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      • KCI등재

        신소설에 나타난 정치적 사건과 결합된 가족서사 고찰 -이인직의「혈의 누」와 「은세계」를 중심으로-

        노연숙 한국근대문학회 2008 한국근대문학연구 Vol.9 No.2

        This thesis focuses on the political events in Shinsoseol(the new-style fiction), which are not only functioned as a background in a work but also change the characters' future by cutting in their lives. Thus this thesis will investigate the aspects of relations between the political events and the family-narrative, which is a primary frame used frequently in Shinsoseol. Shinsoseol is said to adopt the private history like the reunion of divorced couples or dispersed families as a story line, not the public discourse. The political events, which are not directly related with the characters in Shinsoseol, make them say goodbye to their family and lead nomadic lives. Suffering from their destiny, they get the senses of 'Civilization', and then have an aspiration to make their country 'the civilized nation'. They regard this aspiration as a bounden duty. Representatives of these patterns and models are Okryeon in Hyeorenoo(Blood tears) and Oknam in Eunsegye(Silver World). Okryeon and Oknam have ever studied abroad in Japan and America, which was considered as two centers of the civilization. These idols who are made from Lee In Jick's political sense come to face a dilemma, family and nation. They are new generation who can substitute for the old, but they cannot avoid sinking down under the real world. Their aspiration to change the political situation in Chosun is broken down and they are absorbed in the private history. This shows the antagonism between 'family' and 'nation'. In brief, they cannot help choosing either family works or national business, not the both. It's a dilemma. Even though political revolutions in Shinsoseol end mostly to fail, characters such as Okryeon and Oknam awake people at that time to a sense of politics by rise and fall of their political passions. Like this, Shinsoseol left traces of 'nation', 'civilization', and 'political revolution' behind for the next generation to follow out of the political confusion. Politics and political events in Shinsoseol made Shinsoseol include the new political novels. 본고는 신소설에 나타난 정치적 사건이 단순히 작품의 배경에 국한되지 않고, 작중인물의 일상에 개입하여 인물의 미래와 행로를 바꾸고 있다는 데 주목하여, 신소설의 주된 골격이 되는 가족서사가 정치적 사건과 맞물리면서 어떻게 변모하는지 고찰해보고자 하였다. 신소설은 공적인 담론보다 개인사에 치중하며, 특히 가족이라는 체제에 천착하여 ‘헤어진 연인과 해체된 가족의 재회와 상봉’을 주된 구도로 삼고 있음을 쉽게 볼 수 있다. 이들은 일반적으로 외부적인 정치적 사건에 휘말려 이별과 유랑의 길을 걷게 되는데, 그 과정에서 내부적으로 문명에 대한 감각을 담지하게 되며, 고국으로 돌아와 가족과 상봉하기 전까지, 자국을 문명국으로 만들겠다는 포부를, 당위적인 명제처럼 일괄적으로 지니게 된다. 이러한 패턴과 모델을 대표하는 인물로 「혈의누」의 옥련이와 「은세계」의 옥남이를 들 수 있다. 이인직의 정치 감각 속에 직조된 이 아이들은 이인직이 구상한 문명세계라는 ‘인공정원’에서 성장하고 무기력했던 기성세대를 대신한 새로운 세대의 힘을 상징적으로 보여준다. 매번 뛰어난 성적으로 신문에 오르내린 옥련이의 학문적 천재성은 문명이 지향하는 바가 곧 교육에 있음을 보여주는 것이기도 하며, 너무나 완벽한 그래서 인공적인 신기루와 같은 이상적인 조형물에 불과함을 역으로 드러내기도 한다. 특히 후자의 측면에서 옥남이는 理想兒 혹은 정치개혁의 기계로 그려진다. 정치적 사건은 아이들이 해외로 나갈 수 있는 문을 열어주었으나, 정치 개혁의 의지를 지니고 돌아온 아이들은 그들의 힘으로 극복할 수 없는 자국의 절망적인 늪 속에서 별 다른 힘을 써보지 못한 채 침몰하게 된다. 이들이 품었던 정치적 열망은 이루지 못하거나, 개혁의지는 사라지고 가정이라는 개인적 공간으로 침전해가는 것은, 가정과 국가의 관계가 대립적이라는 것을 보여준다. 즉 이들은 국가사업에 뛰어들면 가정을 유지할 수 없고, 가정에 주안을 두면 국가사업을 운영할 수 없는 모순 속에 갇히게 된다. 이 모순과 역경 속에서 결국 정치개혁의 이상은 실패로 끝나지만, 정치적 파고가 낳은 옥련이와 옥남이는 신소설에 나오는 인물군을 대변하여 정치에 대한 열망이라는 감각을 일깨워준다. 즉 신소설 속에서 국가, 문명, 정치개혁 등 다음 세대에는 외압적인 정치적 사건에 휘둘리지 않을 힘을 소지하려 했다는 흔적을 남겨 놓은 것이다. 그리고 이렇게 신소설에 함의된 정치적 사건과 정치성은 신소설의 범주를 정치적인 신소설, 혹은 너무나 신소설적인 정치소설로까지 확장시켜 놓는다.

