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      • KCI등재

        Ohmori씨 변법을 이용한 양측성 매몰이의 교정 1예

        민경근,윤병기,김선태,강일규 대한이비인후과학회 2007 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.50 No.9

        Cryptotia is a congenital anomaly of the auricle that the upper pole of the auricular carand auriculocephalic sulcus is obliterated. In adition, there is often a deformity of the antihelix, especialy its superior crus. The principle of the surgery is to depen the auriculocephalic sulcus, to correct deformed cartilage and to correct the malposition. For the correction of the bilateral cryptotia, we have applied the modified Ohmoris method and have obtained good result without com-plication. We report this case with a review of related literature. (Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2007;50:815-7)

      • KCI등재

        소아 재발성 만성 부비동염 환자에 있어서 국소적 항생제 분무 치료의 효과

        민경근,김선영,강일규,차흥억,김선태 대한이비인후과학회 2006 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.49 No.10

        Background and Objectives:The management of chronic recurrent rhinosinusitis in children has become controversial, because there are now various treatment modalities. We assessed nebulized antibiotic therapy, which had been studied as a treatment option in the postoperative infection in adult patients, for its effectiveness in children with chronic rhinosinusitis. Subjects and Method:We have selected 34 pediatric chronic rhinosinusitis patients who have received treatment for 3 months or 3 times for recent 6 months with oral antibiotics. They were treated with a nebulized antibiotic therapy for 4 weeks. We have compared preand post-treatment symptom scores, physical scores, and radiologic scores. After 6 months of follow up, infection free period was assessed. Results:In 34 patients, 25 patients were selected for study. The symptoms and physical findings were improved in 76%, and the radiologic findings were also improved in 56%. Improvement in rhinorrhea, nasal obstruction, coughing and nasal swelling were significant. Mean infection free period was 13.7 weeks. Conclusion:Nebulized antibiotic therapy might be considered as another therapeutic option for pediatric patients with chronic sinusitis who have failed to respond to oral antibioticsor who cannot tolerate them. (Korean J Otolaryngol 2006;49:997-1002)

      • KCI등재

        부비동 내시경 수술 후 흡입 항생제를 이용한 집중 치료의 효과

        민경근,윤진호,정주현,임채영,강일규,김선태 대한이비인후과학회 2008 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.51 No.7

        There are some difficulties and dilemmas in treating patients who show acute recurrent infection or persistent inflammation after sinus surgery. Recently, nebulized antibiotic therapy was recommended as another treatment option for these patients. Our study was to evaluate the effect of nebulized antibiotic therapy in these patients. Subjects and Method: We selected 38 adult patients who had received endoscopic surgery previously. They were patients of the refractory group who have showed persistent purulent rhinorrhea despite treatment for 2 months after sinus surgery and the acute exacerbation group who have showed repeated worsening of their symptoms more than 3 times for 6 months. Cultures were taken from all cases and proper oral antibiotics were used based on their culture results. Oral antibiotics were stopped during the nebulized antimicrobial therapy. Nebulized antibiotics therapy was performed 5 times a week for 4 weeks with cefmenoxime hydrochloride using ultrasonic nebulizer. The symptom score and endoscopic appearance were checked also before and 1, 2 and 3 months after the treatment. Results: In 38 patients, 6 patients were excluded due to follow up loss or voluntary stop of treatment and 32 patients were available. S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus were most common organisms in all patients. The symptom score and endoscopic appearance after the treatment showed significant improvement. No complication was found in all cases. Conclusion: Nebulized antibiotic therapy might be considered as another therapeutic option for patients with refractory or acute exacerbation of chronic rhinosinusitis after endoscopic sinus surgery. (Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2008;51:623-9)

      • KCI등재

        Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease Misdiagnosed as Relapse of the Infection after Treatment of Periprosthetic Hip Joint Infection

        민경근,민병우,이경재,최정훈 대한고관절학회 2016 Hip and Pelvis Vol.28 No.4

        Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) of the hip can be difficult to treat and can lead to a number of problems including: i) severe functional decline of the hip joint and ii) increasing financial burden for patients due to long treatment periods and the need for repeated surgical interventions. Because there is risk of inadequate control of infection or relapse of a preexisting infection following the treatment of PJI through surgery, it is important to closely observe clinical symptoms such as systemic fever. Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease is usually a self-limiting disease characterized by fever and cervical lymphadenopathy. We report one case of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease, with literatures review, that was mistaken for an infection relapse after surgical treatment of the PJI due to sustained fever postoperatively.

