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        치과기공사의 치과보철물 제작환경 실태

        남신은(Shin-Eun Nam),이희경(Hee-Kyung Lee) 한국의료정보교육협회 2017 보건의료생명과학논문지 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 치과기공사의 치과기공소 내 근무환경을 알아보고 치과보철물 제작환경 및 그 관행수가에 대한 치과기공사들의 인식도에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 연구대상자는 치과기공사 161명이었으며 수집된 설문지는 빈도분석을 통해 분석하였다. 본 연구를 통해 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대상자는 하루 평균 10시간 이상(64.4%)의 과도한 근무를 하고 있었으며, 연 소득 수준은 2,400~3,600만 원(27.2%)과 6,000만 원 이상(27.2%)로 양극화되는 경향을 보였다. 둘째, 치과보철물의 재제작 시 주 원인은 치과 진료실에서 발생하는데 비해(80.2%) 치과기공요금은 치과기공소에서 전액 부담하는 경우가 대부분이었다(67.5%). 셋째, 대상자들은 현행 기공료 관행수가가 낮으며(96.9%) 그것의 조정 및 개선이 필요하다고 생각하였다(97.9%). 본 연구에서 얻은 결과를 토대로 치과기공사들의 근무환경을 합리적으로 향상시키고 관행수가를 포함한 치과보철물의 제작환경을 개선할 필요가 있다. This study aimed to investigate the working environment of dental technicians and pr oduction environment of dental prosthesis in dental laboratory. The survey was conduct ed for 161 dental technicians in Korea, and data was analyzed by frequency analysis. T he main findings were as follows: 1) The subjects were overworked more than 10 hour s a day(64.4%), and their annual income level was polarized from 24 to 36 million wo n(27.2%) and over 60 million won(27.2%). 2) In case of remake of dental prostheses, dental laboratories paid the rate of remake(67.5%), while the main cause was in the d ental clinic(80.2%). 3) The subjects responded that the market price of gold crown rest oration is unreasonable(96.9%), and it was necessary to adjust and improve it(97.9%). Based on the results obtained in this study, it is necessary to improve the working envir onment of dental technicians and to improve the manufacturing environment of dental prosthesis including the market price of it.

      • KCI등재

        삼차원 재구성법을 이용한 몬슨 구와 하악 치열궁의 형태 및 교두 경사각과의 연관성에 관한 연구

        남신은(Shin-Eun Nam),이승표(Seung-Pyo Lee) 대한치과재료학회 2013 대한치과재료학회지 Vol.40 No.3

        Monson’s sphere has been used as a reference for prosthetic reconstruction of the posterior dentition. Recent studies have reported that the radius of Monson’s sphere differs greatly in individuals, but little researches has been conducted on factors related to the Monson’s sphere. Therefore, this study aimed to generate Monson’s sphere using newly developed algorithm and evaluate the relationship between the Monson’s sphere and correlated factors. Mandibular dental casts from 71 young adult Korean were scanned and rendered as virtual dental models with a 3-D scanner. Twenty and six landmarks were digitized on the virtual dental models using a custom made software program. The Monson’s sphere was estimated by fitting a sphere to the cusp tips using a least-squares method. Using specialized software program, arch radius, arch angle, arch length, arch width and buccolingual cusp angle of mandibular posterior teeth were measured. Mann-Whitney Test were performed to test gender difference and correlation coefficients were investigated to verify the correlation between Monson’s sphere and correlated factors (a=.05). The mean radius of the sphere was 111.47 mm (4.39 inch). There was significantly difference between males and females in the radius (p<.001). Arch angle in canine (ICA), arch length (IIC, ILM), arch width (ICW, IMW) and all buccolingual cusp angle measurements (CA) except for left first premolar were correlated to the radius of Monson’s sphere, respectively (p<.05). Especially, buccolingual cusp angles of molar showed the highest correlation coefficients among the factors, with - 0.533 - -0.276 (p<.05). It was concluded that the radius of Monson’s sphere was greater than the classical 101.06 mm (4 inch) value and buccolingual cusp angles of molar can be considered as one of the main factors correlating with the radius of Monson’s sphere.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 문제 해결형 바이오헬스케어 분야 디지털 리빙랩의 활용 방안 연구