      • 홍조 꼬시래기(Gracilaria verrucosa) 유래의 글리세로당 Floridoside의 화학구조

        盧連淑,孫炳華,任光植,崔洪大 동의대학교 기초과학연구소 1995 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        As part of search for new biologically active substances from marine organism, we have isolated a glyecrol glycoside from the marine red alga Gracilaria verrucosa. The structure of the glycerol glycoside was elucidated as 2-O-α-_D-galactopyranosylglycerol〔floridoside(4)〕 on the basis of spectroscopic and physicochemical evidences.

      • KCI등재

        『서유견문』에 나타난 ‘조선인식’ 고찰

        노연숙 전남대학교 인문학연구소 2019 용봉인문논총 Vol.- No.55

        In this article, I tried to examine Yu Gil-Joon's perception of Chosun, reflected in the book 'Seoyugyeonmun'. In the meantime, 'Seoyugyeonmun' has been in the spotlight as the result of a ‘Western cruise’, as it was titled. As a result, the focus tends to be on Western institutions introduced outwardly or on analyzing new conceptual words. In this article, I took a break from this view and tried to focus on the perception of Chosun as its own characteristic of the ‘Seoyugyeonmun’. In ‘Seoyugyeonmun’, Yu Gil-joon was not only focused on introducing the customs and systems of the West, but instead wanted to selectively accommodate the needs of Chosun. It is also directly related to his worldview, in which he want to take the moderation in dealing with all things and phenomena. For him, the moderation was the only way for a Korean to live in a world of barbarism (violence in civilization). Yu Gil-joon tried to follow the Western civilization system in a continuous view from the past, centering on the traditional and the original of Chosun, with a modest attitude. He prayed for the establishment of a civilized country like the West, but was thoroughly wary of becoming a colony of Western civilization. By defining Chosun as a spiritual civilized country, and by introducing Western institutions (especially modern education and law) centering on Chosun, he wanted to create an equal country with no protection needed, that could be comparable to the world's civilized countries. In this context, the ‘Seoyugyeonmun’ is not just a reform instruction of state affairs, but the first political book that tried to promote the future of Chosun with Koreans. The fact that he expressed the Perception of Chosun with Korean readers in mind can be seen in the following clues. They include consciously writing Korean and Chinese Characters, not only Chinese, warning and requesting Korean readers, not just praising the Western system, but examining the origins and analyzing the pros and cons, and emphasizing the pride of Chosun in the continuity with traditional practical science. Therefore, the ‘Seoyugyeonmun’ needs to be noted again from various angles. 이 글에서는 『서유견문』에 투영된 유길준의 조선인식을 살펴보고자했다. 그동안 『서유견문』은 제목 그대로 ‘서구 유람의 결과물’로서 주목을 받은 바 있다. 그러다보니 외형적으로 소개된 서구 제도나 새로운 개념어 분석에 집중된 경향이 있다. 이 글에서는 이러한 시선에서 벗어나 『서유견문』의 자체적인 특성으로서 조선인식에 주목하고자 했다. 『서유견문』에서 유길준은 서구의 풍습과 제도에 치중해서 이를 소개하는 것에만 급급해하지않고, 조선을 중심으로 조선에 필요한 것을 선별적으로 수용하고자 했다. 이는 그의 세계관과도 직결되는데, 그는 모든 사물과 현상을 대함에 있어서 중용을 취하고자 했다. 그에게 중용이란 조선인이 야만(문명이 자행하는 폭력)의 세계에서 살아갈 수 있는 유일한 방도였다. 유길준은 중용의 태도로 전통적인 것, 조선 본래의 것을 중심에 두고 과거와의 연속적인 관점에서 서구 문명의 제도를 답습하고자 했다. 그는 서구와 같은 문명국의 수립을 기원하되, 서구 문명에 잠식되는 식민지가 되는 것을 철저히 경계했다. 조선을 정신적인 문명국으로 규정하고, 조선을 중심으로 서구 제도(특히 근대 교육과 법률)를 도입하여, 세계문명국과 견줄 수 있는 보호가 불필요한 대등한 나라로 만들고자 했다. 이 맥락에서 『서유견문』은 단순한 국정개혁서가 아니라 조선의 미래를 조선인과 함께 도모하고자 했던 최초의 정치서다. 그가 조선독자를 염두에 두고 조선인식을 표출했다는 점은 다음과 같은 단서들에서 충분히 볼 수 있다. 의식적으로 한문이 아닌 국한문을 쓴 점, 조선독자를 상정해서 경고와 당부를 하고 있는 점, 단순히 서구 제도만을 찬양하는 것이 아니라 기원을 살피고 장단점을 분석한 점, 전통 실학과의 연속성 속에서 조선의 자긍심을 강조한 점 등이 그렇다. 그러므로 『서유견문』은 다각도에서 재차 주목되어야 할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        염상섭의 「만세전」연구 ― 탈식민주의 시각에서 본 ‘나’의 자리 찾기와 ‘일본인의 표상’을 중심으로 ―

