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      • 한국에서 한 일간지 신문기사 검색을 통한 IMF 전과 후의 자살 양상 비교

        박상학,김경환,김학렬,김상훈,표경식,조용래 조선대학교 부설 의학연구소 2000 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.25 No.1

        Objectives : Under an IMF bailout program, our country's financial situation forced people to change many things suddenly. Therefore, this study was attempted to search the aspects of changes of suicide attempts in order to find out how the financial crisis affects people's suicide attempts, the extreme repertoire for psychological change Method : November 21, 1997, the day issued the application of IMF bailout program, is the basic date for comparing the changes, on a certain newspaper(Dong-A daily newspaper). The condition was divided into two, namely before and after the basic date, and the characteristics of suicide were compared between two conditions. Results : The news of suicide increased more after than before the application of IMF situation. (before:105, after:158) Specially, for 30-50 years old, active age in community, the rate of suicide attempts reached twice than that of the others. After the IMF situation, the prominent reason of suicide was the financial crisis. For the type of suicide, the family suicide was remarkably increased after the IMF situation. Conclusion : The frequency of the news of suicide was higher after than before IMF bailout program. The major reason of suicide was the financial crisis. Considering that the social and economic crisis affects people's view of death, psychosocial interventions are necessary for their mental health.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내외 기업윤리경영 현황과 A기업의 윤리경영지수 분석

        박상학,이명구 피터드러커 소사이어티 2014 창조와 혁신 Vol.7 No.3

        While the need for enhancing the transparency of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility increases, corporate ethics has emerged as a key element of sustainable management system and corporate competitiveness. For more than 10 years, many of the major domestic companies have established code of ethics and ethical conduct training for their employees and also created sustainability reports for communicating with their customers and stakeholders. The ethnic management level of the private sectors especially has been evaluated as being in the settlement phase with their CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) departments established. The purpose of this study lies in evaluating the progress direction of domestic companies by examining the current status of the ethical management of major domestic and international companies and specifically by analyzing the business ethics awareness and developed status of Business Ethics indicators of Company-A, a renowned public corporate. The prior research on ethical and social responsible management is largely classified into sustainability factors and core competencies (Core Competence) access. Jung Husik(2007), through the research 'corporate social responsibility', explained the concept of corporate social responsibility and pointed out that ethical management has an important position in the background of the concept proliferation. He analyzed major CSR practices and international standardized trend and pointed out that the association of company's business activities and CSR is an important factor in surviving in the global market. He emphasized that the 'Practical Sustainability" is a basic premise of Ethic Management and the commitment of the CEO was the most important practical element. Company-A had a commitment to stabilize ethical management system through various methods such as creating Sustainability Report, establishing Ethics department, and investigating ethical standards. However, the company has been advised from the Committee of Government Evaluation in 2011 to have an ethic feedback system such as developing ethic index, diagnosing ethic level through the index and giving feedback of the result. Thorough this evaluation, it became necessary for Company-A to develop a new index. Ethic index of Company-A is largely composed of six categories and 20 questions. Each question has 5 points scale which sums up to 100 points in total. The scoring system is structured to compare the total points from the 20 questions with the current level of corporate ethic. This study has turned the conventional 5 point scale analysis with limitations into an exponential measure, allowing analysis of inter-group differences. The results show that the group with the highest ethics awareness was male technician employees with more than 20 years of experience whereas the group with the lowest awareness was female office employees with experience of between 10 and 15 years. This demonstrates that ethics training should be strengthened for this group with the lowest ethnic awareness. 기업지배기업의 투명성 제고와 사회적 책임에 대한 요구가 증가하면서 윤리경영은 지속가능경영 시스템의 필요조건이자 기업경쟁력의 핵심요소로 부상하고 있다. 국내 주요 기업들은 10여 년 전부터 윤리헌장을 제정하고 직원대상 윤리교육을 실시하고 있으며 고객 등 이해관계자와의 소통을 위한 지속가능 경영보고서를 작성하고 있다. 특히 CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) 전담부서를 설치하면서 민간기업은 윤리경영이 정착단계에 접어들었다는 평가를 받고 있다. 본 연구는 국내외 주요기업들의 윤리경영 현황을 살펴 보고 국내의 유수 공기업인 A기업의 윤리경영지표 개발 현황과 윤리경영의식수준을 살펴 봄으로써 향후 국내 기업의 윤리경영의 추진방향을 살펴보고자 한다. 윤리경영에 대한 선행 연구는 크게 사회적 책임 (Corporate Social Responsibility)으로의 접근, 지속가능 요소 및 핵심역량 (Core Competence)으로 접근 등으로 분류된다. A기업은 윤리경영 전담부서와 윤리 헌장제정, 윤리수준 조사, 지속가능 경영보고서 작성 등 윤리경영체계 정착을 위한 노력을 해왔다. 그러나, 2011년 정부 경영평가시 자체적인 윤리경영지수 개발을 통하여 윤리경영수준을 진단하고 환류조치가 필요함을 권고 받은 바 있으며, 이예 따라 새로운 윤리경영지수 개발과 보완이 필요하게 되었다. A기업의 윤리경영지수의 구성은 크게 6개 영역, 20개 문항으로 구성하였으며 각 항목에 대해 5점 측도를 하여 문항합계점수를 100점 만점으로 하여 이를 지수화 하였다. 다음으로 이 20개 문항 합계 지수와 윤리경영 현황수준을 묻는 문항의 점수 비교하는 체계로 되어 있다. 본 연구는 5점 측도 분석에 한정되었던 것을 지수화 하였으며 특히 조사대상자 특성별 지수를 도출하여 집단 간 차이를 분석하였다. 분석 결과 윤리경영의식이 가장 높은 집단은 남성,기술직, 20년 이상 근무자 였으며, 가장 낮은 집단은 여성, 사무직, 10년 이상 15년 미만의 집단으로 분석되어 이들 집단계층에 대한 윤리경영교육이 더욱이 강화되어야 함을 나타내었다.

