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      • KCI등재

        지리교육내용의 계열적 조직방안에 대한 연구

        류재명 한국 지리·환경 교육학회 1998 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        The curriculum of geography education has been revised recently and it should be an ongoing process to reflect the changing realities. This paper intends to anatomize the problems of current curriculum of geography education and to present a sequential framework from primary, middle to high schools focusing on the regional scale and theme to be dealt with in geography education. The problems of current curriculum of geography education are: (a) the systematic and regional order of mixed format, which assumes that regional understanding is achieved by accumulating numerous facts, (b) the extensive coverage of regions and their details, which is mainly proceeded by providing facts and information for all regions, and (c) the repeat of similar contents extending only geographic scales from neighborhood to world at different school levels. In these the presented facts and details are difficult to be interrelated and similar in whatever scale of regions are dealt. Also 'geographical perspective,' 'way of perceiving regions,' or 'ability to interpret and explain regions' is hard to be achieved in the extensive coverage of all regions. This paper suggests sequential contents of geography education with respect to the problems mentioned above. It centers on that the regional scale and the depth of the contents could be differentiated and specialized in primary-to-high school levels. At the primary school, the spatial differentiation of the world regions is taught broadly and students achieve geographic perspectives and skills from classroom activities on local areas. At the middle school, each of the meso-scale regions with particular reference to the natural environment becomes the focus to highlight environment-man relationships. The high school level focuses on the theories or concepts of spatial system and change in small scale regions. The regions are prototypes to apply theories and concepts and understood closely as well.

      • KCI등재

        高等學校 地理科 授業活動의 組機模型開發에 관한 硏究

        柳在明 한국 지리·환경 교육학회 1993 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        This study is to develop the model of instructional activities organization in geography education, and to analyze its effect on learning. The question of how to teach student so that they not only get knowledge, but also learn to think is the major concern of this study. This study is to elaborate the methods for the control of intellectual processes, especially to guide the students' reasoning processes. The basic idea to develop the model of instructional activities organization is that teacher must break down intellectual activity into the components that are sufficiently elementary in a specific sense. The reduction of the process of problem solving into seperate, sufficiently elementary operations and instructing students in them will make it possible to raise sharply the efficiency of instruction. The teacher's task is initially to motivate students with the provision of basic information about hypothetical situation and its condition to make simple theoretical model, which is not meant to be ends in themselves but a means of understanding and memorizing generalities about the reality that they represent. This theoretical model needs to be related to observations of reality. Therefore, students need to be given information upon which they might build theoretical model, and in which they might transform it to the realities. The learners who have had a learning experience through the instructional activities organization model evaluates it as a fruitful model for developing the logical thinking. Also, learners evaluate it as one easy to understand and good to make concentration on learning. According to the comparision of achievement in learning, the class that has experienced the learning though the instructional activities organization model is much higher than those of the class that has experienced through conventional teaching type. This means that the model developed in this study promotes learners to understand the content of subject matter more easily than the conventional teaching type.

      • 질문법을 활용한 개념학습 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구 : 산업입지개념을 중심으로

        류재명 서울대학교 지리교육과 1993 地理敎育論集 Vol.29 No.1

        The purpose of this article is to develop a program for teachers' questioning about the concept of industrial location, and to elaborate the procedure for questioning to guide students' reasoning processes. Questioning is probably the key technique in most teaching. It can be used for so many purposes that it is hard to see how a teacher can persevere unless he uses good questioning strategies. Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, used questioning strategies to try to get the learner to think. Socrates' idea was that one should never tell the learner what to think but that by means of questioning one should act as a midwife assisting at the birth of the learner's ideas. The basic idea of this article is that a teacher must motivate pupils by asking specific questions that will lead the learner to go beyond the information given; to think for himself the answers. By dividing the process of problem solving into separate, sufficiently elementary operations, and then asking the questions in a logical sequence, a teacher will make it possible to raise the efficiency of instruction. The specific questions in the program developed in this article are presented in small steps with the first step beginning at a level appropriate to the students' intellectual level. The method of step by step questioning and the hypothetical mode of instruction allow students to obtain knowledge for themselves by using their own minds, and to learn by thinking. The purpose of the problematic questioning program developed here in a systematic and step-by-step manner is to make each student as autonomous and self-propelled a thinker as we can. This article can be a powerful tool for geography teachers who are going to develop other instructional programs.

