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        가구화(Householding) 관점으로 본 경기도 A공단 필리핀 (미등록)이주여성의 가족 만들기

        류유선(Yu-Seon Yu) 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2016 여성학논집 Vol.33 No.1

        본 연구는 경기도 A공단에 거주하는 필리핀 (미등록)여성이주자들이 연애와 결혼, 출산과 양육 과정에서 협상하고 실천하는 가족관계에 대한 분석으로 2013년 3월부터 8월까지 경기도 A공단에서 실시한 참여관찰과 14명의 필리핀 미등록이주여성들과의 심층면접을 바탕으로 한다. 이주민들의 집중 거주지로 알려진 A공단은 영세제조업이 밀집된 곳으로 1990년 초반부터 저임금의 이주민이 노동력으로 유입되기 시작했다. 값싸고 기술력 있는 필리핀 남성이주민들의 체류가 장기화되면서 이들을 통한 필리핀 여성이주도 증가해 왔다. 생애기획에 따라 남성과 여성은 서로 자원을 교환하면서 이주네트워크를 형성하고 가족을 만든다. 여성성의 협상을 통해 이주통로와 일자리를 제공받은 필리핀 여성들은 본국의 가족과 A공단에서 새롭게 형성한 가족에 대한 경제적·감정적 지원을 통해 가족관계를 유지하고 있다. 본 논문은 본국과 A공단 두 개 이상의 장소에서 두개 이상의 가족을 유지하기 위해 벌이는 여성들의 협상과 실천을 가구화로 개념화한다. 연구는 이주와 정착 과정에서 이주여성이 만들고 유지하는 두 개 이상의 가족을 통해,이주 전 본국 가족과의 연결성을 강조했던 초국적 모성 및 초국적 가족 개념을 이주 과정에서 형성하는 새로운 가족으로 확장한다는데 의미가 있다. 여성은 이주 전 과정에서 기존 가족개념이나 젠더규범에 순응하기보다는 가족형성과 유지라는 개인의 재생산기획에 따라 가족관계를 협상하고 변형하는 주체로 발전하고 있다. This article investigates the family making of undocumented Filipina at A industrial complex during migration stints. For this purpose, it adopted the in-depth interview with 14 undocumented Filipina who deliver baby both A industrial complex and the Philippines. The interview conducted in their house or factory from March to August in 2013. A industrial complex located in Gyeonggi-do Province is known to the migrant residence and the areas with small furniture factories since the early 1990s. Because migrants came to A industrial complex for job and small factories crowded for cheap, skilled, and plentiful migrants. The longer migrants stay, the more children are born. That means that undocumented Filipina manage to the demands of emotion and economy from families in Philippines, but also they take responsibility for the family made in A industrial complex. In this contexts, householding is the family relationship practice of Filipina and it implies that they share housework and child rearing with partners at A industrial complex, but maintains separation of goods to support families in the Philippines as a female-headed household. This article examines how undocumented Filipina interpretate the family relationship at A industrial complex. This article contends that undocumented Filipina becomes the subject who negotiates and transforms the family relationship both the Philippines and A industrial complex

      • KCI등재

        이주의 사회과학적 고찰 가구화(householding)의 관점으로 본 미등록이주아동의 귀환결정

        류유선 ( Seon Yu Yu ) 한국민족연구원 2014 민족연구 Vol.0 No.60

        This article seeks to analyze the processes of the choice on the right placefor the undocumented children from the householding point of view. Undocumentedwoman worker as a mother is trying to provide their children with the best conditionof education and upbringing and in this context, the household becomes a socialunit for social reproduction. Therefore, householding is the way to form familiesand sustain them in local. In terms of social reproduction, their children``s educationand care is the one of the core interests in the household management. As theundocumented children inherit legal status from their parents and the childbirthis not connected to custody. It means that mother has to decide to raise childrenin the local or send them to her own nation for education, leaving their parentsbehind to work to finance them. The decision involved in undocumented children``sreturn depends on the cost-efficiency, supremacy in education, and intimacy infamily ties in the process of householding to integrate regular routine everydaylife and socialize children so as to prepare unpredictable crack down. In thatcontext, the mother keeps negotiating on the decision of children``s return in termsof secure the working hours as a way of subsisting on fixed incomes, form familybonds, and promote social capital and so on.