      • 인후두부 이상감 호소환자의 임상적 연구 : SCL-90-R을 이용하여

        박상학,김상훈,도남용 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1991 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.16 No.1

        To study the clincal characteristics of Globus hystericus, the authors assesed 37 out-patients with globus sensation as their main subjective symptom, the organic causes of which were ruled out as possible. We used Symptom Check List-90-Revision(SCL-90-R) to investigate the difference between globus hystericus and normal control group. The results were as follows: 1. Globus hystehcus tends to occur mainly above 4th decades and more common in female than male in low educational level (M:F=1:2.7). 2. Interval between symptom onset and consultation, 24% of patients are within 1 month of onset, but 33% of patients are after 1 year of onset. 3. The most common complaints were sore throat(73%) and foreignbody sense (70.3%) in globus hystericus. 4. In SCL-90-R scales, mean T-scores of globus hystericus on somatization, anxiety, Psychoticism, global severity index, Positive symptom distress index(all P<.0001), additional index (P<.005), hostility (P<.01), depression(P<.01), and obsessive compulsive(P<.01) subscales were significantly higher than normal control.

      • KCI등재후보

        주택 전월세시장 패러다임변화와 정책 제언

        박상학,권치흥,김경미,Park, Sang-Hak,Kwon, Chi-Hung,Kim, Kyeong-Mi 한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원 2015 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.6 No.4

        전세수급 불균형 및 그에 따른 전세가격 상승, 임대인의 월세 선호로 전세 비중이 줄고 보증부 월세 비중이 급격히 늘어나는 등 주택 임대차시장 패러다임의 일대 변화가 나타나고 있다. 본 연구는 2014년 12월 임차인(일반임차인, LH임대주택 임차인), 임대인, 공인중개인 등 시장참가자를 지역, 거주 유형별로 1,150여 명의 설문조사 결과를 시행하였다. 설문조사 분석결과 시장참여자 모두 전세에서 월세로의 구조변화가 더욱 심화될 것으로 전망했으며 전세가격 상승 이유는 임차인, 임대인, 중개인 모두 집주인의 월세 선호와 전세물량 부족을 응답하였다. 주거안정 및 전세가격 안정을 위한 대책으로는 임차인, 임대인, 중개인 모두 공공임대주택 공급 확대를 최우선으로 꼽았으며, 이 외에 민간임대주택 활성화, 전세금 대출제도 확대, 임대료 보조지원 등을 지목하였다. 고소득층의 전월세시장에 대해 공공이 지나친 개입하기 보다는 시장의 자율성에 맡기는 것이 바람직하며 저소득층에 대해서는 시장원리에 맡기기보다는 장기공공임대주택의 공급확대를 통하여 중장기적으로 전월세 시장을 안정을 기하는 방안이 요구된다. Recently, there has been changing the housing rental market paradigm structure which has been increased the ratios of partly monthly rental ratios, because of increasing chonsei's price, the preference of monthly rental and the rack of chonsei's supply amount. This study had done a survey of 1,400 people for private and public rental residents by region and housing types during Dec. 2014. According to the result of survey, Market participant prospect strongly to change chonsei to monthly rental market structure and the reason of rising of chonsei's price is the preference of householder's monthly rental because of decreasing interest rate and the rack of chonsei's supply amount. The housing policy's proposal of the stability of low income class's housing and jense's price strongly recommended the expansion of public rental housing supply and the activation of private rental housing, the expansion of chonsei loan, housing boucher etx. The rental market policy for high income class have desired to market autonomy than public side's intervention, on the other hands, the rental market policy for low income class have strongly need to the public side's intervention such as the contiuneous long-term rental housing supply.