      • KCI등재

        探究授業의 論理와 探究活動의 解析

        柳在明 釜山大學校 師範大學 1993 교사교육연구 Vol.26 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to clarify the philosophical background of the discovery method, and to interpret problem-solving activities. In the learning by discovery, the scientific method is the model of students' problem-solving, and students are to be conceived of as miniscientists. By the way there is a tendency to brand all 'scientific' epistemology as 'positivism'. This tendency clearly fails to recognize the wide variety of views held in scientific epistemology. General thinking about the discovery method results from this tendency and Bruner's idea. Generally, most of teachers think that the discovery method is an alternative method which could improve the teaching in the class, however, it is difficult to apply to school, because of class size and other educational infrastructure. Bruner shared with the positivist, and .his discovery method came from the positivistic conception of scientific method. It emphasizes obtaining knowledge for oneself by using one's own mind, and learning by doing. Its purpose is to make the student as autonomous and self-propelled a thinker as possible. But dissatisfaction has been expressed against the emphasis placed upon the positivistic mode of inquiry as the method of problem solving in classrooms. The notion about discovery method restricted to simple positivistic approaches seem to abort other types of thinking that have at least as strong as a claim to instruction worthwileness. And it is not. efficient or possible for the students to find out everything for themselves. Because it would be far too time-consuming for everything to be found out in this way. Besides students are not expected to discover worthwile scientific problems on their own. Therefore, if we adopt the problem-solving approaches of the hard scientists, then teaching and learning will be difficult. We have to get free then teachers and students out of the dictates of authoritarianism. According to the Kuhn's conventionalism, paradigmatic knowledge is essential in education. Students were to master these paradigmatic knowledge and modes of thinking in order to do future intellectual work. Thus, rigorous and progressive undertakings were essential for the students. A scientific discovery might be made by accident, but the point to notice is that these accidents only happen to people with a certain kind of training and with certain things preoccupying them. A person who does not possess the knowledge could not be a discoverer. Accordingly, teachers have to encourage students to attack certain problems with rigour and paradigmatic logic. By the way, according to the realistic conception of scientific method, Problem can be solved by dialectic thinking between the abstract and the concrete. If we adopt the realistic epistemology and methodology of science in the organization of the learning activities, it would be valuable to provide concrete examples or models of real world. and oppotunities need to be given for exercising judgment in applying the concepts, principles and criteria in a suitable forms of cases. From the analysis of current debates in scientific methodology, we can say that there are many sorts of the methods and methodology of inquiry, and there are plural problematics. And choosing a particular problematic tends to insulate inquiry and problem solving against other problematics. Therefore, scientific method must not be restricted by the positivist notions of science. What method to adopt in teaching or what kind of approach to use, depends on the specific sorts of thing we wish to teach and the various psycholosical and other conditions which bear upon being effective in teaching. Consequently from this analysis, author can suggest that many of the models of problem-solving program of school have to be developed. Then it could provide teachers with a powerful arsenal which may be used to assist students in exploring possible solutions to the problems.

