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        한국 원격개방대학(Open University) 이념에 관한 집합기억 탐구

        남신동(Sindong Nam) 교육사학회 2014 교육사학연구 Vol.24 No.2

        한국방송통신대학교의 사례를 통해 현대 한국 고등교육사에서 원격개방대학이라는 새로운 대학이념의 출현과정을 고찰하였다. 원격개방대학의 이념을 구성하는 세 가지 이념형(원격, 개방, 대학)은 상호 갈등적이거나 불안정한 방식으로 접합되어, 1972년 서울대 부설 한국방송통신대학의 창설로 이어졌다. 이와 관련된 주요 계기는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 1960년대 중반 ‘중등교육 팽창과 고등교육 억제’라는 사회적 상황에서 재수생 대책을 위한 대학통신교육제의 실시가 구상되었다. 둘째, 원격개방대학의 설치?운영에 있어서 국가와 대학간의 관계는 ‘수익자 부담원칙에 의한 국립대학 운영의 위임’이라는 관행으로 이루어졌다. 이러한 두 가지 계기에 의해 대학 창설기부터 방송대 교육이념의 불안정성과 유동성이 초래되었다. 방송대 이념과 관련된 주관적인 형태의 집합기억은 대학 창설과정에서 나타난 독특한 난맥상을 보여주는 하나의 사회적 사실이자 또한 그의 산물이다. This study analyzed the collective memories of the idea of Open University in Korea in order to investigate the idea of university as a social reality. Three ideal types of Open University(openness, distance education, a university) was combined very precariously in the establishment of the Korea National Open University in 1972 by two moments as follows. First, the government embodied "Air and Correspondence College" as a 2?year junior college attached to Seoul National University, being originally meant to solve the social problems related to the university entrance procedure. From the beginning, the government"s plan of the new university had a contradictory concept, a distance teaching university for the policy to restrain the opportunity of higher education. Second, the idea of open university was materialized through the university’s efforts rather than government"s education policy. The relationship between government and university was formed in the accordance with the shifting the national obligation of national university to the university. In conclusion, the subjective and distorted collective memories about the idea of Open University is a social reality which represents the peculiar making of the idea of Open University in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        원격개방대학의 학업평가제도 형성에 관한 역사사회학적 고찰

        남신동(Sindong Nam),신춘호(SHIN Chunho) 한국방송통신대학교 미래원격교육연구원 2007 평생학습사회 Vol.3 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the student assessment system of the Korea National Open University(KNOU) and Open University of United Kingdom(OUUK) in the special aspect of its historical origin and development. As an new model of the higher education, ‘open university’ had been appeared itself in the early 1970s. KNOU and UKOU, both of which now have about 200,000 students, have made a significant contribution to the widening of the higher education in each country. As an open university, which has very different nature from the ordinary traditional university, KNOU and UKOU had an important challenge from its beginning, that is, to harmonize or equipoise two core norms, i.e., the ‘openness’ and the ‘universitiness’. As the idea of ‘openness’ was regarded as the incompatible one with the idea of ‘universitiness’ implied in the idea of the traditional university, so the ‘universitiness’ couldn't be harmonized with the idea of ‘university for everyone’. These two core ‘norms’, which constitute the identity of the open university, had sharply and furiously conflicted at the foundation period of UKOU. In the case of KNOU, there was not such an apparent conflict at its beginning. But the analysis of making of assessment system of it shows that these norms have actively worked too. In this study, the qualities of the student assessment policy of the KNOU and UKOU were compared and analyzed from the respect of its historical origin and development. In the context of open and mega-university as KNOU and UKOU, student assessment policy has actually the most important role in the quality management and enhancement. The current qualities of two universities can be more fully understood when they are regarded as the result of the university's struggle with the above challenge.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        한국 원격 개방대학의 기원

        남신동 한국방송통신대학교 미래원격교육연구원 2009 평생학습사회 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 한국방송통신대학교의 창설과정(1968~1972)에 대한 고찰을 통해 한국 원격개방대학의 기원을 분석하였다. 원격개방대학 이념형의 세 가지 축을 ‘원격’, ‘개방’, ‘대학’으로 전제하였으며, 1972년에 창설된 한국방송통신대학교에서 이 세 가지 이념형 이 특정한 방식으로 접합된 과정에 주목하였다. 한국 최초 원격개방대학의 기원을 분석 하기 위해 설명수준을 효시, 계기, 동인으로 구분하였다. 한국 사회에서 등장한 최초 원격개방대학은 외국의 사례를 모방한 것이라기보다는 근현대 한국 교육사 내부에서 태동한 자생적인 산물이다. 해방 전후 방송교육, 통신교육의 사례 중에서 원격개방대학의 맹아에 해당되는 대학확장형 형태의 통신학부가 자생적으로 존재하였다. 한국 최초의 원격개방대학이 국립 대학교 부설 통신학부 형태로 출현한 계기와 조건은 1960년대 이후 ‘중등교육 팽창과 고등교육 억제’라는 한국 교육의 특수한 상황에서 주어졌다. 애초 국가 교육정책 수준에서 마련된 ‘대학통신교육제’의 시안은 재수생 구제조치로 구상되었으나, 대학자강에 의해 방송통신대학은 성인학습자 본위의 개방형 대학으로 창설되었다. 방송통신대학이 개교 후에 짧은 시기 동안에 세계 수준의 원격개방대학으로 급속하게 성장할 수 있었던 동인은 민간영역에서 분출된 교육열의 자기전개과정이다. How was Korea National Open University (Hereinafter referred to as “KNOU”) able to develop into Korea’s most representative open university after being originally established as a solution to the problems of students who failed university entrance exam? In order to answer this question, this study has classified subject matter into 3 categories, i.e. the origin of KNOU, system development and its execution, and examined a series of incidents and moments at the current levels based on the methodology of historical sociology. KNOU’s idea of open university was materialized through the university’s subjective efforts rather than through any government education policy. In 1968, the government centrally controlled the higher education opportunity to limit the number of university students; however, when the number of students who failed university entrance exam increased, the government embodied 'Air and Correspondence College' as a 2‐year junior college attached to Seoul National University to solve the social problems related to the university entrance procedure. Professors belonging to the college of education of Seoul National University including Seo Myeong‐won, the Chairman of the KNOU founding committee and Kim Jong‐seo, the first President and other social education practitioners devised a part‐time student ‐centered Open University and systematically developed it. As a result, KNOU was launched in 1972 as a junior college open to all. Throughout its history, KNOU has used an open entrance system and distance teaching methods to deliver a higher education opportunity to the general public who have lost opportunities to go to school due to economic or other reasons. In 1994, the english name of the university was changed to ‘Korea National Open University’ by the efforts of the university to better reflect its purpose.

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