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      • KCI등재

        「동포사랑」에 나타난 북한이탈주민의 시민성 실천과 에토스

        류연미,손명아 경희대학교 사회과학연구원 2018 社會科學硏究 Vol.44 No.3

        This study focuses on the citizenship practice and ethos of North Korean refugees required in South Korean society. Specifically, it examines the elements of citizenship required by the state as a mechanism for the settlement and adaptation of migrants to understand the process of ‘citizenization’, in which the refugees reshape themselves by embodying specific social behaviors and cultural attitudes. For this purpose, we analyze the discourse of Dongposarang, the newsletter of North Korean refugees. First, North Korean refugees are urgently required to become economically self–reliant laborers, while practical guidelines for employment such as acquisition of certifications are presented. They should also demonstrate their role as members of society through service to communities and social participation activities. Second, North Korean refugees must survive in the experiences of structured discrimination and failure by always maintaining a persistent and sincere attitude. In addition, they should respond to growth-oriented ethics of South Korean society by having a positive attitude welcoming challenges. The ideal citizen subject formed through this practice and ethos is a faithful worker who fills vacancies in society and a safe neighbor who plans her/his life and helps others. The image of the 'good citizen' that the mainstream discourse of Dongposarang reproduces shows how actual actors are forced to internalize the discipline of the nation, and how some immigrants are eventually included or excluded in the South Korean society. 본 연구는 남한 사회에서 북한이탈주민에게 요구되는 시민성의 양상을 실천과 에토스의 차원에서 분석한다. 구체적으로 국가가 이주민의 정착과 적응을 규율하는 기제로서 시민성의 요소를 살펴보고, 북한이탈주민이 특정한 사회적 행위와 문화적 태도를 습득하여 스스로를 새로운 주체로 재구성하고자 하는 시민화 과정을 조명한다. 이를 위해 북한이탈주민 전문 소식지 「동포사랑」에 나타난 담론을 분석한다. 분석 결과 첫째, 경제적으로 자립한 직업인이 되는 것이 가장 시급한 과제이며, 자격증 취득과 같은 취업을 위한 실천 지침이 제시된다. 또한 봉사와 사회참여 활동을 통해 남한 사회 구성원으로서의 역할을 증명해야 한다. 둘째, 북한이탈주민은 끈기 있고 성실한 태도를 가짐으로써 구조화된 차별과 실패의 경험들 속에서도 생존해야 한다. 뿐만 아니라 도전을 두려워하지 않는 적극적인 태도를 겸비함으로써 성장 지향적 자본주의 사회 윤리에 부응해야 한다. 이 같은 실천과 에토스를 통해 형성되는 이상적인 시민 주체란 사회의 빈곳을 채우는 성실한 노동자이자, 자신의 삶을 기획하고 타인을 돕는 안전하고 모범적인 이웃이다. 「동포사랑」과 같은 주류 담론의 프레임이 재현하는 ‘좋은 시민’의 상은 국가의 규율과 지배를 실제 행위자들이 어떻게 내면화하도록 하는지 드러낸다. 이는 결국 남한 사회에서 어떤 이주민이 시민으로 포섭되거나 배제되는지 보여주는 사례가 될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 플랫폼 미세노동의 의미 유형과 요인: 청년 노동자의 일 경험을 중심으로

        류연미,노성철 한국산업노동학회 2023 산업노동연구 Vol.29 No.3

        Online platform work has become an emerging issue due to the acceleration of digital transformation and the non-contact work caused by COVID-19 pandemic. However, our understanding of the subjective experiences and perceptions of workers performing work outside the boundaries of traditional employment is still limited. This study examines the meanings that young workers on microwork platforms give to their work experiences. To this end, we conducted in-depth interviews with 26 young microworkers, and analyzed the types of meaning of microwork and the factors that influenced their formations. The analysis shows that the meanings given to microwork by young workers were divided into ‘experiment of alternative work arrangement’, ‘experiment of new career path’, ‘productive side income’, and ‘strategic side job’ according to differences in offline labor market position and work orientation. This study theorizes how microworkers who perform fragmented work, do not have a common physical workplace and are disconnected from social relationships, make meanings of their work. In this regard, it has implications for illuminating the agency of young microworkers in the meaning-making of work and the linkage of online platform work with the offline labor market.