        남신은(Shin-Eun Nam) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2024 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.24 No.10

        목적 본 연구의 목적은 지역사회 문제해결을 위한 바이오 헬스케어 분야의 디지털 리빙랩의 중요성을 이해하고, 대학이 가진 특성화 분야를 기반으로 지역사회와 연계한 리빙랩에서 활용될 수 있도록 정책적 개선 방향을 제언하는데 있다. 방법 2022년 9월 1일부터 10월 10일까지 전북지역 소재의 대학에서 바이오 헬스케어 분야 교과목 수강신청 학생과 관련 학과 교원 및 산업체 150명을 대상으로 수행하였다. 수집된 자료는 IBM SPSS Statistic ver. 22.0 statistical program을 이용하여 빈도분석과 기술통계, 교차분석, independent t-test, 1-way ANOVA를 실시하여 분석하였다. 결과 연구대상자들은 지역사회 생활환경에 대해 5점 만점 기준 3.68점의 만족도를 보였고, 성별로는 남성(3.77±0.90)이 여성(3.62±0.85)보다 높았고, 연령별로는 20대(3.86±0.80)가 가장 높았으며 연령이 증가할수록 만족도는 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 지역 현안 중 ‘문화/여가 분야’가 본인 삶의 질에서 가장 중요하며(28.2%) 개선이 시급한 분야(27.6%)로 인식하고 있었으며, 개선 시 파급효과가 가장 클 것으로 예상되는 분야는 일자‘/리창업 분야’(33.9%였다)또한. 연령 및 신분에 따라 개선이 시급한 분야와 파급효과가 큰 분야에 대해서는 통계적으로 의한 차이를 보였다(p<.05). 바이오 헬스케어 분야가 지역현안 해결 시 중요한 역할을 담당할 것이라고 인식하고 있었고(52.7%), 그것의 추진에 있어서 지역주민의 참여가 필요하다고는 인지하고 있었으나(70.4%), 본인의 참여 여부는 프로젝트 성격에 따라 고려하겠다는 의견이 가장 높았다(48.8%). 다만 10대에서는 지역현안 해결가능성 및 삶의 질 개선 가능성, 주민참여의 필요성, 참여의향 등에서 통계적으로 유의하게 가장 낮은 점수를 보였다(p<.05). 결론 바이오 헬스케어 분야 디지털 리빙랩의 추진 시 그것의 성격과 추진방향에 대한 지역사회 주민의 정확한 사전 요구분석이 필요하다. 지역사회 문제 해결형 디지털 리빙랩을 추진함에 있어 대학은 지역사회 연계를 통한 기술 제품··서비스를 실험하면서, 바이오 헬스케어 분야에 특화된 디지털리빙랩 인프라 구축의 역할을 수행해야 한다. 마지막으로, 지역사회 바이오 헬스케어 리빙랩의 확산 및 지속가능성을 위해서는 지역사회의 요구와 대학의 특성화 분야를 함께 고려한 리빙랩 플랫폼 기획이 필요하며, 이를 통해 프로젝트형이 아닌 인프라로 발전할 수 있도록 노력이 필요하다. Objectives The purpose of this study was to understand the importance of the Bio-healthcare Digital Living Lab for solving community problems and to suggest policy improvement so that it can be utilized based on the speci-alized fields of university. Methods From September 1 to October 10, 2022, the survey was conducted on 150 students enrolled in bio-healthcare courses at universities in the Jeonbuk region, as well as faculty and community industrial company related Bio-healthcare department. The collected data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistic ver. 22.0 stat-istical program. Frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, χ-square, independent t-test, and 1-way ANOVA were performed to analyze the data. Results The study showed satisfaction with the community living environment at 3.68 out of 5. By gender, it was higher in men(3.77±0.90) than in women(3.62±0.85), and by age, it was highest in people in their 20s(3.86±0.80), and satisfaction tended to decrease as age increased. Among local issues, ‘culture/leisure’ was recognized as the most important in terms of quality of life(28.2%) and an area in urgent need of improvement(27.6%), and the area expected to have the greatest ripple effect if improved was ‘jobs/start-up’(33.9%). In addition, there was a stat-istical difference in areas requiring urgent improvement and areas with large ripple effects depending on age and status(p<.05). They recognized that the bio-healthcare field would play an important role in resolving local is-sues(52.7%), and that local residents‘ participation was necessary in promoting it(70.4%), but the highest re-sponse was that they would consider their participation depending on the nature and direction of the project (48.8%). And, teenagers showed statistically significantly lowest scores in terms of possibility of solving local is-sues, possibility of improving quality of life, need for resident participation, and willingness to participate (p<.05). Conclusions In process of promoting a digital living lab in the bio-healthcare, an accurate preliminary analysis of the needs of local community residents regarding its nature and direction is necessary. And, in promoting a digital living lab that solves community problems, universities must play a role in building a digital living lab infrastructure specialized in the bio-healthcare field while experimenting with technology, products, and services through com-munity linkage. Lastly, for the expansion and sustainability of community bio-healthcare living labs, it is necessary to plan a living lab platform that considers both the community's needs and the university's specialized fields, and it is need to develop into an infrastructure rather than a project type.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 정량적 마모 지표를 이용한 한국인과 일본인의 제1대구치의 마모도 비교