      • 복잡하고 다양한 정보 속에서 빠른 정보 처리 디자인 : 색의 범주화를 통한 빠른 정보처리

        민경근(Kyoung Geun Min) 한국HCI학회 2009 한국HCI학회 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.2

        정보화 사회에서 정보의 양은 기술의 발달로 급격하게 증가하고 있다. 그로 인해 정보의 다양화와 복잡성 또한 증가하여 빠른 정보처리에 어려움을 주고 있다. 정보의 복잡성 속에 정보의 구조화, 범주화는 사용자가 쉽게 정보에 접근할 수 있게 만들며 처리 속도도 빠르게 해 준다. 본 연구는 정보의 범주화에서 색을 통한 범주화가 정보처리 속도 향상에 어떠한 영향을 주는지를 실험적으로 확인해 보려 한다. 실험 1은 복잡한 정보를 가진 노선도에서 역을 찾는 과제를 시행 하였을 때, target 역 이름의 색과 노선의 색이 동일 할 때 그렇지 않는 경우 보다 탐색시간을 빠름을 보여주고자 한다. 그리고 실험2는 단어 분류 과제에서 색의 범주화가 단어의미 범주화 보다 빨리 처리되며, 색의 대비가 클 때 더 효과적임을 보여 주고자 한다. In the information society, the amount of information have been increased by technological development. It is not easy to deal with information for fast data processing because of increasing of the complexity and diversity of data. So this paper will confirm the fact that the color plays the role of the classification of complex information and can make data processing fast. Experiment 1 shows that the searching time of target(line name) is more faster when the color of a subway line is equal to the color of station's name. Experiment 2 using the task for classification of word mixed in various categories shows that color category processing is more faster rather than semantic category processing and the effect of this task is far better when color difference is more clear.

      • KCI등재

        고실성형술 전ㆍ후 순음청각검사 결과와 주관적 청각이득의 관계

        이원상,이주형,민경근,조창현 대한이비인후과학회 2007 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.50 No.5

        Background and Objectives:Measuring the therapeutic effect of tympanoplasty is usually dependent on the surgeons view-point and the results of pre- and post-operative pure tone audiometry (PTA). But there is considerable discrepancy between the subjective hearing benefit and the PTA, so the aim of this study is to evaluate the correlation between them among the patients who had tympanoplasty for chronic suppurative otitis media. Subjects and Method:One hundred patients who had tympano-plasty betwen 20 and 201 were studied. Patients were divided into two groups, improved and not-improved group, acording tive hearing benefit. The pre and postoperative air conduction threshold (AC), bone conduction threshold (BC), air-bone gap (ABG) and the amount of increment or decrement of these parameters were compared between the two groups. Results:Analysis of the data showed significant differences betwen the two groups with respect to preoperative ABG , postoperative AC, postoperative ABG , AC decrement and ABG decrement. Especialy, when hearing group was increased very strongly. Conclusion:Among the pre- and post-tympanoplasty PTA results, the most useful indicators of patients subjective hearing benefit are the amount of AC decrement (more than 10 dB) and ABG decrement (more than 20 dB). (Korean J Otolaryngol 2007 ;50 :399-403)

      • KCI등재

        경상악 미세수술과 비내시경을 통해 치료한 익돌구개와를 침범한비인강 혈관 섬유종 2예

        김동규,강일규,민경근,김선태 대한이비인후과학회 2006 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.49 No.9

        Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma occurs predominantly in adolescent males, and shows frequent epistaxis, nasal obstruction, mouthbreathing and facial deformities. Because its recurrence rate ranges from 7.1% to 50%, complete removal of this tumor is importantto prevent recurrence. Traditionally, many surgical approaches including lateral rhinotomy and transpalatal approaches havebeen used for this tumor depending on the site and size of the tumor. If the tumor is small and present within the nasal cavity,endoscopic approach can be used. But when tumor has extended to pterygopalatine fossa, endoscopic approach has some limitationsfor complete removal. In such a case, we have used a transantral microsurgery and transnasal endoscopic combined approach. Wepresent two cases of nasopharyngeal angiofibromas treated by deep transantral microsurgery and intranasal endoscopic approach.By this approach, we have ligated the internal maxillary artery after emboliztion of intenal maxillary artery and could remove thetumor completely. Two patients have been followed over 12 months without recurrence. (Korean J Otolaryngol 2006;49:931-5)

      • KCI등재

        폐쇄성 수면 무호흡증 환자에서 수면내시경을 이용한 폐쇄부위의 관찰

        강일규,이윤규,민경근,우주현,차흥억,김선태 대한이비인후과학회 2007 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.50 No.3

