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      • UN인권레짐에서 인권 NGO의 역할과 한계

        박미경 ( Mi Kyoung Park ) 순천향대학교 사회과학연구소 2008 사회과학연구 Vol.14 No.2

        Non-Governmental Organizations(NGOs) have exerted a profound influence on the scope and dictates of international human rights field. NGOs have fostered treaties, promoted the creation of new international organizations, and lobbied in national capitals to gain consent to stronger international human rights rules. But in the absence of international NGO law, NGO definition as such, Article 71 of the UN Charter has served de facto as a charter for NGO. The legal capacity of the NGO under Article 71 might be termed a consultation partner. Although Article 71 establishes consultative opportunities for the NGOs grated status by the UN Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC), an individual NGO does not habe a treaty-based rights to be consulted in a particular situation. Article 71 was implemented comprehensively by ECOSOC in 1950 in resolution that was superseded by a new resolution in 1968. In view of practice on consulting NGOs, the main international human rights treaties do contain consultation of some important NGOs. A review of specialized treaties shows incorporation of NGO consultation processed, but the legal duty lacks typically do not enforce authority. However, since there are certain enforcement mechanisms in the international human rights, which are only mostly disorganized and decentralized can also think about possibilities for the enforcement international law toward NGOs. Thus, the best possibility would be the enforcement of international human rights law against NGOs through a system of self-regulation. Certain development in this direction can already be located in some sectors of transnational corporation activities. An enforcement of international legal norms through self-regulatory regimes can include the supervision of the actions of NGOs in a certain human rights filed of activities through self-governed umbrella organization. NGOs that are violating international legal standards could face penalties from umbrella organization and exclusion from concerted actions by NGOs. The advantage of such sectoral, self-contained regimes for NGOs under international human rights law would be the diminished role of States in law enforcement. This could lead to enforcement on a more equal basis and would also prevent a possible abuse of enforcement poser toward NGOs by some States. Thus, the examples of already existing self-regulatory regimes for NGOs on the domestic or regional level can also be regarded as a desirable model in the future for enforcement mechanism international human rights law on the global scene.

      • KCI등재

        국제형사법상 정범 개념의 우리나라 이행법률에의 적용가능성

        박미경(Park, Mi-kyoung) 전북대학교 법학연구소 2019 法學硏究 Vol.59 No.-

        국제형사재판소는 정치적 도구로 전락할 수 있다는 염려를 불식시키기 위하여 승자와 패자를 구별하지 않고 핵심범죄를 저지른 사람들에게 공정한 재판절차를 적용하여 처벌하는 새로운 제도적 장치를 확립하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 그 중 가장 주목할 만한 것은 개인의 형사책임 원칙을 인정하고 있는 것이며 이 형사책임을 적절하게 추궁하기 위하여 국제형사재판소가 ‘범행지배이론’을 도입하여 정범과 공범의 책임을 구별하고 있는 것이다. 국제범죄에 있어 가장 책임 있는 자인 정범을 처벌하고 합당한 책임을 추궁하는 것은 개인의 국제범죄에 대한 억지력의 제고, 범죄피해자에 대한 구제, 범죄행위에 대한 응보, 법과 정의의 원칙에 대한 지지 등이 포함되어 있다. 이와 같은 국제형사재판소의 여러 가지 의의를 고려하여 동 논문에서는 국제형사법상 정범과 공범의 책임 중 가장 책임있는 자인 ‘정범’의 이론적ㆍ실무적 의의에 대하여 분석한다. 이를 위하여 먼저 논의의 전제라고 할 수 있는 정범과 공범을 구별해야 하는 필요성과 중요성에 대해 설명하고 이에 대한 구별기준으로서 ICC가 채택하고 있는 ‘범행지배이론’에 대하여 검토한다. 그리고 ICC규정 제25조 제3항에서 규정하고 있는 정범의 유형과 구성요건을 ICC판례 내용을 분석하면서 제시한다. 마지막으로 개인의 형사책임 추궁과 관련된 우리나라 이행법률의 규정을 분석하고 국제형사법상 정범 개념이 우리나라 이행법률에 미치는 시사점에 대해 고찰한다. The concept of ‘Individual criminal responsibility’ for core international crimes is very important in International Criminal Law. In general, the core crimes of International Criminal Court(ICC) that are regarded as the most serious crimes are hardly committed by an individual independently but committed mainly in organizations. In other words, the characteristics of the core crimes in the international law are that the crimes are committed by a plural number of participants as part of policies of the army or armed groups which are similar to the power of the state or similar powerful organizations. Therefore in order to appropriately interrogate the criminal responsibility of all the participants in the core crimes, it is important to grasp who did what actually in the crime and how the roles and the extents in the crime should be judged. Moreover, since the establishment of the rights judgement criteria is related to whether or not the ‘individual criminal responsibility’ are appropriately realized, it is an important work in the International Criminal Law. This study deals with the evolution of ‘international criminal responsibility’ for core international crimes in international criminal law, especially the responsibility of principal until the present. In this study, I seek to accomplish a goal. It is to construct a general framework for evaluating ‘responsibility of principal’ in International Criminal Law. I deal with a new doctrine - ‘control theory’ which arise from ICC, and apply this framework to ‘control over crime(control theory)’ in ICC. And this study explores the development of ‘control theory’ before ICC. And I note the modes of responsibility of principal - direct perpetrator, co-perpetrator, indirect perpetrator and indirect co-perpetrator- set out in Articles 25(3)(a) of the ICC Statute. And it analyzes the related regulations in the foreign Implementation of the Rome Statute and provides examples of the legal effects when applying them to our Implementation of the Rome Statute. Such a review process shall produce the preferred and appropriate legislative direction and present a model based on it.

