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        박삼헌(Park Sam-hun) 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2016 일본연구 Vol.26 No.-

        본고는 2006년 9월 6일 히사히토(悠仁) 친왕의 탄생 이후, 황족 수 감소 대책으로 제기된 여성 미야케 창설 문제, 그리고이와 관련하여 등장한 황태자 퇴위론에 대한 일본 보수진영의 의견차이가 어떻게 이뤄지고 있는지 분석한 것이다. 그결과, 첫째, 일본사회에는‘황통이곧남계이고, 이것이 남성에게 계승되는 것이 만세일계’라는 보수진영의 논리가 여전히 유효하게 작동하고 있음을 확인하였다. 둘째, 황태자 퇴위를 둘러싼 보수진영의 의견차이는 전후 일본의 국가체제를‘상징이라는 개념 안에서 유지하려는 입장과, 이를 부정하고‘만세일계’의교조적 해석을 토대로 천황을 일본국의‘원수로 재규정함으로써 전후 국가체제에 변화를 시도하려는 입장으로 분화되기 시작했음을 보여줌을 확인 하였다. This paper examines the varied opinions of Japanese conservative camp on issues of the royal succession comprising an amendment of the Imperial Household Law to allow females to inherit the throne and the abdication of crown prince since the birth of Prince Hisahito of Akishino on September 6, 2006. The results of examination show the logic of Japanese conservative camp insisting the ‘royal succession in the sole imperial lineage of males’ remains effective in the Japanese society. Secondly, the opinions of Japanese conservative camp were found on the two different standpoints. The one advocates the post-war national system united and based on the ’symbolic emperor’ whereas the other one intends for the new national system with the Japanese King redefined as a sovereign based on the dogmatic interpretation of the tradition of ‘banseiittkei(万世一系)’.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        의료화된 건강과 해피 드러그(happy drug)의 탄생

        박삼헌(Park, Sam-Hun) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2018 한국학연구 Vol.65 No.-

        본고에서는 근대 일본의 의료화된 ‘건강’, 그중에서도 여성의 성역할에 기초한 건강과 해피 드러그(happy drug)의 관계를 고찰하였다. 구체적으로는 여성의 일생과 의료화 과정을 분석하는 사회문화사적 관점에서 1893년부터 현재까지 125년 동안 판매되고 있는 일본의 대표적인 여성용 자양강장제 Chujoto(中將湯, 이하 주조토)의 광고를 분석하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 주조토는 ‘자궁병 혈도증’으로 고생하는 부인, 즉 성인 여성을 대상으로 판매를 시작하였다. 이는 ‘혈도’로 대표되는 한방의 여성 신체관과 ‘자궁병’으로 대표되는 서양 근대 의학의 여성 신체관이 공존하는 메이지 20년대의 특징이 반영된 결과였다. 하지만 1906년 3월 3일 이후 주조토는 더 이상 ‘자궁병 혈도’만을 강조하지 않고, 이를 다른 증상들과 병렬적으로 배치하는 광고를 하게 되었다. 이것은 1910년대 이후 여성의 건강을 바라보는 사회의 시선이 변화된 결과이기도 하였다. 둘째, 1910년대 이후, 주조토를 일상적으로 복용하는 행위는 “부인이 젊음을 되찾는 법”으로 선전되었다. 그리고 여기에서 ‘부인이 젊음’을 되찾는 것은 ‘청춘의 건강미’가 아니라 ‘여성미’를 되찾는 것을 의미하였다. 이것은 주조토의 판매 전략이 더 이상 ‘자궁병 혈도’ 치료제에 있지 않고, ‘건강 연령을 젊게 유지할 수 있는 약’, 즉 해피 드러그의 성격에 있음을 명확히 보여준다. 셋째, 주조토는 ‘제국 일본’의 확장에 따라 식민지 타이완과 조선은 물론이고, 중국(상하이 · 우한[武漢] · 텐진[天津] · 베이징)과 베트남(하노이)까지도 판로를 개척하였다. 이런 의미에서 주조토는 ‘제국 일본’을 배경으로 탄생한 근대 동아시아의 여성용 해피 드러그라 할 수 있다. The present study investigated medicalized ‘health’ of modern Japan, especially, the relationship between health and happy drug based on the gender role of female. Specifically, the present study analyzed advertisements of Chujoto (中將湯), which is a representative Japanese nutritional tonic for women that has been sold for 125 years from 1893 to the present, from a sociocultural perspective that analyzes women’s lifetime and the process of medicalization. The results were as follows. First, Chujoto began to be sold to married women, i.e., adult women, who suffered from ‘Sikyubyou Chinomichi(子宮病血の道)’. It is the results of reflecting the characteristics of Meiji 20s during which both perspectives of Chinese medicine on women’s body represented by ‘Chinomichi(血の道)’ and modern Western medicine coexisted. Since March 3, 1906, however, Chujoto does not emphasize ‘Chinomichi(血の道)’ only anymore but advertised in parallel with other symptoms. It was also the result of changes in the society’s view on women since the 1910s. Second, since the 1910s, the behavior of routinely taking Chujoto was advertised as “a method for women to recover youth”. In addition, the recovery of ‘women’s youth’ here meant ‘the feminine beauty’ rather than healthy beauty of youth. It clearly shows that the sales strategy is no longer on the medicine for ‘Chinomichi(血の道)’, but on ‘medicine that can maintain healthy age young’, i.e., the nature of happy drug. Third, Chujoto pioneered markets not only in colonial Taiwan and Joseon but also in China (Shanghai, Wuhan, Tianjin, Beijing) and Vietnam (Hanoi) following the expansion of ‘Imperial Japan’. In this sense, Chujoto can be considered as a happy drug for women in modern East Asia born against the backdrop of ‘Imperial Japan’.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 일본의 보수주의 언론과 한국 인식 : 『쇼쿤(諸君)!』의 한국 관련 기사를 중심으로

