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      • 러시아 쿠릴열도의 영토정치학

        박벨라 한국이사부학회 2014 이사부와 동해 Vol.7 No.-

        러시아와 일본 간 영토분쟁의 본질은 러시아가 실효지배 하는 몇몇 섬들에 대 해 일본이 영유권을 주장하는 것이다. 쿠릴열도라 불리는 이 섬들은 지리적으로 캄차카에서 홋카이도에 이르는 일단의 섬을 말한다. 일본이 말하는 북방영토에는 4개의 섬, 즉 쿠나쉬르, 이투루프, 시코탄, 하보마이가 포함되고, 일본은 이 섬들이 자국의 4번째 섬인 홋카이도에 속하는 것으로 보고 있다. 따라서 일본이 소위 북 방영토의 일본 반환을 요구하는 것은 위 4개 섬 모두를 돌려달라는 말이다. 러시아는 아시아의 현 상태가 유지되길 바란다는 점에서 중국, 한국 등과 입장 이 같다. 이 두 나라 역시 2차 세계대전의 결과가 바뀌는 것을 원치 않는다. 일본 이 영유권을 주장하며 다케시마라고 부르는 독도 문제 역시 한국과 일본 간의 삐 걱대는 관계의 원인이 되었다. 즉, 독도는 한국의 남쿠릴열도라 할 수 있다. 일본 의 독도 및 쿠릴열도, 팽호도(중국), 파라셀군도(베트남) 영유권 주장은 샌프란시스 코 강화조약 제2조를 간접적으로 부정하는 것이고 따라서 일본의 국제법 상의 의 무에 직접적으로 반하는 것이다. 또한 일본은 2차 대전 이후 확립된 이웃국가들의 영토에 대해 영토 주장을 함으로서 2차 대전의 법적, 정치적 결과들을 무시하고 있다. 모든 국가들은 이웃이자 역내 파트너들이며 우호 관계 강화에 관심을 기울 이고 있다. 모든 국가들에게 영토문제는 민감한 문제이며, 이들은 인접국과의 모 든 분쟁에 있어 영토 획정 문제의 수용 가능한 해결은 해당국의 주권과 영토보전 을 해치지 않는 것이어야 한다 는 기본원칙을 통해 해결하고자 한다. The essence of the territorial problem between Russia and Japan is Japan's claim to a number of islands under Russian jurisdiction. Geographically, these islands, called the Kuriles, represent an island ridge from Kamchatka up to Hokkaido. Into the concept of the northern territories Japan includes 4 islands, i.e. Kunashir, Iturup, Shikotan and Habomai, meaning, in the latter case, a group of islands under the fourth island. Hence, it follows that the Japanese request for the transfer of the "northern territoriesto Japan sounds as though they are requesting the return of 4 islands I would like to say that in her aspiration for preservation of the status quo in Asia Russia has allies, among them China, South Korea, who are also not interested in the revision of results of the World War II. Tokto islands, which also claimed by Japan, who calls them Takeshima, and became the reason of sharpening of relations between Korea and Japan, could be called Korean Southern Kuril islands. The Japanese claims on Tokto, as well as on Kuril islands , Penhuledao (Peoples Republic of China) and Paracel islands (Vietnam) are in direct conflict with international obligations of Japan since they mean indirect denouncement of 2nd clause of the San-Francisco peace treaty. Except for that Japan by her claims for territories of neighbouring states, established after the World War II, ignores its legal and political results. All countries are neighbours and regional partners and interested in strengthening of friendship relations. For all countries territorial questions are very sensitive and they aspire to settle all disputable issues with neighbouring states proceeding from the idea that acceptable solving of a problem of boundary demarcation should not cause damage to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.