      • KCI등재

        De novo Expression of Hepatic UCP3 Is Time-Dependently Related with Metabolic Function in Fenofibrate-Treated High Fat Diet Rats

        Mi-Kyoung Park(박미경),Ah-Young Kang(강아영),Eunhui Seo(서은희),Yeonsoo Joe(조연수),Soojeong Kang(강수정),Sook-Hee Hong(홍숙희),Duk Kyu Kim(김덕규),Hye-Jeong Lee(이혜정) 한국생명과학회 2009 생명과학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        Uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3)는 골격근에서 주로 발현되는 미토콘드리아 단백질이다. 생체의 대사기능에 관여할 것으로 알려져 있지만, 아직 그 역할에 대하여 깊이 연구되어 있지 않다. 최근에 고지혈증 치료제인 페노파이브레이트를 처치한 쥐의 간에서는 UCP3가 새로이 발현 유도된다는 것이 알려졌으며, 본 연구자들은 새로이 발현되는 UCP3가 비만쥐의 지방조직을 감소시키며, 인슐린 감수성을 증가시킨다는 보고를 하였다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 새로이 발현되는 UCP3의 시간에 따른 발현 양상과 대사 기능의 연관 관계를 규명하고자 하였다. 8주령 흰쥐를 두 군으로 나누어, 한 군은 고지방 식이를 실시하고(HF군), 다른 군은 고지방 식이와 페노파이브레이트(HFF군)를 함께 복용토록 하였다. 10주 동안 식이와 약물을 처리하면서 1, 3, 6 주에 간조직을 분석하였으며, 매주 먹이량, 체중, 체온을 측정하였다. 페노파이브레이트에 의하여 간에서 새로이 발현되는 UCP3는 2주부터 시작하여 3, 6주에 아주 높은 발현 양상을 보였다. 두 군 간의 먹이량의 차이는 없는 반면, 페노파이브레이트 처리군에서 6주부터 시작하여 체중증가가 억제되며, 오히려 감소되는 경향을 보였다. 체온은 페노파이브레이트 처리군에서6주부터 상승하기 시작하여, UCP3의 발현에 의한 간에서의 upcoupling 현상에 따른 발열현상으로 추측할 수 있다. 이상의 결과들로 유추해 볼 때, UCP3 발현이 3-6주부터 많은 양이 생성되어 생체의 대사 기능에 영향을 미치며, 이러한 시기와 연관되어 체중, 체온의 변화와 관련이 있는 것으로 생각한다. Uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) is a mitochondrial protein that is expressed predominantly in skeletal muscle. It may play a role in altering metabolic function. However, its major physiological roles are not fully understood. Recently de novo expression of UCP3 in rat liver by fenofibrate was reported. We also reported previously that fenofibrate-induced de novo expression of UCP3 contributes to reduction of adipose tissue in obese rats. In the present study, we investigated that fenofibrate-induced expression of UCP3 in rat liver is related with metabolic function such as body weight and hepatic lipid content by time-dependent manner in high-fat diet rats. Eight-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups; the high fat diet group (HF, n=16) and fenofibrate-treated high fat diet group (HFF, n=16). The mRNA expression of hepatic UCP3 was detected as early as 1 week of fenofibrate treatment by quantitative real-time PCR and the amount of mRNA was increased time-dependently. The mean body weight of the HFF group was significantly less compared with the HF group after 6 weeks of fenofibrate treatment, even though there was no difference of food intake between the two groups. Rectal temperature was increased during 4 to 6 weeks of fenofibrate treatment and body weight was decreased after 6 weeks of treatment. These results were corresponded with the increased amount of the expression of UCP3 mRNA and protein. We suggest that de novo expression of hepatic UCP3 is increased time-dependently with fenofibrate treatment and that the amount of expression is correlated with metabolic function.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        곤충 이미지를 응용한 네일작품 연구

