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      • KCI등재

        冗談関係に見られる擬似インポライトネス – バラエティー番組のつっこみ文脈と対称詞選択に注目して –

        도현아 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2024 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.99

        This study focused on the context of Tsukkomi, which can be characterized in Japanese as a mock impoliteness that can be seen in joking relationships. The differences between the Japanese address terms that can be seen in Tsukkomi were also considered. Tsukkomi in everyday life pointed out that there is for unexpected sequence after a certain utterance, and there is for conversation content that impoliteness to oneself or deviates from general common sense or norms. In addition, based on Tsukkomi’s judgment, 1) the speaker has a confrontational stance on the structure or content of the listener’s conversation, 2) The speaker himself, the listener, or the people around them laughed according to the speaker’s speech acts. The speaker selected the most suitable address terms for each Tsukkomi context as a result of analyzing the selection of the context and address terms found in Japanese variety programs, and when the speaker emotionally did Tsukkiomi, a rather violent form such as “omae” and “omee” or its plural form could be seen. Although it is difficult to say that Japanese address terms itself has a semantic function as an impoliteness or a Tsukkomi, it is a linguistic means to effectively convey such context, and the most appropriate form is chosen.

      • KCI등재

        마운팅(Mounting) 표현에 관한 한일대조연구- 드라마 <미생>을 중심으로

        도현아 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2024 인문학연구 Vol.63 No.1

        본 연구에서는 마운팅(Mounting, マウンティング)을 ‘화자가 자신의 우위성을 나타냄과 동시에 청자를 열위에 두는 언어 전략’이라고 정의하고, 마운팅 표현에 대해 화용론적 관점에서 한일대조 및 고찰했다. 한국 드라마 <미생>을 분석 자료로 삼아 직장에서의 남성 간의 마운팅 장면과 표현에 대해 원작의 한국어와 일본어 번역본을 대조했다. 마운팅을 행하는 화자는 자신이 유리한 요소에 대한 확신을 가지는 경향이 강하다는 점을 강조하여 각 용례에서 어떤 요소가 나타나는지 분석했다. 그 결과 상대의 우위성을 인정하면서도 그것을 역전시키고 자신의 포지티브 페이스(Positive Face)를 유지하기 위해 자신이 유리하다고 확신하는 요소를 내세워 상대를 낮추고 자신을 높이는 마운팅 유형을 볼 수 있었다. 자신이 유리하다고 확신하는 요소로서 개인적 레벨인 ‘학력, 능력, 성품’ 등을 시작해 사회적 레벨인 ‘정당함, 상식, 사회 규범’ 등의 폭넓은 요소를 볼 수 있었다. 한일 마운팅 표현을 대조한 결과 같은 문맥을 상대적으로 명시적 또는 암시적으로 표현하는 것을 볼 수 있었다. In this study, mounting was defined as a ‘language strategy in which the speaker shows his superiority and at the same time places the listener in inferiority’, and Korean and Japanese were contrasted and considered from a pragmatic perspective on mounting expressions. Emphasizing that the speaker who is mounting tends to have confidence in the factors that he is advantageous, we also analyzed which factors are certain in each case. As an analysis data, the original Korean and Japanese translations were compared with in mounting scenes and expressions between men at work, focusing on the Korean drama “Misaeng”. Based on the results, when recognizing the superiority of the listener, he could see a type of mounting that lowers the listener and raises himself by citing factors that he believes are advantageous in order to reverse it and maintain his positive face. Starting with the personal level of ‘education, ability, and character’ as factors that he was convinced were advantageous, a social level of factors such as ‘justification, common sense, and social norms’ could be seen. As a result of comparing the mounting expressions between Korean and Japanese, it could be seen that the same context was expressed relatively explicitly or implicitly.

      • KCI등재

        경칭(敬稱) 사용에 관한 한일대조연구: 드라마<신성한, 이혼>의 중장년층을 중심으로

        도현아 경기대학교 인문학연구소 2024 시민인문학 Vol.46 No.-

        In this study, among Korean and Japanese address terms, suffixes such as ‘ssi’ and ‘san’ and titles such as ‘seonsengnim’ and ‘sensei’ are called honorific titles. In order to examine the use of honorific titles by mid/old-aged people with complex social relationships and various address terms, the drama “Divorce Attorney Shin” (2023) was contrasted between Korea and Japan from a pragmatic point of view. As a result, despite being in the same age group, it was possible to observe the difference in psychological friendliness between the speaker and the listener, various address terms according to the other's sex and occupation. In the case of Korean, subtle changes in address terms could be seen due to the formation of familiarity, but in Japanese, such changes could not be seen due to the limitations of being a translated version. In addition, it was found that mid/old-aged Korean men could see the use of ‘seonsengnim’ as a respect for not an actual teacher, and it was found that the general honorific titles ‘san’ in Japanese corresponded to this. Finally, it was found that there was a difference in the honorific titles of the two languages depending on the possibility that the job name could be used as a honorific titles.

