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      • KCI등재

        새 자료, 고려본 『자비도량참법』의 석독 구결 분석 및 음독 구결과의 상관성 비교 연구

        남경란(Nam, Kyeong-Nan) 한국어문학회 2018 語文學 Vol.0 No.140

        This study was conducted to analyze Seokdok Gugyeol in Goryeo ChojuDaejangkyung, ‘Jabigoryangchambeop’ discovered at Kirimsa Temple in December 2015. The purpose was to compare and analyze the correlation between Seokdok Gugyeol shown in this new material and Eumdok Gugyeol, which is a previous edition Goryeo period copy. The main study object, ‘Jabigoryangchambeop’ from the Kirimsa Temple remains only in chapters 17 to 20 of Volume 4 and it is the crucial information academics are studying due to the discovery of one more Seokdok Gugyeol material dated to the middle of the 13th century. Although the number of Gugyeol letter types in the text is only about 50, it has been paid a great deal of attention in academia because it uses letter types that are quite different from the existing Seokdok materials. In addition, this is very precious data in Korean history because it contains Eumdok Gugyeol data that can not be found in any other existing material. Furthermore, Seokdok Gugyeol and Eumdok Gugyeol can be analyzed at the same time, providing the potential for new discoveries. However, in ‘Jabigoryangchambeop’ from Kirimsa Temple, Gugyeol letter types have been erased or destroyed in some main parts of original copy, and it is difficult to clearly judge the original image of the Gugyeol letter types based solely on the released images. In order to more accurately understand the presented information, the researcher used Adobe Photoshop to precisely identify missing or damaged Seokdok Gugyeol letter types. The significance of this study lies in the correlation found between Seokdok Gugyeol and Eumdok Gugyeol in the Goryeo period, via and informaton processing method and comparative analysis of Seokdok Gugyeol of ‘Jabigoryangchambeop’ from Kirimsa and Eumdok Gugyeol of ‘Jabigoryangchambeop’ from a private collection.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 구결 자료의 각필 ‘체크’ 부호 일고찰

        남경란 ( Nam Kyeong-nan ) 대구가톨릭대학교 인문과학연구소 2023 인문과학연구 Vol.- No.49

        This paper aims to examine the ‘∠’ and ‘∨’ marks among the Gakphil marks found in the Gugyeol documents from the Goryeo Dynasty. By analyzing all 26 examples of check marks used in Buddhist scriptures published in the Goryeo Dynasty, Volume 40 of on a text of 『Sabunyuljang』, Volume 2 of 『Geumgwangmyeong Choiseungwang -gyeong』, and Volume 7 of 『Myeobeop Yeonhwagyeong』, the following conclusions were drawn: First, the ‘angle check’ mark used in Volume 40 of 『Sabunyuljang』 is a mark that ‘interprets the sentence in specialized Buddhist terms or comprehends the context before and after.’ Second, the ‘seal engraving check’ mark used in Volume 2 of 『Geumgwangmyeong Choiseungwang -gyeong』is a mark that ‘interprets the Chinese characters in the part with the check as specialized Buddhist terms’. Third, the ‘seal engraving check’ mark used in Volume 7 of 『Myobeop Yeonhwagyeong』is a mark that ‘simply cuts off the sentence’, unlike 『Sabunyuljang』ㆍ『Geumgwangmyeong Choiseungwanggyeong』. Fourth, the abundance of paragraph splits marked in the 『Myobop Yeonhwagyeong』is due to the characteristics of the original text of the scriptures, which do not have the content organization of the scriptures and the paragraph-level descriptive format.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 불경에 사용된 표점(標點)의 형태와 양상 연구

        남경란(Nam, Kyeong-nan) 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2021 민족문화논총 Vol.77 No.-