      • KCI우수등재

        취미에서 일자리로: 청년 노동자의 온라인 노동 플랫폼에 대한 종속성 형성과정 고찰

        노성철,류연미 비판사회학회 2022 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.133

        플랫폼 노동에 대한 선행연구는 지역기반 긱 노동 플랫폼의 사례를 중심으로 플랫폼 노동자들의 불안정성을 주로 조명했다. 이 논문은 선행연구의 논의를 최근 빠르게 확산하고 있는 온라인기반 크라우드 노동 플랫폼으로 확장했다. 특히 횡단적 연구에 그쳤던 기존 연구의 한계를 넘어서, 오프라인 노동시장에서 온라인 노동 플랫폼으로의 이행부터 온라인 미세작업에 대한 몰입이 심화되는 단계까지 이르는 과정을 분석함으로써 청년 노동자들이 플랫폼과 맺는 관계의 양상이 진화하는 동태적 과정을 이론화하는 것을 목표로 했다. 이를 위해서 우리나라의 대표적인 온라인 크라우드 노동 플랫폼에서 일하는 18명의 청년 노동자들을 2019년부터 3년에 걸쳐 면접조사한 자료를 분석했다. 분석 결과는 청년 노동자들이 오프라인 일자리와 비교해 유연성-자율성-공정성 측면에서 온라인 크라우드 노동을 높이 평가해 플랫폼에 진입했고, 진입 이후에는 신뢰 구축-전략적 행위자 되기-게임화 과정을 거쳐 온라인 미세작업에 몰입하게 되는 것을 보여주었다. 몰입 단계에 접어든 노동자들은 플랫폼 진입 동기로 작용했던 유연성, 자율성, 공정성 측면에서의 제약에도 불구하고 온라인 플랫폼 작업을 이어가는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 저자들은 이를 플랫폼에 대한 종속성 형성과정으로 개념화했고, 그것이 플랫폼 노동과 청년 노동자의 불안정성 연구에 갖는 이론적 함의를 논의했다. Prior research on platform labor has focused primarily on work precarity that workers experience with location-based gig labor platforms. We extend insights from previous studies into online crowd work, a form of platform labor which has been rapidly expanding in South Korea. Especially, we aims at contributing to the literature by theorizing how young workers’ relationships with online labor platform evolve over time. Drawing on longitudinal interviews with 18 young workers over three years, we found that they were initially attracted to online labor platform because of the flexible, autonomous and fair nature of online crowd work. Once engaged in online crowd work, they went through the process of trust-building, developing strategic agency, and gamification which led them to varied states of commitment to the platform. We conceptualized the process as the development of worker’ dependence on online labor platform and discussed its theoretical implication.

      • KCI등재

        15-Hydroxyprostaglandin Dehydrogenase in Colorectal Mucosa as a Potential Biomarker for Predicting Colorectal Neoplasms

        이효정,양동훈,류연미,송미연,송호준,정기욱,김경조,예병덕,변정식,최은경,양석균,김진호,명승재 대한의학회 2013 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.28 No.8

        15-Hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (15-PGDH) is downregulated during the early stages of colorectal carcinogenesis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential role of 15-PGDH in normal-appearing colorectal mucosa as a biomarker for predicting colorectal neoplasms. We obtained paired tumor and normal tissues from the surgical specimens of 32 sporadic colorectal cancer patients. mRNA expression of 15-PGDH was measured using a quantitative real-time PCR assay. We evaluated the association between 15-PGDH mRNA expression in normal-appearing mucosa, the presence of synchronous adenoma, and the cumulative incidence of metachronous adenoma. The relative 15-PGDH expression of normal-appearing mucosa in patients with synchronous adenoma was significantly lower than in patients without synchronous adenoma (0.71 vs 1.00, P = 0.044). The patients in the lowest tertile of 15-PGDH expression in normalappearing mucosa were most likely to have synchronous adenoma (OR: 10.5, P = 0.024). Patients with low 15-PGDH expression in normal-appearing mucosa also demonstrated more advanced stage colorectal cancer (P = 0.045). However, there was no significant difference in the cumulative incidence of metachronous adenoma according to 15-PGDH mRNA expression in normal-appearing mucosa (P = 0.333). Hence, 15-PGDH in normalappearing colorectal mucosa can be a useful biomarker of field effect for the prediction of sporadic synchronous neoplasms.

      • KCI등재

        Artificial intelligence algorithm for neoplastic cell percentage estimation and its application to copy number variation in urinary tract cancer

        정진안,김덕훈,류연미,박자민,윤선영,안보경,김기환,정세운,성현정,이용일,김상엽,조영미 대한병리학회 2024 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.58 No.5

        Background: Bladder cancer is characterized by frequent mutations, which provide potential therapeutic targets for most patients. The effectiveness of emerging personalized therapies depends on an accurate molecular diagnosis, for which the accurate estimation of the neoplastic cell percentage (NCP) is a crucial initial step. However, the established method for determining the NCP, manual counting by a pathologist, is time-consuming and not easily executable. Methods: To address this, artificial intelligence (AI) models were developed to estimate the NCP using nine convolutional neural networks and the scanned images of 39 cases of urinary tract cancer. The performance of the AI models was compared to that of six pathologists for 119 cases in the validation cohort. The ground truth value was obtained through multiplexed immunofluorescence. The AI model was then applied to 41 cases in the application cohort that underwent next-generation sequencing testing, and its impact on the copy number variation (CNV) was analyzed. Results: Each AI model demonstrated high reliability, with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) ranging from 0.82 to 0.88. These values were comparable or better to those of pathologists, whose ICCs ranged from 0.78 to 0.91 in urothelial carcinoma cases, both with and without divergent differentiation/subtypes. After applying AI-driven NCP, 190 CNV (24.2%) were reclassified with 66 (8.4%) and 78 (9.9%) moved to amplification and loss, respectively, from neutral/minor CNV. The neutral/minor CNV proportion decreased by 6%. Conclusions: These results suggest that AI models could assist human pathologists in repetitive and cumbersome NCP calculations.