      • KCI등재

        여성 캐릭터의 자칭사 「うち」 사용에 관한 고찰 - 역할어(役割語)의 관점에서 -

        도현아 동국대학교 일본학연구소 2024 일본학 Vol.63 No.-

        본연구에서는 일본 애니메이션 작품 속 비(非)관서방언 여성화자 캐릭터에 의 한 일본어 자칭사 「うち」의 사용에 대해 역할어의 관점에서 고찰했다. 일본 인기 애니메이션 나의 히어로 아카데미아(僕のヒーローアカデミア) 의 ‘지로 쿄카(耳 郎響香)’와 같이 중성적 여성 캐릭터에 의한 사용을 중심으로 분석 및 고찰한 결 과, ‘쇼트커트, 솔직함, 털털함, 자기 생각/취향이 확고함, 록을 좋아함’과 같은 캐 릭터적 특징을 볼 수 있었다. 캐릭터의 작중 발화와 대인관계에 관해서도 화용론 적으로 분석한 결과 「うち」, 「あんた」, 「っつうか」, 「さ」, 「す/っす」 등의 표현이 관찰됐다. 이에 대해 ‘지로 쿄카’에게 젊은 이미지를 부여하면서도, 남성어/여성어 에 얽매이지 않는 중성적 캐릭터를 강조하는 설정이라고 분석했다. 한편 다른 중성적 캐릭터와도 비교한 결과, ‘지로 쿄카’는 젠더의식에 얽매이지 않으며 남성성을 추구하거나 동경하지 않는다는 차이점이 있었다. 자칭사 「自分」 을 사용하는 여성 캐릭터와도 비교한 결과, ‘쇼트커트, 솔직함, 「す/っす」의 사 용’이라는 설정이 공통으로 나타났다. 역할어의 관점에서 보면 「うち」는 관서방언 여성화자 캐릭터의 자칭사와는 별개로, 중성적 여성 캐릭터의 자칭사로 자리를 잡는 과정으로 생각할 수 있겠다. 향후 더 많은 캐릭터의 등장과 양적 조사 및 연구를 통해 「うち」의 역할어로서의 정착을 기대해본다. In this study, the use of the Japanese terms for self ‘うち’ by a non-Kansai dialect female speaker character in a Japanese animation work was considered from the perspective of a role language. As a result of analyzing and examining gender neutral female characters such as ‘耳郎響香’ from the popular Japanese animation “僕のヒー ローアカデミア”, characteristics such as ‘short cut, honesty, cool, firm self-thinking/ taste, and liking rock’ were found. Expressions such as ‘うち’, ‘あんた’, ‘っつうか’, ‘さ’ and ‘す/っす’ were observed as a result of analyzing the utterances and interpersonal relationships of the characters in the work. In response, it was analyzed that it was a setting that emphasized gender neutral female characters that were not bound by male or female language while giving ‘耳郎響香’ a young image. On the other hand, as a result of comparison with other gender neutral female characters, there was a difference that ‘耳郎響香’ was not bound by gender consciousness and did not pursue masculinity or admire it. As a result of comparison with female characters who use the terms for self ‘自分’, the settings of ‘short cut, honesty, and use of ‘す/っす’’ were found in common. From the perspective of the role language, ‘うち’ can be thought of as a process of establishing itself as a terms for self of a gender neutral female character, apart from a Kansai dialect female characters. In the future, I look forward to the emergence of more characters and establishment as a role language of ‘うち’ through quantitative research and research.