        노연숙 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2008 한국문화 Vol.43 No.-

        This thesis focuses on the specialty of post-coloniality found in Yeom Sang-seop’s novel, ‘Man Se Jeon’ using Homi Bhabha’s concepts of mimicry and hybridity. Lee In-wha, who is the main character and narrator in ‘Man Se Jeon’, belongs to a so-called of elite state as a foreigner student from Joseon. He stands in an intermediate position of an intelligentsia in a colonial country. This position, that is to say, Lee In-wha who belongs to the location in-between the imperial and colony, is the realization of the state of mental miscegenation, imitating imperial language and appearance, eventually, becoming hidden in the imperial. The mimicry in ‘Man Se Jeon’ thoroughly failed them as a colonial strategy to inject an imperial policy into colonials, on the other hand, was also an adaptative method of colonials to accept the attribute of imperial ruling themselves. In addition, Lee In-wha who was educated in an imperial educational system in Japan, did not have a thoroughly nationalist spirit ; he, however, is not a stereotyped character who accepts all aspects of Japan’s policy absolutely. And the appearance which ‘Chosenjin were disguised as Japanese’, colonials who imitated the behaviors of Japanese, is throughly broken up by the gaze of watcher/observer. ‘Man Se Jeon’ was famous as a novel which clearly shows the process of moving from Japan to Joseon. In this process, Lee In-Wha realized his position as a colonial himself. The problem is that this recognition leads against Lee In Wha, “to bring himself somewhere”, to grope for a kind of an alternative plan against the loss of a location where he believes he must stand. In Lee In-wha’s gaze, colonized Joseon and Chosenjin were increasingly losing their national identity, then imitating a Japanese life pattern or pressed by Japanese culture as a fragment belong to a part of imperial control. In the midst of this process, a birth of a mixed-blood baby exposes a cultural hybridity which has domesticated imperial taste, moral and spirit. Eventually, the appearance of Joseon is craved as a community cemetery which consists of anonymous corpses. In the novel, the difference between colonizer and colonist is described throughout an intimate relationship of Choson foreign student Lee In-wha and Japanese waitress shizuko’. Lee In-wha starts to find a way to overcome his complicated situation, changed through the death of his wife, Eulla’s cheating and shizuko’s change as undergraduate. He determined that he would choose neither Eulla nor shizuko, rather living alone and isolated himself. Here, his isolation can be read to mean his “freedom”. He entered into his own free square which mean ‘true freedom’ without headache. Lee In-wha transcends the relation of family and the destiny of Chosenjin as leaving Chosen, and he is willing to stand in the world of an individual, a third world, and not return to shizuko. This thesis focuses on the specialty of post-coloniality found in Yeom Sang-seop’s novel, ‘Man Se Jeon’ using Homi Bhabha’s concepts of mimicry and hybridity. Lee In-wha, who is the main character and narrator in ‘Man Se Jeon’, belongs to a so-called of elite state as a foreigner student