        남신은(Shin-Eun Nam),박영석(Young-Seok Park),류홍렬(Hong-Ryeol Ryu),임영설(Young-Seol Lim),이승표(Seung-Pyo Lee) 대한치과재료학회 2012 대한치과재료학회지 Vol.39 No.3

        This study was aimed to compare the amount of tooth wear between Korean and Japanese quantitatively using newly developed tooth wear parameters. Maxillary and mandibular full-mouth dental stone casts were prepared from female dental students of Korea and Japan. The casts were scanned and rendered as virtual dental models with 3-D scanner. Reference points are selected, which is stable even after wear, on the first molar of virtual model through specialized program tools. Virtual vectors and occlusal planes were generated from reference points. Two maxillary and three mandibular angles between cusp tips, and four heights from virtual vectors or occlusal planes to central pits of both arches were measured and analysed. Independent-samples T-Test or Mann-Whitney Test were performed to compare differences between two racial groups. Angles between cusp tips were larger and the heights from virtual vectors and occlusal planes to the central pit were shorter in Korean groups (p<.05). That is, cusps were shorter in Korean than Japanese, which means tooth wear was greater in Korean. Especially, the heights from buccal/lingual occlusal planes to the central pits showed high statistically significant differences in both maxillary and mandibular first molars (p<.001). These results could be used as meaningful quantitative parameters in case of comparisons of different tooth wear tendency between races.

      • KCI등재

        치기공(학)과 실습용 샘플 모형의 타당성에 대한 3차원적 분석

        남신은(Shin-Eun Nam) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2024 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.24 No.16