      • KCI등재

        自己表出の観点から見た日本語の自称詞と対称詞 - ドラマ『VIVANT』を中心に-

        都賢娥 ( Toh Hyun-ah ) 한국일어일문학회 2024 日語日文學硏究 Vol.128 No.-

        본고는 일본어 발화와 회화에서 나타나는 자칭사와 대칭사에 관하여 ‘자신을 어떻게 보이고 싶은가’라는 화자의 자기 표출의 관점에서 고찰한 연구이다. 일본어는 「ぼく·きみ」와 같이 특정 자칭사와 대칭사가 하나의 쌍을 이루는 것을 볼 수 있는 데, 이는 각 형식의 특징이 반영된 것으로 볼 수 있다. 본고에서는 각 형식의 특징을 검토하고 일본 드라마『VIVANT』작품의 등장인물이 사용하는 자칭사와 대칭사를 관찰하여 이것을 화자의 자기 표출 동기와 관련지어 분석한 결과, 품위(demeanor)와 자기 제시(self-presentation) 그리고 폴라이트네스(politeness)와 관련이 있음을 밝힐 수 있었다. 자칭사와 대칭사는 정중체와 같이 쓸 수 있는가(共起)에 대한 차이로 각 형식의 특징을 구분할 수 있다. 즉 형식성(形式性, formality)이 하나의 분류기준으로 작용할 수 있다는 것인데, 이것은 곧 화자의 말투(言葉遣い)로도 이어지며, 자신을 어떻게 보이고 싶은지에 따라 적절한 언어형식을 선택하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이는 앞으로의 일본어 자칭사와 대칭사에 관한 화용론적 연구와 외국인일본어 학습자를 위한 일본어 교육에도 활용 가능한 결과라고 할 수 있겠다. 앞으로의 과제로는 자연발화에서 나타나는 각 형식의 사용 양상에 대한 고찰, 정중체 중에서도 「ッス」와 같은 캐주얼한 경어와의 관계 등, 자칭사와 대칭사 그리고 다양한 문말 표현과의 관계에 대해서도 고찰할 필요가 있겠다. This paper is a study that reflects on the self-expression of speakers in Japanese utterance and conversation, focusing on terms for self and address terms, examining ‘how speakers want to express oneself’. In Japanese, specific terms for self and address terms, such as ‘boku/kimi’, form pairs, reflecting the features of each form. By examining these features and observing the use of terms for self and address terms by characters in the Japanese drama “VIVANT”, the study analyzes their relationship with the speaker's intention for self-expression, demeanor, self-presentation, and politeness. A distinction between each forms can be made based on the difference in their co-occurrence with honorific language, like keigo. This suggests that formality serves as a classification standard, extending to the speaker's choice of speech style. Consequently, the study reveals that speakers select language forms based on how they wish to be expressed. The findings of this study have potential applications in pragmatic research on Japanese terms for self and address terms, as well as in Japanese education for foreign learners. Future research tasks may involve further examining the usage patterns of each form in natural speech, exploring the relationship between casual honorifics like ‘ssu’, and investigating the interplay between terms for self and address terms, also various forms of the end of sentence expressions.

      • KCI등재

        Efficacy of Dendritic Cells Matured Early with OK-432 (Picibanil®), Prostaglandin E2, and Interferon-α as a Vaccine for a Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer Cell Line

        유창희,도현아,정인갑,박홍주,황정진,홍준혁,조진선,주명수,안한종,김청수 대한의학회 2010 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.25 No.9

        Dendritic cells (DCs) are potent antigen-presenting cells. OK432 (Picibanil®) was introduced as a potent stimulator of DC maturation in combination with prostaglandin-E2 and interferon-α. We compared the efficacy of a DC-prostate cancer vaccine using earlymature DCs stimulated with OK432, PGE2 and INF-α (OPA) with that of vaccines using other methods. On days 3 or 7 of DC culture, TNF-α (T), TNF-α and LPS (TL) or OPA were employed as maturation stimulators. DU145 cells subjected to heat stress were hybridized with mature DCs using polyethyleneglycol. T cells were sensitized by the hybrids, and their proliferative and cytokine secretion activities and cytotoxicity were measured. The yields of early-mature DCs were higher, compared to yields at the conventional maturation time (P<0.05). In the early maturation setting, the mean fusion ratios, calculated from the fraction of dual-positive cells, were 13.3%, 18.6%, and 39.9%, respectively (P=0.051) in the T only, TL, and OPA-treated groups. The function of cytotoxic T cells, which were sensitized with the hybrids containing DCs matured early with OPA, was superior to that using other methods. The antitumor effects of DC-DU145 hybrids generated with DCs subjected to early maturation with the OPA may be superior to that of the hybrids using conventional maturation methods.

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