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        일부 교육사 용어에 관한 재고찰

        박덕원 한국교육철학회 2000 교육철학 Vol.18 No.-

        Truth and history should not be distorted, but should be taught as it is. Textbooks are 'truth-accumulating media' to connect students and teachers. Textbooks should be written in exact terms which keep truth from being distorted. In this study some terms are examined which are used in the college textbooks of history of education. The terms have two kinds of inadequacies: One is a wrong translation of foreign terms into Korean counterparts in meaning and use, and the other is a wrong transcription of foreign pronunciation into Korean characters. Many terms in the Middle Ages are semantically mis-translated into Buddhist or Chinese terms, for the difference between oriental and occidental religion has not been understood well. For example, 'cathedral' is translated into central temple '本山' Buddhist temple, and 'monk' into Buddhist monk '僧侶'. Phonetically mis-transcription is easily found, especially in proper nouns. It comes from mis-pronunciation and poor knowledge of foreign languages. And it is classified into four kinds of phonetic mis-transciptions; in-discrimination of some foreign consonants which are not in Korean, and in-discrimination of the foreign pronunciation from the received transcription. It is difficult to transcribe foreign terms into exactly corresponding Korean terms, because some foreign speech sounds are not used in Korean sound-system. However, wrong transciptions can not help students to study history of education. That is, transcribing one foreign terms into various Korean terms makes students take the same terms for different ones. In conclusion, mis-translated and mis-transcribed terms are examined and clssified on a case-by-case basis, for technical terms in history of education should be used correctly and in principle. All terms are not studied, but only some terms of high frequency are examined. And the terms transcribed into Korean characters can be open to question, because one-to-one transcription between different languages is almost impossible. Still, a certain principle should be observed in translating and transcribing.

      • 成人敎育의 哲學的 基底에 關한 考察

        朴德元 부산외국어대학 1985 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        Adult Education is still in its embrionic stage, theoretically or practically. Therefore there is not any fixed philosophy of education in this field. J. L. Elias and S. Merriam, from the viewpoint of the established philosophy of \education, presented the following six types of the philosophy of adult education : a) Liberal Adult Education b) Progressive Adult Education c) Behavioristic Adult Education d) Humanistic Adult Education e) Radical Adult Education f) Analytic Philosophy of Adult Education The classification made by Elias and Merriam, since it is the mere reapplication of established philosophy of education based on the school education, may not be suitable for adult education. Especially the idea of radicalism has the potential danger of destroying the present social order. Out of these six, the progressivism is the closest to the adult education and it has more to share with the adult education than any other attitudes proposed by them. The analytic philosophers including Paterson failed to see what the adult education should be, because they are so wrapped up with the terminology analysis such as "adult", "education", and "adult education." Theories of these group are only theoretically ideal and have no place in the practical application. The philosophy of adult education should be an independent philosophy derived form the analysis of its practical usefulness and from the review of the fundamental cause of this educational movement. Further it should be explained within the framework of the general concept of education.

      • 칼 마르크스의 宗敎槪念

        朴德元 부산외국어대학 1984 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        Karl Marx explained Religion from the viewpoint of materialism as follows : 1. Types and Origin of Religion Karl Mark's view about types and origin of Religion can be summed up as these : 1) Natural Religion : This type of Religion dates back to primitive times when men had great fear of the power of such natural phenomena as windstorms, deluges, thunders and diseases, and believed that these are caused by Divine Wrath or by Anima which was thought to exist in every substance. Therefore Religion of this type results from the ignorance of ancient people. Greek Myths and Superstitions belongs to this type. 2) Artificial Religion : This type, emerged in Modern times, is artificially contrived to exploit proletariats for accumulation of Capitals by capitalists. Marx said that almost of all the religions we have at present are included in this type. 3) Revelational Religion : This type is exemplified by Christianism. Mark's concept of revelation has totally different meaning from the same word used in theology. This Religion, according to Marx, finds its origin in a particular person's mistaken acknowledgement as Divine revelation the daydream or the fantasy which every man often experiences. Marx explained that since there is nothing like God, it does not make sense that God created men: On the contrary, it is men that created God. 2. Concept of Religion K. Marx explained Religion with the following four concepts. 1) Religion is a kind of Philosophical theory. 2) Religion is a kind of Ideology : He defined that Philosophy, Politics, Ethics, Morals, Law, Religion, etc. are subparts of Ideology and called the persons engaged in these fields Ideologists. 3) Religion is a kind of Phenomenon : The word phenomenon is interpreted differently by different philosophizes. 4) Religion is a kind of Opium : That religion is like an opium to people was a popular saying in Marx's time. Marx adopted this in the explanation of Religion. As opium does dangerous harm to human body, Religion, he criticized, paralyses human mind and destroys men's present life.