        이 연구는 고려시대 불경 자료인 ‘11세기 초조대장경 『사분율장』 권40’, ‘13세기 재조대장경 『최승왕경』 권2’, 그리고 ‘13세기 후반 간행 절첩본 『법화경』 권6’에 사용된 표점(標點)들의 형태와 양상을 밝히는 데 그 목적이 있었다. 이들 자료에 사용된 표점을 분석해 본 결과 표점들은 경전의 의미를 정확히 파악하게 하는 표기 부호일 가능성이 매우 크다는 사실을 확인하였다. 또한 한자의 어느 부분에, 어떤 표점이 새겨져 있는가에 따라 표점이 달린 한자의 새김이 다르다는 사실이다. 이와 같은 사실로 미루어 볼 때 이 표점들은 불경의 원문을 정확히 해석할 수 있도록 도와주는 석독 표시라고 판단된다. 다만 이들 자료에 사용된 표점들은 획일된 표점 방식이 아니라 각 경전의 해독자에 의해 경전의 내용에 따라 자의적으로 표점을 달았을 가능성이 있다. This study is to reveal forms and patterns of the notational marks used in Volume 40 of The Four Divisions of the Vinaya Pitaka, The First Tripitaka Koreana (Chojo-daejanggyeong) in the 11th century’, which is the collection of the Buddhist scriptures during the Goryeo Dynasty, Volume 2 of The Most Victorious Kings Sutra, which is The Second Tripitaka Koreana (Jaejo-daejanggyeong) in the 13th century, and Volume 6 of the fordable book Beophwagyeong published in the late 13th century. As a result of analyzing the marks used in these materials, it was confirmed that the marks are very likely to be marks that accurately grasp the meaning the of the Buddhist scriptures. In addition, it is the fact that the inscription of the Chinese character with the mark is different depending on which part of the Chinese character is inscribed and which mark is inscribed. Judging from the facts, these marks are considered to have the meaning of Sukdok, which helps to accurately interpret the original text of the Buddhist scriptures. However, it is presumed that the marks used in these materials are not a definite mark style, but arbitrarily put the marks according to the contents of the scriptures by each interpreter of Buddhist scripture.

      • KCI등재

        한국어능력시험(TOPIK) 고급형 문제지의 오류 분석

        남경란(Kyeong Nan Nam) 언어과학회 2011 언어과학연구 Vol.59 No.-

        This study aims to analyze linguistic errors on the test paper of vocabulary, grammar and writing among the advanced: Level 5 and Level 6 stages of the Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK). The result of reviewing the errors on the test paper of vocabulary, grammar and writing for the advanced level in the TOPIK proved that errors were mainly found in vocabulary, grammar and writing. In vocabulary, there were many errors using 1) the repeated use of the forementioned vocabulary, 2) the use of inappropriate semantic vocabulary. Grammatically, there were many errors: 1) the tense, 2) the use of the spoken language, 3) the use of redundant passive and causative verbs, 4) the constituent pats of the sentence, 5) the inappropriate responses. Errors with writing were discovered as well. These errors consisted of: 1) an inconsistency in the spacing of words throughout the document, 2) many simple mistakes, as well as the wrong definition of the passage. Analyzing the document resulted in the discovery of ninety errors. Among the ninety errors, thirty-six were attributed to errors in the use of vocabulary. Thirty- seven errors were attributed to grammatical misuse. Sixteen errors were the result of word spacing errors, leaving one error due to the wrong definition. These errors mostly happen due to the question passage driven by the spoken language, or because there is no system of obvious error analysis in place. Because TOPIK is the representative Korean language test, it must prepare a more accurate and organized system for error analysis than any other tests, after that, the test will be completed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        <특집>한국어 교육의 오늘 : 참여자 관찰을 통한 언어 상호행위 연구 태국 현지 한국어 수업을 중심으로