      • 지리수업에서의 소크라테스 대화법의 활용

        류재명 釜山大學校 敎育硏究所 1993 敎育硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpose of this article is to analyze the main idea of the Socratic questioning, and to apply it in developing the simple insructional model which could clarify the procedure for questioning to guide the students' reasoning processes. Geography teachers are used to teach the archaic method that can be done by memorization. Their major activity is to interpret, explain, and swnmarize the content of text1xx>k. Therefore, many students have the difficulty in understanding teacher's explanation, and they tend to lose an interest in geography education. Most of students do not know how they should think as they solve, and how, and sometimes, in what order they should act and operate with the conditions of the problem Generally, most of teachers think that the discovery method is an alternative method which could improve the teaching in the class; however, it is difficult to apply at school, because of class size and other educational infrastructure. So, the author analyzed the basic idea of the Socrates' discovery method. Socrates used the questioning strategies to try to get the learner to think. He think every man is an autonomous and self-propelled thinker. His main idea is that the teacher should never tell the learner what to think but that by means of questioning the teacher should assist the student's obtaining knowledge for oneself by using one's own mind The teacher have to lead the students to his predetermined goal, concept, or belief, and his questions should be clear. Teachers should attempt to use questions both to expand pupils' understandings and to lift them to higher cognitive levels. And the teacher should always try to use the type of question best suited to his purpose. Socratic questioning is important tools in discovery teaching, so the auther develop the simple model of teachers / questioning about the concept of fan by applying the Socrates / idea. The model developed here is based on the notion that the poor academic performance of many students is the result of ineffective classroom management, than the student' s inability to learn the assigned material. In this model, teacher' s questions appropriate for subject and classes are formulated in a logical sequence to develop students / own idea as a result of questioning. The specipic questions in the model is presented in small steps with the fIrst step beginning at the level appropriate for the students' intellectual level. The method of the step by step questioning render students obtain knowledge for oneself by using one/sown mind, and learn by thinking. This method promotes learners to understand the content of subject matter more easily than the conventional teaching type. So, this model will make it possible to raise the efficiency of instruction, and contribute to developing the school geography teaching method.

      • 민족의 자주화와 단기연호의 사용 : 민족주체성회복을 위하여

        류재명 중앙승가대학교 1990 僧伽 Vol.7 No.-

        우리 불교는 항상 1,600년의 역사와 민족자주문화의 창조자로서의 사명을 자랑하고 있다. 그리고 이 땅의 다른 집단에 비하여 민족자주의식과 분단 조국의 통일에 대한 잠재적인 욕구가 강한 것도 사실이다. 그러나 심정적으로 그러한 가능성을 가지고 있다고 하여, 지금 당장 민족자주화의 주역이 되는 것은 아니다. 오히려 친미사대세력으로 비판받는 타종교인들이 분단국조국의 통일을 위한 고난의 길에 앞장설 때 그것을 바라보기만 하고 심지어 욕설까지 해 댄 불교는 어쩌면 민족사의 흐름에서 더욱 멀어져가고 있는지도 모른다. 더구나 세계와 자기운명의 주인으로 살아가라는 부처님의 위대한 가르침이 무색하게 친미사대권력에 예속되어 있고, 일반 국민대중이 불교에 대하여 실망만 갖도록 하는 부패와 분쟁의 모습을 보이고 있는 현실은 우리 불교의 가능성에도 불구하고 미래에 대해서는 어둡게 할 수 도 있다. 그러나 다행히도 최근에 이르러서 청년승려와 제가자들 내부에서 과거의 불교를 냉철하게 참회하고 새로운 불교-민족과 민중의 귀의처로서의 불교를 구현하려는 노력이 하나의 흐름으로 정착되었다. 이는 비단 우리 불교의 앞날뿐만 아니라 민족의 자주화와 통일을 위한 민족사의 앞날에 커다란 힘이 되고 있다. 우리 불교는 이 흐름을 소중하게 여기고 더욱 크게 확대시켜 우리 사회의 모든 분야에서 자주․통일의 선봉이 되어야 한다. 이것은 우리 불교의 지난날의 과오에 대한 참회이자 우리가 꼭 해내야 할 사명이며, 부처님의 가르침을 이 땅에 구현하는 길이다. 뿐만 아니라 우리 불교가 앞으로 이 땅에 서서 발전해 나가기 위해서도 이 길을 가지 않으면 안된다. 그 일환으로 단기연호 되찾기 운동이 될 수도 있다. 심정적으로만 지니고 있는 민족자주화와 통일에 대한 요구를 부처님의 가르침인 자주사상에 근거하여 단기연호 되찾기 운동을 통하여 실천으로 외화시켜 낼 때 우리 불교는 민족의 자주화와 통일을 위한 선봉에 떳떳하게 나설 수 있다. 이제 우리 불교는 부처님의 자주사상을 바탕으로 사회와 역사에 대한 과학적이고 객관적인 인식을 통하여 심정적 동의가 아닌 현실적으로 실천으로 한국불교를 만들어 나가자. 2,500년 전 부처님께서 우리들에게 하신 말씀을 다시 한번 기억하면서 글을 마치고자 한다. “남에게 예속되는 것은 모두가 고통이니라. 스스로 자기의 주인이 되는 것은 즐거우니라.” “내가 능히 중생들의 고통을 구할 수 있다면 지옥의 고통이라도 기꺼이 받으리니, 이런 까닭에 나는 항상 지옥 가운데 주하여 세상 사람들과 함께 하느니라.”