from Joseon. He stands in an intermediate position of an intelligentsia in a colonial country. This position, that is to say, Lee In-wha who belongs to the location in-between the imperial and colony, is the realization of the state of mental miscegenation, imitating imperial language and appearance, eventually, becoming hidden in the imperial. The mimicry in ‘Man Se Jeon’ thoroughly failed them as a colonial strategy to inject an imperial policy into colonials, on the other hand, was also an adaptative method of colonials to accept the attribute of imperial ruling themselves. In addition, Lee In-wha who was educated in an imperial educational system in Japan, did not have a thoroughly nationalist spirit ; he, however, is not a stereotyped character who accepts all aspects of Japan’s policy absolutely. And the appearance which ‘Chosenjin were disguised as Japanese’, colonials who imitated the behaviors of Japanese, is throughly broken up by the gaze of watcher/observer. ‘Man Se Jeon’ was famous as a novel which clearly shows the process of moving from Japan to Joseon. In this process, Lee In-Wha realized his position as a colonial himself. The problem is that this recognition leads against Lee In Wha, “to bring himself somewhere”, to grope for a kind of an alternative plan against the loss of a location where he believes he must stand. In Lee In-wha’s gaze, colonized Joseon and Chosenjin were increasingly losing their national identity, then imitating a Japanese life pattern or pressed by Japanese culture as a fragment belong to a part of imperial control. In the midst of this process, a birth of a mixed-blood baby exposes a cultural hybridity which has domesticated imperial taste, moral and spirit. Eventually, the appearance of Joseon is craved as a community cemetery which consists of anonymous corpses. In the novel, the difference between colonizer and colonist is described throughout an intimate relationship of Choson foreign student Lee In-wha and Japanese waitress shizuko’. Lee In-wha starts to find a way to overcome his complicated situation, changed through the death of his wife, Eulla’s cheating and shizuko’s change as undergraduate. He determined that he would choose neither Eulla nor shizuko, rather living alone and isolated himself. Here, his isolation can be read to mean his “freedom”. He entered into his own free square which mean ‘true freedom’ without headache. Lee In-wha transcends the relation of family and the destiny of Chosenjin as leaving Chosen, and he is willing to stand in the world of an individual, a third world, and not return to shizuko.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        홍조 꼬시래기(Gracilaria verrucosa) 유래의 글리세로당 Floridoside의 화학구조

        노연숙,손병화,임광식,최홍대,Roh, Yeon-Suk,Son, Byeng-Wha,Im, Kwang-Sik,Choi, Hong-Dae 한국생약학회 1994 생약학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        As part of search for new biologically active substances from marine organism, we have isolated a glyecrol glycoside from the marine red alga Gracilaria verrucosa. The structure of the glycerol glycoside was elucidated as 2-O-${\alpha}-_D$-galactopyranosylglycerol[floridoside(4)] on the basis of spectroscopic and physicochemical evidences.

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