      • KCI등재

        박 보리스의 생애와 한국학 연구

        박벨라보리소브나 ( Bella B. Pak ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2013 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.29

        This article attempts to describe the life and activity of the outstanding scientist of Korean studies Boris Dmitrievich Pak, major milestones of his career in science, shaping him as a scholar, an important focus of his research, the most important works. assess his contribution to Korean studies, to the forming the new generation of scientists, his social activities, to show his place in the domestic and the international scientific community, to tell about a time when he had to live and work, the difficulties that he as a son of the “enemy of the people” and a representative of the repressed people had to overcome. The author also wanted in addition to the analysis of B. D. Pak ‘s works to help to get to know him, to reveal some features of his personality, human side, based on her personal experiences. The article describes the childhood years, deportation, education in the Central State University, postgraduate studies, the first monograph. It described period after the move to Moscow and work at the Institute of Oriental Studies, analyzes his main works. The author gives the characteristic of the school of B. D. Pak, his international and social activities. Boris D. Pak was born on January 4th, 1931 in Vladivostok, in the family of Pak Dynnen and Choi Yon Ai. In 1937, his father was arrested “as a Japanese spy” and shot. He was posthumously rehabilitated in 1958. Boris’s family survived the deportation of the Korean population in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Being a “son of an enemy of the people” B. D. Pak from the early years experienced enormous hardships, was forced to do hard physical labor. But despite this he graduated from high school with honors in 1950 and joined the faculty of the Eastern Central Asian State University in Tashkent, as a history major. Already during his studies at the university he showed a great aptitude for scientific research. He took part in student conferences. His paper on the Japanese Communist Party in 1954, was published in the proceedings of the students. The collection opened with his article. Undoubted leadership qualities, excellent achievements in learning, talent, and a great capacity for work soon attracted attention and he was elected leader of the Young Communist League. After graduating with honors in 1956, B. D. Pak worked as a teacher of history and director of the school № 13 with the famous collective farm “Polar Star” in Middle-Chirchik district of Tashkent region. In 1962, Boris D. Pak enrolled in postgraduate studies at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V. I. Lenin. This became possible with the death of Stalin, when for the Koreans in Central Asia and Kazakhstan the restrictions on studying and living outside the Central Asian republics were eased. In 1965 he defended his Ph. D. thesis “The liberation struggle of the Korean people on the eve of the First World War.” In 1967, it was published by the publishing house “Science”. After finishing graduate school, B. D. Pak was sent as a lecturer in the history of the East to Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute. The most prolonged and intense “Siberian period” in the scientific activities of Boris Pak began. In September 1968, Boris Dmitrievich received academic rank of assistant professor and was elected Dean of the Faculty of History. In 1972, B. D. Pak enrolled in doctoral studies at Moscow State Pedagogical University, and in 1974 he defended his doctoral thesis on “Russia and Korea in the middle of XIX - early XX century.” After that, he was elected chair of World History. In 1977 he was awarded the title of professor. He becomes the leading scientist in Siberia on Korea and East Asia. B. D. Pak is the author of over 200 scientific papers. His writings on the history of Russian-Korean relations, the history of Russian Koreans recognized classic, translated into many languages. Boris D. Pak is the founder of the trend in Korean Studies - History of Russian-Korean relations. His book “Russia and Korea” examines Russia's policy in Korea, the Russian-Korean relations since their inception in the thirteenth century until the annexation of Korea in 1910. A major landmark in his work since the mid 90's was the study of Korean anti-Japanese national liberation movement. On this issue he wrote his monographs, “the March First Movement in 1919 in Korea through the eyes of a Russian diplomat (1997)”(in collaboration with Pak Thegyn) and “The Recompence in the Harbin Railway Station”(1998) - the first monographic study of the An Junggeun. The