      • 한국 지리교육과정의 개선 방향 설정에 관한 연구

        류재명 한국지리환경교육학회 2002 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        본 논문은 한국 지리교육과정의 개선방향을 어떻게 설정하는 것이 바람직한 것인가에 대하여 논의한 것이다. 기본적으로 국가의 교육과정은 다양한 교과서 개발과 각급 학교에서의 다양한 수업 운영이 가능할 수 있도록 하되, 달성해야 할 주요 목표가 무엇인지를 분명히 하는 방향으로 나아갈 필요가 있다. 그리고 지리교육과정에서는 각 학교급별로 학습지역의 스케일 및 학습내용의 분화 정도를 조절하는 방법 개발이 무엇보다도 시급히 요청되는 일이다. 중학교 과정까지에는 향토지리, 한국지리, 세계 지리 등으로 내용을 지역별로 세분화시키지 않는 것이 바람직하며, 고등학교에서는 한국지리, 여행지리, 환경지리 등으로 과목을 세분화하는 방안이 하나의 예이다. 무엇보다도 중요한 것은 학생들이 능동적으로 쉽게 참여할 수 있는 학습 활동을 중심으로 교육과정을 조직하는 일이며, 학생들의 흥미를 유발할 수 있는 학습 활동 개발이 앞으로의 주요 과제라고 하겠다. 주요어 This paper discusses how to set up the direction of improving the geography curriculum in Korea. A new approach to control the geographical scale and organizing the sequential contents according to student’s level should be developed to reduce the current problems in geography education. If geography curriculum contains many spatial information over all geographical scale, such as home, Korea, continent, and world, students will have many difficulties to deal with many geographical facts, and lose the opportunity to think geographically with main theoretical ideas. So students had better learn world geography with home geography until secondary school. But the High school students need to have the opportunity to chose the subject that they want to learn among Korea geography, tourism geography, environmental geography. The most important thing is to develop the learning activities, and to organize curriculum with them to bring about the interest of students.

      • KCI등재

        Fly-eye lens를 사용하는 액정 projector용 조명 광학계의 설계

        류재명,조재흥,정진호,이종진 한국광학회 2002 한국광학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        Fly-eye lens들을 사용한 3-패널 방식의 액정 projector을 조명 광학계의 원리를 분석하고, 해석적인 방법으로 근축 설계를 하였으며, OSLO광학계 설계 프로그램을 이용한 최적 설계로 광학계를 완성하였다 본 연구의 대상이 되는 projector는 두개의 액정은 동일한 조명 광로를 가지는 반면에 제 3액정은 다른 조명 광로를 가지는 구조로 되어 있다. 이들 두 가지 서로 다른 광로에 대한 조명 원리를 분석하여 설계 방법을 제시하고, 기초 설계를 위한 식을 세우고 풀어서 최대의 조명 효율을 얻기 위하여 광원에서 발광된 빛을 투사 렌즈계의 입사동으로 최대한 집광시키면서 균일하게 조명되는 근축 설계값을 구하였으며, 최적화 설계를 하였다. The principle of an illumination system including fly-eyes lenses for a liquid crystal display (LCD) projector with 3-panels was presented and its optical system was designed by using the OSLO (premium edition 6.1) optical system design program. Two panels of the illumination system are well aligned for so that the illumination path length is the same, and the third panel has a longer pass length than the others. The two illumination types with the same or different illumination path lengths were derived by using the paraxial ray design method. Refraction powers and positions of each lens were analytically determined by the method, and the damped least square method was utilized to obtain the optimized uniform illumination system.

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