        목적 본 연구의 목적은 치기공(학)과 교과과정에서 이용되는 실습용 샘플 모형을 3차원 가상모형으로 재구성하여 상·하악 치열의 크기와 형태 및 해부학적 구조물의 위치를 분석하고, 나아가 실제 구강 내 모형을 대상으로 이루어진 선행연구 결과와의 비교를 통해 샘플 모형을 타당성을 평가하고자 하였다. 방법 치기공(학)과 실습시간에 사용되는 샘플 모형을 준비하여 3차원 스캐너(optoTOP-HE, Breukmann, Germany)를 이용해 3차원 가상모형으로 재구성하였다. 준비된 실습 샘플 모형을 대상으로 치열의 크기를 분석하기 위한 4개의 항목(견치부 너비, ICW; 구치부 너비, IMW; 견치부 길이, IIC; 구치부 길이, IIM)과, 교합만곡을 분석하기 위한 3개의 항목(스피만곡, 윌슨만곡, 몬슨 구의 반지름)을 측정하였다. 또한 절치부에서부터 절치유두까지의 최단거리(IP)를 측정하여 상악 전치부와 절치유두의 위치관계를 분석하였다. 모든 측정은 RapidForm 2004(INUS technology INC, Seoul, Korea) 프로그램을 이용하였으며, 측정에서 얻은 결과값은 동일한 측정지표를 이용해 분석한 이전의 선행연구 결과와 비교하였다. 신뢰도 분석은 급내상관계수(ICC)로 산출하였으며, 0.999(p<.001)의 높은 상관계수를 나타내었다. 결과 상·하악 실습용 샘플 모형을 대상으로 치열의 너비(ICW/IMW)와 치열의 길이(IIC/IIM)를 측정한 결과 상악에서의 치열 너비(ICW/IMW)를 제외한 대부분의 측정 항목이 이전의 선행연구 결과에 비해 작게 나타났으며, 하악 치열이 이루는 스피만곡과 몬슨구의 반지름 역시 더 작게 나타났다. 또한, 절치부에서부터 절치유두까지의 최단거리(IP) 역시 선행연구 결과보다 짧아 절치유두의 위치가 실습용 샘플 모형에서 더욱 전방으로 위치하는 경향을 보였다. 결론 이상의 선행연구 결과와의 비교로 비추어 볼 때 치기공(학)과에서 사용되는 실습용 샘플 모형은 실제와 크기 및 형태에서 차이가 있음을 파악할 수 있었으며, 본 연구결과를 토대로 향후 실습용 샘플 모형 제작 시 보다 적절한 크기와 형태의 모형을 제작할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Objectives This study aimed to analyze and evaluate that of sample model used in the dental technique training using 3-dimesional virtual models. Methods The sample models were scanned and rendered as a virtual dental models using a 3-D scanner(optoTOP-HE, Breukmann, Germany). 4 measurements were made to determine arch size(ICW, intercanine width; IMW, intermolar width; IIC, incisor to intercanine line; and IIM, incisor to intermolar line) and three measurements were made to determine occlusal curvatures(curve of Spee, curve of Wilson, and Monson’s sphere). In addition, the distance from incisor to incisive papilla(IP) was measured to investigate the relationship between upper anterior teeth and incisive papilla. All measurement values were compared with previous studies which used the same measurement parameters. Intra-rater reliability was evaluated for all parameters using ICC, revealing excellent coefficient values(ICC = 0.999, p<.001). Results ICW/IMW(arch width) and IIC/IIM(arch length) were smaller in the both upper and lower sample models except for ICW/IMW in the upper model. Curve of Spee was shallower and the radius of Monson’s sphere were smaller in the lower sample model, as well. In addition, IP was shorter and tend to be located more anterior compared to previous studies. Conclusions These results suggested that the sample models were smaller than average sizes reported in the previous studies, and incisive papilla in the sample model was located more anterior in the palate. This finding could be used as a meaningful reference for improving sample models of dental technique training.

      • KCI등재

        일부 한국인 하악 제2소구치 교두 변이 양상에 대한 3차원적 분석

        남신은,Nam, Shin-Eun 대한치과기공학회 2020 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.42 No.3