name Boris Dmitrievich Pak linked with the development of the history of Russian Koreans as a scientific discipline. On this issue in the second half of the 90's he published the books: “The Koreans in the Russian Empire”(1994), “Koreans in Soviet Russia”(1995). They first examined the history of Korean immigration to the Russian Empire since the 50's XIX century up to 1937. From October 1999 until his death on December 24, 2012 B. D. Pak worked in the Department of Korea and Mongolia of the Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences. In creative terms, these years have been extremely fruitful in the life of B. D. Pak. Written with Ninkolay F. Bugai the book “140 years in Russia. Essay on the history of Russian Koreans”(Moscow, 2004), dedicated to the 140 anniversary of the resettlement of Koreans in Russia, has been translated into Korean and became one of the most important works on the history of Russian Koreans. In 2006, Boris Dmitrievich Pak has published the book “USSR, the Communist International and the Korean liberation movement. 1918~1925”. B. D. Pak is the founder of the series of monographs “Russian Koreans” dedicated to outstanding representatives of the diaspora of Russian Koreans. He is the author-compiler and editor of books in this series(“Kim Mangym”, “Khan Myonse”, “Lee Bomjin”, “140 years in Russia”(in co. with N.F. Bugai), “Kim Pen Hwa”, “Alexandra Kim-Stankevich”, “Choi Jaehyen”, “Russian Koreans struggle for the independence of Korea. 1905~1919”, “Soviet Koreans in the Great Patriotic War of 1941~1945”). Within this series first appeared detailed biographies of the most prominent representatives of Koreans in prerevolutionary period and Soviet era, including those who have been subjected to repression during the Stalinist era. Great work led B. D. Pak and as archivist. Together with Y. V. Vanin prepared for publication, and was editor of the compiler of collections of documents and materials “Korea through the eyes of Russians, 1895~1945” and “The first news about Korea. 1675~1884”. B. D. Pak contributed greatly to the scientific training of historians. Under his leadership, 12 candidates and doctors of history were prepared. B. D. Pak contributed to the development and emergence in Russia, Korea, Japan and China of publications, which have based their approaches on the principles laid down by him. Attention to historical sources, the highest professionalism in their study are a distinctive feature of his research school. B. D. Pak created the International Centre for Asian Studies at the Irkutsk State Pedagogical University, that become one of the most famous centers for the study of Asia in Siberia. He developed the International relations of Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute with foreign research centers. He directed five international conferences with the participation of eminent scientists. As the editor published 12 issues of “Bulletin of the International Centre for Asian Studies IGPU.” B. D. Pak has worked hard to establish scientific cooperation between scientific institutions of Russia and South Korea. He is the Member of the National Institute study of national history(Kuksa phyonch'an wiwonhve) and “outstanding researcher” of the Institute of the independence movement of Independence Memorial(Tonnip kinyomgwan). He was an active participant in international scientific conferences in the Republic of Korea, Japan, Hungary, USA. He was the scientific adviser of documentaries KBC(Yoksa Special). B. D. Pak actively cooperated and helped Korean organizations abroad, was honorary president of the Korean Association of Irkutsk. He led an active social and political work. Elected to the Council of the city of Irkutsk, he was a brilliant lecturer in international studies. Scientific and public activity of B. D. Pak was highly appreciated both at home and abroad. He was the first Russian Korean who was awarded the title “Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation”(1992), member of the Academy of Humanities(1995), was awarded the “Friendship” order, medals of the Russian Federation, Mongolia and the Republic of Korea. Interest in the works of B. D. Pak continues unabated even after his death. In 2011, Seoul “Russia and Korea”, translated into Korean, and in September “Soviet Koreans in the Great Patriotic War” were published. In October 2012 the book “An Junggeun - National Hero of Korea” was issued. B. D. Pak can be put on a par with people whose ideas laid the foundation of modern Korean studies. Many scholars of Russian-Korean relations, the Korean national liberation movement, the history of Russian Koreans call him their spiritual mentor. His great contribution to the development of Korean widely recognized.