        박삼헌(Park, Sam-Hun) 일본사학회 2020 일본역사연구 Vol.51 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analyze articles about South Korea published in 『Shokun!』. First, most of these articles were critical of the liberal camp s perception of South Korea of the time. In other words, the perception of South Korea was framed in Cold War ideology. However, as noted in preceding studies, the articles were not intended to propagate an outright campaign against Communism and anti-North Korea sentiment, but the two contrasting perspectives co-existed. One perspective was to stress the importance of realistic economic assistance rather than the Japanese government s contrition and apology over its colonial rule in establishing new, friendly relations between Japan and South Korea (Okazaki), while the other perspective was to prioritize the self-reflection over colonial rule and discrimination against South Koreans from a historical dimension rather than political and economic assistance (Honda). Second, the perception of South Korea was consumed by Cold War ideology, but it did not “negate” nor “affirm” the existence of North Korea. As opposed to the perspective of 『Sekai』 s in 「Interview with Kim Il Sung」, this was the result of the conservative magazine 『Shokun!』 s faithful adherence to its editorial policy of retaining a ‘cool’ perspective by distancing from the illusion of North Korea. As mentioned above, the conservative magazine 『Shokun!』 strived to pursue so-called liberalism without bias to the right or left of extremism to seek a breakthrough in the bilateral relationship between Japan and South Korea during the 1970s. However, two opposing perspectives on South Korea were drawn by the magnet of Cold War ideology and coexisted: one view was the perception of South Korea with an emphasis on of contrition and apology over colonial rule, and the other view was perceiving it otherwise. However, such coexistence ended in the 1980s when the controversy over Japanese history textbook revisions moved beyond the borders of Japan and South Korea to become an international issue.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 도쿄의 제도(帝都) 부흥계획 수립과정

        박삼헌(Park Sam-hun) 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 2011 아시아문화연구 Vol.24 No.-