        Purpose: This study aims to investigate the cusp variation pattern of the Korean mandibular second premolar and to determine the difference in tooth diameter and surface area using a virtual three-dimensional model. Methods: Dental casts from 69 students were scanned as a virtual dental models with a three-dimensional dental model scanner. Tooth diameter, absolute and relative individual areas, total crown area, the number of lingual cusps and central groove pattern were analyzed using RapidForm 2004. The Mann-Whitney U-test and the Kruskal-Wallis test were performed to verify sexual dimorphism, the difference in tooth diameter and surface according to the cusp variation pattern (α=0.05). Results: There was no significant difference except in buccolingual diameter (p<0.05) and buccolingual diameter at the cervix (p<0.05). The relative surface area of the total clinical crown was 65.76% for the buccal half and 34.24% for the lingual half, with a ratio of 2:1. In the case of the presence of two lingual cusps, the ratio was 21.47% for the mesiolingual half and 14.12% for the distaolingual half, with a ratio of 3:2. The dominant central groove patterns of the second premolar were the H-pattern (42.0%), followed by the Y-pattern (37.7%), then the U-pattern (20.3%). The relative buccal half was largest in the U-pattern central groove and the relative lingual half was largest in the Y-pattern central groove (p<0.05). Conclusion: This study is significant in that it measured quantitative surface areas and the findings could be a meaningful reference to comprehend dental anatomy in Koreans.

      • KCI등재후보

        상·하악 구치부 교두 경사도와 치열궁 형태의 상관관계에 관한 3차원적 연구

        남신은(Shin-Eun Nam) 한국의료정보교육협회 2017 보건의료생명과학논문지 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 3차원 가상모형을 이용하여 상·하악 구치부에서의 교두 경사도를 측정하고, 상·하악 치열궁 형태와의 연관성에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 25명의 치과용 연구모형을 얻은 후 이를 치과용 3차원 가상모형으로 재현하였다(Scanner S600, Zirkonzahn, Italy). 상·하악 구치부의 교두 경사도와 치열의 형태와의 상관관계를 알아보고자 상관계수(Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient)를 구하였으며. 유의수준은 α = 0.05로 하였다. 상악 제1대구치의 협·설 교두 경사도는 견치부의 치열 너비, 대구치부의 치열 길이와 상관계수 0.606-0.886 범위의 높은 상관관계를 나타내었다(p<0.05). 하악 좌측 제1대구치의 협측교두가 이루는 근·원심 교두 경사도는 견치부, 제1, 2대구치부의 치열의 너비와 상관계수 0.418-0.482 범위의 상관관계를 나타내었고(p<0.05), 설측교두가 이루는 근·원심 교두 경사도는 견치부, 제1대구치부의 치열의 너비와 상관계수 0.455-0.459 범위의 상관관계를 나타내었다(p<0.05). The purpose of this study was to clarify the correlation between cusp inclination and dental arch forms in maxilla and mandible. The study included data from 25 Koreans, which was scanned and reconstructed as a 3-dimensional virtual models with a 3-D scanner(Scanner S600, Zirkonzahn, Italy). A Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of 0.606-0.886 was noted between buccolingual cusp inclinations of the maxillary first molar and arch width of the canines and arch length of molars(p<0.05). A correlation coefficient of 0.418-0.482 was noted between mesiodistal cusp inclinations of buccal cusps of the mandibular left first molar and arch width of canines and molars(p<0.05), and of 0.455-0.459 was noted between mesiodistal cusp inclinations of lingual cusps of the mandibular left first molar and measurements related arch width of canines and the first molars(p<0.05).

      • KCI등재

        건강보험 급여화 관련 크라운보철물 제작실태 연구

        조미향,이희경,남신은,Cho, Mi-Hyang,Lee, Hee-Kyung,Nam, Shin-Eun 대한치과기공학회 2018 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.40 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the production environment of crown prosthesis for National Health Insurance(NHI) benefit. Methods: This study carried out self-administered questionnaire survey from September 1, 2016 to October 31 by having research subjects as 261 dental technician. Except 100 copies with incomplete response, 161 copies were used as the materials of final analysis. Results: Unlike gold crowns, the material cost of metal crowns was paid at the dental laboratory(86.3%). Total material consumption for making metal crown was more than gold crown(63.4%), especially for the finishing and polishing processes(78.3%). The subjects responded that a routine dental laboratory fee of crown prosthesis is unreasonable, and it is necessary to adjust and improve it(metal crown 96.2%, gold crown 96.9%). NHI coverage dental prosthesis was not marked on the order form(46.0%), and the dental laboratory fee of that was nor received(64.0%). Conclusion : It is necessary to estimate the NHI cost level of the crown prosthesis by reflecting the production environment and engineering process in dental laboratories. In addition, institutional arrangement should be backed up so that dental laboratories can receive appropriate dental laboratory fee.