      • KCI우수등재

        고시패스의 욕망과 수험의 페이션시(patiency) ≪고시계≫(1980~2018년) 사법시험 합격 수기를 중심으로7)

        김홍중,김유하,김정환,류연미 비판사회학회 2020 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.126

        This study explores the dynamics of the desire for the success in the Korean Bar examination, by analyzing 406 memoirs published in the journal Gosigye between 1980 and 2018. From the theoretical point of view, this study focuses on the psycho-social dimension of the agents engaged in the Bar examination, and also on their patiency signifying the power to suffer, in contrast to their agency meaning the power to act. There are two major findings. Firstly, the examinees are not so much the agents as patients who adapt to the pressure of the institution going through a process of ‘initiation → confinement/asceticism/ sacrifice → exam-taking → fail/pass’. Secondly, these examinees mobilize and organize their psycho-agency in order to pass the examination, which is composed of survivalist desire and meritocratic belief. Survivalist desire refers to the drive for the pass, while meritocratic belief designates the shared justification of the fairness of the bar examination. 이 연구는 1980년부터 2018년까지 잡지 ≪고시계≫에 실린 406건의 합격 수기를 자료로 사법시험(司法試驗) 합격을 향한 수험생들의 욕망의 역동을 탐구한다. 이론적 인 관점에서 이 연구는, 제도에 연루된 행위자들의 집합적 심리에 주목하는 동시에, 수 험생들의 체험 논리(페이션시)에 초점을 맞춘다. 우리의 발견은 크게 두 가지로 나누어 진다. 첫째, 수험생들은 ‘입문 → 유폐/금욕/희생 → 응시 → 탈락/합격’의 프로세스를 겪어나가면서, 제도가 부과하는 압력에 적응해 가는 ‘감수자(patient)’의 성격을 갖는다 는 점이다. 둘째, 이런 감수자적 위치에서 수험생들은 최종 합격을 위한 자신들의 심적 능력을 조직해 실천하는데, 이 능력은 기본적으로 생존주의적 욕망과 능력주의적 믿음 의 결합으로 구성되어 있다는 점이다. 생존주의적 욕망은 합격/도태의 갈림길에서 ‘합 격’을 향한 충동을 지칭하며, 능력주의적 믿음은 이런 생존에의 돌진에 도덕적 정당성 을 부여하는 ‘공정성’에의 신뢰를 가리킨다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Invertebrates fauna in the intertidal regions of Yubudo Island, South Korea

        황호성,한정호,이상보,류연미,백인환,민홍기,백운기 국립중앙과학관 2015 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.8 No.1

        Yubudo Island, which is located at the estuary of the Geumgang River, is known to have high biodiversity level. This study investigated the invertebrates fauna in the intertidal regions of Yubudo Island during May 2014 to December 2014. A total of 49 species from 32 families were observed. Among them, arthropods were the most abundant, accounting for 48% of the total with 24 species. A large number of Uca (Austruca) lactea, Endangered Wild Species Class II of Korea, were found on the mud flats in December 2014.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of biological monitoring markers using genomic and proteomic analysis for automobile emission inspectors and waste incinerating workers exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or...

        김명곤,오상남,이지혜,임오섭,류연미,오은하,이주현,이은일,설동근 생화학분자생물학회 2004 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.36 No.5

        In this study, we investigated the efects of PAHs and dioxin on mRNA and plasma protein expresion using genomic and proteomic ana-lysis for automobile emision inspectors and waste incineration workers. About 54 workers from automobile emission inspection ofices, 31 workers from waste incinerating company and 84 unexposed healthy subjects were enroled in this study. Urine and air samples were colected says were caried out to evaluate any DNA damage in mononuclear and polynuclear cels. A significant diference in Olive tail moments in mononuclear cels was observed between ex-posed and control subjects (P< 0.0001). To examine the diferences of the gene expresion profile in automobile emission inspectors and waste incineration workers, radioactive comple-mentary DNA microarays were used to evaluate The gene expression profiles showed that 11 genes were up-regulated and 4 genes were down-regulated in waste incinerating workers as compared with controls. Plasma proteins were analyzed by 2-dimentional electrophoresis with pH 3-10 NL IPG Dry strip. The protein expres-sion profiles showed that 8 proteins were up- regulated and 1 protein, haptoglobin, was down- regulated in automobile emision inspectors and waste incineration workers. Serum paraoxonase/ arylesterase was found only in the plasma of genes and proteins involved in oxidative stres were up-regulated in both automobile emission inspectors and waste incineration workers. Se-veral proteins, such as transthyrethin, sarcol-ectin and haptoglobin, that were highly up- or down-regulated, could serve as biological moni-toring markers for future study.

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