      • KCI등재

        종합병원 입원환자에서 정신과 자문의 변화양상에 대한 연구

        박상학,정영 大韓神經精神醫學會 1997 신경정신의학 Vol.36 No.4

        목 적 : 한 종합병원에서의 자문의뢰 형태의 특성과 최근 시대적 흐름에 따른 변화양상을 조사하여 자문조정정신의학의 개선 방향 및 추후 연구의 기본 자료로 삼고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 1985년 9월부터 1995년 12월까지 최근 10년간 정신과를 제외한 조선대학병원 임상각과에 입원했던 총 111.154명중에 정신과에 자문을 의뢰하였던 1,834명의 자문결과지와 병록기록지를 참고하여 그 빈도수를 백분율로 처리하였다. 결 과 : 1) 전체 입원환자에 대한 10년간 정신과 평균 자문율은 1.64%였다. 2) 최근 10년동안 60대 이상 환자의 자문 비율이 점차 증가되는 추세를 보였으며 15.7%였다. 3) 자문의뢰 환자들이 차지하는 비중이 가장 큰 과는 내과(53.7%), 정형외과(9.8%), 신경외과(7.3%) 순이었다. 4) 임상각과의 전체 입원환자 대비 정신과 자문율은 신경과(5.10%), 내과(3.08%), 신경외과(1.98%), 정형외과(1.66%)의 순서였다. 5) 1년 중 자문이 많은 달은 6월(9.7%), 4월(9.6%), 3월(9.5%), 5월(9.2%) 순이고, 자문이 적은 달은 12월(6.1%), 8월(6.4%), 2월(6.8%)의 순서였다. 6) 자문 요청이유는 검사상 이상 소견없이 신체증상을 호소하는 경우가 33.1%로 가장 많았으나 10년간 해마다 상대적으로 그 비율이 낮아지고 있었다. 그 다음으로는 감정상태의 변화로 진단 및 치료를 원하여 자문의로한 경우가 17.6%로 높았다. 두드러진 것은 95년도에 알콜과 약물남용 문제로 자문을 의뢰해 온 비율이 다른 해에 비해 높았다. 7) 자문의에 의한 정신과적 진단의 빈도는 기질성 정신장애(평균 27.9%), 신체형장애(15.3%) 우울장애, 불안장애의 순이었다. 최근 10년간 기질성 정신장애의 진단은 매년 증가 추세이고, 신체형장애와 우울장애 그리고 불안장애는 상대적으로 점차 감소하였다. 8) 자문의에 의한 권유사항은 약물의 처방과 용량 조절에 관한 권유가 65.4%로 가장 많았다. 다음이 재자문권유(22.2%), 진단적 권유(21.3%), 안심과 격려등의 정신과적 접근권유(20.1%) 순이었다. 결 론 : 최근 시대적 흐름에 따른 정신과 자문의뢰 형태와 변화양상은 노인환자의 자문이 증가하고, 진단별로는 기질성 정신장애의 비율이 상대적으로 증가하여 자문의에 의한 권유도 약물처방이 많은 경향이 있었다. We have studied the changing patterns of psychiatric consultation in a general hospital for 10 years. Results were as follows : 1) The annual psychiatric consultation rate was 1.64%. 2) In age group, elderly patiently above 60's had increasing tendency of consultation. 3) The referred patients from department of internal medicine was the highest and ones from neurology department were increasing recently. 4) Most of the patients were consulted during the month of June, followed by April, March and May. 5) The most frequent reason for their psychiatric consultation was psychiatric compalint without specific evidence of lab. data but physical problems. 6) In the psychiatric diagnoses of the consulted patients, organic mental disorders were the first, and depression was the second in order.

      • 외상후 정신과적 장애와 뇌척수액이 Catecholamine 농도 측정에 대한 연구

        박상학,김학렬 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1989 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.14 No.2

        Cerebrospinal catecholamine metabolites from 23 post - traumatic psychiatric patients and 6 control subjects were assayed with high performance liquid chromatography - electrochemical detection. The subjects are 12 patients with organic delusional syndrome, 4 patients with organic affective syndrome, 4 patients with organic personality disorder, 1 patient with organic amnestic syndrome and 2 patients with post - traumatic stress disorder. At the date of sampling after 2 weeks of drug withdrawal, the patients' psychiatric symptoms were evaluated and measured with a few psychiatric rating scales including Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). CSF sample was taken between 8 and 9 o' clock in the morning and stored at -70℃ until assay. The author hoped to find out relation between each of the catecholamine metabolites and specific psychiatric symptom(s) noted in patients group after head injury. Because psychiatric symptoms in these patients can be the prototype of a specific psychopathology of the other psychiatric illness. The results are as below. 1) Mean CSF level of HVA, and DOPAC was 39.43ng / ㎖, 169.76ng / ㎖ and 5.97ng / ㎖ respectively. The MHPG level higher than that of normal control significantly (P<0.001). 2) GAS score which can represent the severity of general psychiatric symptoms did not tell any difference in the level of CSF catecholamine metabolites. 3) The HVA level was increased in patients with the symptom of emotional withdrawal, conceptual disorganization mannerism and depressive mood, motor retardation, unusual thought content, blunted affect, disorientation. The patient with the symptom either of hypochondriasis or tension showed significantly lower HVA level. 4) The MHPG level was increased in all patients except either with hostility, or blunted affect, disorientation. 5) The patients with the symptom of either suicide idea or insomnia showed no difference in metabolite level. 6) The patients who had thought disorder showed increased level of HVA(P<0.05) and MHPG compared to the patients with affective symptom. All above findings were discussed with literature review and implication of clinical purpose and future research was considered.

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