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        선박의 통항 안전성 향상을 위한 항로정보 서비스 방식의 개선 방안 연구

        박병문,오세웅,정민,최윤수 한국해양경찰학회 2019 한국해양경찰학회보 Vol.9 No.2

        The Korean Maritime Safety Act establishes and operates Ships’ Routeing Systems that specifies the route, speed, and other matters related to the navigation of vessels. This is based on Regulation 10 (Ships’ Routeing), Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and the “General Provisions on Ships’ Routeing” of the International Maritime Organization. The Ships’ Routeing Systems in Korea includes contents such as designation and patrol of the route, and the information on the route is published in the form of a notice by the Regional Office of Oceans and Fisheries. However, it is provided in textual format including coordinate information, which causes problems like the effective use, management and patrol of the route. In this study, we analyzed the present status and technical problems of the provision of the Ships’ Routeing Information and proposed a plan to improve the concept of the Ships’ Routeing Information Integration Service based on the Geo-spatial information technology. 우리나라 「해사안전법」은 선박이 통항하는 항로, 속력 및 그 밖에 선박 운항에 관한 사항을 지정하는 항로지정방식을 제정·운영하고 있는데, 이는 「해상에서의 인명안전을 위한 국제협약(SOLAS 협약)」제5장 제10조에 따른 항로지정 방식 및 국제해사기구(IMO)의 「선박항로에 관한 일반규정」에 근거를 두고 있다. 우리나라의 항로지정방식에는 항로를 지정·고시, 순찰 등의 내용이 수록되어 있으며, 항로에 관한 정보는 지방해양수산청에서 고시 형태로 공표하고 있다. 그러나 서술식 표현과 좌표 형식으로 제공되고 있어서 항로의 이용, 관리, 순찰 등을 효과적으로 수행하는 데 한계를 가지고 있다. 이 논문에서는 이러한 문제 해결을 위해 항로정보 제공의 현황과 기술적 한계를분석하고 공간정보 기술을 기반으로 한 항로정보 통합 서비스 개념의 개선방안을 제안하고자 한다. 이를 위해, 현재 우리나라의 항로정보 현황과 문제점을 분석하고 항로에 관한 정보가 항해자뿐만 아니라 관리자, 순찰, 어민 등에게 제공될 수 있도록하기 위한 법적 근거의 필요성과 방안을 제시하고, 항로정보가 다양한 이용자에게효과적으로 제공될 수 있도록 특별 간행물의 제작 방안을 찾아보고, 또한 국제수로기구에서 개발한 공간정보 표준인 S-100 표준을 기반으로 하는 항로정보 통합 서비스 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 이 연구에서 제시된 기술에 대한 연구가 이어지고 항로정보 통합 서비스가 실현된다면, 항로의 이용, 관리뿐만 아니라 해상교통안전을 위한중요한 정보로 활용될 수 있을 것이라고 판단된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        해양조사 기술 동향지 발간현황 및 개선방안 연구

        박병문,장은미,김지원,홍선희,이현욱 한국수로학회 2022 한국수로학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        해양조사는 2020년 2월 제정된 「해양조사와 해양정보 활용에 관한 법률」에서 선박의 교통안전, 해양의 보전․이용․개발 및 해양관할권의 확보 등에 이용할 목적으로 실시하는 해양관측, 수로측량 및 해양지명조사를 말한다고 정의하고 있다. 대부분 해상에서 선박 등을 이용하여 수행하는 해양조사는 멀티빔 음향측심기 등 첨단 조사장비를 사용하여야 하기 때문에 특수한 분야라고 할 수 있다. 해양조사 자료는 선박운항에 직접 사용되기 때문에 자료취득, 자료분석 그리고 해도 등 항해용 간행물 제작 모든 공정이 국제 기준에 부합하여야 한다. 특히 국제수로기구(IHO, International Hydrographic Organization)는 수로측량, 해도제작 등에 대한 국제 기준을 관장하여 전세계 항해용 간행물의 신뢰성을 높이기 위한 노력을 하고 있다. 우리나라는 국립해양조사원을 중심으로 IHO에서 추진하고 있는 범용수로데이터모델 개발, IHO 인증 교육훈련 등에 적극 참여하고 있다. 한국해양조사협회에서 2019년부터 해양조사 기술에 대한 IHO의 표준화 동향과 각국의 노력 그리고 해양조사 관련 국제저널 등의 기고문 등을 국내 해양조사기술자들에게 알리기 위한 ‘해양조사 기술동향지’ 발간 사업을 추진하고 있다. 본 연구는 그간의 해양조사 기술동향지 발간 내용을 살펴보고 향후 발전방향을 찾아보고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        전자항해서지에 관한 기초연구: 법제도를 중심으로

        박병문,최윤수,정민,허성욱,김나은 한국수로학회 2022 한국수로학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        With the entry into force of the “Act on marine research and the use of marine information” in February 2020, the content of nautical publications that serve the safety of shipping traffic will be redefined. Nautical publications are essential for the safe operation of ships and refer to nautical charts, electronic navigational charts, and ocean passage pilots, which are produced according to the standards of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). Nautical charts and electronic navigational charts are produced in the form of drawings, while ocean passage pilots are traditionally produced in book form. The IHO has developed the S-100 standard, a general hydrographic data model that can integrate digital nautical publications and electronic navigational charts, and is in the process of developing product standards for each field (Baek Yong, 2018). However, compared to electronic navigational charts, there is a lack of interest in developing standards for digital nautical publications, and in this situation, the United Kingdom and the United States independently provide digital nautical publications. This study examines cases of foreign digital nautical publications and develops directions for the development and service of digitalization in Korea based on the current status of domestic and foreign legal systems.