        Background and Objectives:Sleep endoscopy is a valuable modality for an anatomical assessment in patients with snoring and obstructive apnea. The aims of this study is to observe the anatomical obstructive site using sleep endoscopy and to compare the sleep endoscopic findings and the results of Subjects and Method:Thirty patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome underwent sleep endoscopy. After intravenous administration of midazolam, obstructive events were observed. The levels of obstruction were classified as palatal, palatal with tonsil and palatal with tongue base. Obstruction was defined when the site was collapsed more than 50% compared with normal respiration during the apneic episode. Results:On sleep endoscopy, retropalatal obstruction was observed in 14 patients (47% ). Obstruction in the retropalatal area combined with the tonsilar area was found in 9 patients (30% )in 7 patients (23% ). However, the results of Mueller maneuver showed retropalatal obstruction in 19 patients (63% ), obstruction in the retropalatal with tonsillar area in 9 patients (30% ) and obstruction in the retropalatal with tongue base area in 2 patients (7% ). Conclusion:Sleep endoscopy is a useful modality to asses the accurate anatomical site of obstruction during sleep state and provide information useful in planning of further treatment. (Korean J Otolaryngol 2007 ;50 :225-8)

      • 시력 감소를 동반한 재발성 전두동 점액낭종의 내시경적 조대술 시행 후 스텐트(Stent) 삽입 치험 1예

        김선태,강일규,민경근,임채영 대한비과학회 2006 Journal of rhinology Vol.13 No.2

        Paranasal sinus mucocele is a slowly expanding benign lesion which can occur as a result of obstruction in the sinus ostium or ostial tract. Frontal sinus mucocele differ from mucoceles of other sinuses in that the frontal outflow tract is usually narrower and less accessible. Since the introduction of endoscopic sinus surgical instrument and techniques, there has been an increasing trend towards the use of endoscopic transnasal technique for managing the paranasal sinus mucoceles. Some studies also recommend the use of intrafrontal stent to reduce the rate of restenosis of frontal sinus outflow tract. We experienced a case of recurrent frontal sinus mucocele complicated by visual disturbance and periorbital swelling. To treat this condition, an intranasal marsupialization was performed and an intrafrontal stent was applied. This paper reports the particulars of this case with a review of related literature.

      • KCI등재

        신생아에서 비경구적 칼슘 글루코네이트 요법 이후의 의인성 피부 석회침착증 후 자연관해

        송광순(Kwang Soon Song),이시욱(Si Wook Lee),김두한(Du-Han Kim),민경근(Kyung-Keun Min),연창진(Chang Jin Yon) 대한정형외과학회 2019 대한정형외과학회지 Vol.54 No.2

        저칼슘혈증은 신생아에서 흔하게 발견되며 대개 정맥 내 칼슘 투여를 통해 교정할 수 있다. 이 과정에서 발생할 수 있는 의인성 피부 석회화증은 칼슘 제제의 정맥 투여에 기인하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 저자들은 칼슘 글루코네이트의 혈관 외 유출로 인하여 신생아의 상지나 하지를 침범한 피부 석회화증 3예를 보고하고자 한다. 신생아 집중치료실에서 칼슘 글루코네이트의 정맥 내 투여와 관련하여 발생한 경화성 피부 결절을 보이는 생후 2주 여아, 생후 4주 남아 및 여아, 총 3명의 신생아가 협진 의뢰되었다. 초기 발견 후 각각 3주, 4주, 6개월에 방사선 사진 및 신체 검진상 만져지는 결절과 석회화의 완전한 관해가 이루어졌다. 또한 3명 모두에게서 점진적인 치유양상을 보였으며 기능적, 미용적 합병증은 발생하지 않았다. 환자들의 일반 양성 질환에 대한 인식이 높아짐에 따라 의인성 피부 석회침착증의 조기 진단을 내리고, 질환에 대한 충분한 설명과 이해를 바탕으로 불필요한 치료를 피함으로써 의료 과실 분쟁을 줄일 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Iatrogenic calcinosis cutis is due to the intravenous administration of calcium gluconate or calcium chloride to treat hypocalcemia. The arthors report three cases of calcinosis cutis with calcifications involving the upper or lower extremities in neonates following the extravasation of calcium gluconate. Three neonates, a 2-week-old girl, 4-week-old boy, and a 4-week-old girl, were consulted for indurated nodules after the intravenous administration of calcium gluconate at the intensive care unit. Complete remission of palpable nodule and calcification was observed on the radiograph at three weeks, four weeks and six months after the initial presentation in each. All three neonates with iatrogenic calcinosis curtis were resolved spontaneously without functional and cosmetic complications. According to enhancement of the patient’s cognition about benign disease, a suitable explanation of the disease and avoiding unnecessary treatment through an early diagnosis of iatrogenic calcinosis cutis will reduce a number of potential medical malpractice disputes.

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