        남경란 ( Kyeong Nan Nam ) 한국민족연구원 2014 민족연구 Vol.0 No.59

        This is to analyze the language interaction between Korean language teachers and the language learners from the perspective of observer during Korean classes in Thailand. In the results of video data through the participant observation, Thai Korean language teachers repeated their speech acts and frequently used the interrogative ending ``majji?`` when they checked whether or not the learners have understood what has been said. It indicated that the teachers asked the learners to provide the information in context and used the interrogative ending ``mwoji?`` to check whether the learners have fully understood the teachers`` questions. Also, the teachers took turns using ``majji?`` and ``mwoji?`` to check the learners have understood what had been asked. In addition, it presented that the teachers used ``eo``, ``ne``to bridge the gap between the sentences during the language interactions. On the other hand, when the overseas Korean language teachers checked whether the learners had understood what had been said, they repeated their speech acts and used the various interrogative endings like ``algesseo(algo issji)?`` ``maja?``,``mwoji?``. When the teachers asked the learners to provide the information in context, they used the interrogative form ``da haesseo?``. Also, the teachers used short interrogative forms to check the learners had understood what had been asked and it appeared that the teachers used slightly harsher tones such as ``sikkeuleo`` and ``joyonghala`` to control the distracted learning atmosphere. At last, it demonstrated that the language interaction in Korean language education depends on the traits of the educational institutions, the social contexts of Thailand, and the teaching skills of the Korean instructors.

      • KCI등재

        여말선초 음독 입겿(口訣)의 종합적 고찰(2)

        남경란(Nam Kyeong Nan) 언어과학회 2003 언어과학연구 Vol.27 No.-

        This study is based on ≪大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經 ≫, ≪梵網經菩薩戒≫, ≪佛說四十二章經≫, ≪妙法運華經≫ which was published between late Goryeo and early Joseon. The purpose of it is considering the system of ipkyeocz letters. The entire ipkyeoch letters from rare books were examined for that. From the study, there are five systems. Those are: The original letter and a simplified character were wrote together. The shape of letter were decided where it was named after. The same original letter`s a simplified character were changed to many other shape. Two or m e different were used for writing a same pronunciation. The shape of letter is same but the pronunciation is different from the original letter. But the numbers of systems are different in each book. There are several reasons why the numbers of the systems were different, ① Possibility of different ②writers Writers choice of the letter`s shape ③ Difference of the content ④ Difference of the length ⑤ Difference of the degree of damage The total ipkyeoch letters in each rare book are a hundred and forty seven in of Neungeomgyeong, seventy five in Beommanggyeong, ninety in Bulseolsasipijangkyeong, and a hundred and five in Beophwagyeong. Especially, handwriting signs of ipkyeoch were discovered in `gyrimsabon` Beophwagyeong, those were composed twenty five types of signs. Every each sign are not matched to each eumdok ipkyeoch, but one or more combined signs express the similar meaning of combined eumdok ipkyeoch.

      • KCI등재

        <법화경> 이본의 입겿(口訣) 연구

        남경란(Kyeong Nan Nam) 언어과학회 2002 언어과학연구 Vol.21 No.-

        This thesis focuses on Beophwagyeong, which is one of eumdok(音讀) ipkyeoch(口訣) materials probably written to early Chosun periods to examine the written ipkyeoch letters types and the changes in their combining types. It also attempts to trace back the reading sounds and the original forms of the ipkyeoch letters types, and furthermore identifies a kind of principal characteristics of the eumdok ipkyeoch. This study brings out the following results. Fist, chapter 3 observes the whole ipkyeoch letter types written in the various of Beophwagyeong. The ipkyeochs including their variations are all used 90. The followings show the types used in the various volumes. ① 72 types used in volume `4` ② 60 types used in volume `5` ③ 59 types used in volume `6` Second, chapter 3 examines the whole ipkyeoch letters types inscribed in the various of Beophwagyeong to analyse the system of reading ipkyeoch letters. The result reveals that the distributions of ipkyeoch letters types vary in each volumes. The following 4 possibilities of such differences can be inferred. ① The possibility of different scribe for ipkyeoch in each volume. ② The difference from the scribes choices of the letter types (even though the writers are identified in each volumes). ③ The difference of the substances according to the original texts of each volume. ④ The difference of the quantities according to the origin in each volume. Third, chapter 4 examines the letters different from the earlier arguments are ···[ru], 又[nu], 上[tjei/te], 土[sa], 白[sap]. The reading sounds and usages classifying in 5 ipkyeoch letters types identified in chapter 3.

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