      • Romberg의 적분법을 위한 Systolic Array

        박덕원 世明大學校 1998 世明論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        This paper prposed a systolic Arrays architecture for computing Romberg's integration method. It consits of systolic arrays of two stage, one for integration by Trapezoidal rule an the other for integration by using Richardson's extrapolation. the propsosed its architecture is very high speed and regular. This paper illustrates how " mathematical harware" packatge, as well as software library routines, may be part of the mathematical problem solver's tool kit in the future.

      • 교육에 있어서 인간성

        박덕원 부산 외국어 대학교 2000 外大論叢 Vol.20 No.1

        What is the concept of human nature? And what is the concrete way to restore it? To answer to these questions is the main aims of this research. Human nature is one of the important concepts in education because it's restoration is regarded as an urgent task to be solved in the modern society. The materialist, Thomas Hobbes, Karl Marx and others think that human nature is only a physical thing in the monistic view. On the other hand, the Idealists and religions assert that human nature must be understood as physical and spiritual thing in the dualistic view. John Dewey insists that human nature is not fixed but changing and developing through the harmonious interaction of it's three elements. they are impulse, habit and intelligence. Impulse is the driving force to perform and reorganize human activities and to change habits. Intelligence plays a role to guide the direction of impulses and to prevent it from firmed as a fixed habit. Habit is appears as the concrete, practical and organized behavior after filtering all the sources which we can experience through impulses. Habits can be changed by impulses and they get out of the mechanical repetition through intelligence and come to be able to control objects in the real situation. Intelligence is the real ability to think in the scientific way, and it possesses the quality of refective thinking. Dewey thinks that we can restore human nature efficiently only by thinking about our social problems scientifically and reflectively. He tries especially to solve the social problems through applying intelligence as scientific thinking to our society.

      • 學問自由의 根本理念

        朴德元 부산외국어대학교 사회과학연구소 1989 社會科學論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        대학의 출현과 동시에 대두한 學問自由의 理念은 대학의 存立을 위해 절대적으로 保障돼야 할 不文律의 原則으로 인식되어왔다. 그러나 이 理念이 成文化되고 대학의 一般原則으로서 制度化된 것은 20세기에 들어와서이며, 특히 학생의 學問自由가 規定된 것은 불과 20여년 밖에 되지않았 다. 따라서 아직도 많은 敎育界 人士들이 이 自由의 理念을 그릇 인식하여 교육자에게 있어 학문 의 자유와 敎權은 無條件的인 權利라고 속단하는 경우도 적지 않다. 民主化의 열기와 함께 敎權保障에 대한 要求가 고조되고 있는 현시점에 있어서 학문자유의 근 본이념에 대한 올바른 理解는 과거 그 어느때보다 필요하다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 本考에서 論議 한 학문자유의 原則들은 비록 이 原則들을 자유진영의 대부분 국가에서 대학의 일반적 準則으로 통용하고 있지만 이는 어디까지나 外國産 字則들이므로 보다 완전을 기위기 위해서는 우리의 대 학여건에 맞는 補完된 學問自由의 原則이 수립돼야 할 것이다.

      • 여러 종류의 영문 인쇄 활자체의 인식

        박덕원 世明大學校 1995 世明論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        In this paper, we proposed an algorithm which recognizes multi-font alphanumeric and special characters. The algorithm reduces the image size of each character read from the scanner to 3×3 image array. After 4-directional freatures and rations of binary 1's are obtained, the character is changed into an integer in order to speed up the process. In experimental results, the recognition ratio is about 99% and the recognition speed is about 14 characters per second for the 1332 characters of 3 fonts. Then, each character is recognized by using the method of template matching with the template characters.

      • 문자인식을 위한 4가지 방향정보의 세분화에 대한 연구

        朴德元 世明大學校 1992 世明論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        The 4-Direction Features proposed by PARK's Paper has a great number of Candidate-Character Because the Type is decided as only the number of change of '1' or '0', Consequently it is caused to increase Template matching time. This paper presented subdivision of the 4-Direction Features which is decreased numbers of Candidate-Character for Template Matching and Matching time When a Character match by Template Matching. In tis Paper,2,3,4 and 5 Type is subdivided to 24, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36,44, 46,54,55 and 56 Type.

      • 영상처리의 국부적 연산을 위한 Systolic Arrays

        박덕원 世明大學校 1997 世明論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        This paper proposed a systolic arrays architecture for computing local operators on images. Local operators are to be used in many image processing tasks, involve replacing each pixel in an image with a value computed within a local neighborhood of that pixel. Computing such operators at the video rate requires a computing power which is not provided by conventional computer. Through computationally expensive, it is highly regular. Thus, this paper presents a systolic arrays for tasks such as edge detection and laplacian. which are defined in terms of local operators.

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