      • KCI등재후보

        Activities of the First Russian Diplomat Karl I. Waeber in Korea during the Establishment of Russo-Korean Relations (1885-1888)

        박벨라 ( Bella Borisovna Pak ) 조선대학교 동북아연구소(구 통일문제연구소) 2014 동북아연구 Vol.29 No.2

        이 글은 주한러시아공사 베베르의 초기 활동을 사료 및 공간자료에 근거하여 연구한 것이다. 이를 통해 베베르공사가 한러관계 수립, 한국에서 러시아의 지위 강화 및 1884년 한러수호조약 체결과 그 준비를 위한 한러교섭의 증대를 위해 어떤 노력을 기울였는지를 보여주고자했다. 이 연구는 러시아문서관에서 발굴한 사료를 활용함으로써, 수호조약 체결을 둘러싼 교섭과정과 수호조약의 주요조항들 그리고 한러수호조약(1884.7.25) 체결이전에 러시아령으로 이주해간 한인들의 권리와 러시아 시민권 획득을 결정할 당시 봉착한 어려움 등에 대한 역사들을 세밀하게 묘사하고 있다. 이에 한러관계와 19세기말 러시아의 대한정책에 대한 새로운정보들을 우리에게 제공하고 있다. This paper studies diplomatic activities and views of Russian diplomat Karl Ivanovich Waeber during the early stages of his service in Korea based on archival and published sources. It shows his personal contribution to the establishment of the Russo-Korean relations, strengthening of Russia’s position in Korea, expansion of Russo-Korean contacts during the preparation and signing of the Russo-Korean treaty of 1884. Retrieved from the records obtained from the Russian archives, this paper describes in detail the history of Russian-Korean negotiations upon the conclusion of the treaty, the main provisions of the signed treaty and the difficulties faced by K.I. Waeber when deciding on the rights of Koreans who migrated to Russia before the signing of the first Russian-Korean Treaty June 25, 1884 and took Russian citizenship. It provides us with unique information about the development of Russo-Korean relations and Russian policy in Korea at the end of the XIXth century.

      • KCI등재

        대한 애국자 안중근의 영웅적 의거에 대한 러시아에서의 반향

        박벨라(Park, Bella) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2020 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.69