      • 퇴행성 슬관절염의 체중부하 X-선소견의 의의

        박병문,강응식 최신의학사 1977 最新醫學 Vol.20 No.8

        The knee joint is one of large joints which is related to weight bearing. When degenerative arthritis of the knee develops, the normal physiologic biomechanics of the knee can be transformed to pathomechanics as a causes of- disability and angular deformity. Attention is directed to pathomechanical abnormalities of the degenerative knee, especially of angular deformity with radiogram being taken in the standing weight bearing position comparing with routine non-weight bearing radiogram. The purpose of the study was to investigate some significant evidence of weight bearing roentgenogram. The case material consisted of forty knees of degenerative arthritis in thirty one patients. Roentgenograms were taken with antero-posterior projection of the knee in the non-weight bearing and weight bearing positions. The femoro-tibial angle was compared the non-weight bearing with the weight bearing roentgenogram of the same knee. Thirty two of total forty knee were observed increased angular deformity in the weight bearing roentgenograms, eighteen with varus and fourteen with valgus deformity. It is to be expected weight bearing antero-posterior roentgenogram will be valuable for part of the routine roentgenographic examination of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

      • KCI등재후보

        해저면 피복도 제작을 위한 법제도 현황분석

        박병문,김진수,강호윤,김나은,황창수,정승은,김연수 한국수로학회 2022 한국수로학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        Recently, the interest in the utilization of marine space, marine resources and marine environment is constantly increasing, and the government is enacting new laws and preparing relevant national policies, such as marine ecosystem protection, marine environment protection and marine space planning. In order to scientifically promote policies such as marine ecosystem protection, the spatial characteristics of the sea must be systematically studied and classified. In the European Union, a marine habitat map was created in the 1990s, and in Korea, the Ministry of Environment took the lead in creating a land cover map for the land area in 1998. This study examined the conditions required for the use of information on the spatial nature of the oceans by examining the current status of laws and regulations governing the production of seabed cover maps. First, quantitative information is needed for licenses and permits such as landfills, aquaculture licenses, marine rock collection, etc., when preparing consultations on marine land use and environmental impact assessments under the "Act on conservation and utilization of the marine environment." The basis for marine maps was insufficient, and second, in the field of marine ecosystem assessment and marine ecology mapping under the "Conservation And Management Of Marine Ecosystems Act", spatial information infrastructure such as marine maps was not established to realize the national baseline plan. confirmed. Third, although the legal basis for marine spatial information preparation and marine spatial management, such as marine spatial feature assessment and marine utilization zone designation, has been prepared in accordance with the "ACT ON MARINE SPATIAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT", no specific measures for marine spatial information preparation and utilization have been elaborated. The preparation and research part is considered insufficient. The government is preparing the legal and institutional basis for the protection of marine ecosystems, marine environment and marine spatial planning for systematic management of the ocean. Follow-up studies are needed for the concrete implementation of this national policy, such as the preparation of seabed maps and detailed marine ecology maps.

      • 혈행성 화농성 관절염 및 골수염 치료를 위한 Augmentin의 임상적 효과

        박병문 대한화학요법학회 1987 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        The clinical efficacy of Augmentin in the treatment of hematogenous pyogenic arthritis and osteomyelitis was evaluated in 23 patients. Group Ⅰ, acute infections, consisted of 6 cases of osteomyelitis and 2 of arthritis, Group Ⅱ, chronic osteomyelitis, had 10 cases, while Group Ⅲ, recurrent osteomyelitis, had 5 cases. Augmentin was administered intravenously for 2 days postoperative, and then orally until the infection appeared to subside and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate returned to norma. The drug produced no negative side effects. The clinical results of the study lead to the conclusion that Augmentin is a efficient antibiotics in the treatment of bone and joint infections.

      • 多發性 骨髓腫 1例

        朴炳文,金鍾燦,李有福,崔龍萬,尹世玉 中央醫學社 1967 中央醫學 Vol.13 No.5

        A case of -multiple myeloma is reported in view of the rarity of its kind in Korea. The case was a 60 year old man who has complained of a mass of the left chest wall. He was operated under the diagnosis of the hemangioma on the chest. But the demonstration of plasma cell in the biopsy specimen of mass was made the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Then after, x-ray examination revealed multiple punched out lesion in the skull and the bone marrow aspiration revealed many plasma cells. But Bence-Jones protein in the urine was not found. A review of the literatures were done.

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