      • KCI등재

        구개의 높이가 한국어 모음 발음에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구

        정보윤,임영준,김명주,남신은,이승표,권호범,Chung, Bo-Yoon,Lim, Young-Jun,Kim, Myung-Joo,Nam, Shin-Eun,Lee, Seung-Pyo,Kwon, Ho-Beom 대한치과보철학회 2010 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.48 No.1

        연구 목적: 이 연구의 목적은 한국 성인 남녀 유치악자를 대상으로 구개의 높이가 한국어 모음 발음에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것이다. 연구 재료 및 방법: 발음, 청력 및 의사소통에 문제가 없고 음성 관련 병력이 없는 23세부터 40세까지의 건강한 한국인 남녀 41명이 연구에 참여하였다. 피험자들의 인상 채득 후 제작된 연구모형을 가지고 구개 폭과 깊이를 고려하여 피험자들을 구개 높이 정도에 따라 고, 중, 저 세 군으로 구분하였다. 피험자들에게 7가지의 한국어 모음을 발음하도록 하여 녹음하고, 음향학적 분석 프로그램을 이용하여 모음들의F1 포먼트와F2 포먼트를 산출하였다. /ㅏ,ㅣ, ㅜ/ 세 모음의 평균 포먼트 값을 이용하여 모음 공간 삼각형을 작성하였다. 구개 높이에 따라 분류한 세 군 간에 포먼트의 차이와 모음 공간 삼각형의 면적 차이가 있는지 분석하였다. 통계방법으로 Kruskal-Wallis 검정과 Mann-Whiteny U 검정이 사용되었다 (P< .05). 결과: 구개 높이에 따른 세 군 간에서는 /ㅣ/ 모음에서 F2 포먼트의 값만 차이가 있었고 (P = 0.003), /ㅣ/를 제외한 다른 모음에서 포먼트 값은 차이가 없었다. 평균 포먼트 주파수를 좌표값으로 이용한 모음 공간 삼각형은 세 군 모두 비슷한 모양을 나타내었고 면적은 세 군 간에 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다 (P=0.096). 결론: /ㅣ/ 모음을 제외하고는 구강 내 해부학적 구조 차이가 존재해도 구개 높이에 따라 분류한 피험자간 모음의 발음차이가 없었고 발음명료도의 차이도 없어 구개 높이에 대해 혀의 보상작용이 어느 정도 존재하는 것으로 판단된다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of palatal height on Korean vowels and speech intelligibility in Korean adults and to produce baseline data for future prosthodontic treatment. Material and methods: Forty one healthy Korean men and women who had no problem in pronunciation, hearing, and communication and had no history of airway disease participated in this study. Subjects were classified into H, M, and L groups after clinical determination of palatal height with study casts. Seven Korean vowels were used as sample vowels and subjects'clear speech sounds were recorded using Multispeech software program on computer. The F1 and the F2 of 3 groups were produced and they were compared. In addition, the vowel working spaces of 3 groups by /a/, /i/, and /u/ corner vowels were obtained and their areas were compared. Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whiteny U test were used as statistical methods and P < .05 was considered statistically significant. Results: There were no significant differences in formant frequencies among 3 groups except for the F2 formant frequency between H and L group (P = .003). In the analysis of vowel working space areas of 3 groups, the vowel working spaces of 3 groups were similar in shape and no significant differences of their areas were found. Conclusion: The palatal height did not affect vowel frequencies in most of the vowels and speech intelligibility. The dynamics of tongue activity seems to compensate the morphological difference.

      • KCI등재

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