        하얼빈 역에서의 안중근의 영웅적 의거는 러시아에서 광범한 반향을 일으켰다. 러시아 신문은 하얼빈 사건을 상세히 보도하였다. 그에 대한 평가와 강조점은 각 신문의 정치적 정향에 따라 구별되었다. 안중근이 하얼빈에서 행한 영웅적 의거와 관련해 나온 러시아 자료들을 연구하면, 그 결과 그것들을 몇 가지 그룹으로 나눌 수 있다. 첫 번째 그룹에 들어가는 것이 러일전쟁에서 러시아가 패배한 후 러일관계의 정상화에 이해관계를 가진 러시아 관영 신문들의 자료로서, 이토 히로부미의 사살을 비난하고 일본 정부에 공감을 표시하였다. 두 번째 그룹의 자료를 구성하는 것이 자유주의적 성향의 신문(『거래소 공보』, 『말』)에 있는 기사들로, 이토가 한국에서 구현한 정책을 비판적으로 언급하였다. 세 번째 그룹에 해당하는 것이 진보적이고 민주적인 러시아 신문들(『동방의 여명』, 『새로운 삶』, 『머나먼 변방』 등)의 기사들로, 이들은 일본이 한국에서 집행한 식민지 정책을 비판하고 그 정책의 주창자로 이토 히로부미를 지목하였으며, 안중근의 의거에 대해 큰 공감을 표현하면서 그의 하얼빈 저격이 한국의 자유와 독립을 위한 한국 애국자들의 투쟁이 강화되는 신호탄이 되기를 기대하였다. 이외에 별개 그룹을 형성하는 것이 군부의 이해관계를 반영하는 신문(『장교 생활』)의 기사들이며, 이들은 한국과 중국에서 도쿄의 군사력이 증강되는 현실을 러시아의 원동 영토에 대한 심각한 위협으로 간주하면서 경계심과 불안감으로 일본을 대했다. 이토 히로부미와 V.N. 코콥쪼프의 만남의 목적 및 있었을 법한 그 결과에 대한 신문 지면에서의 논의는 북만주의 철도문제에 대한 일본 정치가들의 관심을 밝혀냈다. 하얼빈 사건과 그 결과들에 대한 기사는 원동에서 발행되는 신문들에서 가장 많이 발견된다. 거기에는 안중근이 하얼빈에 도착한 후에 했던 이토 히로부미 사살 준비작업 및 저격 순간이 자세하게 묘사되어 있다. 또한 지면에 안중근의 뤼순 감옥에서의 생활과 예심, 그의 전기, 그의 재판에 관해 기술되었고, 안중근의 법정 최후 진술 전문과 처형 기록도 게재되었다. The paper describes the reaction in Russia on the heroic deed of the Korean patriot An Junggeun and the assessment in accordance with the political direction of each individual press organ (from progressive or liberal to conservative). The author is studying the reaction of Russian official, military circles, a moderately liberal press, a progressive democratic public opinion, Koreans living in Russia on the Kharbin incident. The paper for the first time analyzes the objectives of Ito Hirobumi’s trip to Kharbin, various versions of what results it could have. The coverage of the patriotic act of Ahn Junggeun and its consequences in newspapers published in the Russian Far East examined. The materials on Ahn Junggeun’s stay in a Port Arthur prison, a preliminary investigation of his behavior in court, and his execution illiminated in Russian and Korean newspapers published in the Far East are examined. A study of Russian materials published in connection with the heroic deed of Ahn Junggeun in Kharbin allows us to draw the following conclusions. The materials of the Russian official press, that in the interest of normalizing relations between Russia and Japan after the defeat of Russia in the war of 1904-1905, shows that it condemned the assassination of Ito Hirobumi and expressed sympathy for the Japanese government. The liberal press agencies (Birzhevye Vedomosti, Vedomosti, Speech) made critical remarks about Ito’s policy in Korea. Progressive democratic Russian newspapers (Vostochnaya Zarya, Novaya Zhizn’, Dal’nevostochnaya okraina, etc.) criticized Japanese colonial policy in Korea and the main conductor of this policy, Ito Hirobumi, and expressed great sympathy for the patriotic deed of Ahn Junggeun, expressing hope that his shots in Harbin will serve as a signal to intensify the struggle of Korean patriots for the freedom and independence of Korea. A separate group consists of newspaper publications representing the interests of military circles (Officerskaya Zhizn’), which were wary of Japan and concerned about the increased military potential of Tokyo in China and Korea, viewing them as a serious threat to Russian Far Eastern possessions. Discussion on the pages of newspapers of the goals of the Ito Hirobumi and V.N. Kokovtsov’s meeting and its possible results revealed the interest of Japanese statesmen in the railway issue in Northern Manchuria. The events in Kharbin and its consequences were most fully reflected in newspapers published in the Russian Far East. They contain detailed descriptions of preparations for the assassination of Ito Hirobumi after Ahn Junggeun’s arrival in Kharbin, the time of the assassination attempt. It tells about Ahn Junggeun’s stay in Port Arthur prison, the preliminary investigation, biography, trial, the full text of the speech of Ahn Junggeun in court, a description of the execution.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        α1,3-Galactosyltransferase 유전자 좌위에서 Membrane Cofactor Protein을 효과적으로 발현하는 자성 돼지 섬유아세포의 생산

        오건봉,벨라,황성수,옥선아,임석기,진기 韓國受精卵移植學會 2013 한국동물생명공학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        Xenotransplantation of pig organs into primates results in fatal damage, referred as hyperacute rejection (HAR), and acute humoral xenograft rejection (AHXR), to the organ graft mediated by antibodies pre-existing and newly-producing in primates against their cognate pig antigens. Functional ablation of α1,3-galactosyltransferase (Gal-T KO) of pig which is an enzyme involved in synthesis of Gala1-3Galb1-4GlcNAc-R antigen is essentially required to prevent HAR. Moreover, additional genetic modification under Gal-T KO background for enforced expression of human complement regulatory proteins which can inhibits complement activation is known to effectively imped HAR and AHXR. In this study, we constructed a membrane cofactor protein (MCP) expression cassette under control of human EF1α promoter. This cassette was inserted between homologous recombination regions corresponding to Gal-T locus. Subsequently this vector was introduced into ear skin fibroblasts of female pig by nucleofection. We were able to obtained 40 clones by neomycin selection and 4 clones among them were identified as clones targeted into Gal-T locus of MCP expression cassette by long-range PCR. Real time RT-PCR was shown to down-regulation of Gal-T expression. From these results, we demonstrated human EF1α promoter could induce efficient expression of MCP on cell surface of fibroblasts of female pig.

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