        박미경 ( Mi-kyoung Park ),최화정 ( Hwa-jung Choi ),윤미영 ( Mi-young Yun ),이해영 ( Hae-young Lee ),이정희 ( Jung-hee Lee ) 한국미용학회 2017 한국미용학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to produce of nail-works applying a favorable insect in undergraduate of women`s university. To search their preferable insect, a questionnaire was conducted with 209 undergraduate of women`s university were analyzed using SPSS 18.0. As the results, the 19 years of subject showed 32.5% and 1 class exhibited 50.7%. The frequency of 1, 2, 3 and 4 classes taken nail-care 2-3 times per 1 year was 60.4%, 72.5%, 53.3% and 81.8%, respectively. The most favorable nail-color of whole them was red and wine colors. The 42.1% of whole subjects as the reason taken nail-care was to pursuit beauty. The 38.3% of them exhibited as expense 10,000-20,000 won per 1 time in nail shop and 48.8% of them showed as consideration color matched with skin-color when they select nail-color. The most memorable insects were cricket (23%) and the most favorable insects were butterfly (48.8%). The 58.9% of them responded as pattern, shape and color of insect possessed brilliance as the favorable reason. The most distasteful insects were black beetle (42.5%), spider (14.2%), mosquito (9.2%), centipede (8.7%) and verruca (5.3%), respectively. The 56.5% of them responded as creepy insects as the distasteful reason. The insect of priority to want to see was butterfly (48.8%). The most memorable insects saw or contacted for old times were butterfly (14.6%) and dragonfly (14.1%). Ten insects showed suitable response in nail-art were spider (7.4%), ant (5.9%), butterfly (11.0%), cicada (3.2%), lady beetle (13.2%), firefly (6.4%), stag beetle (4.1%), horned beetle (3.4%), dragonfly (2.8%) and honey bee (8.8%). The selected 10 insect`s nail-works were manufactured by painted directly insect`s image and utilized pork-art using materials of acrylic dye, polish glider and stone. Therefore, this study will contribute to develop various designs by applying insects in nail-art.

      • KCI등재

        가족주의 관점에서 본 KBS<이웃집 찰스>의 이주민 가족 재현 연구

        박미경(Mi-Kyoung Park),이헌율(Hun-Yul Lee) 한국콘텐츠학회 2017 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.17 No.4

        본 연구는 이주민의 미디어 재현 변화를 분석하기 위하여, KBS <이웃집 찰스>에 나타난 새로운 이주민의 재현을 내용분석하였다. <이웃집 찰스>는 지상파 프라임타임 시간대에 편성되어, 안정된 시청률을 보이면서 방송되고 있다. 기존 이주민 프로그램과 비교, <이웃집 찰스>가 재현에서 보이는 차이점은 크게 인구 사회학적으로 다양한 속성의 이주민 출연과 결혼이주남성의 주인공 등장을 들 수가 있다. 차이의 원인을 보면, 최근 이주의 형태가 동남아 결혼여성과 노동자 중심에서 지역적으로 서구 사회를 포함하고 결혼남성이 증가하는 형태로 다양화하고 있다. 이런 변화가 미디어 재현을 부분적으로 견인하고 있다고 본 연구는 발견하였다. <이웃집 찰스>에서 이주민 재현 대상자는 다양해졌지만, 이주민을 한국 전통 문화에 통합되어야 하는 대상으로 간주했던 민족주의적인 특징도 잔존했다. 이주민의 활동을 공적 영역으로 확장시키고, 사회적 차이와 편견에 대한 의견 개진, 한국 전통문화에 대한 비판 등은 이주민의 재현을 긍정적으로 확장시킨다. 동시에, 젠더적인 관점에서 보면, 이주민 가족에서 일어나는 다양한 형태의 문제들이 재현되었지만, 전통적인 가족주의 담론이 문제 해결 수단으로 제시되었다. 정리하면, 본 연구는 이주민과 관련한 사회적 변화와 함께 나타나는 이주민 재현 변화를 분석, 기존 이주민 연구를 보강하고자 한다. This paper analyzed the representation of migrants in television with the example of KBS‘s My Neighbor, Charles. This primetime TV show with consistent popularity has showcased different types of migrants from other Korean television shows in terms of gender and race, and, partly the difference brought popularity to it. This study finds the major reason of the difference from changed migration patterns in Korea. Until recently, the main population of immigrants in Korea was composed of female brides and workers, but it became diversified to include male and the West migrants. This triggered the changes in media representation, but not thoroughly. Though the faces of migrant protagonists have been diversified, the remaining ideology of nation-centric that has been the main frame to regard migrants as someone to be integrated through traditional values persists. This study finds a few conflicts between the traditional and the change. For example, represented realities of migrants are extends to include their activities in public domain, disputes of multicultural society such as social differentiation and bias, and the criticism of Korean traditional culture. In a gender perspective, while all the marriages represented showed different kinds of vulnerability, discourses of traditional familialism were also clearly presented through different tools of representation. This study aims at contributing existing studies of media representations of migrants with a more complicated pictures in the context of social changes and migration population changes.


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