      • KCI등재

        생존경로로써 경력단절: 20대 1인 가구 여성의 ‘취업과 퇴사’의 반복적 노동서사

        류유선(Yu, Yuseon) 한국문화사회학회 2021 문화와 사회 Vol.29 No.2

        이 연구는 ‘일을 해도 가난한’ 20대 여성의 노동조건이 경력단절로 이어지는 상황을 이들의 노동서사를 통해 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 1인 가구로 대전에 거주하는 20대 여성 11명의 노동경험에 대한 심층면접을 진행했다. 부모의 경제적 지원을 기대할 수 없었던 이들은 학창시절부터 학업과 노동을 병행했고, 그런 이유로 내세울 스펙이 없다. 취업 준비를 하지 못한 이들은 학자금 대출을 상환하고 생활비를 마련하기 위해 졸업과 동시에 급하게 취업을 했지만, 장시간 노동과 저임금, 성차별 등이 구조화된 일터에서 지치거나 아파 퇴사한다. 그리고 다시 생존을 위해 급하게 취업한다. 이처럼 비정규직에서 비정규직으로 ‘취업과 퇴사’를 반복하는 지역 20대 여성은 이직 과정에서 임금 상승을 기대하지 못하며, 경력을 쌓지도 못한다. 20대 1인 가구 여성의 노동서사는 ‘저임금, 비정규, 장시간노동’으로 정형화되고, 일을 하지만 가난한 노동빈곤은 경력단절로 이어진다. 이들은 여성 경력단절의 주된 이유인 ‘결혼-임신-출산’이라는 표준화된 생애과정 이전에 생존경로로써 경력단절을 경험한다. Successful career is becoming increasingly important for youth females as they navigate an unstable and precarious labor market specially for single households. This paper aims to analyze young women’s work narratives and inquire into how they get on career breaks. To do this, in-depth interviews were conducted with 11 females in their 20s of single households who live in Daejeon City. They could not spend enough time in studying during university because of working. So that they could not qualify to get a good job. Soon after graduation, they got a job urgently to pay back their loan and make a living. But they left a job soon on medical grounds because they could not bear long hours, low wages, and gender based discrimination. When they got well after 2 months rest, then they got a job again for living. Hardly repeated of moving from irregular to irregular, they neither build one’s career nor expect wage rise. This article proposes that career breaks of young women occur stepwise in the repeated process of employment and resignation. Their labor narratives form a ‘low wage, irregular, long hours’ pattern, and its working poor conditions leads to career breaks. Career breaks, formerly known as married woman’s life(marriage-pregnancy-childbirth) course has experienced as a surviving path by single households female in their 20s.

      • KCI등재

        질소이온 코팅 SCM415강의 마찰.마모특성에 관한 연구

        성기,하위파,유선,Lyu, Sung-Ki,He, Hei-bo,Son, Yu-Sun 한국트라이볼로지학회 2007 한국윤활학회지(윤활학회지) Vol.23 No.1

        SCM415 alloy was implanted with nitrogen ions using plasma source ion implantation (PSII), at a dose range of $1{\times}10^{17}\;to\;6{\times}10^{17}N^{+}cm^{-2}$. Auger electron spectrometry (AES) was used to investigate the depth profile of the implanted layer. Friction and wear tests were carried out on a block-on-ring wear tester. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the micro-morphology of the worn surface. The results revealed that after being implanted with nitrogen ions, the frictional coefficient of the surface layer decreased, and the wear resistance increased with the nitrogen dose. The tribological mechanism was mainly adhesive, and the adhesive wear tended to become weaker oxidative wear with the increase in the nitrogen dose. The effects were mainly attributed to the formation of a hard nitride precipitate and a supersaturated solid solution of nitrogen in the surface layer.

      • LDP를 이용한 기어의 전달오차 예측에 관한 연구

        유선(Yu-Sun Son),배효제(Hyo-Je Bae),탁성훈(Sung-Hoon Tak),장기(Qi Zhang),성기(Sung-Ki Lyu) 한국기계가공학회 2008 한국기계가공학회 춘추계학술대회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        Predictin of Transmission Error was carried out by using LDP and compared with test results which was measured under no-load condition. Two different type of gear was used in this study, which has same macro-geometry and different micro-geometry. The magnitude of tip relief of gear set A was twice as much as that of gear set B. The Transmission error spectrum of each gear indicated the magnitude of first harmonic of gear set A was twice as much as that of gear set B and LDP Prediction also indicated same results. the comparison of LDP prediction and test results was almost same in 90% accuracy. Design loads of each gear were also found by using LDP and LDP calculated 115Nm for gear set A and 230Nm for gear set B.

      • KCI등재

        접촉하중에 따른 기어의 트랜스미션 에러에 관한 연구

        탁성훈,황규석,유선,배효제,성기,Tak, Sung-Hoon,Hwang, Gue-Sec,Son, Yu-Sun,Bae, Hyo-Je,Lyu, Sung-Ki 한국트라이볼로지학회 2007 한국윤활학회지(윤활학회지) Vol.23 No.3

        This study deals with the TE (Transmission Error) of gear tooth by modifying a profile and lead of a surface of tooth. First, we experimentally confirmed that the TE is a synthesis of the sliding velocity between both gears. Since various types of TE appear in the experiments, we introduced definition of transmission error and the optimism design by modifying a surface parameters. The test stand's performance is then evaluated through a series of multiple torque transmission error tests. Comparisons are made between data recorded before and after the test stand's redesign, and subsequently repeatability studies are performed to verify the veracity of the measured data. Finally, the experimental results are compared to the analytical predictions of two different gear analysis programs.

      • SCM415강에 증착된 코팅층의 마찰ㆍ마모특성에 관한 연구

        탁성훈(SungHoon Tak),유선(Yu Sun Son),배효제(Hyo Je Bae),김준성(Jun Seong Kim),최창(Chang Choi),성기(Sung Ki Lyu) 한국트라이볼로지학회 2008 한국트라이볼로지학회 학술대회 Vol.2008 No.11

        The purpose of this study is to show the friction and wear characteristics on the vapor deposited coating layers on the SCM4l5 steel. In this research, frictional wear characteristic of coating materials such as TiN, TiCN, TiAIN was investigated under room temperature, normal air pressure and nothing lubricating condition. Therefore this study carried out research on the friction coefficient, micro hardness(Hv), roughness, SEM on the vapor deposited coating layers on the SCM4l5 steel.

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