        제도부흥계획은 도쿄의 재건을 ‘제도부흥’으로 볼 것이지 아니면 ‘도쿄복구’로 볼 것이지를 둘러싼 치열한 정치투쟁 과정을 거쳐서 수립되었다. 고토심페이(後藤新平)의 제도부흥론과 이토 미요지(伊東巳代治)의 도쿄복구론이 그것이다. 제1차 세계대전 이후 세계 5대 강국으로 성장한 ‘대일본제국’의 국격을 배경으로 하여, 고토의 제도부흥론이 그 국격에 걸 맞는 ‘제도(帝都)’의 인프라 구축을 지향했다면, 이토의 도쿄복구론은 그 국격에 걸 맞는 ‘신민(臣民)’의 권리 확보를 지향했다. 그리고 이러한 정치적?경제적 대립은 유권자의 투표를 의식할 수밖에 없는 의회라는 공간에서 보다 첨예하게 발생했다. 정우회가 단독으로 정부안을 수정한 정우회안을 통과시킨 제47회 임시의회는 바로 그러한 공간이었다. Reconstructing the imperial capital was established through the process of a fierce political struggle involving the matter as to whether reconstruction of Tokyo would be considered either as ‘reconstructing the imperial capital’ or as ‘Tokyo restoration’. A theory of reconstructing the imperial capital by Shimpei Goto and that of Tokyo restoration by Miyozi Ito are included in above-mentioned categories. And this confrontation was taken place more sharply at a space called the Diet where electoral voting should be considered with priority. 47th extraordinary session where Seiyukai bill that was revised from the government bill solely by Seiyukai had been passed was the very space as mentioned hereinabove.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 근대화 산업유산과 도시재생-도미오카 제사장과 실크산업 유산군을 중심으로-

        박삼헌 ( Park Sam-hun ) 한국일어일문학회 2018 日語日文學硏究 Vol.106 No.2

        本稿は、2014年4月に日本の「近代化産業遺産」としてははじめてUNESCO世界文化遺産に登載された富岡製絲場と絹産業遺産群を通じて日本の近代化産業遺産と都市再生の關係を考察したことである。まず、富岡市が1972年に開催した「日本近代産業發祥100年祭」をきっかけで、富岡製絲場が非西歐圈で唯一に「近代化」に成功した國家というプロパガンダ一が投影された最初の「近代化遺産」として認識される過程を確認した。また、富岡製絲場の保存をめぐる富岡市と片倉工業社の對立、そして世界遺産登錄のための「街つくり」 計畵推進と地域住民の積極的な參與及び協力は核心的觀点から分析されてきた日本の街つくりとは、その內容が全く異なる、むしろ官よりも住民が歷史的公共性をもって私的所有權者を壓迫して推進された、所謂官民一體型の街つくりの事例であることを確認した。 This study investigated the relationship between modern age industrial heritage and urban regeneration in Japan through Tomioka Silk Mill and related sites (富岡製絲場と絹産業遺産群) registered in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites for the first time as a ‘modern age industrial heritage’ of Japan in April 2014. First, this study investigated the process in which with the ‘Centenary Celebration for the Conception of Japanese Modern Industry’ held by Tomioka City in 1972 as a momentum, Tomioka Silk Mill became perceived as the first ‘modernized heritage’ in which the propaganda that Japan was the only country that succeeded in ‘modernization’ in the non-Western world was reflected. In addition, this study found out that it was an example of the so-called Machizukuri by the united efforts of officials and people, promoted as the residents rather pressed the right of private ownership, just as good as the government, using historical publicness as a weapon, judging from the characteristics, totally different from the contents of Machizukuri in Japan, which has been analyzed from the innovative perspective, such as the conflict between Tomioka City and Katakura Industries surrounding the preservation of the Tomioka Silk Mill, the promotion of a plan for ‘Machizukuri’ to register it as a world heritage and the active participation and cooperation of the local residents.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        2015년 일본, 또 다른 역사교육의 도전

        박삼헌(Park Sam Hun) 역사비평사 2015 역사비평 Vol.- No.111

        This paper introduces and analyzes the ‘Textbook of History Education of Manabisya(?び?) Middle School’ which passed the textbook screening system on April 6th 2015 in Japan. The textbook resurrected descriptions of comfort women mobilized for the Japanese military during World War II that had disappeared for 4 years since the texbook screening in 2011. Results of the analysis are summarized as follows. First, different from the lawsuits of Lenaga Saburo against the Japanese Ministry of Education that refused censorship of the government, the ‘Textbook of History Education of Manabisya Middle School’ is an another way of practicing history education in the face of ‘censorship’. reflects the sense of crisis of teachers who have encountered ceaseless challenges against textbooks of history education from the standpoint of Revisionism of History Education since 2000. Second, the viewpoint of descriptions in the ‘Textbook of History Education of Manabisya Middle School’ is one of pacifism, globalism including East Asia, and views of the weak. In this respect, the ‘Textbook of History Education of Manabisya Middle School’ inherits the critical standpoint of history recognition which is consistent with the movement of Japanese history education since the end of the World War II.

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