 유민들의 대표적 부흥운동 중 하나로서의 대연림(大延琳)의 난에 주목하고, 그를 고려-요-송 간의 외교관계에 영향을 미친 사건으로 보는 데 그치지 않고, 그간 상대적으로 주목이 미흡했던 세가지 사안을 새로운 각도에서 검토하였다. 첫째, 대연림 세력의 정확한 거병 시점과 관련하여 두 점의 묘지 자료를 근거로 그 시점을 1029년 8월이 아닌 1028년(가을)으로 추정해 보았으며, 거병의 목적과 관련해서는 그를 보여주는 국명 “흥료(興遼)”가 단순 ‘부흥’ 또는 ‘요동의 회복’보다는 요동의 제족(諸族)을 망라하는 새 국가 건설을 의미하는 바가 있음을 제시하였다. 둘째, 대연림의 난에 연루되었던 세력과 관련하여, 기층 발해인은 물론 요 황제의 부마 대력추, 그리고 요동 소재 동북여진 및 남북여진 등이 참여 및 지원 세력의 대종을 이루었음을 확인하였다. 반면 군사적으로 중요한 의미를 지녔던 황룡부의 황편과 보주의 하행미가 거병 직전 배신함으로써 난이 실패하는 데 큰 영향을 주었던 점도 살펴보았다. 셋째, 난 진압 이후 요 조정의 정책 추이를 검토하였다. 대연림이 진압된 후 요 조정이 발해인 통제 정책(내지로의 재천사)과 발해인 회유 정책(등용 및 조세감면)을 구사했음은 잘 알려진 사실이다. 다만 그러한 측면을 ‘격국’이라는 사냥 행사를 통해서도 살펴볼 수 있었는데, 흥종이 동경도에서 대규모 격국 행사를 자신의 주관으로 개최하는 한편으로 동경도에서의 격국 금지를 완화해주기도 했던 것 또한, 발해인에 대한 통제와 회유의 병행을 보여주는 동시에 발해인 사회의 약화를 방증하는 정황으로 추정된다 Examined in this article is the Insurrection of Dae Yeon-rim(大延琳), which was one of the most significant revolts staged by the Balhae refugees under Liao rule. This historical event has rather been considered as a mere political incident that affected the Goryeo-Liao-Song relationship, but in this article three particular issues concerning the revolt that deserve more attention are analyzed in details. First examined is when exactly the insurrection started, and what would have been the intentions behind it. Regarding the former issue, the starting point was previously only believed to have been August 1029, but recently found two grave epitaphs suggest otherwise, as they both say that the insurrection first broke out in the fall of 1028. Meanwhile, the intent behind the insurrection seems to be insinuated by the name of the state Dae Yeon-rim wanted to build, as the term Heung’yo(興遼) seems to be calling for a brand new Liaodung-based state, rather than just referring to the resurrection of the Balhae dynasty or its recovery of the Liaodung region. Examined next is the factions that were involved in the Dae Yeon-rim insurrection. It is clear that not only the Balhae population in general, but high ranking figures like Dae Ryeok-chu -who was the son-in-law of the Liao Emperor- as well as the ‘Northeast’ and ‘North-south’ Jurchen tribes living in the Liaodung region supported the insurrection. But other factions such as Hwang Pyeon in the Hwang’ryong-bu region and Ha Haeng-mi in the Boju area, who were all very much important to the war efforts of Dae Yeon-rim, ultimately betrayed him and contributed to his downfall. Examined third is how the Liao government treated the Balhae people after subduing the insurrection. It is a well known fact that after Dae Yeon-rim’s forces were crushed, the Liao government employed a stick-and-a-carrot strategy by forcibly relocating some Balhae tribes while also providing them with governmental seats and tax exemption. Such strategy can also be seen from the Liao government’s stance toward ‘Gyeokguk,’ which was a hunting exercise. The Liao Emperor Xīngzōng held a large-scale ‘Gyeokguk’ in the Dong’gyeong-do region as a demonstration of the Liao dynasty’s military prowess, and to intimidate the Balhae population in the area. But at the same time he also allowed the population in the region to arrange their own ‘Gyeokguk’ sessions, showing us that the Liao government felt comfortable enough to allow that, and also the general condition of the Balhae population at the time.

      • KCI등재

        요대발해인 고모한(高模翰) 관련 기록의 검토와 후손들의 활동 연구

        박순우 연세대학교 국학연구원 2020 동방학지 Vol.191 No.-

        In this article, two recently found tomb epitaphs[Myoji(墓誌)] were examined and consulted to recreate the early life of Go Mo-han, who was originally from the Balhae society but later named by the Liao government as a ‘Meritorious vassal’ in the early days of the Liao dynasty. Also explored are the lives of his descendants, with the intention to eventually create a family tree for this particular Go house originating from the collapsed Balhae dynasty. Examination revealed that the Liaoshi(遼史) record of him fleeing to the Goryeo dynasty and marrying the daughter of Wang Geon, founder of Goryeo, is actually false. Records also confirm that after Go died some of his descendants moved to the Seogyeong-do(西京道) Province’s Sakju(朔州) area, revealing a rare example of Balhae refugees taking residence in a region other than those which housed forcibly relocated Balhae population. It is also revealed that Go’s descendants, who lived for generations in different regions such as Go Yeong-gyeon(高永肩, ?~?) in the West and Go Jeong(高楨, ?~1159) in the East, which was the Donggyeong-do(東京道) Province’s Yoyang(遼陽) area, never knew of each other albeit being both fifth-generation descendants of Go. 이 글은 새로 확인된 두 점의 묘지(墓誌)를 통해 요초(遼初) 최대 공신(功臣)인 발해인 고모한의 초기 행적에 대한 의문점을 해결하고, 그의 후손들의 행적을 연구하여 가계도를 복원한 글이다. 그 결과 그의 고려 내투와 고려 태조 왕건의 딸과 혼인했다는 『遼史』의 기록은 사실이 아닌 것으로 확인되었다. 또한, 고모한 사후 후손 중 일부는 서경도(西京道)-삭주(朔州)로 이주(移住)하여 가계를 이어간 사실을 확인했는데, 이는 요초 발해인에 대한 강제 천사(遷徙)를 제외하면, 발해인 가계가 서경도로 이주해 간 최초의 사례로 판단된다. 다만 그들의 이주가 자발적이고 자연스러운 것이었는지, 아니면 요 조정에 의한 것인지 그 배경에 관해서는 추가 연구가 필요하다고 생각된다. 아울러 요말(遼末) 서경도-삭주에서 가계를 이어간 고영견(高永肩)과 동경도(東京道) 요양(遼陽) 일대에서 가계를 이어간 고정(高楨) 모두 고모한의 ‘5세손(世孫)’인데, 동시대를 살아간 두 인물은 서로의 존재를 몰랐던 것으로 추정된다. 요초 이후 공간적으로나 시간적으로 너무 멀리 떨어진 상황이 두 사람 모두 고모한의 후손임에도 불구하고 서로를 인식하지 못하게 만들었던 것으로 생각된다.

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